The War On Everyday Americans: Why Jobs Are Disappearing, & why universal basic income is our future

People that think UBI isn't an obvious necessity for the future simply lack critical thinking skills.
People who think all jobs will go away in the future lack critical thinking skills.

It's an impossible situation and nothing more than scare tactic of commies.

If no one has a job, no company can sell goods or service.
the average graduate leaves college with 30K in loan debt. stop this legalized looting of our youth!

Are you rich? Do you have an advanced education? No, you drive a truck. And without government you have nothing. Where you going to drive that truck with no roads?

Government is good for some things but not most. That's why our founders listed in the Constitution what our federal government is responsible for. Government is supposed to provide good for all people--not people of a particular party or group while ignoring or taking away from others.
Exactly what the GOP has been doing the last 35 years, a giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest d u h....

What exactly is being "given" to the rich? Are you referring to the income they earned? Regarding the poor, we spent a trillion dollars on them last year. What the hell happened?
If you count all taxes we now have a flat tax system, which itself is a giveaway to the rich...
Does it HURT to be this stupid?

a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.
Universal basic income is complete bullshit.

Have you ever seen a resident from the land of plenty like BROMANCE? Here we have uneducated people from everywhere trying to ILLEGALLY sneak in here to try and improve their economic situation, and this clown/snowflake/Leftist whiner is talking, "oh whoa is me, I want this country to give me things for free!"

And, he has the nerve to do it on a computer he COULD be using to put in applications for jobs, but instead, he uses it to try and DEMAND free stuff. Listen to him wail...…..send me money so I can live, lolololol!

Folks, you can't make this stuff up, you really can't! Look at these sniveling, whiny, crying, Leftists; just LISTEN TO THEM! They demand everything, and give nothing; or very little. Why is it we always see some broke ass, crying, whiny Leftist on here, always demanding something, but we can NEVER find a rich Leftist on here, proclaiming he is going to give all his/her wealth away, lol? Is it because the rich ones already gave all their stuff away and are now broke too? HELL NO! It is because these Leftists are all phony-baloneys who have no problem demanding from others, but are to damn lazy to do what it takes to go get themselves a better paying job so as not to be a burden on society!

Get free money, bull; get off your ass an go to work! No work available? Then GO FARM, and create your own work, lazy ass!
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.

Keep listening to the billionaires. They have everyday Americans best interests at heart.

Elon Musk doubles down on universal basic income: 'It's going to be necessary'

What billionaires and business titans say about cash handouts in 2017 (Hint: lots!)

Facebook co-founder: Tax the rich at 50% to give $500-a-month free cash and fix income inequality

Billionaire Ray Dalio: A.I. is widening the wealth gap, ‘national emergency should be declared’

Billionaire Richard Branson: America should give out free cash to fix income inequality

Mark Zuckerberg supports universal basic income. What is it?

Tech CEOs back call for basic income as AI job losses threaten industry backlash

One of Silicon Valley's biggest CEOs just backed a universal basic income
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.

Keep listening to the billionaires. They have everyday Americans best interests at heart.
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.

Keep listening to the billionaires. They have everyday Americans best interests at heart.
I still haven't gotten an answer on who all is actually going to pay for the UBI yearly, and for how long ??? The government isn't the Union, so using the tax code to force all companies to pay higher taxes in order to fund workers that are misplaced by A-I in some companies is as wrong as Obamacare was on the taxpayers in which made them abide by a mandate... It will be interesting to see if they try an attempt it on those not involved.

Will the A-I actually save these companies that much money over the long haul, that they would be willing to work with the government to pay higher taxes in order to take care of these misplaced workers that will be misplaced by some of these companies and yet not all of them ?? Hmmm.
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.
Universal basic income is complete bullshit.

I don't think so, not if you look at it as a replacement for all social programs. It would solve a ton of problems we currently have in this country.
Drug testing has been going on for the last couple of decades. WTF do you mean "thanks GOP?" WTF does a political party have to do with private industry drug testing applicants and employees?
Everything Reagan started drug testing the government workers and contractors... Where have you been?
The GOP's Drug-Testing Dragnet

I actually agree with you for the most part on drug testing in the workplace. It's gotten out of control. Predictably, it's being abused. It's become an invasion of privacy overreach.

I mean, drug testing a lowly Walmart worker? They're already being degraded enough, accepting such a shitty job. I can understand drug testing with certain occupations, but it's clearly being abused now. Thankfully, more & more businesses are moving towards ditching the practice.

That's not what I've seen. I've seen more and more companies adopting drug screening.

The trend is beginning to reverse. I mean, i get drug testing in certain professions, but it's gotten out of control. It's become an invasion of privacy issue. How much will we allow businesses to own folks? There's a personal life, and there's a work life. We need to get back to allowing separation.
If software companies drug tested, I figure we'd still be playing Pong and using dial-up.

Great point. Steve Jobs was known to partake in the Ganja and acid from time to time. He seemed to do pretty well.
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.

Keep listening to the billionaires. They have everyday Americans best interests at heart.

Elon Musk doubles down on universal basic income: 'It's going to be necessary'

What billionaires and business titans say about cash handouts in 2017 (Hint: lots!)

Facebook co-founder: Tax the rich at 50% to give $500-a-month free cash and fix income inequality

Billionaire Ray Dalio: A.I. is widening the wealth gap, ‘national emergency should be declared’

Billionaire Richard Branson: America should give out free cash to fix income inequality

Mark Zuckerberg supports universal basic income. What is it?

Tech CEOs back call for basic income as AI job losses threaten industry backlash

One of Silicon Valley's biggest CEOs just backed a universal basic income
I don't care what they say. I look at their actions. When they personally start cutting the checks (Zuckerberg is running a miscue test for publicity), I will give their word some credence. There is no possible way they could finance it long-term for every adult. Pure insanity. So, who is really going to be paying all this money?

I don't trust a single one of those SOB's. Do you?
health care is important enough for us to put first. education is important enough for us to put first. UBI is important enough for us to put first.

they're all important. everything's important.
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.

Look at the GDP increase of 4.1%. Each point means about 10 million new jobs and trillions in profits. If Trump keeps going and reverses more of Obama's oppressive policies that killed small businesses, we'll have even more jobs. The left isn't concerned about individuals improving themselves and gaining more marketable skills. They want big government subsidizing stupid choices. That is what got us into this mess and it damn sure isn't the answer to solving things.
I don't care what they say. I look at their actions. When they personally start cutting the checks (Zuckerberg is running a miscue test for publicity), I will give their word some credence. There is no possible way they could finance it long-term for every adult. Pure insanity. So, who is really going to be paying all this money?

I don't trust a single one of those SOB's. Do you?

I trust that they are all slimy leftists. Socialism has always been a hobby and a tool of the wealthy to control people like Basque. The celebrities, the media complex, big corporations, millionaire senators and Silicon Valley billionaires supported Hillary for a reason.
And no they wont be cutting checks themselves. Thats your job. They all want higher income taxes to pay for this communism. How will that affect them?

Mark Zuckerberg Joins The $1 Salary Club

"In 2005, Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin , along with then-CEO Eric Schmidt , all reduced their salaries to $1 . Schmidt, now executive chairman, takes a salary of several million dollars these days; Page, now CEO, and Brin still make $1.

Other tech CEOs who belong to the $1 salary club include Oracle's Larry Ellison , Tesla's Elon Musk , Zynga's Mark Pincus , and H-P's Meg Whitman . Yahoo's Jerry Yang was making $1 before he was ousted as CEO last year. Outside of Silicon Valley, CEOs of American companies who made $1 in salary last year include Capital One's Richard Fairbank , Urban Outfitters's Richard Hayne, Fossil's Kosta Kartsotis, Kinder Morgan's Richard Kinder, and Duke Energy's James Rogers."
"You don't get rich in this business; you only attain new levels of relative poverty." -- Michael Lewis on investment banking.
President Nixon wanted to implement UBI, 90 percent of Americans wanted it, it passed the House twice, but the left killed it in the Senate because they wanted bigger demands!
i'm neither a pessimist nor optimist, i'm a possibalist, i believe that things can be different.

we need to empower the lions who do the impossible, rather than those who surrender to the slavery of the possible
President Nixon wanted to implement UBI, 90 percent of Americans wanted it, it passed the House twice, but the left killed it in the Senate because they wanted bigger demands!

Who Really Stands to Win from Universal Basic Income?

What your article discusses is Nixon's plan to start another welfare program--not really Universal Income. I don't have an hour to read the entire article, but I read the part about Nixon.
The Trump administration proudly embraces the idea of deregulation, as if corporate regulations are the biggest problem faced by Americans, rather than the wrong those regulations were designed to prevent.

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