The War On Everyday Americans: Why Jobs Are Disappearing, & why universal basic income is our future

in 2017, only 33 percent of Americans were engaged at work, 16 percent were miserable, and 51 percent were just physically present.

And you wonder why wages are stagnet????????

No one gives a shit about their job , they spend half the time day dreaming or fucking off on Facebook

Amazon has developed a pretty nasty reputation in regards to how it treats its workers. They not only endure shitty wages, they're constantly harassed by management. Their every movement is electronically tracked. They're basically slaves.

$10-11 an hour and constantly harassed, isn't a pleasant way to spend your day. Meanwhile, Amazon continues to rake in $Billions. So i can understand folks' frustration about having their privacy invaded as well. No one wants to be a slave.

Nobody has to be. It's an option.

Amazon should be ashamed of itself for how it treats its workers. But i'm sure it isn't. The $Billions continue to roll in.

Amazon is building a huge distribution center here. They are providing a lot of jobs. We may even get some work out of it because we have several box companies as customers.

According to the articles I read about the project, it doesn't sound like they treat their workers all that badly. A friend of mine who works next door told me they have 178 docks.

But even if the jobs were not great, people are welcome to go wherever they think they are treated better. Nobody is going into the street, mugging people, dragging them into Walmart or Amazon and forcing them to labor.

I've seen it before. I'm sure they got some sweet tax breaks to head there. The people of your community are gonna be very disappointed in the end. The jobs will be shitty. Amazon doesn't pay well, and it treats workers like slaves.

So all those jumping for joy now, will be very solemn later. Amazon is there because it got sweet tax deals. It won't have to pay any taxes into your community, and the jobs will suck. McDonalds and Taco Bell jobs are actually better. And that says it all about how bad Amazon blows.

I guess that remains to be seen, but you don't build a place that large if you know you can't get employees.

Yes, they got a tax break to come here. And why not? There was nothing there but an old mall that's been closed for many years; just an eyesore to the community. But in the 70's it was the largest and most state of the art mall in the entire country. That's how big the place is.

They also bought another closed mall about 15 miles away and plan on doing the same thing. I think it's pretty exciting.

I assure you, the excitement over Amazon heading there, will be short-lived. I've seen it before. As soon as they realize Amazon isn't gonna be paying taxes, and the wages suck, all that excitement will sapped from them. They'll realize McDonalds and Taco Bell are actually better alternatives. I actually feel for em.
Workers elsewhere have a lot more privacy than we do, and drug and alcohol testing is prohibited. Thanks GOP.
U.S. Drug-Testing Rules Do Not Translate Overseas

Drug testing has been going on for the last couple of decades. WTF do you mean "thanks GOP?" WTF does a political party have to do with private industry drug testing applicants and employees?
Everything Reagan started drug testing the government workers and contractors... Where have you been?
The GOP's Drug-Testing Dragnet

I actually agree with you for the most part on drug testing in the workplace. It's gotten out of control. Predictably, it's being abused. It's become an invasion of privacy overreach.

I mean, drug testing a lowly Walmart worker? They're already being degraded enough, accepting such a shitty job. I can understand drug testing with certain occupations, but it's clearly being abused now. Thankfully, more & more businesses are moving towards ditching the practice.

That's not what I've seen. I've seen more and more companies adopting drug screening.

The trend is beginning to reverse. I mean, i get drug testing in certain professions, but it's gotten out of control. It's become an invasion of privacy issue. How much will we allow businesses to own folks? There's a personal life, and there's a work life. We need to get back to allowing separation.

I have to take drug tests myself all the time, it's a federal law. And even though I have nothing to hide, I still find it intrusive. But until it's challenged or somebody makes a law against them, expect it to continue and expand. I seen a lot of good workers lose their jobs because of testing; one from our company.
Drug testing has been going on for the last couple of decades. WTF do you mean "thanks GOP?" WTF does a political party have to do with private industry drug testing applicants and employees?
Everything Reagan started drug testing the government workers and contractors... Where have you been?
The GOP's Drug-Testing Dragnet

I actually agree with you for the most part on drug testing in the workplace. It's gotten out of control. Predictably, it's being abused. It's become an invasion of privacy overreach.

I mean, drug testing a lowly Walmart worker? They're already being degraded enough, accepting such a shitty job. I can understand drug testing with certain occupations, but it's clearly being abused now. Thankfully, more & more businesses are moving towards ditching the practice.

That's not what I've seen. I've seen more and more companies adopting drug screening.

The trend is beginning to reverse. I mean, i get drug testing in certain professions, but it's gotten out of control. It's become an invasion of privacy issue. How much will we allow businesses to own folks? There's a personal life, and there's a work life. We need to get back to allowing separation.

I have to take drug tests myself all the time, it's a federal law. And even though I have nothing to hide, I still find it intrusive. But until it's challenged or somebody makes a law against them, expect it to continue and expand. I seen a lot of good workers lose their jobs because of testing; one from our company.

I disagree, i'm seeing it trending in the opposite direction. So much of the country now smokes Marijuana. They're running out of employees to hire. They kinda have to move away from it. But certain professions will continue testing. And i can support it in some of those professions.
Everything Reagan started drug testing the government workers and contractors... Where have you been?
The GOP's Drug-Testing Dragnet

I actually agree with you for the most part on drug testing in the workplace. It's gotten out of control. Predictably, it's being abused. It's become an invasion of privacy overreach.

I mean, drug testing a lowly Walmart worker? They're already being degraded enough, accepting such a shitty job. I can understand drug testing with certain occupations, but it's clearly being abused now. Thankfully, more & more businesses are moving towards ditching the practice.

That's not what I've seen. I've seen more and more companies adopting drug screening.

The trend is beginning to reverse. I mean, i get drug testing in certain professions, but it's gotten out of control. It's become an invasion of privacy issue. How much will we allow businesses to own folks? There's a personal life, and there's a work life. We need to get back to allowing separation.

I have to take drug tests myself all the time, it's a federal law. And even though I have nothing to hide, I still find it intrusive. But until it's challenged or somebody makes a law against them, expect it to continue and expand. I seen a lot of good workers lose their jobs because of testing; one from our company.

I disagree, i'm seeing it trending in the opposite direction. So much of the country now smokes Marijuana. They're running out of employees to hire. They kinda have to move away from it. But certain professions will continue testing. And i can support it in some of those professions.

Well I work in industry all day long five days a week, and at least over here, more and more places are drug testing. Like I said, they get a Workman's Compensation insurance break if they do.
when people who have investment portfolios and second homes worry about the impact of raising the minimum wage on McDonald's or Best Buy without a single thought about how the checkout clerks support themselves from week to week, i grind my teeth until my head hurts.

when i hear Rand Paul make oh-so-clever theoretical economic arguments while ignoring rock-solid data, i want to scream.

when Trump appoints a labor secretary who opposes a minimum wage and who made his own fortune by squeezing fast-food workers, i want to bang my head on the table.

when i hear conservatives express their concern for folks who have already made it while cheerfully dismissing everyone who is busting their ass to get by, the fury rises in me like a physical force.

we once believed that opportunity was not a zero-sum game, more for me does not mean less for you!
Trump’s GDP Triumph

GDP Grew 4.1 Percent In The Second Quarter Of 2018
GDP Increased At An Annual Rate Of 4.1 Percent In The Second Quarter Of 2018."Real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2018 (table 1), according to the "advance" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the first quarter, real GDP increased 2.2 percent (revised)." (Gross Domestic Product, Bureau of Economic Analysis , 2/28/18)

Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.8 Percent, Lowest Since 2000

As the country has clawed its way back from the worst recession in generations, companies have been creating plenty of jobs. Employers added another 223,000 positions last month alone, the Labor Department said Friday. And the unemployment rate ticked down to 3.8 percent, the lowest since 2000, from April's 3.9 percent.
Jobs are not disappearing .............The Solution is to not elect Democraps...............and put Pro Growth Policies in place instead of attacking business...........

Fill the Help Wanted notices...........get off your butts and go to work..............

Thank you..............BTW..........manufacturing jobs are coming back.............Obama said they would never come back.......Wrong again......
Trump’s GDP Triumph

GDP Grew 4.1 Percent In The Second Quarter Of 2018
GDP Increased At An Annual Rate Of 4.1 Percent In The Second Quarter Of 2018."Real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2018 (table 1), according to the "advance" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the first quarter, real GDP increased 2.2 percent (revised)." (Gross Domestic Product, Bureau of Economic Analysis , 2/28/18)

Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.8 Percent, Lowest Since 2000

As the country has clawed its way back from the worst recession in generations, companies have been creating plenty of jobs. Employers added another 223,000 positions last month alone, the Labor Department said Friday. And the unemployment rate ticked down to 3.8 percent, the lowest since 2000, from April's 3.9 percent.
"this is a boom that will be sustainable as far as the eye can see. this is no one-shot effort" - Trump

i hope so!
Trump’s GDP Triumph

GDP Grew 4.1 Percent In The Second Quarter Of 2018
GDP Increased At An Annual Rate Of 4.1 Percent In The Second Quarter Of 2018."Real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 4.1 percent in the second quarter of 2018 (table 1), according to the "advance" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the first quarter, real GDP increased 2.2 percent (revised)." (Gross Domestic Product, Bureau of Economic Analysis , 2/28/18)

Unemployment Rate Drops To 3.8 Percent, Lowest Since 2000

As the country has clawed its way back from the worst recession in generations, companies have been creating plenty of jobs. Employers added another 223,000 positions last month alone, the Labor Department said Friday. And the unemployment rate ticked down to 3.8 percent, the lowest since 2000, from April's 3.9 percent.
Just saw an economist say 1% of it is China buying soybeans before tariffs start... And there are other tariffs...
Jobs are not disappearing .............The Solution is to not elect Democraps...............and put Pro Growth Policies in place instead of attacking business...........

Fill the Help Wanted notices...........get off your butts and go to work..............

Thank you..............BTW..........manufacturing jobs are coming back.............Obama said they would never come back.......Wrong again......
when people who have investment portfolios and second homes worry about the impact of raising the minimum wage on McDonald's or Best Buy without a single thought about how the checkout clerks support themselves from week to week, i grind my teeth until my head hurts.

when i hear Rand Paul make oh-so-clever theoretical economic arguments while ignoring rock-solid data, i want to scream.

when Trump appoints a labor secretary who opposes a minimum wage and who made his own fortune by squeezing fast-food workers, i want to bang my head on the table.

when i hear conservatives express their concern for folks who have already made it while cheerfully dismissing everyone who is busting their ass to get by, the fury rises in me like a physical force.

we once believed that opportunity was not a zero-sum game, more for me does not mean less for you!

Then perhaps you should quit looking at your federal government as a parent instead of government. Our federal government was not designed to make everybody equal. Our Constitution grants people the right to pursue happiness, not inherit it.

More for me does not mean less for you. We don't live in a bubble where there is only so much money. There is no truth to it at all. Until I go to my bank or to my employer asking for money, and they tell me they'd love to give me some, but the rich people have it all, then there is no finite amount of money.
the average graduate leaves college with 30K in loan debt. stop this legalized looting of our youth!
the average graduate leaves college with 30K in loan debt. stop this legalized looting of our youth!

Or maybe those students should stop graduating with degrees in Gender Studues, Pop Culture and Archeology and instead major in things they can make a living from.
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the average graduate leaves college with 30K in loan debt. stop this legalized looting of our youth!

Those youth are perfectly capable of going to trade schools where the work is instead of being looted. They are perfectly capable of not going to any school and find a job with a promising future. But they don't. They choose to be looted.

It's not like they attended college with no idea how much it would cost them. Of course they knew what they would have to spend and how much of their lives working they would need to pay those loans off.

Americans are getting lazier and lazier. Nobody wants an education where you graduate only to do physical labor like being a welder, an HVAC man, an electrician or plumber. No. If I'm going to go to get an advanced education, I want to sit behind a desk the rest of my life.
the average graduate leaves college with 30K in loan debt. stop this legalized looting of our youth!
Yes, I think college is way over rated now, and there is no excuse in that kind of debt for schooling. Don't agree with free either, but it's out of control what has been happening in that sector.
You commies might not believe this, but people can do just fine without government wiping their ass every time they go to the bathroom. If you want to be rich, work at it, nobody is stopping you. If you want an advanced education, pay for it, nobody is stopping you, if you want to learn a trade, learn it, nobody is stopping you.

If you people had to live without government one day in your life you'd starve to death. Our founders would be ashamed with such a society today.

Are you rich? Do you have an advanced education? No, you drive a truck. And without government you have nothing. Where you going to drive that truck with no roads?

Government is good for some things but not most. That's why our founders listed in the Constitution what our federal government is responsible for. Government is supposed to provide good for all people--not people of a particular party or group while ignoring or taking away from others.
Exactly what the GOP has been doing the last 35 years, a giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest d u h....

What exactly is being "given" to the rich? Are you referring to the income they earned? Regarding the poor, we spent a trillion dollars on them last year. What the hell happened?
If you count all taxes we now have a flat tax system, which itself is a giveaway to the rich...
Does it HURT to be this stupid?
Workers elsewhere have a lot more privacy than we do, and drug and alcohol testing is prohibited. Thanks GOP.
U.S. Drug-Testing Rules Do Not Translate Overseas

Drug testing has been going on for the last couple of decades. WTF do you mean "thanks GOP?" WTF does a political party have to do with private industry drug testing applicants and employees?
Everything Reagan started drug testing the government workers and contractors... Where have you been?
The GOP's Drug-Testing Dragnet

I actually agree with you for the most part on drug testing in the workplace. It's gotten out of control. Predictably, it's being abused. It's become an invasion of privacy overreach.

I mean, drug testing a lowly Walmart worker? They're already being degraded enough, accepting such a shitty job. I can understand drug testing with certain occupations, but it's clearly being abused now. Thankfully, more & more businesses are moving towards ditching the practice.

That's not what I've seen. I've seen more and more companies adopting drug screening.

The trend is beginning to reverse. I mean, i get drug testing in certain professions, but it's gotten out of control. It's become an invasion of privacy issue. How much will we allow businesses to own folks? There's a personal life, and there's a work life. We need to get back to allowing separation.
If software companies drug tested, I figure we'd still be playing Pong and using dial-up.
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.
Universal basic income is complete bullshit.

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