The War On Everyday Americans: Why Jobs Are Disappearing, & why universal basic income is our future

So according to your ridiculous brainwashed give away to the rich ideology, just watch the middle class and the non-rich go to hell along with the rest of the country, as amazingly we lose out to countries with very few natural resources, through Sheer idiocy... Great job!

You commies might not believe this, but people can do just fine without government wiping their ass every time they go to the bathroom. If you want to be rich, work at it, nobody is stopping you. If you want an advanced education, pay for it, nobody is stopping you, if you want to learn a trade, learn it, nobody is stopping you.

If you people had to live without government one day in your life you'd starve to death. Our founders would be ashamed with such a society today.

Are you rich? Do you have an advanced education? No, you drive a truck. And without government you have nothing. Where you going to drive that truck with no roads?

Government is good for some things but not most. That's why our founders listed in the Constitution what our federal government is responsible for. Government is supposed to provide good for all people--not people of a particular party or group while ignoring or taking away from others.
Exactly what the GOP has been doing the last 35 years, a giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest d u h....

Government doesn't give away anything to the rich--all they do is take less.

Sure Ray, sure.
i'm gonna raise the dreaded word: "IQ" have to be pretty high on the IQ scale to have to be trainable for the jobs that are created...Amazon just automated their warehouses, for example

Amazon has developed a pretty nasty reputation in regards to how it treats its workers. They not only endure shitty wages, they're constantly harassed by management. Their every movement is electronically tracked. They're basically slaves.

$10-11 an hour and constantly harassed, isn't a pleasant way to spend your day. Meanwhile, Amazon continues to rake in $Billions. So i can understand folks' frustration about having their privacy invaded as well. No one wants to be a slave.

Nobody has to be. It's an option.
any transfer of wealth from a rich person to a poor person is a good thing!
Greedy little fucker. Always wanting other peoples money. Go create something useful. A company, and idea, hell just get up and go to work already. Go earn your money, like the people you are envious of.

And tell your liberal turd friends to stop fighting paying their fair share of income tax. So greedy...
status quo? STATUS QUO?

you're happy with the way things are?! you're happy with all this income inequality? you're happy with Trump cutting taxes for the rich and cutting spending for the poor? SHAME. ON. YOU.
Income inequality is term made up by lazy greedy liberals to package socialism to the masses. Shame on you!

I earned my money. I suggest you try to do the same, instead of begging me to pay your way for you.
for someone who doesnt want to defend the status quo, you sure are making the same old arguments!
So according to your ridiculous brainwashed give away to the rich ideology, just watch the middle class and the non-rich go to hell along with the rest of the country, as amazingly we lose out to countries with very few natural resources, through Sheer idiocy... Great job!

You commies might not believe this, but people can do just fine without government wiping their ass every time they go to the bathroom. If you want to be rich, work at it, nobody is stopping you. If you want an advanced education, pay for it, nobody is stopping you, if you want to learn a trade, learn it, nobody is stopping you.

If you people had to live without government one day in your life you'd starve to death. Our founders would be ashamed with such a society today.

Are you rich? Do you have an advanced education? No, you drive a truck. And without government you have nothing. Where you going to drive that truck with no roads?

Government is good for some things but not most. That's why our founders listed in the Constitution what our federal government is responsible for. Government is supposed to provide good for all people--not people of a particular party or group while ignoring or taking away from others.
Exactly what the GOP has been doing the last 35 years, a giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest d u h....

Government doesn't give away anything to the rich--all they do is take less.

I am curious who these liberal loons believe pay all the bills. The successful pay for nearly everything.

Because despite your monumental naivety, free money for nothing is a guaranteed way to build an ever growing generational/dependent population.
Where have you been?
Ever read a history book?
Were you in a coma, or asleep in civics class when the talked about the 1960's - 1980's??

But this is what's happening in our society today, so the only thing different is that everybody would be on the dole instead of just Democrat voters. It could no longer be used to buy votes.
some studies say 50 percent of jobs will be lost to automation. the OECD says it will be 10 percent.

we dont have to have "universal". the affluent need not get money. but the poor and the needy need basic income! about getting a fricken job.
UBI would actually incentivize people to get a job.

let me say that again to you: UBI will actually give incentive to folks to get a job

What the hell, I'm game. Ok, how would UBI incentivize folks to get a job?
keep comin baby! you're comin to my side of the argument. i'm winning!
i'm gonna raise the dreaded word: "IQ" have to be pretty high on the IQ scale to have to be trainable for the jobs that are created...Amazon just automated their warehouses, for example

Amazon has developed a pretty nasty reputation in regards to how it treats its workers. They not only endure shitty wages, they're constantly harassed by management. Their every movement is electronically tracked. They're basically slaves.

$10-11 an hour and constantly harassed, isn't a pleasant way to spend your day. Meanwhile, Amazon continues to rake in $Billions. So i can understand folks' frustration about having their privacy invaded as well. No one wants to be a slave.

Nobody has to be. It's an option.

Amazon should be ashamed of itself for how it treats its workers. But i'm sure it isn't. The $Billions continue to roll in.
any transfer of wealth from a rich person to a poor person is a good thing!
Greedy little fucker. Always wanting other peoples money. Go create something useful. A company, and idea, hell just get up and go to work already. Go earn your money, like the people you are envious of.

And tell your liberal turd friends to stop fighting paying their fair share of income tax. So greedy...
status quo? STATUS QUO?

you're happy with the way things are?! you're happy with all this income inequality? you're happy with Trump cutting taxes for the rich and cutting spending for the poor? SHAME. ON. YOU.
Income inequality is term made up by lazy greedy liberals to package socialism to the masses. Shame on you!

I earned my money. I suggest you try to do the same, instead of begging me to pay your way for you.
for someone who doesnt want to defend the status quo, you sure are making the same old arguments!
Get a job. Stop begging. Come on man, get your shit together.
we don't want anything except DIGNITY.

we need universal basic income, universal basic jobs, universal basic health care, universal basic education, universal basic everything!
some studies say 50 percent of jobs will be lost to automation. the OECD says it will be 10 percent.

we dont have to have "universal". the affluent need not get money. but the poor and the needy need basic income! about getting a fricken job.
UBI would actually incentivize people to get a job.

let me say that again to you: UBI will actually give incentive to folks to get a job

What the hell, I'm game. Ok, how would UBI incentivize folks to get a job?
keep comin baby! you're comin to my side of the argument. i'm winning!

I'd hold off on that until you can answer the question....dumbass.
Jobs aren't necessarily 'disappearing.' Statistically speaking, the country is currently at 'Full Employment.' So the jobs are there. The real question is, are they good jobs? And sadly, for the most part they aren't.

Cant say that in my industry. We are currently looking for over 30,000 drivers we can't find. Americans don't want to do that kind of work for any money. Some of them are very good paying; close to six figures in some cases.

Drugs are a huge problem in this country. A shipper at a company that we pickup from often told me they need 14 new employees, so they had a seminar for new applicants that had about 45 people. The HR person conducting the seminar told everybody right up front that they drug screen all employees. Over half of the people walked out at that point. He went on further to say that their drug screening uses hair samples, and another 15 walked out.

They hired about six people, and none of them made it past the first few weeks. They were unproductive workers, always texting instead of working, incapable of understanding basic concepts of system operations.

The job starts out at $15.50 per hour, but he told me you quickly move up to $19.50 per hour as you learn new processes in the company. It's a union job as well, so if you're willing to work, they are willing to pay you.
Workers elsewhere have a lot more privacy than we do, and drug and alcohol testing is prohibited. Thanks GOP.
U.S. Drug-Testing Rules Do Not Translate Overseas

Drug testing has been going on for the last couple of decades. WTF do you mean "thanks GOP?" WTF does a political party have to do with private industry drug testing applicants and employees?
Everything Reagan started drug testing the government workers and contractors... Where have you been?
The GOP's Drug-Testing Dragnet

I actually agree with you for the most part on drug testing in the workplace. It's gotten out of control. Predictably, it's being abused. It's become an invasion of privacy overreach.

I mean, drug testing a lowly Walmart worker? They're already being degraded enough, accepting such a shitty job. I can understand drug testing with certain occupations, but it's clearly being abused now. Thankfully, more & more businesses are moving towards ditching the practice.

That's not what I've seen. I've seen more and more companies adopting drug screening.
any transfer of wealth from a rich person to a poor person is a good thing!
Greedy little fucker. Always wanting other peoples money. Go create something useful. A company, and idea, hell just get up and go to work already. Go earn your money, like the people you are envious of.

And tell your liberal turd friends to stop fighting paying their fair share of income tax. So greedy...
status quo? STATUS QUO?

you're happy with the way things are?! you're happy with all this income inequality? you're happy with Trump cutting taxes for the rich and cutting spending for the poor? SHAME. ON. YOU.
Income inequality is term made up by lazy greedy liberals to package socialism to the masses. Shame on you!

I earned my money. I suggest you try to do the same, instead of begging me to pay your way for you.
for someone who doesnt want to defend the status quo, you sure are making the same old arguments!
Get a job. Stop begging. Come on man, get your shit together.
i'm the son of a veteran who died in war. nobody tells me what to do. NOBODY.
You commies might not believe this, but people can do just fine without government wiping their ass every time they go to the bathroom. If you want to be rich, work at it, nobody is stopping you. If you want an advanced education, pay for it, nobody is stopping you, if you want to learn a trade, learn it, nobody is stopping you.

If you people had to live without government one day in your life you'd starve to death. Our founders would be ashamed with such a society today.

Are you rich? Do you have an advanced education? No, you drive a truck. And without government you have nothing. Where you going to drive that truck with no roads?

Government is good for some things but not most. That's why our founders listed in the Constitution what our federal government is responsible for. Government is supposed to provide good for all people--not people of a particular party or group while ignoring or taking away from others.
Exactly what the GOP has been doing the last 35 years, a giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest d u h....

Government doesn't give away anything to the rich--all they do is take less.

I am curious who these liberal loons believe pay all the bills. The successful pay for nearly everything.
Ever since unions were obliterated, they quickly turned to the government to become the union for them. It has been an effective strategy and route they took, because the feds were far more powerful than any union ever was. Demon-crats running the fed is that crucial to their ideology and concepts being upheld. It is the very reason why Trump is President, and why they are trying everything imaginable to end his run along with attempting to bury the GOP along with him.

Folks we are in the fight of a lifetime against these Demon-crat concepts and ideologies, and the conservatives need to win big everytime now.
Good jobs going unfilled to save the rich?? WTF kinda nonsense is that...oh, sorry, you're a fricken lib...never mind.
3 to 6 million good technical jobs are going begging because the GOP blocks cheap training and education for them, all to save the rich from paying taxes, dumbass.

The block is in your head. The GOP never blocked anything. Anybody that wants such training can get it. Take a loan out, work for a few years and save money. But just because taxpayers won't fund it doesn't mean it's blocked except to Commies.
So according to your ridiculous brainwashed give away to the rich ideology, just watch the middle class and the non-rich go to hell along with the rest of the country, as amazingly we lose out to countries with very few natural resources, through Sheer idiocy... Great job!

You commies might not believe this, but people can do just fine without government wiping their ass every time they go to the bathroom. If you want to be rich, work at it, nobody is stopping you. If you want an advanced education, pay for it, nobody is stopping you, if you want to learn a trade, learn it, nobody is stopping you.

If you people had to live without government one day in your life you'd starve to death. Our founders would be ashamed with such a society today.
Only the truly needy are those who need to get the help given them, but in many cases they end up at the back of the line, and can't qualify due to a made up technicality on the spot, and this as the government social worker saves the benies for his buddies that are working the system sometimes in groups.

It's the way the Democrats set it up. Welfare and services are for anybody today--not just the needy. It's why we have this dichotomy between the conservatives and the liberals. When we think of the poor, we think of the fat lady with four kids in front of us at the grocery line. She runs up a 300 dollar food stamp tab with cola's and snacks, and then whips out a wad of cash to pay for her wine, cigarettes, greeting cards, huge bags of dog food. When the left pictures the poor, they think of some lowly lady in front of a hot stove, and her husband and two kids in dirty tee shirts sitting at the kitchen table under a 30 watt light hanging by the wires.
a flat tax would pay for the universal basic income. you like that?

or we can cut defense spending and fund UBI
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If used to replace welfare programs, I believe you are correct. Currently our social programs rewards people for irresponsibility and failure while we penalize success. Even if you became more mature and had a change of heart, they already trapped you because you had five kids and nobody to take care of them but government.
Ray, don't you realize that this is just another way of subsidizing the owners of these companies in so that they can save on labor rates or pay on their employees ??

So let's say x begins getting this basic universal income (BUI), and then x goes to work. Does the BUI continue when person x gets a job or does it stop ??

If it continues, don't you think that companies will work the wages around the BUI ???

Is this something that's wanted by the businesses now also, otherwise for whom are having to lose their cheap labor forces now ??

The great thing about Universal Income is that it isn't altered by anything. If you want to work, great. If you don't want to work and can live off of 18K a year, great. It won't change hiring or wages one bit. If anything, it would take even more people out of the workforce and create a higher need for employees.
Ok, so does this allow companies to pay even cheaper wages than they would otherwise pay in a situation where such a thing doesn't exist ?? Is this a subsidy for employers paid for by the American taxpayers to subsidize their workforces just like the welfare programs were being accessed by military soldiers and McDonald's employees etc ??

How much of the $18,000 dollars do you think a company will use to subsidize the employee's pay, otherwise by what it will pay that employee knowing this bullcrap exist ??

I don't think UI will have anything to do with employee pay. Supply and Demand will always exist. Why would an employer try to pay workers less when they have an option like just living off of UI? If anything, it would be the opposite. Companies would have to offer more to get people to work for them.
That's the case now, where as we have EBT, Apartment subsidies, welfare, free cell phones, free internet, free busing, free medical, otherwise everything that's needed to live free, and yes the effect has been to not seek a job because of it all.

The UBI will make it worse in many ways in which has already been complained about for decades now, and the working class is tired of paying for the free rides of abled body citizens to lay upon their aces doing nothing all day or taking a job that pays nothing meaningful where as they still qualify for the freebies while the employer gets to have his or her huge cake and eat it too.

No it would do just the opposite because the people you describe with all that government stuff would never be able to have all of that with Universal Income. They wouldn't be able to have five kids, eat like a king, live in the suburbs. 18K just wouldn't accommodate that. They would have to work for all the stuff you listed instead of getting it for nothing from the government like they do today.
how much time have any of you spend time with poor people?

we need empathy. put yourself in other people's shoes!

i am the truck driver from michigan. i am the janitor from wisconsin. i am the motel host from nevada.

i feel your pain!'re happy with the way things are?! you're happy with all this income inequality? you're happy with Trump cutting taxes for the rich and cutting spending for the poor? SHAME. ON. YOU.

Yes, many of us ARE very happy it’s the way things are. No poor person has ever given me a job. Income inequality is largely related to as inequality in how much people plan and work for what they want.

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