The War On Everyday Americans: Why Jobs Are Disappearing, & why universal basic income is our future

according to research, a UBI of 1K per month would increase GDP by 12 percent because it would enable poor folks to spend more and increase overall demand!
Paid for by who ?? Me ?? What about my ability being robbed to participate fully in that economic boom you talk about ?? Oh that's right, I have to redistribute my wealth generated to the baby makers living down the road who want to lay up all day while I go to work for them. Thank you Demon-crat do gooder government reps over the past 40 years for creating this bullcrap.
i'm gonna raise the dreaded word: "IQ" have to be pretty high on the IQ scale to have to be trainable for the jobs that are created...Amazon just automated their warehouses, for example

Amazon has developed a pretty nasty reputation in regards to how it treats its workers. They not only endure shitty wages, they're constantly harassed by management. Their every movement is electronically tracked. They're basically slaves.

$10-11 an hour and constantly harassed, isn't a pleasant way to spend your day. Meanwhile, Amazon continues to rake in $Billions. So i can understand folks' frustration about having their privacy invaded as well. No one wants to be a slave.
Yes, in a situation like that the workers need to be unionized.

I'm ok with private unions. I oppose Government unions though. Amazon treats its workers like slaves. They pay em shit wages and track their every movements electronically. Some workers have been forced to urinate in cups because they couldn't get a break. I personally know some former employees who've endured the abuse. So yeah, maybe it is time for Unions to make a big comeback in this country.
i'm gonna raise the dreaded word: "IQ" have to be pretty high on the IQ scale to have to be trainable for the jobs that are created...Amazon just automated their warehouses, for example

Amazon has developed a pretty nasty reputation in regards to how it treats its workers. They not only endure shitty wages, they're constantly harassed by management. Their every movement is electronically tracked. They're basically slaves.

$10-11 an hour and constantly harassed, isn't a pleasant way to spend your day. Meanwhile, Amazon continues to rake in $Billions. So i can understand folks' frustration about having their privacy invaded as well. No one wants to be a slave.
Yes, in a situation like that the workers need to be unionized.
Well that is never going to happen thanks to GOP policy. We need the government to mandate a living wage Health Care daycare cheap college and Training and SS ID card to end illegal immigration, just like every other developed country..
So according to your ridiculous brainwashed give away to the rich ideology, just watch the middle class and the non-rich go to hell along with the rest of the country, as amazingly we lose out to countries with very few natural resources, through Sheer idiocy... Great job!

You commies might not believe this, but people can do just fine without government wiping their ass every time they go to the bathroom. If you want to be rich, work at it, nobody is stopping you. If you want an advanced education, pay for it, nobody is stopping you, if you want to learn a trade, learn it, nobody is stopping you.

If you people had to live without government one day in your life you'd starve to death. Our founders would be ashamed with such a society today.

Are you rich? Do you have an advanced education? No, you drive a truck. And without government you have nothing. Where you going to drive that truck with no roads?

Government is good for some things but not most. That's why our founders listed in the Constitution what our federal government is responsible for. Government is supposed to provide good for all people--not people of a particular party or group while ignoring or taking away from others.
Exactly what the GOP has been doing the last 35 years, a giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest d u h....

What exactly is being "given" to the rich? Are you referring to the income they earned? Regarding the poor, we spent a trillion dollars on them last year. What the hell happened?

Let's start with oil subsidies.
according to research, a UBI of 1K per month would increase GDP by 12 percent because it would enable poor folks to spend more and increase overall demand!
Paid for by who ?? Me ?? What about my ability being robbed to participate fully in that economic boom you talk about ?? Oh that's right, I have to redistribute my wealth generated to the baby makers living down the road who want to lay up all day while I go to work for them. Thank you Demon-crat do gooder government reps over the past 40 years for creating this bullcrap.
Only if you make over $250,000 a year, super dupe
You commies might not believe this, but people can do just fine without government wiping their ass every time they go to the bathroom. If you want to be rich, work at it, nobody is stopping you. If you want an advanced education, pay for it, nobody is stopping you, if you want to learn a trade, learn it, nobody is stopping you.

If you people had to live without government one day in your life you'd starve to death. Our founders would be ashamed with such a society today.

Are you rich? Do you have an advanced education? No, you drive a truck. And without government you have nothing. Where you going to drive that truck with no roads?

Government is good for some things but not most. That's why our founders listed in the Constitution what our federal government is responsible for. Government is supposed to provide good for all people--not people of a particular party or group while ignoring or taking away from others.
Exactly what the GOP has been doing the last 35 years, a giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest d u h....

What exactly is being "given" to the rich? Are you referring to the income they earned? Regarding the poor, we spent a trillion dollars on them last year. What the hell happened?

Let's start with oil subsidies.
OK. List the "oil subsidies" that are being given to rich people.

Fyi.. Oil companies pay the highest effective tax rate of any industry. The government makes more off a gallon of gas than the company that created it.

Debunking Myths About Federal Oil & Gas Subsidies
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any transfer of wealth from a rich person to a poor person is a good thing!
At this point you are correct... The rich are ridiculously bloated and the rest are going slowly to ruin for 35 years now....
The only answer is unions, because taxing the rich exceedingly in an unfair way in order to give it to the poor is a losing concept. It discouraged investment and stops the movement of wealth freely in a merit based way into society.

At least unions expect the workers to honor the contract won by working hard in order to satisfy the company in a meaningful way, and all in respect to that contract obtained.

All this other crazy thinking is just an extortion attempt to use government to rob the rich in order to give to the poor, and that must end.
according to research, a UBI of 1K per month would increase GDP by 12 percent because it would enable poor folks to spend more and increase overall demand!
Paid for by who ?? Me ?? What about my ability being robbed to participate fully in that economic boom you talk about ?? Oh that's right, I have to redistribute my wealth generated to the baby makers living down the road who want to lay up all day while I go to work for them. Thank you Demon-crat do gooder government reps over the past 40 years for creating this bullcrap.
Only if you make over $250,000 a year, super dupe
Still doesn't make it right super duh.
any transfer of wealth from a rich person to a poor person is a good thing!
Greedy little fucker. Always wanting other peoples money. Go create something useful. A company, an idea, hell just get up and go to work already. Go earn your money, like the people you are envious of.

And tell your liberal turd friends to stop fighting paying their fair share of income tax. So greedy...
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some studies say 50 percent of jobs will be lost to automation. the OECD says it will be 10 percent.

we dont have to have "universal". the affluent need not get money. but the poor and the needy need basic income! about getting a fricken job.
UBI would actually incentivize people to get a job.

let me say that again to you: UBI will actually give incentive to folks to get a job

What the hell, I'm game. Ok, how would UBI incentivize folks to get a job?
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.

How about the cheaper and more effective thing is not have any welfare at all and let Americans keep the money that they earn rather than have it stolen by government thugs and given to special interest groups? That is a much better idea than UBI, isn't it?
Cant say that in my industry. We are currently looking for over 30,000 drivers we can't find. Americans don't want to do that kind of work for any money. Some of them are very good paying; close to six figures in some cases.

Drugs are a huge problem in this country. A shipper at a company that we pickup from often told me they need 14 new employees, so they had a seminar for new applicants that had about 45 people. The HR person conducting the seminar told everybody right up front that they drug screen all employees. Over half of the people walked out at that point. He went on further to say that their drug screening uses hair samples, and another 15 walked out.

They hired about six people, and none of them made it past the first few weeks. They were unproductive workers, always texting instead of working, incapable of understanding basic concepts of system operations.

The job starts out at $15.50 per hour, but he told me you quickly move up to $19.50 per hour as you learn new processes in the company. It's a union job as well, so if you're willing to work, they are willing to pay you.
Workers elsewhere have a lot more privacy than we do, and drug and alcohol testing is prohibited. Thanks GOP.
U.S. Drug-Testing Rules Do Not Translate Overseas

Drug testing has been going on for the last couple of decades. WTF do you mean "thanks GOP?" WTF does a political party have to do with private industry drug testing applicants and employees?
Everything Reagan started drug testing the government workers and contractors... Where have you been?
The GOP's Drug-Testing Dragnet

He didn't make it the law of the land and businesses didn't start doing it because of Reagan. You blame thunderstorms on Reagan because you know nothing about politics. Businesses get cheaper rates on Workman's Compensation insurance if they drug test. That's what it's all about. It's why teachers, police officers and firemen don't take drug tests in many cases; because government doesn't care about saving taxpayers money.
And that's how the GOP got everybody drug testing d u h...

It seems that every time you post you try to make it dumber than the last. Congrats, you met your goal today.
any transfer of wealth from a rich person to a poor person is a good thing!
Greedy little fucker. Always wanting other peoples money. Go create something useful. A company, and idea, hell just get up and go to work already. Go earn your money, like the people you are envious of.

And tell your liberal turd friends to stop fighting paying their fair share of income tax. So greedy...
status quo? STATUS QUO?

you're happy with the way things are?! you're happy with all this income inequality? you're happy with Trump cutting taxes for the rich and cutting spending for the poor? SHAME. ON. YOU.
The block is in your head. The GOP never blocked anything. Anybody that wants such training can get it. Take a loan out, work for a few years and save money. But just because taxpayers won't fund it doesn't mean it's blocked except to Commies.
So according to your ridiculous brainwashed give away to the rich ideology, just watch the middle class and the non-rich go to hell along with the rest of the country, as amazingly we lose out to countries with very few natural resources, through Sheer idiocy... Great job!

You commies might not believe this, but people can do just fine without government wiping their ass every time they go to the bathroom. If you want to be rich, work at it, nobody is stopping you. If you want an advanced education, pay for it, nobody is stopping you, if you want to learn a trade, learn it, nobody is stopping you.

If you people had to live without government one day in your life you'd starve to death. Our founders would be ashamed with such a society today.

Are you rich? Do you have an advanced education? No, you drive a truck. And without government you have nothing. Where you going to drive that truck with no roads?

Government is good for some things but not most. That's why our founders listed in the Constitution what our federal government is responsible for. Government is supposed to provide good for all people--not people of a particular party or group while ignoring or taking away from others.
We used to have the greatest generation and unions to to protect the non rich, now we need the government.

Liberals are around with or without unions. They are like leeches that you can't get rid of.
some studies say 50 percent of jobs will be lost to automation. the OECD says it will be 10 percent.

we dont have to have "universal". the affluent need not get money. but the poor and the needy need basic income! about getting a fricken job.
UBI would actually incentivize people to get a job.

let me say that again to you: UBI will actually give incentive to folks to get a job

What the hell, I'm game. Ok, how would UBI incentivize folks to get a job?
Would have the opposite effect IMHO.
any transfer of wealth from a rich person to a poor person is a good thing!
Greedy little fucker. Always wanting other peoples money. Go create something useful. A company, and idea, hell just get up and go to work already. Go earn your money, like the people you are envious of.

And tell your liberal turd friends to stop fighting paying their fair share of income tax. So greedy...
status quo? STATUS QUO?

you're happy with the way things are?! you're happy with all this income inequality? you're happy with Trump cutting taxes for the rich and cutting spending for the poor? SHAME. ON. YOU.
Income inequality is term made up by lazy greedy liberals to package socialism to the masses. Shame on you!

I earned my money. I suggest you try to do the same, instead of begging me to pay your way for you.
any transfer of wealth from a rich person to a poor person is a good thing!
Greedy little fucker. Always wanting other peoples money. Go create something useful. A company, and idea, hell just get up and go to work already. Go earn your money, like the people you are envious of.

And tell your liberal turd friends to stop fighting paying their fair share of income tax. So greedy...
status quo? STATUS QUO?

you're happy with the way things are?! you're happy with all this income inequality? you're happy with Trump cutting taxes for the rich and cutting spending for the poor? SHAME. ON. YOU.
Unions.... But they need to change to become credible again. The feds can't play the role of a union. It is unconstitutional.
some studies say 50 percent of jobs will be lost to automation. the OECD says it will be 10 percent.

we dont have to have "universal". the affluent need not get money. but the poor and the needy need basic income! about getting a fricken job.
UBI would actually incentivize people to get a job.

let me say that again to you: UBI will actually give incentive to folks to get a job

What the hell, I'm game. Ok, how would UBI incentivize folks to get a job?
Would have the opposite effect IMHO.
Incentivizing people to be as unproductive as possible has never turned out well.
The block is in your head. The GOP never blocked anything. Anybody that wants such training can get it. Take a loan out, work for a few years and save money. But just because taxpayers won't fund it doesn't mean it's blocked except to Commies.
So according to your ridiculous brainwashed give away to the rich ideology, just watch the middle class and the non-rich go to hell along with the rest of the country, as amazingly we lose out to countries with very few natural resources, through Sheer idiocy... Great job!

You commies might not believe this, but people can do just fine without government wiping their ass every time they go to the bathroom. If you want to be rich, work at it, nobody is stopping you. If you want an advanced education, pay for it, nobody is stopping you, if you want to learn a trade, learn it, nobody is stopping you.

If you people had to live without government one day in your life you'd starve to death. Our founders would be ashamed with such a society today.

Are you rich? Do you have an advanced education? No, you drive a truck. And without government you have nothing. Where you going to drive that truck with no roads?

Government is good for some things but not most. That's why our founders listed in the Constitution what our federal government is responsible for. Government is supposed to provide good for all people--not people of a particular party or group while ignoring or taking away from others.
Exactly what the GOP has been doing the last 35 years, a giveaway to the rich and screwing the rest d u h....

Government doesn't give away anything to the rich--all they do is take less.

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