The Washington Times says that Hillary Clinton is in a corner on suicide watch

bassman007 made $780 this week, for just sitting home doin' nothin' but exercising his fingers! I want that job!! :lol:
Again only fools like you would expect someone to pay for post to be sent to a website that will only get perhaps a hundred views total. That said 50 of those views are from fools who rip off of children's heads, and nothing that I can say will change their murderous behavior. The other 50 viewers all thank me for the truth.. OK, so who is paying me, to influence nothing? You are clearly living in a delusion, that this web site will have national consequences, which is nonsense because all of my post here quote outside entities, thus the info I post is not new.

You may take your schitzo meds now.

Are you going to start a new thread about Hillary Clinton every single time you find some ridiculous Op-Ed to cut and paste?

PS. If she deleted any work e-mail, this is a crime, as these do not belong to her, they belong to me, and every other American, and she had no right to take what belonged to us, which is why every good American is taking notice.
And tell me something dear Bass, if she didn't delete any work related emails, will you vote for her?

:D :lol:
No, because Hillary Clinton rips the heads off of little poor babies, in order to fulfill her ideal of a perfect America.

Have you ripped the head off of a small baby yet today? you do know that this is your duty as a Democrap. So go find a small poor child, one with a dirty shirt perhaps and decapitate him or her, then you can join Hillary's campaign staff.
translation: democrat hater come back when you have a legitimate argument ... so far youre all mouth with nothing to back it up

Are you going to start a new thread about Hillary Clinton every single time you find some ridiculous Op-Ed to cut and paste?

PS. If she deleted any work e-mail, this is a crime, as these do not belong to her, they belong to me, and every other American, and she had no right to take what belonged to us, which is why every good American is taking notice.
And tell me something dear Bass, if she didn't delete any work related emails, will you vote for her?

:D :lol:
No, because Hillary Clinton rips the heads off of little poor babies, in order to fulfill her ideal of a perfect America.

Have you ripped the head off of a small baby yet today? you do know that this is your duty as a Democrap. So go find a small poor child, one with a dirty shirt perhaps and decapitate him or her, then you can join Hillary's campaign staff.
translation: democrat hater come back when you have a legitimate argument ... so far youre all mouth with nothing to back it up
Why I’ve written 50 posts on Hillary Clinton’s e-mails

Here's why:

1. Hillary Clinton began this race as the biggest non-incumbent front-runner for a party's presidential nomination in the post-World War II era. The job she held just prior to running for president was as secretary of state. The best way to understand how she handles everything from the mundane day-to-day activities of governance to the crises that present themselves from time to time is by studying not just her public actions at the State Department but the thinking behind those decisions. Her e-mails provide a written record of how she thinks, who she relies on and how she navigates sticky situations. Her e-mails are essential to who she is. And, therefore, very much worth looking into -- and writing about.

2. No secretary of state has ever used a private e-mail server exclusively. For all of Clinton's insistence that this was standard operating procedure for government officials, it wasn't. Yes, lots and lots of government officials have used both a government e-mail address and a private e-mail address. None before Clinton had used only a private server. That makes what she did anomalous -- and worth paying attention to.

3. The story about the e-mail server has changed. Repeatedly. When Clinton acknowledged the existence of the server back in March -- following a New York Times report revealing it -- she insisted that the private server need not be examined by a third party. She (finally) turned it over last month. She said that the handing over of the e-mails was a procedure that all former and current secretaries of state were undergoing at the same time. But, as reporting from The Post this week showed, the State Department specifically requested Clinton's e-mails after they realized she had used private e-mail exclusively. It wasn't until months later that requests for documents was made of other former secretaries of state. A story that keeps changing like that bears further analysis and investigation.

4. I write a blog. I write a lot of posts. On Friday, for example, I wrote three blog posts and did a live online chat. This is not to brag (quantity doesn't always mean quality). It is to say that 50 posts that mention "Hillary Clinton" and "e-mails" between March and mid-September sound like a ton, but they're really not. I guarantee you that I have written more than 50 posts about Donald Trump in that time.

I understand that organizations like Media Matters exist to work the referees. And, I also understand that plenty of people who are sympathetic to Clinton -- and maybe even some who are not -- think the e-mail server is a non-issue. But, I would ask you to think of this: If this controversy -- with the exact same circumstances -- was centered on a former Republican secretary of state who was the frontrunner for the GOP's nod, would you still think it was unfair?

All I can do is report and analyze as fairly as I know how. That's what I've done for the last 17 years -- and what I will continue to do for as long as I can

Thanks Chris.................

Yawning, as I watch Hillary squirm in her aneurism.

Are you going to start a new thread about Hillary Clinton every single time you find some ridiculous Op-Ed to cut and paste?

PS. If she deleted any work e-mail, this is a crime, as these do not belong to her, they belong to me, and every other American, and she had no right to take what belonged to us, which is why every good American is taking notice.
And tell me something dear Bass, if she didn't delete any work related emails, will you vote for her?

:D :lol:
No, because Hillary Clinton rips the heads off of little poor babies, in order to fulfill her ideal of a perfect America.

Have you ripped the head off of a small baby yet today? you do know that this is your duty as a Democrap. So go find a small poor child, one with a dirty shirt perhaps and decapitate him or her, then you can join Hillary's campaign staff.
translation: democrat hater come back when you have a legitimate argument ... so far youre all mouth with nothing to back it up
Why I’ve written 50 posts on Hillary Clinton’s e-mails

Here's why:

1. Hillary Clinton began this race as the biggest non-incumbent front-runner for a party's presidential nomination in the post-World War II era. The job she held just prior to running for president was as secretary of state. The best way to understand how she handles everything from the mundane day-to-day activities of governance to the crises that present themselves from time to time is by studying not just her public actions at the State Department but the thinking behind those decisions. Her e-mails provide a written record of how she thinks, who she relies on and how she navigates sticky situations. Her e-mails are essential to who she is. And, therefore, very much worth looking into -- and writing about.

2. No secretary of state has ever used a private e-mail server exclusively. For all of Clinton's insistence that this was standard operating procedure for government officials, it wasn't. Yes, lots and lots of government officials have used both a government e-mail address and a private e-mail address. None before Clinton had used only a private server. That makes what she did anomalous -- and worth paying attention to.

3. The story about the e-mail server has changed. Repeatedly. When Clinton acknowledged the existence of the server back in March -- following a New York Times report revealing it -- she insisted that the private server need not be examined by a third party. She (finally) turned it over last month. She said that the handing over of the e-mails was a procedure that all former and current secretaries of state were undergoing at the same time. But, as reporting from The Post this week showed, the State Department specifically requested Clinton's e-mails after they realized she had used private e-mail exclusively. It wasn't until months later that requests for documents was made of other former secretaries of state. A story that keeps changing like that bears further analysis and investigation.

4. I write a blog. I write a lot of posts. On Friday, for example, I wrote three blog posts and did a live online chat. This is not to brag (quantity doesn't always mean quality). It is to say that 50 posts that mention "Hillary Clinton" and "e-mails" between March and mid-September sound like a ton, but they're really not. I guarantee you that I have written more than 50 posts about Donald Trump in that time.

I understand that organizations like Media Matters exist to work the referees. And, I also understand that plenty of people who are sympathetic to Clinton -- and maybe even some who are not -- think the e-mail server is a non-issue. But, I would ask you to think of this: If this controversy -- with the exact same circumstances -- was centered on a former Republican secretary of state who was the frontrunner for the GOP's nod, would you still think it was unfair?

All I can do is report and analyze as fairly as I know how. That's what I've done for the last 17 years -- and what I will continue to do for as long as I can

Thanks Chris.................

Yawning, as I watch Hillary squirm in her aneurism.

its aneurysm, and if she has one she should not be running anywhere except to a neurological surgeon.
EDITORIAL: Hillary Clinton's campaign on suicide watch - Washington Times

How long do we have to suffer as a nation, with this obvious lying criminal trying to be President? Is there not any way for America to defend itself from this mockery of it's electoral system? What can we do to be free of the disease called Hillary.
what has she lied about ... so far all we have heard from the right is she might have sent classified documents to her server ... might have, could have, maybe, isn't a fact its a unfounded accusation far none of them have been proven to be classified at the time they were sent ... so what's your point, other then you hate Hillary .... she has stated she hasn't sent any classified documents to her private server to her knowledge ... how is that a lie ... do you automatically assume its a lie because of your hate towards Hillary ??? and you are hoping that its true, when clearly, so far its not...
She lied about turning over all work related e-mails, regardless of classification. She did this under oath and the lie is a felony. She also let State dept business come to her e-mail from Google, which means that Google has all of these e-mails on their servers as well, and these are all over the World.
please show us where she has lied about it so far ... nothing she has said was a lie ... you're just you hoping it is
correct me if I wrong here people, when and where did she go before a court of law and say she didn't send any classified documents to her server ... please Bassmann tell us where and when and what court.. the court of republican opinion doesn't count ... what she said to the press, which by the way isn't a court of law, she said to her knowledge she didn't send classified document to her private server ... to her knowledge ??? you are convicting her of something she hasn't been convicted of... just becasue of your hate of her ... so come back here when you have proof that she lied ... so far you and like all of your republican voters are hoping ... hoping and reality are two different things
EDITORIAL: Hillary Clinton's campaign on suicide watch - Washington Times

How long do we have to suffer as a nation, with this obvious lying criminal trying to be President? Is there not any way for America to defend itself from this mockery of it's electoral system? What can we do to be free of the disease called Hillary.
what has she lied about ... so far all we have heard from the right is she might have sent classified documents to her server ... might have, could have, maybe, isn't a fact its a unfounded accusation far none of them have been proven to be classified at the time they were sent ... so what's your point, other then you hate Hillary .... she has stated she hasn't sent any classified documents to her private server to her knowledge ... how is that a lie ... do you automatically assume its a lie because of your hate towards Hillary ??? and you are hoping that its true, when clearly, so far its not...
She lied about turning over all work related e-mails, regardless of classification. She did this under oath and the lie is a felony. She also let State dept business come to her e-mail from Google, which means that Google has all of these e-mails on their servers as well, and these are all over the World.
its obvious you have no Idea how private server work ... go educate yourself .. there isn't one email out on the web all of her emails went to her private server... I challenge you to go out there and find one of her emails on the web
what has she lied about ...

"there are none so blind as those who refuse to see".., did i get that right fellow righties??

also this,

"Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not." (Jer. 5:21, King James version)
other words you are blinded by the facts ... got it!!!!! still waiting for the lie she told that you can prove...
EDITORIAL: Hillary Clinton's campaign on suicide watch - Washington Times

How long do we have to suffer as a nation, with this obvious lying criminal trying to be President? Is there not any way for America to defend itself from this mockery of it's electoral system? What can we do to be free of the disease called Hillary.
what has she lied about ... so far all we have heard from the right is she might have sent classified documents to her server ... might have, could have, maybe, isn't a fact its a unfounded accusation far none of them have been proven to be classified at the time they were sent ... so what's your point, other then you hate Hillary .... she has stated she hasn't sent any classified documents to her private server to her knowledge ... how is that a lie ... do you automatically assume its a lie because of your hate towards Hillary ??? and you are hoping that its true, when clearly, so far its not...
She lied about turning over all work related e-mails, regardless of classification. She did this under oath and the lie is a felony. She also let State dept business come to her e-mail from Google, which means that Google has all of these e-mails on their servers as well, and these are all over the World.
please show us where she has lied about it so far ... nothing she has said was a lie ... you're just you hoping it is
correct me if I wrong here people, when and where did she go before a court of law and say she didn't send any classified documents to her server ... please Bassmann tell us where and when and what court.. the court of republican opinion doesn't count ... what she said to the press, which by the way isn't a court of law, she said to her knowledge she didn't send classified document to her private server ... to her knowledge ??? you are convicting her of something she hasn't been convicted of... just becasue of your hate of her ... so come back here when you have proof that she lied ... so far you and like all of your republican voters are hoping ... hoping and reality are two different things
She lied about only deleting only personal e-mails, as the FBI has now recovered deleted e-mails that were clearly work related. You are in denial, and think that your obstinacy will stop EVERY USA news organization from reporting this........... You lose little one
Last edited:
"Goodwyn states when an idiot drags hitler into a conversation, that person is surrendering"

That is often but not always accurate. In the case above, the attack against Godwin is silly.

Trump is potentially a very dangerous individual to be president of the United States. He will, as we have seen, go after those he perceives as his enemies. And some fools in this country want to make him commander in chief.
Well the way Hillary went after Bill's mistresses, that makes her just as dangerous. Right? She tried to ruin their lives.

Are you going to start a new thread about Hillary Clinton every single time you find some ridiculous Op-Ed to cut and paste?

PS. If she deleted any work e-mail, this is a crime, as these do not belong to her, they belong to me, and every other American, and she had no right to take what belonged to us, which is why every good American is taking notice.
And tell me something dear Bass, if she didn't delete any work related emails, will you vote for her?

:D :lol:
No, because Hillary Clinton rips the heads off of little poor babies, in order to fulfill her ideal of a perfect America.

Have you ripped the head off of a small baby yet today? you do know that this is your duty as a Democrap. So go find a small poor child, one with a dirty shirt perhaps and decapitate him or her, then you can join Hillary's campaign staff.
translation: democrat hater come back when you have a legitimate argument ... so far youre all mouth with nothing to back it up
Why I’ve written 50 posts on Hillary Clinton’s e-mails

Here's why:

1. Hillary Clinton began this race as the biggest non-incumbent front-runner for a party's presidential nomination in the post-World War II era. The job she held just prior to running for president was as secretary of state. The best way to understand how she handles everything from the mundane day-to-day activities of governance to the crises that present themselves from time to time is by studying not just her public actions at the State Department but the thinking behind those decisions. Her e-mails provide a written record of how she thinks, who she relies on and how she navigates sticky situations. Her e-mails are essential to who she is. And, therefore, very much worth looking into -- and writing about.

2. No secretary of state has ever used a private e-mail server exclusively. For all of Clinton's insistence that this was standard operating procedure for government officials, it wasn't. Yes, lots and lots of government officials have used both a government e-mail address and a private e-mail address. None before Clinton had used only a private server. That makes what she did anomalous -- and worth paying attention to.

3. The story about the e-mail server has changed. Repeatedly. When Clinton acknowledged the existence of the server back in March -- following a New York Times report revealing it -- she insisted that the private server need not be examined by a third party. She (finally) turned it over last month. She said that the handing over of the e-mails was a procedure that all former and current secretaries of state were undergoing at the same time. But, as reporting from The Post this week showed, the State Department specifically requested Clinton's e-mails after they realized she had used private e-mail exclusively. It wasn't until months later that requests for documents was made of other former secretaries of state. A story that keeps changing like that bears further analysis and investigation.

4. I write a blog. I write a lot of posts. On Friday, for example, I wrote three blog posts and did a live online chat. This is not to brag (quantity doesn't always mean quality). It is to say that 50 posts that mention "Hillary Clinton" and "e-mails" between March and mid-September sound like a ton, but they're really not. I guarantee you that I have written more than 50 posts about Donald Trump in that time.

I understand that organizations like Media Matters exist to work the referees. And, I also understand that plenty of people who are sympathetic to Clinton -- and maybe even some who are not -- think the e-mail server is a non-issue. But, I would ask you to think of this: If this controversy -- with the exact same circumstances -- was centered on a former Republican secretary of state who was the frontrunner for the GOP's nod, would you still think it was unfair?

All I can do is report and analyze as fairly as I know how. That's what I've done for the last 17 years -- and what I will continue to do for as long as I can

Thanks Chris.................

Yawning, as I watch Hillary squirm in her aneurism.
with all you boring post here, all I still see here she wasn't convicted of lying under oath, like you said she did, I fail to see anything accept right wing bull shit being spread by people who are making false statements, especially you when you say she was convicted of lying under oath ... that hasn't happen

A quick count shows this is the 30th thread on Hillary Clinton that you've started in the last week.

Why don't you ignore the threads instead of crying about them? Is their a rule against starting threads about lying women? Why haven't you complained about the number of Trump threads?

The easiest solution is the cig ore them. :dunno:
All I can do is report and analyze as fairly as I know how. That's what I've done for the last 17 years -- and what I will continue to do for as long as I can

Thanks Chris.................

Yawning, as I watch Hillary squirm in her aneurism.[/QUOTE]
npow this last statement here you said All I can do is report and analyze as fairly as I know how .. That's what you've done for the last 17 years ... so far you have made statements that she lied that has prove to be wrong so far ... nobody has prove it was a lie yet just your allegation here thats all that has been done ... everything you have used so far is a allegation ... she has never lied under oath about this nor has she been to any court of law yet about this ... all we get is allegation from the right that she may have, might have, could ghave, maybe, but not one confirmed fact yet ... so whe you say you analyze as fairly as you know, that too is a lie... you didn't do one bit of research on this subject ... all you have don't is spew some right wing propaganda, that's it ...come back when you're a little more actual proof
PS. If she deleted any work e-mail, this is a crime, as these do not belong to her, they belong to me, and every other American, and she had no right to take what belonged to us, which is why every good American is taking notice.
And tell me something dear Bass, if she didn't delete any work related emails, will you vote for her?

:D :lol:
No, because Hillary Clinton rips the heads off of little poor babies, in order to fulfill her ideal of a perfect America.

Have you ripped the head off of a small baby yet today? you do know that this is your duty as a Democrap. So go find a small poor child, one with a dirty shirt perhaps and decapitate him or her, then you can join Hillary's campaign staff.
translation: democrat hater come back when you have a legitimate argument ... so far youre all mouth with nothing to back it up
Why I’ve written 50 posts on Hillary Clinton’s e-mails

Here's why:

1. Hillary Clinton began this race as the biggest non-incumbent front-runner for a party's presidential nomination in the post-World War II era. The job she held just prior to running for president was as secretary of state. The best way to understand how she handles everything from the mundane day-to-day activities of governance to the crises that present themselves from time to time is by studying not just her public actions at the State Department but the thinking behind those decisions. Her e-mails provide a written record of how she thinks, who she relies on and how she navigates sticky situations. Her e-mails are essential to who she is. And, therefore, very much worth looking into -- and writing about.

2. No secretary of state has ever used a private e-mail server exclusively. For all of Clinton's insistence that this was standard operating procedure for government officials, it wasn't. Yes, lots and lots of government officials have used both a government e-mail address and a private e-mail address. None before Clinton had used only a private server. That makes what she did anomalous -- and worth paying attention to.

3. The story about the e-mail server has changed. Repeatedly. When Clinton acknowledged the existence of the server back in March -- following a New York Times report revealing it -- she insisted that the private server need not be examined by a third party. She (finally) turned it over last month. She said that the handing over of the e-mails was a procedure that all former and current secretaries of state were undergoing at the same time. But, as reporting from The Post this week showed, the State Department specifically requested Clinton's e-mails after they realized she had used private e-mail exclusively. It wasn't until months later that requests for documents was made of other former secretaries of state. A story that keeps changing like that bears further analysis and investigation.

4. I write a blog. I write a lot of posts. On Friday, for example, I wrote three blog posts and did a live online chat. This is not to brag (quantity doesn't always mean quality). It is to say that 50 posts that mention "Hillary Clinton" and "e-mails" between March and mid-September sound like a ton, but they're really not. I guarantee you that I have written more than 50 posts about Donald Trump in that time.

I understand that organizations like Media Matters exist to work the referees. And, I also understand that plenty of people who are sympathetic to Clinton -- and maybe even some who are not -- think the e-mail server is a non-issue. But, I would ask you to think of this: If this controversy -- with the exact same circumstances -- was centered on a former Republican secretary of state who was the frontrunner for the GOP's nod, would you still think it was unfair?

All I can do is report and analyze as fairly as I know how. That's what I've done for the last 17 years -- and what I will continue to do for as long as I can

Thanks Chris.................

Yawning, as I watch Hillary squirm in her aneurism.
with all you boring post here, all I still see here she wasn't convicted of lying under oath, like you said she did, I fail to see anything accept right wing bull shit being spread by people who are making false statements, especially you when you say she was convicted of lying under oath ... that hasn't happen
Gowdy: Clinton's Sworn Statement That She Turned Over All Emails Is False - Breitbart You mean the post that I make that you keep responding too? Yawn, Hillary lied under oath, the FBI proved this already, as Hillary is too dumb to know that a deleted e-mail can be retrieved.
EDITORIAL: Hillary Clinton's campaign on suicide watch - Washington Times

How long do we have to suffer as a nation, with this obvious lying criminal trying to be President? Is there not any way for America to defend itself from this mockery of it's electoral system? What can we do to be free of the disease called Hillary.
what has she lied about ... so far all we have heard from the right is she might have sent classified documents to her server ... might have, could have, maybe, isn't a fact its a unfounded accusation far none of them have been proven to be classified at the time they were sent ... so what's your point, other then you hate Hillary .... she has stated she hasn't sent any classified documents to her private server to her knowledge ... how is that a lie ... do you automatically assume its a lie because of your hate towards Hillary ??? and you are hoping that its true, when clearly, so far its not...
She lied about turning over all work related e-mails, regardless of classification. She did this under oath and the lie is a felony. She also let State dept business come to her e-mail from Google, which means that Google has all of these e-mails on their servers as well, and these are all over the World.
please show us where she has lied about it so far ... nothing she has said was a lie ... you're just you hoping it is
correct me if I wrong here people, when and where did she go before a court of law and say she didn't send any classified documents to her server ... please Bassmann tell us where and when and what court.. the court of republican opinion doesn't count ... what she said to the press, which by the way isn't a court of law, she said to her knowledge she didn't send classified document to her private server ... to her knowledge ??? you are convicting her of something she hasn't been convicted of... just becasue of your hate of her ... so come back here when you have proof that she lied ... so far you and like all of your republican voters are hoping ... hoping and reality are two different things
She lied about only deleting only personal e-mails, as the FBI has now recovered deleted e-mails that were clearly work related. You are in denial, and think that your obstinacy will stop EVERY USA news organization from reporting this........... You lose little one
what they reported was the recovered them ... they haven't said they were work related oh by they way work related and classified are two doifferent things little one... you lose
EDITORIAL: Hillary Clinton's campaign on suicide watch - Washington Times

How long do we have to suffer as a nation, with this obvious lying criminal trying to be President? Is there not any way for America to defend itself from this mockery of it's electoral system? What can we do to be free of the disease called Hillary.
what has she lied about ... so far all we have heard from the right is she might have sent classified documents to her server ... might have, could have, maybe, isn't a fact its a unfounded accusation far none of them have been proven to be classified at the time they were sent ... so what's your point, other then you hate Hillary .... she has stated she hasn't sent any classified documents to her private server to her knowledge ... how is that a lie ... do you automatically assume its a lie because of your hate towards Hillary ??? and you are hoping that its true, when clearly, so far its not...
She lied about turning over all work related e-mails, regardless of classification. She did this under oath and the lie is a felony. She also let State dept business come to her e-mail from Google, which means that Google has all of these e-mails on their servers as well, and these are all over the World.
please show us where she has lied about it so far ... nothing she has said was a lie ... you're just you hoping it is
correct me if I wrong here people, when and where did she go before a court of law and say she didn't send any classified documents to her server ... please Bassmann tell us where and when and what court.. the court of republican opinion doesn't count ... what she said to the press, which by the way isn't a court of law, she said to her knowledge she didn't send classified document to her private server ... to her knowledge ??? you are convicting her of something she hasn't been convicted of... just becasue of your hate of her ... so come back here when you have proof that she lied ... so far you and like all of your republican voters are hoping ... hoping and reality are two different things
She lied about only deleting only personal e-mails, as the FBI has now recovered deleted e-mails that were clearly work related. You are in denial, and think that your obstinacy will stop EVERY USA news organization from reporting this........... You lose little one
what they reported was the recovered them ... they haven't said they were work related oh by they way work related and classified are two doifferent things little one... you lose

The FBI recovered work related e-mails, that are American property, not the property of any dopey Clinton. These work related e-mails are part of the National Archives, Hillary deleted them. Here is a new link from this morning, New Hillary Clinton email chain discovered You are living a delusion and are not arguing with me, but with the Washington Post, NY Times Reuters and the AP. So dream on kiddie

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