The Washington Times says that Hillary Clinton is in a corner on suicide watch

EDITORIAL: Hillary Clinton's campaign on suicide watch - Washington Times

How long do we have to suffer as a nation, with this obvious lying criminal trying to be President? Is there not any way for America to defend itself from this mockery of it's electoral system? What can we do to be free of the disease called Hillary.

Washington Times = far-right rag for morons and their inbred children.

Did your daddy read it too?

Typical liberal (hazel)nutty response. Ignore the message, blame the messenger, preferably - again, in typical liberal fashion - with ad hominem attacks.
And tell me something dear Bass, if she didn't delete any work related emails, will you vote for her?

:D :lol:
No, because Hillary Clinton rips the heads off of little poor babies, in order to fulfill her ideal of a perfect America.

Have you ripped the head off of a small baby yet today? you do know that this is your duty as a Democrap. So go find a small poor child, one with a dirty shirt perhaps and decapitate him or her, then you can join Hillary's campaign staff.
translation: democrat hater come back when you have a legitimate argument ... so far youre all mouth with nothing to back it up
Why I’ve written 50 posts on Hillary Clinton’s e-mails

Here's why:

1. Hillary Clinton began this race as the biggest non-incumbent front-runner for a party's presidential nomination in the post-World War II era. The job she held just prior to running for president was as secretary of state. The best way to understand how she handles everything from the mundane day-to-day activities of governance to the crises that present themselves from time to time is by studying not just her public actions at the State Department but the thinking behind those decisions. Her e-mails provide a written record of how she thinks, who she relies on and how she navigates sticky situations. Her e-mails are essential to who she is. And, therefore, very much worth looking into -- and writing about.

2. No secretary of state has ever used a private e-mail server exclusively. For all of Clinton's insistence that this was standard operating procedure for government officials, it wasn't. Yes, lots and lots of government officials have used both a government e-mail address and a private e-mail address. None before Clinton had used only a private server. That makes what she did anomalous -- and worth paying attention to.

3. The story about the e-mail server has changed. Repeatedly. When Clinton acknowledged the existence of the server back in March -- following a New York Times report revealing it -- she insisted that the private server need not be examined by a third party. She (finally) turned it over last month. She said that the handing over of the e-mails was a procedure that all former and current secretaries of state were undergoing at the same time. But, as reporting from The Post this week showed, the State Department specifically requested Clinton's e-mails after they realized she had used private e-mail exclusively. It wasn't until months later that requests for documents was made of other former secretaries of state. A story that keeps changing like that bears further analysis and investigation.

4. I write a blog. I write a lot of posts. On Friday, for example, I wrote three blog posts and did a live online chat. This is not to brag (quantity doesn't always mean quality). It is to say that 50 posts that mention "Hillary Clinton" and "e-mails" between March and mid-September sound like a ton, but they're really not. I guarantee you that I have written more than 50 posts about Donald Trump in that time.

I understand that organizations like Media Matters exist to work the referees. And, I also understand that plenty of people who are sympathetic to Clinton -- and maybe even some who are not -- think the e-mail server is a non-issue. But, I would ask you to think of this: If this controversy -- with the exact same circumstances -- was centered on a former Republican secretary of state who was the frontrunner for the GOP's nod, would you still think it was unfair?

All I can do is report and analyze as fairly as I know how. That's what I've done for the last 17 years -- and what I will continue to do for as long as I can

Thanks Chris.................

Yawning, as I watch Hillary squirm in her aneurism.
with all you boring post here, all I still see here she wasn't convicted of lying under oath, like you said she did, I fail to see anything accept right wing bull shit being spread by people who are making false statements, especially you when you say she was convicted of lying under oath ... that hasn't happen
Gowdy: Clinton's Sworn Statement That She Turned Over All Emails Is False - Breitbart You mean the post that I make that you keep responding too? Yawn, Hillary lied under oath, the FBI proved this already, as Hillary is too dumb to know that a deleted e-mail can be retrieved.
here is where you are lying.... Hillary has never been in any FBI office and gave her statement to any FBI agent for the record ... you lied there... then you lied about the FBI saying she had work related Emails that she deleted ... you lied there ... the FBI hasn't come out to the press to give any such statement ... that's another lie you told ....if you didn't lie so much here bassmann007 maybe we could take you serious, but I find it fun making a fool of you ... she lied under oath, the FBI said she had work related Emails ...that's you making shit up ....I don't know what it is with you republicans ... when they can't win a race honestly, they lie their asses off .... you're no different ... you haven't prove one thing that you have claimed here ... just one lie after another
No, because Hillary Clinton rips the heads off of little poor babies, in order to fulfill her ideal of a perfect America.

Have you ripped the head off of a small baby yet today? you do know that this is your duty as a Democrap. So go find a small poor child, one with a dirty shirt perhaps and decapitate him or her, then you can join Hillary's campaign staff.
translation: democrat hater come back when you have a legitimate argument ... so far youre all mouth with nothing to back it up
Why I’ve written 50 posts on Hillary Clinton’s e-mails

Here's why:

1. Hillary Clinton began this race as the biggest non-incumbent front-runner for a party's presidential nomination in the post-World War II era. The job she held just prior to running for president was as secretary of state. The best way to understand how she handles everything from the mundane day-to-day activities of governance to the crises that present themselves from time to time is by studying not just her public actions at the State Department but the thinking behind those decisions. Her e-mails provide a written record of how she thinks, who she relies on and how she navigates sticky situations. Her e-mails are essential to who she is. And, therefore, very much worth looking into -- and writing about.

2. No secretary of state has ever used a private e-mail server exclusively. For all of Clinton's insistence that this was standard operating procedure for government officials, it wasn't. Yes, lots and lots of government officials have used both a government e-mail address and a private e-mail address. None before Clinton had used only a private server. That makes what she did anomalous -- and worth paying attention to.

3. The story about the e-mail server has changed. Repeatedly. When Clinton acknowledged the existence of the server back in March -- following a New York Times report revealing it -- she insisted that the private server need not be examined by a third party. She (finally) turned it over last month. She said that the handing over of the e-mails was a procedure that all former and current secretaries of state were undergoing at the same time. But, as reporting from The Post this week showed, the State Department specifically requested Clinton's e-mails after they realized she had used private e-mail exclusively. It wasn't until months later that requests for documents was made of other former secretaries of state. A story that keeps changing like that bears further analysis and investigation.

4. I write a blog. I write a lot of posts. On Friday, for example, I wrote three blog posts and did a live online chat. This is not to brag (quantity doesn't always mean quality). It is to say that 50 posts that mention "Hillary Clinton" and "e-mails" between March and mid-September sound like a ton, but they're really not. I guarantee you that I have written more than 50 posts about Donald Trump in that time.

I understand that organizations like Media Matters exist to work the referees. And, I also understand that plenty of people who are sympathetic to Clinton -- and maybe even some who are not -- think the e-mail server is a non-issue. But, I would ask you to think of this: If this controversy -- with the exact same circumstances -- was centered on a former Republican secretary of state who was the frontrunner for the GOP's nod, would you still think it was unfair?

All I can do is report and analyze as fairly as I know how. That's what I've done for the last 17 years -- and what I will continue to do for as long as I can

Thanks Chris.................

Yawning, as I watch Hillary squirm in her aneurism.
with all you boring post here, all I still see here she wasn't convicted of lying under oath, like you said she did, I fail to see anything accept right wing bull shit being spread by people who are making false statements, especially you when you say she was convicted of lying under oath ... that hasn't happen
Gowdy: Clinton's Sworn Statement That She Turned Over All Emails Is False - Breitbart You mean the post that I make that you keep responding too? Yawn, Hillary lied under oath, the FBI proved this already, as Hillary is too dumb to know that a deleted e-mail can be retrieved.
here is where you are lying.... Hillary has never been in any FBI office and gave her statement to any FBI agent for the record ... you lied there... then you lied about the FBI saying she had work related Emails that she deleted ... you lied there ... the FBI hasn't come out to the press to give any such statement ... that's another lie you told ....if you didn't lie so much here bassmann007 maybe we could take you serious, but I find it fun making a fool of you ... she lied under oath, the FBI said she had work related Emails ...that's you making shit up ....I don't know what it is with you republicans ... when they can't win a race honestly, they lie their asses off .... you're no different ... you haven't prove one thing that you have claimed here ... just one lie after another

Remember Hillary under sniper fire, she lied there too. Remember the evil 8 year old girl sniper? Come on Bill, put down the cigar already, it's over.
EDITORIAL: Hillary Clinton's campaign on suicide watch - Washington Times

How long do we have to suffer as a nation, with this obvious lying criminal trying to be President? Is there not any way for America to defend itself from this mockery of it's electoral system? What can we do to be free of the disease called Hillary.

Washington Times = far-right rag for morons and their inbred children.

Did your daddy read it too?

Typical liberal (hazel)nutty response. Ignore the message, blame the messenger, preferably - again, in typical liberal fashion - with ad hominem attacks.
typical republican when the messenger is lying and we know it ... some of you moron said she was convicted of lying under oath ... shes never been under oath so how can that be...then you say the shit that you do with out any factual bases to it and expect us to take you serious ??? there's reason you are ignored ... you're stupid
EDITORIAL: Hillary Clinton's campaign on suicide watch - Washington Times

How long do we have to suffer as a nation, with this obvious lying criminal trying to be President? Is there not any way for America to defend itself from this mockery of it's electoral system? What can we do to be free of the disease called Hillary.

Washington Times = far-right rag for morons and their inbred children.

Did your daddy read it too?

Typical liberal (hazel)nutty response. Ignore the message, blame the messenger, preferably - again, in typical liberal fashion - with ad hominem attacks.
typical republican when the messenger is lying and we know it ... some of you moron said she was convicted of lying under oath ... shes never been under oath so how can that be...then you say the shit that you do with out any factual bases to it and expect us to take you serious ??? there's reason you are ignored ... you're stupid
No one said she was convicted of lying under oath, this would be impossible until the FBI brings it's case. However the FBI files that have been produced, along with more e-mails from the state dept as well, PROVE that she lied that all e-mails were turned over. Furthermore Hillary is to dumb to delete an e-mail, because the FBI has every one of them........................ Putin has even more, can you spell treason.
translation: democrat hater come back when you have a legitimate argument ... so far youre all mouth with nothing to back it up
Why I’ve written 50 posts on Hillary Clinton’s e-mails

Here's why:

1. Hillary Clinton began this race as the biggest non-incumbent front-runner for a party's presidential nomination in the post-World War II era. The job she held just prior to running for president was as secretary of state. The best way to understand how she handles everything from the mundane day-to-day activities of governance to the crises that present themselves from time to time is by studying not just her public actions at the State Department but the thinking behind those decisions. Her e-mails provide a written record of how she thinks, who she relies on and how she navigates sticky situations. Her e-mails are essential to who she is. And, therefore, very much worth looking into -- and writing about.

2. No secretary of state has ever used a private e-mail server exclusively. For all of Clinton's insistence that this was standard operating procedure for government officials, it wasn't. Yes, lots and lots of government officials have used both a government e-mail address and a private e-mail address. None before Clinton had used only a private server. That makes what she did anomalous -- and worth paying attention to.

3. The story about the e-mail server has changed. Repeatedly. When Clinton acknowledged the existence of the server back in March -- following a New York Times report revealing it -- she insisted that the private server need not be examined by a third party. She (finally) turned it over last month. She said that the handing over of the e-mails was a procedure that all former and current secretaries of state were undergoing at the same time. But, as reporting from The Post this week showed, the State Department specifically requested Clinton's e-mails after they realized she had used private e-mail exclusively. It wasn't until months later that requests for documents was made of other former secretaries of state. A story that keeps changing like that bears further analysis and investigation.

4. I write a blog. I write a lot of posts. On Friday, for example, I wrote three blog posts and did a live online chat. This is not to brag (quantity doesn't always mean quality). It is to say that 50 posts that mention "Hillary Clinton" and "e-mails" between March and mid-September sound like a ton, but they're really not. I guarantee you that I have written more than 50 posts about Donald Trump in that time.

I understand that organizations like Media Matters exist to work the referees. And, I also understand that plenty of people who are sympathetic to Clinton -- and maybe even some who are not -- think the e-mail server is a non-issue. But, I would ask you to think of this: If this controversy -- with the exact same circumstances -- was centered on a former Republican secretary of state who was the frontrunner for the GOP's nod, would you still think it was unfair?

All I can do is report and analyze as fairly as I know how. That's what I've done for the last 17 years -- and what I will continue to do for as long as I can

Thanks Chris.................

Yawning, as I watch Hillary squirm in her aneurism.
with all you boring post here, all I still see here she wasn't convicted of lying under oath, like you said she did, I fail to see anything accept right wing bull shit being spread by people who are making false statements, especially you when you say she was convicted of lying under oath ... that hasn't happen
Gowdy: Clinton's Sworn Statement That She Turned Over All Emails Is False - Breitbart You mean the post that I make that you keep responding too? Yawn, Hillary lied under oath, the FBI proved this already, as Hillary is too dumb to know that a deleted e-mail can be retrieved.
here is where you are lying.... Hillary has never been in any FBI office and gave her statement to any FBI agent for the record ... you lied there... then you lied about the FBI saying she had work related Emails that she deleted ... you lied there ... the FBI hasn't come out to the press to give any such statement ... that's another lie you told ....if you didn't lie so much here bassmann007 maybe we could take you serious, but I find it fun making a fool of you ... she lied under oath, the FBI said she had work related Emails ...that's you making shit up ....I don't know what it is with you republicans ... when they can't win a race honestly, they lie their asses off .... you're no different ... you haven't prove one thing that you have claimed here ... just one lie after another

Remember Hillary under sniper fire, she lied there too. Remember the evil 8 year old girl sniper? Come on Bill, put down the cigar already, it's over.

Hillary has repeatedly stated she has turned over all her emails and every few weeks we find more she had not turned over. I call that lying. Maybe that is to simple to understand. :dunno:
noooooooooooooo !!!! ever few weeks they come out in the press and make statements that these might be in violation ... then they FBI later comes out then says no they are not in violation... but you fox noise idiots don't get that part ...thats whats beem going on from the beginning you idiot....
Why I’ve written 50 posts on Hillary Clinton’s e-mails

Here's why:

1. Hillary Clinton began this race as the biggest non-incumbent front-runner for a party's presidential nomination in the post-World War II era. The job she held just prior to running for president was as secretary of state. The best way to understand how she handles everything from the mundane day-to-day activities of governance to the crises that present themselves from time to time is by studying not just her public actions at the State Department but the thinking behind those decisions. Her e-mails provide a written record of how she thinks, who she relies on and how she navigates sticky situations. Her e-mails are essential to who she is. And, therefore, very much worth looking into -- and writing about.

2. No secretary of state has ever used a private e-mail server exclusively. For all of Clinton's insistence that this was standard operating procedure for government officials, it wasn't. Yes, lots and lots of government officials have used both a government e-mail address and a private e-mail address. None before Clinton had used only a private server. That makes what she did anomalous -- and worth paying attention to.

3. The story about the e-mail server has changed. Repeatedly. When Clinton acknowledged the existence of the server back in March -- following a New York Times report revealing it -- she insisted that the private server need not be examined by a third party. She (finally) turned it over last month. She said that the handing over of the e-mails was a procedure that all former and current secretaries of state were undergoing at the same time. But, as reporting from The Post this week showed, the State Department specifically requested Clinton's e-mails after they realized she had used private e-mail exclusively. It wasn't until months later that requests for documents was made of other former secretaries of state. A story that keeps changing like that bears further analysis and investigation.

4. I write a blog. I write a lot of posts. On Friday, for example, I wrote three blog posts and did a live online chat. This is not to brag (quantity doesn't always mean quality). It is to say that 50 posts that mention "Hillary Clinton" and "e-mails" between March and mid-September sound like a ton, but they're really not. I guarantee you that I have written more than 50 posts about Donald Trump in that time.

I understand that organizations like Media Matters exist to work the referees. And, I also understand that plenty of people who are sympathetic to Clinton -- and maybe even some who are not -- think the e-mail server is a non-issue. But, I would ask you to think of this: If this controversy -- with the exact same circumstances -- was centered on a former Republican secretary of state who was the frontrunner for the GOP's nod, would you still think it was unfair?

All I can do is report and analyze as fairly as I know how. That's what I've done for the last 17 years -- and what I will continue to do for as long as I can

Thanks Chris.................

Yawning, as I watch Hillary squirm in her aneurism.
with all you boring post here, all I still see here she wasn't convicted of lying under oath, like you said she did, I fail to see anything accept right wing bull shit being spread by people who are making false statements, especially you when you say she was convicted of lying under oath ... that hasn't happen
Gowdy: Clinton's Sworn Statement That She Turned Over All Emails Is False - Breitbart You mean the post that I make that you keep responding too? Yawn, Hillary lied under oath, the FBI proved this already, as Hillary is too dumb to know that a deleted e-mail can be retrieved.
here is where you are lying.... Hillary has never been in any FBI office and gave her statement to any FBI agent for the record ... you lied there... then you lied about the FBI saying she had work related Emails that she deleted ... you lied there ... the FBI hasn't come out to the press to give any such statement ... that's another lie you told ....if you didn't lie so much here bassmann007 maybe we could take you serious, but I find it fun making a fool of you ... she lied under oath, the FBI said she had work related Emails ...that's you making shit up ....I don't know what it is with you republicans ... when they can't win a race honestly, they lie their asses off .... you're no different ... you haven't prove one thing that you have claimed here ... just one lie after another

Remember Hillary under sniper fire, she lied there too. Remember the evil 8 year old girl sniper? Come on Bill, put down the cigar already, it's over.

Hillary has repeatedly stated she has turned over all her emails and every few weeks we find more she had not turned over. I call that lying. Maybe that is to simple to understand. :dunno:
noooooooooooooo !!!! ever few weeks they come out in the press and make statements that these might be in violation ... then they FBI later comes out then says no they are not in violation... but you fox noise idiots don't get that part ...thats whats beem going on from the beginning you idiot....

NY Times

Washington Post Just when you thought the e-mail story couldn’t get worse for Hillary Clinton …

Billy Billy Billy, this is not Fox news attacking Hillypoo, it is every major LIBERAL source, so really get a grip, you are in denial. Hillary is past news, in fact it's time for her aneurism to start acting up so she can back out with grace.
EDITORIAL: Hillary Clinton's campaign on suicide watch - Washington Times

How long do we have to suffer as a nation, with this obvious lying criminal trying to be President? Is there not any way for America to defend itself from this mockery of it's electoral system? What can we do to be free of the disease called Hillary.

Washington Times = far-right rag for morons and their inbred children.

Did your daddy read it too?

Typical liberal (hazel)nutty response. Ignore the message, blame the messenger, preferably - again, in typical liberal fashion - with ad hominem attacks.
typical republican when the messenger is lying and we know it ... some of you moron said she was convicted of lying under oath ... shes never been under oath so how can that be...then you say the shit that you do with out any factual bases to it and expect us to take you serious ??? there's reason you are ignored ... you're stupid
No one said she was convicted of lying under oath, this would be impossible until the FBI brings it's case. However the FBI files that have been produced, along with more e-mails from the state dept as well, PROVE that she lied that all e-mails were turned over. Furthermore Hillary is to dumb to delete an e-mail, because the FBI has every one of them........................ Putin has even more, can you spell treason.
so now you're tap dancing here ... you've been caught lying here .... that makes you the liar ... you have said more then once to us here, she lied under oath ... ,that was your claim .... I said she hasn't and you started making fun of my post because I called you out... then you said she had work related emails on her server thats not illegal I called you out on that one too .... all the FBI has said in the press is they recovered her deleted emails .. that sent you over the edge then lied to us here saying its a crime and you said the FBI caught her lying under oath ... these are your statements about that too ... so how is anyone here supposed to take you serious when you constantly lie about the facts just because of your hatred of democrats/liberals and Hillary Clinton ... if she lied about this then hopw co,me they have them ... this is you distorting the facts you always do... finally I have never smoke any thing cigar or pipe ... maybe just because you're a dick smoker doesn't mean everybody else is
with all you boring post here, all I still see here she wasn't convicted of lying under oath, like you said she did, I fail to see anything accept right wing bull shit being spread by people who are making false statements, especially you when you say she was convicted of lying under oath ... that hasn't happen
Gowdy: Clinton's Sworn Statement That She Turned Over All Emails Is False - Breitbart You mean the post that I make that you keep responding too? Yawn, Hillary lied under oath, the FBI proved this already, as Hillary is too dumb to know that a deleted e-mail can be retrieved.
here is where you are lying.... Hillary has never been in any FBI office and gave her statement to any FBI agent for the record ... you lied there... then you lied about the FBI saying she had work related Emails that she deleted ... you lied there ... the FBI hasn't come out to the press to give any such statement ... that's another lie you told ....if you didn't lie so much here bassmann007 maybe we could take you serious, but I find it fun making a fool of you ... she lied under oath, the FBI said she had work related Emails ...that's you making shit up ....I don't know what it is with you republicans ... when they can't win a race honestly, they lie their asses off .... you're no different ... you haven't prove one thing that you have claimed here ... just one lie after another

Remember Hillary under sniper fire, she lied there too. Remember the evil 8 year old girl sniper? Come on Bill, put down the cigar already, it's over.

Hillary has repeatedly stated she has turned over all her emails and every few weeks we find more she had not turned over. I call that lying. Maybe that is to simple to understand. :dunno:
noooooooooooooo !!!! ever few weeks they come out in the press and make statements that these might be in violation ... then they FBI later comes out then says no they are not in violation... but you fox noise idiots don't get that part ...thats whats beem going on from the beginning you idiot....

NY Times

Washington Post Just when you thought the e-mail story couldn’t get worse for Hillary Clinton …

Billy Billy Billy, this is not Fox news attacking Hillypoo, it is every major LIBERAL source, so really get a grip, you are in denial. Hillary is past news, in fact it's time for her aneurism to start acting up so she can back out with grace.
its you who needs to get a grip ... you need to stop your lying ...
with all you boring post here, all I still see here she wasn't convicted of lying under oath, like you said she did, I fail to see anything accept right wing bull shit being spread by people who are making false statements, especially you when you say she was convicted of lying under oath ... that hasn't happen
Gowdy: Clinton's Sworn Statement That She Turned Over All Emails Is False - Breitbart You mean the post that I make that you keep responding too? Yawn, Hillary lied under oath, the FBI proved this already, as Hillary is too dumb to know that a deleted e-mail can be retrieved.
here is where you are lying.... Hillary has never been in any FBI office and gave her statement to any FBI agent for the record ... you lied there... then you lied about the FBI saying she had work related Emails that she deleted ... you lied there ... the FBI hasn't come out to the press to give any such statement ... that's another lie you told ....if you didn't lie so much here bassmann007 maybe we could take you serious, but I find it fun making a fool of you ... she lied under oath, the FBI said she had work related Emails ...that's you making shit up ....I don't know what it is with you republicans ... when they can't win a race honestly, they lie their asses off .... you're no different ... you haven't prove one thing that you have claimed here ... just one lie after another

Remember Hillary under sniper fire, she lied there too. Remember the evil 8 year old girl sniper? Come on Bill, put down the cigar already, it's over.

Hillary has repeatedly stated she has turned over all her emails and every few weeks we find more she had not turned over. I call that lying. Maybe that is to simple to understand. :dunno:
noooooooooooooo !!!! ever few weeks they come out in the press and make statements that these might be in violation ... then they FBI later comes out then says no they are not in violation... but you fox noise idiots don't get that part ...thats whats beem going on from the beginning you idiot....

NY Times

Washington Post Just when you thought the e-mail story couldn’t get worse for Hillary Clinton …

Billy Billy Billy, this is not Fox news attacking Hillypoo, it is every major LIBERAL source, so really get a grip, you are in denial. Hillary is past news, in fact it's time for her aneurism to start acting up so she can back out with grace.

did you miss the part where they said she wasn't in violation How come you missed that ??? it doesn't support your hatred towards us dems/lberals?? is that the reason you hate it when you're prove to be wrong??? is that it??? another trump here that what you are ??? lie then deny the actual facts... we get it!!!!
Why I’ve written 50 posts on Hillary Clinton’s e-mails

Here's why:

1. Hillary Clinton began this race as the biggest non-incumbent front-runner for a party's presidential nomination in the post-World War II era. The job she held just prior to running for president was as secretary of state. The best way to understand how she handles everything from the mundane day-to-day activities of governance to the crises that present themselves from time to time is by studying not just her public actions at the State Department but the thinking behind those decisions. Her e-mails provide a written record of how she thinks, who she relies on and how she navigates sticky situations. Her e-mails are essential to who she is. And, therefore, very much worth looking into -- and writing about.

2. No secretary of state has ever used a private e-mail server exclusively. For all of Clinton's insistence that this was standard operating procedure for government officials, it wasn't. Yes, lots and lots of government officials have used both a government e-mail address and a private e-mail address. None before Clinton had used only a private server. That makes what she did anomalous -- and worth paying attention to.

3. The story about the e-mail server has changed. Repeatedly. When Clinton acknowledged the existence of the server back in March -- following a New York Times report revealing it -- she insisted that the private server need not be examined by a third party. She (finally) turned it over last month. She said that the handing over of the e-mails was a procedure that all former and current secretaries of state were undergoing at the same time. But, as reporting from The Post this week showed, the State Department specifically requested Clinton's e-mails after they realized she had used private e-mail exclusively. It wasn't until months later that requests for documents was made of other former secretaries of state. A story that keeps changing like that bears further analysis and investigation.

4. I write a blog. I write a lot of posts. On Friday, for example, I wrote three blog posts and did a live online chat. This is not to brag (quantity doesn't always mean quality). It is to say that 50 posts that mention "Hillary Clinton" and "e-mails" between March and mid-September sound like a ton, but they're really not. I guarantee you that I have written more than 50 posts about Donald Trump in that time.

I understand that organizations like Media Matters exist to work the referees. And, I also understand that plenty of people who are sympathetic to Clinton -- and maybe even some who are not -- think the e-mail server is a non-issue. But, I would ask you to think of this: If this controversy -- with the exact same circumstances -- was centered on a former Republican secretary of state who was the frontrunner for the GOP's nod, would you still think it was unfair?

All I can do is report and analyze as fairly as I know how. That's what I've done for the last 17 years -- and what I will continue to do for as long as I can

Thanks Chris.................

Yawning, as I watch Hillary squirm in her aneurism.
with all you boring post here, all I still see here she wasn't convicted of lying under oath, like you said she did, I fail to see anything accept right wing bull shit being spread by people who are making false statements, especially you when you say she was convicted of lying under oath ... that hasn't happen
Gowdy: Clinton's Sworn Statement That She Turned Over All Emails Is False - Breitbart You mean the post that I make that you keep responding too? Yawn, Hillary lied under oath, the FBI proved this already, as Hillary is too dumb to know that a deleted e-mail can be retrieved.
here is where you are lying.... Hillary has never been in any FBI office and gave her statement to any FBI agent for the record ... you lied there... then you lied about the FBI saying she had work related Emails that she deleted ... you lied there ... the FBI hasn't come out to the press to give any such statement ... that's another lie you told ....if you didn't lie so much here bassmann007 maybe we could take you serious, but I find it fun making a fool of you ... she lied under oath, the FBI said she had work related Emails ...that's you making shit up ....I don't know what it is with you republicans ... when they can't win a race honestly, they lie their asses off .... you're no different ... you haven't prove one thing that you have claimed here ... just one lie after another

Remember Hillary under sniper fire, she lied there too. Remember the evil 8 year old girl sniper? Come on Bill, put down the cigar already, it's over.

Hillary has repeatedly stated she has turned over all her emails and every few weeks we find more she had not turned over. I call that lying. Maybe that is to simple to understand. :dunno:
noooooooooooooo !!!! ever few weeks they come out in the press and make statements that these might be in violation ... then they FBI later comes out then says no they are not in violation... but you fox noise idiots don't get that part ...thats whats beem going on from the beginning you idiot....

You should leave USMB when Hillary drops out
EDITORIAL: Hillary Clinton's campaign on suicide watch - Washington Times

How long do we have to suffer as a nation, with this obvious lying criminal trying to be President? Is there not any way for America to defend itself from this mockery of it's electoral system? What can we do to be free of the disease called Hillary.

Washington Times = far-right rag for morons and their inbred children.

Did your daddy read it too?

Typical liberal (hazel)nutty response. Ignore the message, blame the messenger, preferably - again, in typical liberal fashion - with ad hominem attacks.
typical republican when the messenger is lying and we know it ... some of you moron said she was convicted of lying under oath ... shes never been under oath so how can that be...then you say the shit that you do with out any factual bases to it and expect us to take you serious ??? there's reason you are ignored ... you're stupid
No one said she was convicted of lying under oath, this would be impossible until the FBI brings it's case. However the FBI files that have been produced, along with more e-mails from the state dept as well, PROVE that she lied that all e-mails were turned over. Furthermore Hillary is to dumb to delete an e-mail, because the FBI has every one of them........................ Putin has even more, can you spell treason.
so now you're tap dancing here ... you've been caught lying here .... that makes you the liar ... you have said more then once to us here, she lied under oath ... ,that was your claim .... I said she hasn't and you started making fun of my post because I called you out... then you said she had work related emails on her server thats not illegal I called you out on that one too .... all the FBI has said in the press is they recovered her deleted emails .. that sent you over the edge then lied to us here saying its a crime and you said the FBI caught her lying under oath ... these are your statements about that too ... so how is anyone here supposed to take you serious when you constantly lie about the facts just because of your hatred of democrats/liberals and Hillary Clinton ... if she lied about this then hopw co,me they have them ... this is you distorting the facts you always do... finally I have never smoke any thing cigar or pipe ... maybe just because you're a dick smoker doesn't mean everybody else is

Billy Billy Billy, the NY Times said that Hillary lied under oath, do you want me to give you their number so they can explain it to you? You are in denial, Hillary is over, so choose Biden.

Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a statement filed under oath in federal court on Monday that she had provided to the State Department all of the work-related emails that were on the personal email account she used exclusively while she was secretary of state.

The statement was filed as Mrs. Clinton faces questions about whether she in fact has handed over all of her work-related emails. In June, the State Department said that all or part of 15 emails sent or received by Mrs. Clinton were not among the emails she gave to the department last year.

Bill, look, I am not lying as all I am doing is saying what the Times and Post are reporting, you need to look at this objectively, either Hillary is the liar, or the entire World is wrong.
Hillary has repeatedly stated she has turned over all her emails and every few weeks we find more she had not turned over. I call that lying. Maybe that is to simple to understand. :dunno:
I sorry here you are confused whats you have been seeing is the FBI pointing out emails that she turn over in the press ... the only thing to date was the ones she erased and so far they haven't found any classified document in them ... what you said here is as if she has this boat load of emails hidden ... they have thousands of them and they release what they might think as being classified ... so far the fbi has said so far none of them have been classified... you are a shooting a starter pistol to protect your life ... and you will lose
Billy Billy Billy, nothing needs to be classified on the e-mails that were retrieved by the FBI. Sure it's worse if it were, but all of these e-mails are required by LAW to be turned over to the National archives, minus Hillary's personal ones, which the Obama administration said she could delete. Hillary deleted them and work e-mails as well, which need not be classified. Seriously I think that those Cuban Cigars are shrinking your brain. Is there brain Viagra yet? Did I mention that now Obama is hanging Hillary Clinton as well? Hillary Clinton E-mail Scandal: Obama Admin Finds Official E-mails Clinton Didn't Turn Over | National Review Online
they are now ...after the fact doesn't count ... the law was passed this year ... this is why you keep failing have know Idea what you're talking about .... you go off half cocked with half the information, then try to say oh she lied ... it was not illegal to sent job related emails to your private server when she was in office ... the fbi has said time and time again that she didn't violate any law yet ... soooooooooo how come you missed that piece of information ??? is it because it doesn't help your lying here ??? is that the reason ???until this year the law wasn't passed you want to convict her of a this new law that wasn't there when she was in office is that what you're trying to say ...
Hillary has repeatedly stated she has turned over all her emails and every few weeks we find more she had not turned over. I call that lying. Maybe that is to simple to understand. :dunno:
I sorry here you are confused whats you have been seeing is the FBI pointing out emails that she turn over in the press ... the only thing to date was the ones she erased and so far they haven't found any classified document in them ... what you said here is as if she has this boat load of emails hidden ... they have thousands of them and they release what they might think as being classified ... so far the fbi has said so far none of them have been classified... you are a shooting a starter pistol to protect your life ... and you will lose
Billy Billy Billy, nothing needs to be classified on the e-mails that were retrieved by the FBI. Sure it's worse if it were, but all of these e-mails are required by LAW to be turned over to the National archives, minus Hillary's personal ones, which the Obama administration said she could delete. Hillary deleted them and work e-mails as well, which need not be classified. Seriously I think that those Cuban Cigars are shrinking your brain. Is there brain Viagra yet? Did I mention that now Obama is hanging Hillary Clinton as well? Hillary Clinton E-mail Scandal: Obama Admin Finds Official E-mails Clinton Didn't Turn Over | National Review Online
they are now ...after the fact doesn't count ... the law was passed this year ... this is why you keep failing have know Idea what you're talking about .... you go off half cocked with half the information, then try to say oh she lied ... it was not illegal to sent job related emails to your private server when she was in office ... the fbi has said time and time again that she didn't violate any law yet ... soooooooooo how come you missed that piece of information ??? is it because it doesn't help your lying here ??? is that the reason ???until this year the law wasn't passed you want to convict her of a this new law that wasn't there when she was in office is that what you're trying to say ...

Since work related e-mails including those sent to David Petraeus have been found in ghost shadows on Hillary Clintons private server, she lied in her sworn statement in Federal court. It's over, so get used to it. Why do you keep calling the NY Times liars?

"Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a statement filed under oath in federal court on Monday that she had provided to the State Department all of the work-related emails that were on the personal email account she used exclusively while she was secretary of state."

Are you going to start a new thread about Hillary Clinton every single time you find some ridiculous Op-Ed to cut and paste?
Actually, the NY Times, The Washington Post, The Washington Times and every other newspaper is doing just that. People want to know what this sad excuse of a human did, and why, not to mention how much did she jeopardize our National security.

PS. If she deleted any work e-mail, this is a crime, as these do not belong to her, they belong to me, and every other American, and she had no right to take what belonged to us, which is why every good American is taking notice.

So you've been said, in the 29 other threads you've started on it.

Do you think you'll win trophy points for starting the most redundant threads?
The trophy system is stupid & completely pointless. Stop being pussies and bring back the thumbs down option.
Ps. If you don't like his threads stop clicking on them rather than whining about it.

Are you going to start a new thread about Hillary Clinton every single time you find some ridiculous Op-Ed to cut and paste?
Actually, the NY Times, The Washington Post, The Washington Times and every other newspaper is doing just that. People want to know what this sad excuse of a human did, and why, not to mention how much did she jeopardize our National security.

PS. If she deleted any work e-mail, this is a crime, as these do not belong to her, they belong to me, and every other American, and she had no right to take what belonged to us, which is why every good American is taking notice.

So you've been said, in the 29 other threads you've started on it.

Do you think you'll win trophy points for starting the most redundant threads?
The trophy system is stupid & completely pointless. Stop being pussies and bring back the thumbs down option.
Ps. If you don't like his threads stop clicking on them rather than whining about it.
Hey gramps, you take your Geritol today?
Washington Times = far-right rag for morons and their inbred children.

Did your daddy read it too?

Typical liberal (hazel)nutty response. Ignore the message, blame the messenger, preferably - again, in typical liberal fashion - with ad hominem attacks.
typical republican when the messenger is lying and we know it ... some of you moron said she was convicted of lying under oath ... shes never been under oath so how can that be...then you say the shit that you do with out any factual bases to it and expect us to take you serious ??? there's reason you are ignored ... you're stupid
No one said she was convicted of lying under oath, this would be impossible until the FBI brings it's case. However the FBI files that have been produced, along with more e-mails from the state dept as well, PROVE that she lied that all e-mails were turned over. Furthermore Hillary is to dumb to delete an e-mail, because the FBI has every one of them........................ Putin has even more, can you spell treason.
so now you're tap dancing here ... you've been caught lying here .... that makes you the liar ... you have said more then once to us here, she lied under oath ... ,that was your claim .... I said she hasn't and you started making fun of my post because I called you out... then you said she had work related emails on her server thats not illegal I called you out on that one too .... all the FBI has said in the press is they recovered her deleted emails .. that sent you over the edge then lied to us here saying its a crime and you said the FBI caught her lying under oath ... these are your statements about that too ... so how is anyone here supposed to take you serious when you constantly lie about the facts just because of your hatred of democrats/liberals and Hillary Clinton ... if she lied about this then hopw co,me they have them ... this is you distorting the facts you always do... finally I have never smoke any thing cigar or pipe ... maybe just because you're a dick smoker doesn't mean everybody else is

Billy Billy Billy, the NY Times said that Hillary lied under oath, do you want me to give you their number so they can explain it to you? You are in denial, Hillary is over, so choose Biden.

Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a statement filed under oath in federal court on Monday that she had provided to the State Department all of the work-related emails that were on the personal email account she used exclusively while she was secretary of state.

The statement was filed as Mrs. Clinton faces questions about whether she in fact has handed over all of her work-related emails. In June, the State Department said that all or part of 15 emails sent or received by Mrs. Clinton were not among the emails she gave to the department last year.

Bill, look, I am not lying as all I am doing is saying what the Times and Post are reporting, you need to look at this objectively, either Hillary is the liar, or the entire World is wrong.
you are taking parts of what is being said in the press ... so far she still has thousand of emails that they have gone through yet... the fact that they haven't gone through them all you are quick to pull the trigger on her because of your hatred dems/liberlas you look at it in one way and one way only... each and everytime they have come out with these accusation here in the press monthst latter they comew out and say well I guess she didn't do that ... like all of the emails they have talked about so far none of them prove to be her lying ... as this next batch will prove to be nothing, accept republican whining ... you're quick to jump when you hear something that supports your anger of liberlas and dems you jump on it then a few mouths later its all dismissed in the press ...

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