The Waste of 2021

Uh huh. Where's the debt now? Over $29 trillion?

Responsible politicians didn't rack up that number.

When people are suffering from a natural disaster, you don’t argue about the debt.

Especially when we spend 40 cents of every defense dollar on earth and just passed a massive tax cut
When people are suffering from a natural disaster, you don’t argue about the debt.

Especially when we spend 40 cents of every defense dollar on earth and just passed a massive tax cut
So you just roll over for politicians who want to spend far more money than we've got, that will NEVER be paid back, because they say "It's for your own good!"

Can you imagine where China was in the 1960s in terms of infrastructure?

Now, they have modern state of the art infrastructure while we remain frozen in the 50s
Yes, and no.

I think I would still prefer our infrastructure.

If you dig down into the reality of that infrastructure that they have, I have seen reports about it's functionality and its durability. There is more to infrastructure than just looking pretty.

The stuff our nation built in the 50's and 60's was, built to last, and we had very high standards. Our companies competed with each other to make the best product for the lowest price.

In a place like China, their construction is notoriously shoddy. The same agencies that do the construction, are the ones responsible for code enforcement. This is like the problem we have when we have police departments do internal review to see if there is misconduct or discrimination. Or when governments audit themselves for corruption. It is pointless. Of course, they won't find any.

So? Thankfully. .. we have a better system, but, the downside, is, it is much more expensive, and contributes to bloat in the system. And if there is no stakeholder, or no outcry or lobbyists demanding change, nothing gets done.

Now. . . and the bonus side, a politician I have been following, recently posted a video, which was expounding on recent coming tech in the next decade. I think part of it was to cue into the fact that she is aware of "Graphene." If you know what I am talking about, you know.

But in that video, interestingly enough, something that was touched on, that will be coming, is a type of concrete that contains bacteria, which will be "SELF-HEALING," and thus, it might in fact, be a good thing if we put off major up-grades, for just a few more years. New materials might make major up-grades last longer and create self-healing cities.

Just a thought.

It appears to be a $12 million contribution to the Wilson Center that is a DC Govt/Industry Think Tank

Rand Paul lies and says it is for “Parties”

Most of the Center's staff form specialized programs and projects covering broad areas of study.[7] Key programs include: the Cold War International History Project, Environmental Change and Security Program, History and Public Policy Program, Kennan Institute, the Kissinger Institute, the Environmental Change and Security Program, the North Korea International Documentation Project,
It's a Dim propaganda organ.

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