The Weaponization Of The Weak-Minded

Tell me you don't know that the MSM is biased against conservatives? That is a proven FACT.

Look at which news outlet is the most "Fair and Balanced"

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These numbers are not correct. The news is BIASED, ALL OF THEM. would put MSMBC and FOX at the top.
Dunno if it's just me, but sometimes I get the feeling that different stories are purposely planted for both sides to latch on to and to keep both sides endlessly fighting. Who knows what the actual truth is? That's why I always have a wait and see attitude instead of buying any story.... whether it's the 'official' or 'unofficial' story.
Whenever I see the link to the story is from those like Gateway or Newsmax or OANN and so on then I know the source is just not questionable but most likely fake.

Here is the issue most that believe that the criminal was Pelosi lover also believe Hillary rapes children, the election was stolen and humanity is being mind controlled by Lizard People, so let be clear this country is beyond saving.

Corporate Media is to blame and unless something changes the fact is this country is head into a Civil War.
Dunno if it's just me, but sometimes I get the feeling that different stories are purposely planted for both sides to latch on to and to keep both sides endlessly fighting. Who knows what the actual truth is? That's why I always have a wait and see attitude instead of buying any story.... whether it's the 'official' or unofficial story.
Dunno if it's just me, but sometimes I get the feeling that different stories are purposely planted for both sides to latch on to and to keep both sides endlessly fighting. Who knows what the actual truth is? That's why I always have a wait and see attitude instead of buying any story.... whether it's the 'official' or unofficial story.

I suggest that while you are waiting, that you are armed.
As the Democrats normalized political violence in our Summer of Love by their silence (silence IS complicity!) and went as far to say that your eyes fooled you and that it was mostly peaceful.
He never said there was a third person, retard.

You fantasized that.

Just like your lying media outlets created a homoerotic fantasy about an old man and a gay prostitute.

Someone opened the door, if Pelosi, then he ran to attack his lover??? really? and the police stood there paralyzed with fear?
There is an expression which is especially salient in today's political environment: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

A few days ago, a mentally imbalanced man, David DePape, broke into Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home with the intention of kidnapping her and torturing her, including breaking her kneecaps with a hammer.

The deranged fool was too stupid to check the Congressional calendar to see whether or not she was in DC!

It has become obvious from his social media posts that DePape was inspired to attack Pelosi by the non-stop vitriol by the right wing fake news propagandists against Pelosi. It didn't help that people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, while trying to make a name for herself, called for the execution of Nancy Pelosi.

So after the attack, it became a matter of urgency for those same right wing propagandists to deflect blame away from themselves, and the one thing these liars excel at is gaslighting their followers.

Thus was immediately born the false claim that DePape broke into the Pelosi home in his underwear.

This was completely false. A lie manufactured in thin air. Gaslighting 101.

But the fake news media didn't stop there.

They decided they needed even more deflection from their culpability and decided to manufacture an even bigger lie and claim DePape and Pelosi were gay lovers, and that this fight was a "lover's quarrel".

Again, a lie manufactured in thin air.

Of course, to protect themselves from lawsuits, they surrounded these lies with "maybes" and "perhaps" and "it is possibles". But they knew full well their credulous followers would swallow those lies whole and instantly began parroting them as FACT far and wide.

But the propagandists did not stop there. Oh hell no. They need maximum gaslightage to deflect from the obvious sources of DePape's terrorist act.

So they decided to make DePape a gay prostitute hired by Pelosi.

Again, pure manufactured bullshit. Incredible, no?

And the rubes instantly took it as truth and are working double overtime to deflect, deflect, and deflect, all at the bidding of the liars who lie to them.

Of course, the actual facts will all come out in court. But by then, the rube herd will have been thoroughly gaslighted and will refuse to follow the trial. Again, at the behest of those who weaponized DePape to commit his terroristic act.

And thus the foundation of the next terrorist act has been laid.

The right wing outrage machine must be held accountable. Their lies can no longer be tolerated.


The weaponization of the weak-minded.

Not a matter of being "weak-minded". We EXPECT the SAME embargo on THIS story as in the story of Paul Pelosi's "car accident". And when the GOVT and MEDIA CONSPIRE to embargo the details -- NO KNOWS THE STORY. NOT YOU. Not Gizmodo. Just because we DONT KNOW THE DETAILS (ALL OF US) -- we PROJECT and manufacture the story.

Aint gaslighting and it AINT WEAK MINDS. Some of the brightest people I worked with in Silicon Valley were Russian scientist refugees. We'd go to dinner with them and hear stories about the "USSR favorite past-time" -- which was meeting in parks and other remote locations to GUESS what the REAL NEWS WAS that they heard from Pravda or other govt sources. THey had a BLAST trying to get the "best explanation" for the story.

And here we are -- with a leftist media that has become one party ADVOCACY and shit-cleaning crew. JUST LIKE PRAVDA. And HERE WE ARE -- all hypocritically accusing each other of fabricating possible explanations. Yet NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING. And it CANNOT STAY that way.

That's your problem here.

Our media is like Pravda. Our stores resemble 70s and 80s waiting lines for vital goods. The govt can make one phone and embargo or CENSOR anything they like. You see a PROBLEM YET? It;s not a gaslight you're staring into -- It's our DEMOCRACY IN FLAMES. And ONE PARTY set those fires.

And now THEY talk about "threats to democracy"? THEY ARE THE THREAT !!!!!!!

THERE'S your analysis on this MIGHTY important topic.
There is an expression which is especially salient in today's political environment: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

A few days ago, a mentally imbalanced man, David DePape, broke into Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home with the intention of kidnapping her and torturing her, including breaking her kneecaps with a hammer.

The deranged fool was too stupid to check the Congressional calendar to see whether or not she was in DC!

It has become obvious from his social media posts that DePape was inspired to attack Pelosi by the non-stop vitriol by the right wing fake news propagandists against Pelosi. It didn't help that people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, while trying to make a name for herself, called for the execution of Nancy Pelosi.

So after the attack, it became a matter of urgency for those same right wing propagandists to deflect blame away from themselves, and the one thing these liars excel at is gaslighting their followers.

Thus was immediately born the false claim that DePape broke into the Pelosi home in his underwear.

This was completely false. A lie manufactured in thin air. Gaslighting 101.

But the fake news media didn't stop there.

They decided they needed even more deflection from their culpability and decided to manufacture an even bigger lie and claim DePape and Pelosi were gay lovers, and that this fight was a "lover's quarrel".

Again, a lie manufactured in thin air.

Of course, to protect themselves from lawsuits, they surrounded these lies with "maybes" and "perhaps" and "it is possibles". But they knew full well their credulous followers would swallow those lies whole and instantly began parroting them as FACT far and wide.

But the propagandists did not stop there. Oh hell no. They need maximum gaslightage to deflect from the obvious sources of DePape's terrorist act.

So they decided to make DePape a gay prostitute hired by Pelosi.

Again, pure manufactured bullshit. Incredible, no?

And the rubes instantly took it as truth and are working double overtime to deflect, deflect, and deflect, all at the bidding of the liars who lie to them.

Of course, the actual facts will all come out in court. But by then, the rube herd will have been thoroughly gaslighted and will refuse to follow the trial. Again, at the behest of those who weaponized DePape to commit his terroristic act.

And thus the foundation of the next terrorist act has been laid.

The right wing outrage machine must be held accountable. Their lies can no longer be tolerated.


The weaponization of the weak-minded.
You so funny! Your Leftist Democrat leaders weaponized this story just like they do every other story that fits their narrative. They released no facts other than a couple of alleged statements that would set off social media which is EXACTLY what they wanted to do.
There is an expression which is especially salient in today's political environment: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

A few days ago, a mentally imbalanced man, David DePape, broke into Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home with the intention of kidnapping her and torturing her, including breaking her kneecaps with a hammer.

The deranged fool was too stupid to check the Congressional calendar to see whether or not she was in DC!

It has become obvious from his social media posts that DePape was inspired to attack Pelosi by the non-stop vitriol by the right wing fake news propagandists against Pelosi. It didn't help that people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, while trying to make a name for herself, called for the execution of Nancy Pelosi.

So after the attack, it became a matter of urgency for those same right wing propagandists to deflect blame away from themselves, and the one thing these liars excel at is gaslighting their followers.

Thus was immediately born the false claim that DePape broke into the Pelosi home in his underwear.

This was completely false. A lie manufactured in thin air. Gaslighting 101.

But the fake news media didn't stop there.

They decided they needed even more deflection from their culpability and decided to manufacture an even bigger lie and claim DePape and Pelosi were gay lovers, and that this fight was a "lover's quarrel".

Again, a lie manufactured in thin air.

Of course, to protect themselves from lawsuits, they surrounded these lies with "maybes" and "perhaps" and "it is possibles". But they knew full well their credulous followers would swallow those lies whole and instantly began parroting them as FACT far and wide.

But the propagandists did not stop there. Oh hell no. They need maximum gaslightage to deflect from the obvious sources of DePape's terrorist act.

So they decided to make DePape a gay prostitute hired by Pelosi.

Again, pure manufactured bullshit. Incredible, no?

And the rubes instantly took it as truth and are working double overtime to deflect, deflect, and deflect, all at the bidding of the liars who lie to them.

Of course, the actual facts will all come out in court. But by then, the rube herd will have been thoroughly gaslighted and will refuse to follow the trial. Again, at the behest of those who weaponized DePape to commit his terroristic act.

And thus the foundation of the next terrorist act has been laid.

The right wing outrage machine must be held accountable. Their lies can no longer be tolerated.


The weaponization of the weak-minded.

The guy's a nut case.

End of story, lying libtard asshole from hell.
There is an expression which is especially salient in today's political environment: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

A few days ago, a mentally imbalanced man, David DePape, broke into Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home with the intention of kidnapping her and torturing her, including breaking her kneecaps with a hammer.

The deranged fool was too stupid to check the Congressional calendar to see whether or not she was in DC!

It has become obvious from his social media posts that DePape was inspired to attack Pelosi by the non-stop vitriol by the right wing fake news propagandists against Pelosi. It didn't help that people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, while trying to make a name for herself, called for the execution of Nancy Pelosi.

So after the attack, it became a matter of urgency for those same right wing propagandists to deflect blame away from themselves, and the one thing these liars excel at is gaslighting their followers.

Thus was immediately born the false claim that DePape broke into the Pelosi home in his underwear.

This was completely false. A lie manufactured in thin air. Gaslighting 101.

But the fake news media didn't stop there.

They decided they needed even more deflection from their culpability and decided to manufacture an even bigger lie and claim DePape and Pelosi were gay lovers, and that this fight was a "lover's quarrel".

Again, a lie manufactured in thin air.

Of course, to protect themselves from lawsuits, they surrounded these lies with "maybes" and "perhaps" and "it is possibles". But they knew full well their credulous followers would swallow those lies whole and instantly began parroting them as FACT far and wide.

But the propagandists did not stop there. Oh hell no. They need maximum gaslightage to deflect from the obvious sources of DePape's terrorist act.

So they decided to make DePape a gay prostitute hired by Pelosi.

Again, pure manufactured bullshit. Incredible, no?

And the rubes instantly took it as truth and are working double overtime to deflect, deflect, and deflect, all at the bidding of the liars who lie to them.

Of course, the actual facts will all come out in court. But by then, the rube herd will have been thoroughly gaslighted and will refuse to follow the trial. Again, at the behest of those who weaponized DePape to commit his terroristic act.

And thus the foundation of the next terrorist act has been laid.

The right wing outrage machine must be held accountable. Their lies can no longer be tolerated.


The weaponization of the weak-minded.
It's sick and it's cynical and the only way to get rid of this shit is to repudiate it at the ballot box

We have to make this kinda of garbage have a COST or it continues
"Independents"=Undercover Communists. Their purpose? to ensure permanent far Left Democrat Party entrenchment. Good to know people like you work for the Democrat party.
Communists your ass
Well written bullshit.
1. I notice you didn't refute the FACT that the MSM is biased against conservatives.
2. The RW outlet FNC is the least biased.
3. The Pelosi perp has both LW & RW views. Not a "Republican".
4. One report said that there was another person in the house. Not a gay prostitute...
about 1:40 they say a 3rd person let the police into the house, So who was it?

5. You obviously drink the MSM and DNC KoolAde.
When “conservative media” makes insane claims….sane media seems biased.
There is an expression which is especially salient in today's political environment: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

A few days ago, a mentally imbalanced man, David DePape, broke into Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home with the intention of kidnapping her and torturing her, including breaking her kneecaps with a hammer.

The deranged fool was too stupid to check the Congressional calendar to see whether or not she was in DC!

It has become obvious from his social media posts that DePape was inspired to attack Pelosi by the non-stop vitriol by the right wing fake news propagandists against Pelosi. It didn't help that people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, while trying to make a name for herself, called for the execution of Nancy Pelosi.

So after the attack, it became a matter of urgency for those same right wing propagandists to deflect blame away from themselves, and the one thing these liars excel at is gaslighting their followers.

Thus was immediately born the false claim that DePape broke into the Pelosi home in his underwear.

This was completely false. A lie manufactured in thin air. Gaslighting 101.

But the fake news media didn't stop there.

They decided they needed even more deflection from their culpability and decided to manufacture an even bigger lie and claim DePape and Pelosi were gay lovers, and that this fight was a "lover's quarrel".

Again, a lie manufactured in thin air.

Of course, to protect themselves from lawsuits, they surrounded these lies with "maybes" and "perhaps" and "it is possibles". But they knew full well their credulous followers would swallow those lies whole and instantly began parroting them as FACT far and wide.

But the propagandists did not stop there. Oh hell no. They need maximum gaslightage to deflect from the obvious sources of DePape's terrorist act.

So they decided to make DePape a gay prostitute hired by Pelosi.

Again, pure manufactured bullshit. Incredible, no?

And the rubes instantly took it as truth and are working double overtime to deflect, deflect, and deflect, all at the bidding of the liars who lie to them.

Of course, the actual facts will all come out in court. But by then, the rube herd will have been thoroughly gaslighted and will refuse to follow the trial. Again, at the behest of those who weaponized DePape to commit his terroristic act.

And thus the foundation of the next terrorist act has been laid.

The right wing outrage machine must be held accountable. Their lies can no longer be tolerated.


The weaponization of the weak-minded.
Lmfao, the right needs to blame themselves?

For fucking what needle dick?

For Nancy and her husband insider trading to become millionaires?

For Nancy acting like a child and ripping up Trump's speech?

For Nancy stealing an election by impeaching Trump before an Election?

Nancy does it all by herself

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