The WEF introduces the new battery powered oven


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Introducing the all-new battery powered oven.

It’s incredibly exciting,” said Benedikt Sobotka, the chief executive of mining company Eurasian Resources Group (ERG). Sitting in front of an audience in January at Davos, the ski resort that hosts an annual gathering of the world’s business elite, he waved a piece of paper with a QR code that he hopes will eventually be attached to every electric car and oven battery in the world.

Sobotka’s excitement reflected his involvement in setting up ReSource, a joint project with fellow miners Glencore and IXM to provide battery “passports” for electric cars and electric ovens. It also hinted at his bigger hopes: that his mining company and its partners could take an influential role in the future of the automotive and oven industry.

That's right everyone, we all know about electric cars, but now they will have electric ovens to boot! Benedikt Sobotka said, "These ovens are awesome! It only took me 3 packs of a dozen AA batteries to cook this marvelous loaf of bread in the oven. Of course, we don't expect you at home to buy those many batteries. Instead, we have decreed that all nations will station battery charging locations for the ovens, just like with your cars. Just take your oven to the nearest battery charging unit between loaves of bread and enjoy the carbon free baking!!"

All other ovens will be banned and outlawed in the coming months. What is really exiting is that solar and wind power microwaves are near completion and will also be required in the near future. Exiting times indeed!

Bon apetite!

What? You don't expect them to spend all their time skiing in Davos, do you?
Just how many Jews do those Nazi WEF bastards think they're going to cram into one of those dinky things?

Product fail.
Just how many Jews do those Nazi WEF bastards think they're going to cram into one of those dinky things?

Product fail.
That is why in the coming months, if you buy an oven you get a wood chipper half off, battery powered, of course.
Damn your eyes!!!

Laugh damn it!!
Thing looks pretty cool since our camper doesn't have an oven.
But Amazon has them at 289 bucks.
Kinda expensive to cook a frozen pizza.
Thing looks pretty cool since our camper doesn't have an oven.
But Amazon has them at 289 bucks.
Kinda expensive to cook a frozen pizza.
A real Dutch Oven, not the fart + blankets kind.

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