The "White Nationalist" slur against Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.
Well, at least 30% of the people are stupid, who voted for Hope and Change and the Fundamental Transformation of the US into a cesspool 3rd world nation. That is confirmed about their stupidity....
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.
Well, at least 30% of the people are stupid, who voted for Hope and Change and the Fundamental Transformation of the US into a cesspool 3rd world nation. That is confirmed about their stupidity....
49.9999999...% of people are below average.
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.

Delving into the complexities of English so soon after learning about apostrophes are we?

Is "black magic" always colored black?
Is a "white lie" always colored white?
If you're in a "blue funk" has your skin turned blue?
If that's "white wine" how come I can see right through it?
If your neighborhood has a "brownout" does shit come out your electrical sockets?

Don't be selling kids short as if they're too stupid to pick up how phrases and expressions work. It's simple observation.

Well, except for apostrophes....

Besides ---- who would guess that Rump is white anyway, since he paints over it?
A lot of the most anti-Racist countries in Europe today, or ANTIFA are also the most traditionally violent, like Britain, Germany, and France.

I don't think White Nationalism has anything to do with it.

Some people are just violent predators.
Especially those Polish bastards. They were so violent and predatory in 1939 that the good and righteous people of Germany had to defend themselves from Polish aggression.

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Oh I agree it a slur, against Nationalist! Trumpybear is not a Nationalist. A Nationalist would not outsource the manufacturing of his product line to China. He has proven that his is a not only a racist but also a Johnny come lately Nationalist.
The spin is strong in this one.

Liberals hate Nationalism because it is the polar opposite of Globalism. That is why they hijacked the term and equate it with Racism. Hey that's what they do right? Anyone who disagrees with their Globalist ambitions is a Racist. As if the only people who love their country and want the best for it's citizens are White Racists. How stupid.
A lot of the most anti-Racist countries in Europe today, or ANTIFA are also the most traditionally violent, like Britain, Germany, and France.

I don't think White Nationalism has anything to do with it.

Some people are just violent predators.
Especially those Polish bastards. They were so violent and predatory in 1939 that the good and righteous people of Germany had to defend themselves from Polish aggression.

Want to bring up the Democratic Socialist Workers Party again? against the Communist Party of Poland?

During the interwar period in the Second Polish Republic, Polish communists formed the Communist Party of Poland (KPP). Most of the KPP leaders and activists perished during Joseph Stalin's Great Purge in the 1930s and the Party was abolished by the Comintern in 1938.

Communism in Poland - Wikipedia
Seems that the 2 sides of Socialism just cant get along....
Oh I agree it a slur, against Nationalist! Trumpybear is not a Nationalist. A Nationalist would not outsource the manufacturing of his product line to China. He has proven that his is a not only a racist but also a Johnny come lately Nationalist.
its time for a rebranding.
Oh I agree it a slur, against Nationalist! Trumpybear is not a Nationalist. A Nationalist would not outsource the manufacturing of his product line to China. He has proven that his is a not only a racist but also a Johnny come lately Nationalist.
The last 1/2 white community agitator outsourced the whole fucking country to China, you fucking retarded son of a bitch.
Oh I agree it a slur, against Nationalist! Trumpybear is not a Nationalist. A Nationalist would not outsource the manufacturing of his product line to China. He has proven that his is a not only a racist but also a Johnny come lately Nationalist.
its time for a rebranding.
When you keep branding Freedom Loving people as racists and NatCees, pretty soon they get fed up. As I always tell my wife, if you are going to accuse me of something, maybe I will fulfill that dream and NatCees on your stupid Commie ass..
When you keep branding Freedom Loving people as racists and NatCees, pretty soon they get fed up. As I always tell my wife, if you are going to accuse me of something, maybe I will fulfill that dream and NatCees on your stupid Commie ass..

I can understand how this is upsetting. I get similarly upset when we pretend fascists and racists are "freedom loving people".
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.
Trump calls himself a nationalist right? The white is understood.
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.
Trump calls himself a nationalist right? The white is understood.

President Trump believes in the American nation not a "white nation". He is a "white guy", a nationalist that happens to be a Caucasian. But he loves all of the races and ethnic groups of America.
I can understand how this is upsetting. I get similarly upset when they brand fascists and racists as "freedom loving people".
What's the ratio of freedom-loving people to fascists and racists?

I am guessing it's around 300,000:1. Maybe more.

So, for the sake of political gain, motherfucking commie ass bitches are disparaging MILLIONS of a particular race for the sake of criticizing a few.

That is the very definition of racial discrimination and prejudice.

Anyone who uses the term "White Nationalist" is a racist motherfucker. There is no way around it.

A lot of the most anti-Racist countries in Europe today, or ANTIFA are also the most traditionally violent, like Britain, Germany, and France.

I don't think White Nationalism has anything to do with it.

Some people are just violent predators.
Especially those Polish bastards. They were so violent and predatory in 1939 that the good and righteous people of Germany had to defend themselves from Polish aggression.


Like Nazi Germany staging the Gleiwitz incident to pretend Poland had invaded?

Germans are always a problem they were as Nazi Nationalists & also as Merkel anti Nationalists.

Germans are the problem not White Nationalism.

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