CDZ The WILL of the people, or the BEST INTERESTS of the people?

When a politician listens to and acts for their base only, it becomes nothing more than the "tyranny of the majority"
Thats what biden is doing right now

and what obama did for 8 years
Actually the opposite. Trump represented his base, a minority of voters, where Obama/Biden represented the majority of voters.
Trump spoke to his base, and his base alone, in their language specifically, for five years. Nothing else mattered. And because his base thinks that only THEY are America, they think therefore that he's speaking to America. They share his shallow narcissism.

He's a perfect example of governing by the will of HIS people, his base. Never has a President been so laser-focused.

I prefer innovators. But our current political system discourages out-of-the-box thinking.
What do you not understand about the word "represent"? Congresscritters are elected to "represent" what their constituents want, not their own opinions or the opinions of their party.
Actually the forefathers did not want political parties, and had the representatives think for themselves, and not be bound by what the people who elected them wanted.

That's how the electoral college worked, as did the senate. The only part of government that listened to the people was the house of representatives.
Tough call on this. “Represent” in this topic is a subjective term.

Doing what the majority of ones constituency wants should be the rule vs than the exception. To use a silly example to illustrate a point:

If the majority of a constituency demands a bill to legalize dog fighting, I do not think a rep should be able to say “Not happening, if you don’t like it vote me out”

(For the record I love dogs and find the idea abhorrent.)

OTOH, that cannot be an absolute either. If the constituency demands their Rep introduce something illegal, they should not be forced to.
What I'm thinking about is whether it's best to have only the loudest voices (either literally or financially) controlling the actions of a person who is supposed to represent all of their constituents, and not just those who can threaten them the most effectively.

And, I think that the best ideas don't come from just one end. Instead, I'd rather have a person who can see the big picture and take the best from across the spectrum. Create something new, instead of this insane, binary, winner-take-all environment.

Innovation. We used to do that in America.
Fair elections are what we used to do too. This last election was stolen. It has proven without a doubt the government is corrupt and does not give one f*ck about the citizens of this country.

In 2016 TRump said 3 to 5 million illegals voted... and, for 4 years Trump has been saying the upcoming election was rigged. He sabotaged his re election chances and was preparing to blame others. when he lost. That's the way Trump operates.. On the playground they would pull his pants down and beat the snot out of him.
Tough call on this. “Represent” in this topic is a subjective term.

Doing what the majority of ones constituency wants should be the rule vs than the exception. To use a silly example to illustrate a point:

If the majority of a constituency demands a bill to legalize dog fighting, I do not think a rep should be able to say “Not happening, if you don’t like it vote me out”

(For the record I love dogs and find the idea abhorrent.)

OTOH, that cannot be an absolute either. If the constituency demands their Rep introduce something illegal, they should not be forced to.
What I'm thinking about is whether it's best to have only the loudest voices (either literally or financially) controlling the actions of a person who is supposed to represent all of their constituents, and not just those who can threaten them the most effectively.

And, I think that the best ideas don't come from just one end. Instead, I'd rather have a person who can see the big picture and take the best from across the spectrum. Create something new, instead of this insane, binary, winner-take-all environment.

Innovation. We used to do that in America.
Fair elections are what we used to do too. This last election was stolen. It has proven without a doubt the government is corrupt and does not give one f*ck about the citizens of this country.

In 2016 TRump said 3 to 5 million illegals voted... and, for 4 years Trump has been saying the upcoming election was rigged. He sabotaged his re election chances and was preparing to blame others. when he lost. That's the way Trump operates.. On the playground they would pull his pants down and beat the snot out of him.
There was massive fraud.
Tough call on this. “Represent” in this topic is a subjective term.

Doing what the majority of ones constituency wants should be the rule vs than the exception. To use a silly example to illustrate a point:

If the majority of a constituency demands a bill to legalize dog fighting, I do not think a rep should be able to say “Not happening, if you don’t like it vote me out”

(For the record I love dogs and find the idea abhorrent.)

OTOH, that cannot be an absolute either. If the constituency demands their Rep introduce something illegal, they should not be forced to.
What I'm thinking about is whether it's best to have only the loudest voices (either literally or financially) controlling the actions of a person who is supposed to represent all of their constituents, and not just those who can threaten them the most effectively.

And, I think that the best ideas don't come from just one end. Instead, I'd rather have a person who can see the big picture and take the best from across the spectrum. Create something new, instead of this insane, binary, winner-take-all environment.

Innovation. We used to do that in America.
Fair elections are what we used to do too. This last election was stolen. It has proven without a doubt the government is corrupt and does not give one f*ck about the citizens of this country.

In 2016 TRump said 3 to 5 million illegals voted... and, for 4 years Trump has been saying the upcoming election was rigged. He sabotaged his re election chances and was preparing to blame others. when he lost. That's the way Trump operates.. On the playground they would pull his pants down and beat the snot out of him.
There was massive fraud.
Trump spoke to his base, and his base alone, in their language specifically, for five years.
How do you say “America First” in your native Liberish?

And what does it mean?

Black farmers first?

Illegal aliens first?
Oh, you mean like bills to legalize recreational marijuana, which is clearly illegal by federal law?

What happened to states rights. That states should decide, not the federal government.

You position on this seems to be a little too flexible, based on the subject.
In 2016 TRump said 3 to 5 million illegals voted... and, for 4 years Trump has been saying the upcoming election was rigged. He sabotaged his re election chances and was preparing to blame others. when he lost. That's the way Trump operates.. On the playground they would pull his pants down and beat the snot out of him.
Trump has been making excuses for being the least popular president in modern times.
He figured he could essentially gerrymander his re-election. But the overwhelming number of voters made that impossible.
Here's a random thought that just rolled into my little brain:

Should an elected representative legislate according to what they perceive to be the will of their constituents, or according to what they perceive to be the best interests of their constituents? Obviously the two are not always going to be congruent.

So if you're in the House or the Senate, does winning that seat give you carte blanche to observe, analyze, formulate and advance policy that you feel is best for them, or are you obliged to base your actions on voices who contact you?

My first impulse is the former, where the representative has to be trusted to make appropriate decisions on their own. Thoughts?
Well your op is a mess, once again the house represent the people the Senate represent the state.
In 2016 TRump said 3 to 5 million illegals voted... and, for 4 years Trump has been saying the upcoming election was rigged.
There was massive fraud.
Yet with 4 years and all the power of the federal government, Trump couldn't prove his voter fraud claim from 2016, no less prove in court his voter fraud claim from 2020.
You cannot prove something when a court will not look at the evidence. If the courts did fraud would have been proven easily.
In 2016 TRump said 3 to 5 million illegals voted... and, for 4 years Trump has been saying the upcoming election was rigged. He sabotaged his re election chances and was preparing to blame others. when he lost. That's the way Trump operates.. On the playground they would pull his pants down and beat the snot out of him.
Trump has been making excuses for being the least popular president in modern times.
He figured he could essentially gerrymander his re-election. But the overwhelming number of voters made that impossible.

Americans sure turned out to dump him. The guy is a menace. Trump has always been a pariah.. not accepted among polite society. He's much too crude and has no clue about manners or noblesse oblige. Its not enough to be a millionaire.. One has to have these other qualities to succeed .. He glorified bad manners and stupidity with his rants against political correctness...
Yet with 4 years and all the power of the federal government, Trump couldn't prove his voter fraud claim from 2016, no less prove in court his voter fraud claim from 2020.
You cannot prove something when a court will not look at the evidence. If the courts did fraud would have been proven easily.
What about the failure to prove voter fraud from 2016. Trump had the power of the entire federal government to find fraud, and couldn't.

Again in 2020, the evidence of significant fraud couldn't be found, which is what the courts said. Not that they didn't look at the evidence of small isolated incidences.
Yet with 4 years and all the power of the federal government, Trump couldn't prove his voter fraud claim from 2016, no less prove in court his voter fraud claim from 2020.
You cannot prove something when a court will not look at the evidence. If the courts did fraud would have been proven easily.
What about the failure to prove voter fraud from 2016. Trump had the power of the entire federal government to find fraud, and couldn't.

Again in 2020, the evidence of significant fraud couldn't be found, which is what the courts said. Not that they didn't look at the evidence of small isolated incidences.
The courts never looked at evidence. Why are you lying?
Americans sure turned out to dump him. The guy is a menace. Trump has always been a pariah.. not accepted among polite society. He's much too crude and has no clue about manners or noblesse oblige. Its not enough to be a millionaire.. One has to have these other qualities to succeed .. He glorified bad manners and stupidity with his rants against political correctness...
One thing you have to give Trump credit for. Is his performance as a con-man. Able to sell his version of snake oil to some of the people, all of the time.

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