The Wisdom of Michelle Bachmann

I find it interesting that the GOP claims to be the party of God, yet they treat their fellow men and women like crap.

I remember a poster I'd seen once that said "Jesus is coming, and boy is He pissed!"

Considering what His values were (talking care of the sick and the poor, and treating each other with love), I fail to see how the GOP of today is even remotely connected to the ideals espoused by Jesus.

Jesus values applied to individuals, not government. Perhaps that is why your perceptions of Christians is skewed. He wants you, me and everyone else to take care of the sick and the poor individually, not toss our obligation off to others through government.

Quick many homeless people have YOU helped?

Me? I go on my bike ride (around 5 1/2 to 10 miles) and if there is someone on the corner looking for some help, I stop, give them a few dollars (anywhere from 3 to 20), and ask them why they're there. Some have said it's because they were traveling, some have said it's because that's all they can do, and others have told me interesting stories.

I ALWAYS have a dollar or two to help out. Question you?

Yes......................I believe in what my Big Brother said (meaning Jesus), as well as what He taught. If I see someone in need, I'm going to give what I can to help out.

I don't see many others doing that.

And so what if they buy alcohol or drugs with the money? I gave it to them freely with no constraints or directions of what they should do with it. I'm just happy that they may have a decent meal (if that's their choice) or have something that they can be happy with (which may mean alcohol or drugs).

My charity doesn't mean I run their lives, it just means I see someone in need and help out where I can.

I probably do enough of that to take it off my taxes, only problem is, I don't get a receipt to prove what I've done.
Fall for what? The woman has a religious opinion. Right, wrong, or indifferent, that is her sacred right to have, to hold, and to express. However, it is obvious that you firmly believe that you can use her opinion to prove how much smarter you are than she is.

Being batshit crazy is far superior to being batshit dumb. She wins, you lose.

The woman is batshit nutz AND she is a member of congress.

Sure its her right to believe in any silly Magic Sky Fairy crap she wants to believe in. But, I have the right to point out that she's batshit crazy.

She's retiring, so STFU.

That's not going to save her.

Michele Bachmann Investigation Gets House Ethics Committee Extension - The Daily Beast Bachmann OCE Report pt 1_1.pdf
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Michele Bachmann: Obama 'Funding' Terrorists Is Proof That We're Living In The End Times


Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) believes that we're living in the End Times -- and she claims to have proof.

In an interview Saturday with Jan Markell on the Christian radio program "Understanding the Times," Bachmann accused President Barack Obama of giving aid to terrorists. This, she says, is solid evidence that we have entered the Last Days.

“President Obama waived a ban on arming terrorists in order to allow weapons to go to the Syrian opposition,” Bachmann said. “Your listeners, U.S. taxpayers, are now paying to give arms to terrorists including al Qaeda.”

She continued:

This happened, and as of today, the United States is willingly, knowingly, intentionally sending arms to terrorists, now what this says to me, I’m a believer in Jesus Christ, as I look at the End Times scripture, this says to me that the leaf is on the fig tree and we are to understand the signs of the times, which is your ministry, we are to understand where we are in God’s end time history.

I had a hard time deciding where to post this. If mods want to move it to Conspiracy or Satire or Humor or ................ Whatever, this woman is frootier than a nutcake.

But, betcha the rw's fall for this.

I wonder if, in the final moments, before she is raptured up -- her loving husband will admit he's gay and has been gay all his life.


Quick question for all you DO realize that the Rapture is something written in the mid 1800's, right?

It has nothing to do with the books of the Bible.
good grief, you think the left will EVER post anything dumb that a Democrat says?

naaaaaaaaa, if you talk about them they'll accuse you of HATE hate hate

hell there was a thread on why you people hated a talking head, Rachel Maddcow

such pathetic threads
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Isn't the bible explicit about people who come around saying it's the end times? I thought not one person is supposed to know when it was gonna happen.

Then again, I am not an expert in desert fables.
I have respect for Michelle as being a family woman and taking care of the foster children like she does. I just wish she would stay out of politics because she isn't smart enough.
Any politician that believes we are in the end times of Armageddon should not be allowed to hold a national office.

Can you imagine having a president that believes that with their finger on the button? Congressman voting on whether to go to war or not?

There are already Congressional representatives who believe in the end times and plenty of wannabe candidates for the presidency that believe the same, Alfi.
Any politician that believes we are in the end times of Armageddon should not be allowed to hold a national office.

Can you imagine having a president that believes that with their finger on the button? Congressman voting on whether to go to war or not?

then we should also not allow any Muslims to hold office.....after all they believe Islam should rule the world...

So do xtians...

what the fuck is a "xtians"...???????????

i looked up "xtian" and it sure as hell is not what you portend it to be.
I have respect for Michelle as being a family woman and taking care of the foster children like she does. I just wish she would stay out of politics because she isn't smart enough.

that's fine, I feel the same way about quite a few fact some are so dumb it down right scary
Michelle B is very smart, actually too smart for most to understand. The real problem others have with her is because she is a strong, smart, very conservative woman!
Michelle B is very smart, actually too smart for most to understand. The real problem others have with her is because she is a strong, smart, very conservative woman!

that's the main reason they hate her...they aren't fooling anyone

they only admire hateful ugly hearted women like Pelosi, Lizzy the liar Warren, etc
I find it interesting that the GOP claims to be the party of God, yet they treat their fellow men and women like crap.

I remember a poster I'd seen once that said "Jesus is coming, and boy is He pissed!"

Considering what His values were (talking care of the sick and the poor, and treating each other with love), I fail to see how the GOP of today is even remotely connected to the ideals espoused by Jesus.

Jesus values applied to individuals, not government. Perhaps that is why your perceptions of Christians is skewed. He wants you, me and everyone else to take care of the sick and the poor individually, not toss our obligation off to others through government.

Quick many homeless people have YOU helped?

Me? I go on my bike ride (around 5 1/2 to 10 miles) and if there is someone on the corner looking for some help, I stop, give them a few dollars (anywhere from 3 to 20), and ask them why they're there. Some have said it's because they were traveling, some have said it's because that's all they can do, and others have told me interesting stories.

I ALWAYS have a dollar or two to help out. Question you?

Yes......................I believe in what my Big Brother said (meaning Jesus), as well as what He taught. If I see someone in need, I'm going to give what I can to help out.

I don't see many others doing that.

And so what if they buy alcohol or drugs with the money? I gave it to them freely with no constraints or directions of what they should do with it. I'm just happy that they may have a decent meal (if that's their choice) or have something that they can be happy with (which may mean alcohol or drugs).

My charity doesn't mean I run their lives, it just means I see someone in need and help out where I can.

I probably do enough of that to take it off my taxes, only problem is, I don't get a receipt to prove what I've done.

You should find a decent tax accountant. Only charitable donations over a certain level require receipts. You should be able to claim those donations up to the legal limit.
Michelle B is very smart, actually too smart for most to understand. The real problem others have with her is because she is a strong, smart, very conservative woman!

Now that is even funnier than the things that MB says. :lol:
Michelle B is very smart, actually too smart for most to understand. The real problem others have with her is because she is a strong, smart, very conservative woman!

that's the main reason they hate her...they aren't fooling anyone

they only admire hateful ugly hearted women like Pelosi, Lizzy the liar Warren, etc

Don't forget the murderer! The Hildebeast that is! :eek:

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