The Wisdom of Michelle Bachmann

I guess that Bachmann receiving millions of dollars (like around 3) from the U.S. Government via the Farm Act while voting against people receiving food (AKA the SNAP program) means she's a good person, right?

Sorry, but I'd rather fuck a rabid dingo with lady parts full of razor blades than try to have sex with Bachmann.

Good Old Bat Crap Crazy is a factory Foster Mom, she and her beard Marcus make money off the Foster Care System as well.

The woman who was chased into a bathroom by a "Hoard of Rampaging Lesbians" opposes Food Stamps, but take money from the Government via the Farm Act and has no problem with Big Ag taking subsidies at all.

Best political usage of Bachmann, Palin, Beck:

1. Secret, invitation-only event
2. Invite most effective activists
3. Invite top local donors
4. Invite local GOP politicians
5. High security, don't let anyone else in
6. Strip-search everyone, no recording devices of any kind allowed
7. No journalists or bloggers invited, period
8. Let them loose to do their stuff, say whatever they want, and fire up their base
9. Judicial gag order invoked on all participants, attendees, servers, custodians, technicians, drivers

That's it.

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Best political usage of Bachmann, Palin, Beck:

1. Secret, invitation-only event
2. Invite most effective activists
3. Invite top local donors
4. Invite local GOP politicians
5. High security, don't let anyone else in
6. Strip-search everyone, no recording devices of any kind allowed
7. No journalists or bloggers invited, period
8. Let them loose to do their stuff, say whatever they want, and fire up their base
9. Judicial gag order invoked on all participants, attendees, servers, custodians, technicians, drivers

That's it.


A line from a 60's song says, "Paranoia Strikes Deep".

Bat Crap is as crazy as becky. Caribu Barbie is her own brand.
You are so bad at trying to make a case about corrupt politicians on only one side. Give it a rest and try to do something , at least , moderately productive today.

holy cow, look what I ran across...oh well at least he didn't SAY something to get the lefts panties all in a bunch so they call people, bat shit crazy


Former Detroit mayor braces for long sentence


Associated Press

DETROIT -- Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick returns to court Thursday to face what is likely to be one of the longer sentences in recent cases of public corruption, the result of two dozen convictions that range from bribery to extortion to tax crimes.

While the city's finances foundered, Kilpatrick was shaking down contractors, ensuring that a pal got millions in city work and turning a nonprofit fund to help struggling Detroiters into a personal slush fund, according to evidence at his five-month trial.

Federal prosecutors are recommending Kilpatrick serve at least 28 years in prison, while defense attorneys are hoping the sentence doesn't exceed 15 years.

Read more here: DETROIT: Former Detroit mayor braces for long sentence - Nation Wires -

funny, anyone else Republican would be the first word in any article

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