The Wisdom of Michelle Bachmann

then we should also not allow any Muslims to hold office.....after all they believe Islam should rule the world...

So do xtians...

what the fuck is a "xtians"...???????????

i looked up "xtian" and it sure as hell is not what you portend it to be.

you new to the interweb boards? I've seen it used extensively. its a shortened version for typing.

THIS version ,however, has neg connotations: xstains :D
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The fact that Bachmann and Palin are leaders in the GOP is undeniable proof that ignorance and stupidity is an epidemic in this country. There can be no cure for stupid, when they are proud to be that way.
The fact that Bachmann and Palin are leaders in the GOP is undeniable proof that ignorance and stupidity is an epidemic in this country. There can be no cure for stupid, when they are proud to be that way.

really, Obama and his fellow comrades in arms progressives approvals are in the 30's

so just who are the STUPID PEOPLE?

your post.... the dribble of a snob nothing more
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The fact that Bachmann and Palin are leaders in the GOP is undeniable proof that ignorance and stupidity is an epidemic in this country. There can be no cure for stupid, when they are proud to be that way.

really, Obama and his fellow comrades in arms progressives approvals are in the 30's

so just who are the STUPID PEOPLE?

your post.... the dribble of a snob nothing more

BWAH HA HA! Cons approval is only 10%. That's gotta be the answer to your dumb question.
The fact that Bachmann and Palin are leaders in the GOP is undeniable proof that ignorance and stupidity is an epidemic in this country. There can be no cure for stupid, when they are proud to be that way.

really, Obama and his fellow comrades in arms progressives approvals are in the 30's

so just who are the STUPID PEOPLE?

your post.... the dribble of a snob nothing more

BWAH HA HA! Cons approval is only 10%. That's gotta be the answer to your dumb question.

the post of a child...yeah but but but and you will show up anyone in dumb
not so upitty now are you?

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now here's some shining "brilliance" from a Democrat congress idiot..what a childish loser
links in article at site


Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) found himself on Tuesday being added to the list of things that had been shut down because of Republicans in Congress.

During a speech on the House floor to call for a vote on a resolution that said Congress’ “dignity” had been impugned by the government shutdown, Grayson frustrated Speaker pro tempore Steve Womack (R-AR) by obstructing all other business and asserting privilege under Rule IX.

Grayson observed that media outlets all over the world and polling data within in the United States showed that “the dignity of the House has been called into question.”

The Florida Democrat pointed to a Public Policy Polling survey that found that Congress had an 8 percent approval rating. And to infuriate Republicans further, he read out of the each items that the American people found more likable than Congress.

“What do you have a higher opinion of, Congress or witches? Congress, 32 percent; witches, 46 percent,” he said. “What do you have a higher opinion of, Congress or hemorrhoids? Congress, 31 percent; hemorrhoids, 53 percent. What do you have a higher opinion of, Congress or dog poop? Congress 40 percent; dog poop 47

all of it here
Liberal Dem Rep. Alan Grayson Compares Republicans To ?Dog Poop? On House Floor? | Weasel Zippers
The fact that Bachmann and Palin are leaders in the GOP is undeniable proof that ignorance and stupidity is an epidemic in this country. There can be no cure for stupid, when they are proud to be that way.

really, Obama and his fellow comrades in arms progressives approvals are in the 30's

so just who are the STUPID PEOPLE?

your post.... the dribble of a snob nothing more

You can tell that Steph is ashamed of Bachman and Palin when she no longer tries to defend them and just says "Oh Yeah! Well Obama is a doo doo head and you smell like Mr Peabody"
really, Obama and his fellow comrades in arms progressives approvals are in the 30's

so just who are the STUPID PEOPLE?

your post.... the dribble of a snob nothing more

BWAH HA HA! Cons approval is only 10%. That's gotta be the answer to your dumb question.

the post of a child...yeah but but but and you will show up anyone in dumb
not so upitty now are you?


Sandbox banter.....
Michele Bachmann: Obama 'Funding' Terrorists Is Proof That We're Living In The End Times


Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) believes that we're living in the End Times -- and she claims to have proof.

In an interview Saturday with Jan Markell on the Christian radio program "Understanding the Times," Bachmann accused President Barack Obama of giving aid to terrorists. This, she says, is solid evidence that we have entered the Last Days.

“President Obama waived a ban on arming terrorists in order to allow weapons to go to the Syrian opposition,” Bachmann said. “Your listeners, U.S. taxpayers, are now paying to give arms to terrorists including al Qaeda.”

She continued:

This happened, and as of today, the United States is willingly, knowingly, intentionally sending arms to terrorists, now what this says to me, I’m a believer in Jesus Christ, as I look at the End Times scripture, this says to me that the leaf is on the fig tree and we are to understand the signs of the times, which is your ministry, we are to understand where we are in God’s end time history.

I had a hard time deciding where to post this. If mods want to move it to Conspiracy or Satire or Humor or ................ Whatever, this woman is frootier than a nutcake.

But, betcha the rw's fall for this.

the rw won't fall for it but it's was guaranteed you lw's would...
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Whats even more insane is that people in her district put her in office. Boggles the mind.

that's what a lot of people think of the people who put a community agitator junior Senator of congress in as PRESIDENT

you all might care about that?

of course have to go and find a woman to dump all over
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Michele Bachmann: Obama 'Funding' Terrorists Is Proof That We're Living In The End Times


Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) believes that we're living in the End Times -- and she claims to have proof.

In an interview Saturday with Jan Markell on the Christian radio program "Understanding the Times," Bachmann accused President Barack Obama of giving aid to terrorists. This, she says, is solid evidence that we have entered the Last Days.

“President Obama waived a ban on arming terrorists in order to allow weapons to go to the Syrian opposition,” Bachmann said. “Your listeners, U.S. taxpayers, are now paying to give arms to terrorists including al Qaeda.”

She continued:

This happened, and as of today, the United States is willingly, knowingly, intentionally sending arms to terrorists, now what this says to me, I’m a believer in Jesus Christ, as I look at the End Times scripture, this says to me that the leaf is on the fig tree and we are to understand the signs of the times, which is your ministry, we are to understand where we are in God’s end time history.

I had a hard time deciding where to post this. If mods want to move it to Conspiracy or Satire or Humor or ................ Whatever, this woman is frootier than a nutcake.

But, betcha the rw's fall for this.

It belongs in the rubber room.
holy cow, look what I ran across...oh well at least he didn't SAY something to get the lefts panties all in a bunch so they call people, bat shit crazy


Former Detroit mayor braces for long sentence


Associated Press

DETROIT -- Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick returns to court Thursday to face what is likely to be one of the longer sentences in recent cases of public corruption, the result of two dozen convictions that range from bribery to extortion to tax crimes.

While the city's finances foundered, Kilpatrick was shaking down contractors, ensuring that a pal got millions in city work and turning a nonprofit fund to help struggling Detroiters into a personal slush fund, according to evidence at his five-month trial.

Federal prosecutors are recommending Kilpatrick serve at least 28 years in prison, while defense attorneys are hoping the sentence doesn't exceed 15 years.

Read more here: DETROIT: Former Detroit mayor braces for long sentence - Nation Wires -

funny, anyone else Republican would be the first word in any article
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I guess that Bachmann receiving millions of dollars (like around 3) from the U.S. Government via the Farm Act while voting against people receiving food (AKA the SNAP program) means she's a good person, right?

Sorry, but I'd rather fuck a rabid dingo with lady parts full of razor blades than try to have sex with Bachmann.

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