The Women's March is Global

Tea Party demonstrations had their own nuttery, and a broad cross section of America.

Dressing as a vagina is a bit much - we can agree on that.








So many Americans are overweight, this isn't healthy.

President Trump needs to issue Executive Orders outlawing all junkfood and a special Executive Order outlawing McDonalds....McDonalds is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 20th Century :smoke:

I know. Childhood obesity is a huge problem for us - we're finding more and more diseases typically associated with older people in our young people. Michelle Obama tried to address this with children's school lunches and exercise programs and she was villified for it.

"Michelle Obama tried to address this with children's school lunches"

They were not healthy either, Michelle Obama's school lunches were almost starvation lunches and not enough to sustain growing children through the day.

Many also were just slops and not very appetising to look at.



...there is a lot of misinformation about that - what is wrong with this?

I don't know how many children are in the average Government run school in America, but something like that per child for lunch would take up a considerable amount of the State Educational budget.

So maybe that type of lunch is Private School?

No child should be in Government run schools, all children should be in Private Schools, in Private Schools children's minds are protected from the Neo-Marxist brainwashing of the Leftist teachers and the Neo-Marxist Teaching Unions.

The Government run schools are producing the SJWs, this is because of the brainwashing of Leftist Dogma.
I'm so old I remember schools were to educate kids, not feed them.
What is funky? :confused-84:

Sorry darling they have no sophistication or sartorial taste, could I imagine any of them at the Opera or drinking Martini Cocktails? No and no.
Well, your major mistake in this post is that most of those depicted have no idea what the Opera is. They think the Opera is an abortion clinic where Operations takes place....Sorry to burst your bubble..
Pupps would argue the Winfrey assumption but that's just Pupps.
Pupps' great wisdom is always appreciated and it is more to the point than my post! :beer:
You are most welcome, kind sir.

This whole thread illustrates that while Right and Left have very differing opinions on this issue, we have in general kept this thread sans arguments, name calling and being nasty.

Which is a good thing, it is possible to disagree and stay relatively cordial with each other.
Civility is important but somebody will show up and start slinging unrelated epithets sooner or I look at it, it won't take too long
I know. Childhood obesity is a huge problem for us - we're finding more and more diseases typically associated with older people in our young people. Michelle Obama tried to address this with children's school lunches and exercise programs and she was villified for it.

"Michelle Obama tried to address this with children's school lunches"

They were not healthy either, Michelle Obama's school lunches were almost starvation lunches and not enough to sustain growing children through the day.

Many also were just slops and not very appetising to look at.



...there is a lot of misinformation about that - what is wrong with this?

Nothing.. but what kid wants to eat that? It doesn't look very appealing save the fruit part

"Nothing.. but what kid wants to eat that? It doesn't look very appealing save the fruit part"

This is what children want for lunch :eusa_dance: Me too me too me too me too :FIREdevil:

This is what I want after lunch......
You and Pupps need to seriously talk beer, my friend.
"Michelle Obama tried to address this with children's school lunches"

They were not healthy either, Michelle Obama's school lunches were almost starvation lunches and not enough to sustain growing children through the day.

Many also were just slops and not very appetising to look at.



...there is a lot of misinformation about that - what is wrong with this?

Nothing.. but what kid wants to eat that? It doesn't look very appealing save the fruit part

"Nothing.. but what kid wants to eat that? It doesn't look very appealing save the fruit part"

This is what children want for lunch :eusa_dance: Me too me too me too me too :FIREdevil:

This is what I want after lunch......
You and Pupps need to seriously talk beer, my friend.
Yes, absolutely.
I know. Childhood obesity is a huge problem for us - we're finding more and more diseases typically associated with older people in our young people. Michelle Obama tried to address this with children's school lunches and exercise programs and she was villified for it.

"Michelle Obama tried to address this with children's school lunches"

They were not healthy either, Michelle Obama's school lunches were almost starvation lunches and not enough to sustain growing children through the day.

Many also were just slops and not very appetising to look at.



...there is a lot of misinformation about that - what is wrong with this?

Nothing.. but what kid wants to eat that? It doesn't look very appealing save the fruit part

"Nothing.. but what kid wants to eat that? It doesn't look very appealing save the fruit part"

This is what children want for lunch :eusa_dance: Me too me too me too me too :FIREdevil:

This is what I want after lunch......

After lunch I like a Tanqueray No. Ten with Green Chartreuse, an acquired taste, but very nice, must be with a black olive like below. I don't like Yellow Chartreuse as much as the Green, the Yellow is too sweet, the Green is more delicate on the palate.

The Dry Gin below in the picture is The Botanist No. 22 Islay Dry Gin, I've not tried it as I can't be unfaithful to Tanqueray No. Ten.


Then after a nice nap, a little interval and then of course my Martini Cocktail Hour.

Tanqueray No. Ten as ever, and with orange peel or green olives either way, shaken not stirred :smoke:


Women dressed up like vaginas demanding they be treated with respect will provide comedians with plenty of material for centuries.
It is funny, in a sad kind of way. I really do wish they had a point other than fashion gaffes and tax on tampons.
Thier point was they lost an election and the left do not know how to cope wth not having their way.
Coyote is right, you can't judge the whole by a few, but I know a few who went to the march or are full blown supporters and they are just whacked. A few common traits of these women. They have had very few successes in life. One has been divorced twice, raised two adopted children one of which she is estranged from, is a flaming feminist in Utah for gods sake, is alone and unhappy. Another has drowned in ultra liberal ideology. She's one of these you can't even talk to. Two of her sons went gay and one is on the suicide watch list. They are gay because of environment not because of physiology. Their grandparents, who had three children of their own, adopted a black girl to live in Vermont to ease their conscience and give them leftist cred. She is estranged from them now upset that she was uprooted from her culture for most of her young life.
All of these diehards have a hard time managing their finances. Their tolerance levels for opposing viewpoints is zero. For the most part they live in a lily white world searching for social engagement with minorities as part of the diet that keeps them leftist and liberal.

So I see the speakers of the march seriously deluded and divorced from reality, I see the signs, the hats, the vaginas. I see no message discipline or even an overarching theme that leaves an indelible mark on the memory.

I don't see one reason to characterize the "women's" march as anything more than well intentioned anarchy.

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