The Word Police Are At It Again. We Can't Monkey Around Anymore


We need an entire dictionary to identify words the left thinks are out of bounds or racist.

Now we can't use Monkey anymore.

We aren't supposed to use vagina anymore. Instead we must use "Front Hole".
We can't mention Planet of the Apes, because clearly, that's racist as Hell.

Maybe we need the left to give us a list of words or phrases they're gonna use to attack people with, then maybe we can avoid them.

That would save all of the hassle in the future.


Or we could just freaking ignore them and dismiss them as loons. That's even faster and easier.
Maybe we need the left to give us a list of words or phrases they're gonna use to attack people with, then maybe we can avoid them.
I have long advocated for a website we could all visit every morning for an update on words we are not allowed to say.

But the PC zealots want to keep that list a secret, and fluid, so that they can just make it up as they go, opportunity by opportunity.

So forget it, we're not getting that website.

Hey, that website could ALSO keep track of whether or not any new "emanations from the penumbra" have sprouted on the Constitution overnight, which I'm sure would be handy for everyone.
This week was the first time in 6 decades I've heard the idiom "monkey up". Not familiar with the candidate and have spent less than a week of my life in Florida so I don't know how common it is as a idiom down there. Given that, its use struck me as uncomfortably strange when these ears are used to: "screw up", "f----up", "mess up" to express such thought. I refer to hearing these alternative expressions in the third person, of course.

When used as a verb - as deSantis did - "monkey" means to behave in a silly way or to mess things up.
So, of all the phrases this guy could have used…”monkey up” is the one he chose. I have to admit, “monkey around with” was a phrase I have heard quite often. Never “money up”… It’s easy to see what he was trying to do.

What is offensive is that this may work with Trump supporters.

Yeah, it IS easy to see what he was trying to do: compare socialism to turning monkeys loose.

The only thing racist about the word "monkey" is how quickly LEFTISTS associate it with black people.
This thread, and many other threads and post like it on USMB and elsewhere, is the reason why Republicans will never have any capital with blacks in America, as long as they continue on this vein..
A contributing factor to this, of course, is the fact that those on the Left who don't want Republicans to make gains with minorities keep screaming RACIST at every last damn thing that moves, knowing how effective it is in instigating anger and keeping us divided.

Much of the Left doesn't want real racial healing. That would be bad politics.

So, as usual, both ends are choosing to contribute to this mess.

So a guy says something racist
He gets called a racist
And you blame the people calling him a racist for the controversy.

Do you also blame victims of family violence for staining the carpet with their blood?

I know, I’m “making your point for you” or whatever your stock retort is nowadays.

So a guy gets called a racist by a bunch of people who were going to call him that ANYWAY, because they call everyone they dislike a racist.

Damned right we blame a bunch of simpleminded race-baiting tools for behaving that way. And the more you talk, the more you only convince everyone listening that nothing you say should ever be believed or listened to.

We need an entire dictionary to identify words the left thinks are out of bounds or racist.

Now we can't use Monkey anymore.

We aren't supposed to use vagina anymore. Instead we must use "Front Hole".
We can't mention Planet of the Apes, because clearly, that's racist as Hell.

Maybe we need the left to give us a list of words or phrases they're gonna use to attack people with, then maybe we can avoid them.

That would save all of the hassle in the future.

Front hole? Lol wut?

When did vagina get screwed?
I remember during the 1980's when the married Democrat presidential hopeful Gary Hart was caught by the media cavorting on his yacht ironically named "Monkey Business" with his girlfriend Donna Rice.

Both Hart and his girlfriend are white.

So was naming his boat "Monkey Business" now considered racist? ... :dunno:

You can’t use “monkey” in connection with blacks. You can thank your buddies “Shoots speeders” and “Steve McGarrett” and the rest of their Klan buddies for that.

“Monkey Business” has alway meant “up to no good”. But there is no such useage for “monkey this up”. It is not a common expression. So when a white guy makes up a new expression using the word “monkey” about a black man, his Klan buddies know exactly what he means.

1) YOU might not be able to use monkey in connection with blacks, because you're a racist who sees them ONLY in connection with their race, instead of as just people like anyone else. WE can use any word we want.

2) As you yourself JUST demonstrated, the word "monkey" as a verb or as a modifier always means messing things up. Trying to then claim that it DOESN'T mean that because you personally aren't familiar with using it with the word "up" is beyond lame.
I remember during the 1980's when the married Democrat presidential hopeful Gary Hart was caught by the media cavorting on his yacht ironically named "Monkey Business" with his girlfriend Donna Rice.

Both Hart and his girlfriend are white.

So was naming his boat "Monkey Business" now considered racist? ... :dunno:

You can’t use “monkey” in connection with blacks. You can thank your buddies “Shoots speeders” and “Steve McGarrett” and the rest of their Klan buddies for that.

“Monkey Business” has alway meant “up to no good”. But there is no such useage for “monkey this up”. It is not a common expression. So when a white guy makes up a new expression using the word “monkey” about a black man, his Klan buddies know exactly what he means.
wow, you should try out for the Mental Olympics team.
"when a white guy makes a new expression..."

well she's certainly mental, two thumbs. :)

Dragon assumes that all white people are automatically "Klan buddies". Because THAT'S not racist.

We need an entire dictionary to identify words the left thinks are out of bounds or racist.

Now we can't use Monkey anymore.

We aren't supposed to use vagina anymore. Instead we must use "Front Hole".
We can't mention Planet of the Apes, because clearly, that's racist as Hell.

Maybe we need the left to give us a list of words or phrases they're gonna use to attack people with, then maybe we can avoid them.

That would save all of the hassle in the future.

Front hole? Lol wut?

When did vagina get screwed?
Earlier this week.

We need an entire dictionary to identify words the left thinks are out of bounds or racist.

Now we can't use Monkey anymore.

We aren't supposed to use vagina anymore. Instead we must use "Front Hole".
We can't mention Planet of the Apes, because clearly, that's racist as Hell.

Maybe we need the left to give us a list of words or phrases they're gonna use to attack people with, then maybe we can avoid them.

That would save all of the hassle in the future.


Nah, just tell them to take their code books and dog whistle listening devices and shove them up their PC asses.

Ah...suggested violence now.

Wrong again snowflake, just a suggestion of what they can do with their imaginary toys. You're just not too bright are ya?

The Word Police Are At It Again


I Was In A Discussion With A Poster In Another Thread
And He Believes
That Because There's No Codified Statute That Limits Mere Words
That There's No Attempt To Control Speech !!
Because America Isn't Run By A Dictator
There's No Fascists/Commies In America

Lots of fascists. There’s Storm Front, the Klu Klux Klan, Aryan Nation, and the American Nazi Party. Very few commies. Just the American Communist Party - about 5000 members, slightly fewer than the KKK.

Fascists in America are right wing Republicans. Every one of the fascist groups are Trump supporters.

So what I'm hearing you say is that you're so simpleminded and gullible that you believe 1) that everything is what it is labeled, and 2) that if the label isn't there, the connection doesn't exist.
This thread, and many other threads and post like it on USMB and elsewhere, is the reason why Republicans will never have any capital with blacks in America, as long as they continue on this vein.

That is all.

Well Trump has been gaining support with blacks due to the economy. It seems like they don't care about Democrats Monkeying around with stupid allegations.

Suuuure he is. :rolleyes:

That must explain why only 3% approve of the job he’s doing; while 93% disapprove.
Here we have a Jewish rabbi in Israel using the term 'monkey' to describe blacks.

The irony meter just went to 11.

Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’

Anyway, it is common knowledge that there is a very long history in the US of whites using the description 'monkey' as a pejorative term in regard to black persons.

For anyone in the US to claim ignorance of that fact is just more dumb assery coming from the 'right' and Trumpians.

Two things.

First, what the fuck does some guy in Israel have to do with anything? How is anyone in the US responsible for what that guy does or says?

Second, if you're trying to tell us that there is no usage of the word "monkey" EXCEPT as a pejorative for black people, would you mind cluing us all in to what we're going to call those furry little primates in the zoo now?

For anyone in the US to claim that all other uses of that word are invalid is just more dumbassery coming from the left and its racists.
This thread, and many other threads and post like it on USMB and elsewhere, is the reason why Republicans will never have any capital with blacks in America, as long as they continue on this vein.

That is all.

Well Trump has been gaining support with blacks due to the economy. It seems like they don't care about Democrats Monkeying around with stupid allegations.

Suuuure he is. :rolleyes:

That must explain why only 3% approve of the job he’s doing; while 93% disapprove.

Another lie by the racist faun
This thread, and many other threads and post like it on USMB and elsewhere, is the reason why Republicans will never have any capital with blacks in America, as long as they continue on this vein..
A contributing factor to this, of course, is the fact that those on the Left who don't want Republicans to make gains with minorities keep screaming RACIST at every last damn thing that moves, knowing how effective it is in instigating anger and keeping us divided.

Much of the Left doesn't want real racial healing. That would be bad politics.

So, as usual, both ends are choosing to contribute to this mess.

So a guy says something racist
He gets called a racist
And you blame the people calling him a racist for the controversy.

Do you also blame victims of family violence for staining the carpet with their blood?

I know, I’m “making your point for you” or whatever your stock retort is nowadays.

What he said was racist? Only a racist would have construed his words that way.

If you use the term monkey and not thinking what it might mean to race baiters, it's because you don't think of any association between monkeys and blacks. It never occurred to you. So what does that say about people who do associate monkeys and blacks when they hear such a comment?
If you see racist connotations in anything, you are the racist.....interesting logic there.


That's the point, racist bimbo
Here we have a Jewish rabbi in Israel using the term 'monkey' to describe blacks.

The irony meter just went to 11.

Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’

Anyway, it is common knowledge that there is a very long history in the US of whites using the description 'monkey' as a pejorative term in regard to black persons.

For anyone in the US to claim ignorance of that fact is just more dumb assery coming from the 'right' and Trumpians.
and anyone who blames 1 person for it while looking away from a dozen democrats doing it is an agenda driven fucktard.

so, you are coming from the 'two wrongs make a right' elementary class?

I think he's from the "your accusations lack credibility" class.

Put simply, if you ONLY screech that "monkey" is an insult to blacks and nothing else when Republicans say it, your "outrage" is worthless.

Not, you understand, that anyone here gave a tin shit about it, anyway.

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