The Word Police Are At It Again. We Can't Monkey Around Anymore

I actually got one of these as a child and gave it to my first serious GF. She was FBI, full blooded Italian. :p

How very nice.
It's basically the same as, "Don't screw this up".
To claim his words were a racial slur is a bit of a stretch. .... :cool:

I disagree.
Even if so, GIVEN THE CURRENT CLIMATE, he should not have specifically used that word.
It's crazy....yes....but welcome to modern America.

The point is to win ELECTIONS....remember?

MANY black people who don't want the shit the Left is offering would have voted for DeSantis, but now they will consider the lesser of TWO evils and may consider a potential racist as MORE EVIL

We need an entire dictionary to identify words the left thinks are out of bounds or racist.

Now we can't use Monkey anymore.

We aren't supposed to use vagina anymore. Instead we must use "Front Hole".
We can't mention Planet of the Apes, because clearly, that's racist as Hell.

Maybe we need the left to give us a list of words or phrases they're gonna use to attack people with, then maybe we can avoid them.

That would save all of the hassle in the future.


Nah, just tell them to take their code books and dog whistle listening devices and shove them up their PC asses.

Ah...suggested violence now.
Only a liberal thinks an angry word is worse than violet Antifa protesters.
Smart Republicans know that we need the black vote.
Stupid, racist Republicans somehow believe they don't need the help of black people to win elections. DUMB!
This isn't the 50's. .
This thread, and many other threads and post like it on USMB and elsewhere, is the reason why Republicans will never have any capital with blacks in America, as long as they continue on this vein.

That is all.

what "vein" ? I was born in the USA----grew up in a world class racist WASP---
town and never heard any allusion to blacks as "monkeys"
Wow I thought you repubs knew every thing! You are prety uninformed to not know these old insults. Got to love the stupidity of your representatives and your voters!
what "vein" ? I was born in the USA----grew up in a world class racist WASP---
town and never heard any allusion to blacks as "monkeys"
Is the world based on your personal experience in it Rosie?
Smart Republicans know that we need the black vote.
Stupid, racist Republicans somehow believe they don't need the help of black people to win elections. DUMB!
This isn't the 50's. .
No type of "thank you" rep from a single. solitary. self-proclaimed conservative on USMB for this post.

LoLz!!! It's not rocket science folks. It's crystal clear to see.

It's basically the same as, "Don't screw this up".
To claim his words were a racial slur is a bit of a stretch. .... :cool:

I disagree.
Even if so, GIVEN THE CURRENT CLIMATE, he should not have specifically used that word.
It's crazy....yes....but welcome to modern America.

The point is to win ELECTIONS....remember?

MANY black people who don't want the shit the Left is offering would have voted for DeSantis, but now they will consider the lesser of TWO evils and may consider a potential racist as MORE EVIL

Sounds like you don't think black people are smart enough to consider the socialist is playing the race card in order to get them to vote against their own interests.
So a guy says something racist
He gets called a racist
And you blame the people calling him a racist for the controversy.

Do you also blame victims of family violence for staining the carpet with their blood?

I know, I’m “making your point for you” or whatever your stock retort is nowadays.
That's just how Mac1958's brain works sometimes.
This thread, and many other threads and post like it on USMB and elsewhere, is the reason why Republicans will never have any capital with blacks in America, as long as they continue on this vein.

That is all.

And that is why a majority black city or state will always be a shithole.
Explain how.

Go through the steps that brought you to that logic.
This thread, and many other threads and post like it on USMB and elsewhere, is the reason why Republicans will never have any capital with blacks in America, as long as they continue on this vein..
A contributing factor to this, of course, is the fact that those on the Left who don't want Republicans to make gains with minorities keep screaming RACIST at every last damn thing that moves, knowing how effective it is in instigating anger and keeping us divided.

Much of the Left doesn't want real racial healing. That would be bad politics.

So, as usual, both ends are choosing to contribute to this mess.

So a guy says something racist
He gets called a racist
And you blame the people calling him a racist for the controversy.

Do you also blame victims of family violence for staining the carpet with their blood?

I know, I’m “making your point for you” or whatever your stock retort is nowadays.
You know it's people like you, on both sides of the aisle, that are wrecking public discourse. People trying to take other peoples words and assigning them a meaning that they know was never meant. People like you make having any sort of informed debate impossible. Congratulations on your contribution to the Divided States of America.
Sounds like you don't think black people are smart enough to consider the socialist is playing the race card in order to get them to vote against their own interests.

First of all, it was DeSantis who made the comment. Not the Socialist. Got that?

There are many black people who don't want a Socialist...but given the choice of a Socialist or a Racist....may choose the Socialist.

I don't think "enough" black people are smart enough to rise above the racism....same as some whites.
So a guy says something racist
He gets called a racist
And you blame the people calling him a racist for the controversy.

Do you also blame victims of family violence for staining the carpet with their blood?

I know, I’m “making your point for you” or whatever your stock retort is nowadays.
That's just how Mac1958's brain works sometimes.
Hey, I'm just not as smart or open-minded as you folks are.
This thread, and many other threads and post like it on USMB and elsewhere, is the reason why Republicans will never have any capital with blacks in America, as long as they continue on this vein..
A contributing factor to this, of course, is the fact that those on the Left who don't want Republicans to make gains with minorities keep screaming RACIST at every last damn thing that moves, knowing how effective it is in instigating anger and keeping us divided.

Much of the Left doesn't want real racial healing. That would be bad politics.

So, as usual, both ends are choosing to contribute to this mess.

So a guy says something racist
He gets called a racist
And you blame the people calling him a racist for the controversy.

Do you also blame victims of family violence for staining the carpet with their blood?

I know, I’m “making your point for you” or whatever your stock retort is nowadays.
You know it's people like you, on both sides of the aisle, that are wrecking public discourse. People trying to take other peoples words and assigning them a meaning that they know was never meant. People like you make having any sort of informed debate impossible. Congratulations on your contribution to the Divided States of America.


If you can't see the racial connotations of the tortured phrase "monkey up" amount of explanation would work.
Don't say 'Republicans". Say "Racists". To say that ALL Republicans are racist is simply not true.
There are plenty racists on BOTH sides posting here daily.

That said, there is more than enough racism remaining in America (on BOTH sides) to last another 1000 years.
Looks like the last 100 years didn't do much to resolve the issues.
We're going to have to agree to disagree on these points you just made.

False equivalency is one of the biggest problems facing American society today.
If you can't see the racial connotations of the tortured phrase "monkey up" amount of explanation would work.

Many can't. While I agree this country has gone way too far as far as political correctness is concerned, this is still an obvious blunder given the current political and racial climate in America.

it was a poor choice of words at a bad time. He should have said "Mess up". If he apologizes it will be even worse.

As a Republican myself, I agree it sounds right off the bat as though his subconscious pushed his true inner feelings right to the surface.
There is no argument it was a strategic blunder of epic proportions.
I will still vote for him because I think it's less difficult to fix racial intolerance than to fix socialism.
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