The Word Police Are At It Again. We Can't Monkey Around Anymore

Ok this was at 8:03 AM, but at 11 you started a thread that seemed to imply you couldn't believe the racial slur that was used. I guess this is what comes of living on a mountaintop in Switzerland, huh?
"...seemed to imply..." Perfect. Your perception. I'll say it again:

Unlike you, I happily take incoming from both ends of the spectrum every day here. This thread has been a perfect microcosm of that.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, big, warm, soft, comfy, cozy ideological Safe Space in which I can hide and from which I can fling poo.

Unlike you, I don't need one.

But thanks for your rapt, if a little creepy, attention.

Are you okay? Seriously. Because you responded to one thread saying the PC police were at it again, and then three hours later, STARTED a thread saying "Holy Sh1t, you can't make this stuff up" about the VERY SAME INCIDENT.

I am not trying to find these posts of yours, I don't even know you and don't care. I was perusing the Politics and Current Events forum and came upon them.

THat's just....weird.
I've made myself quite clear multiple times for the wingers here, but just for you, once again.

I thought his abject tone-deafness was absolutely hilarious and a little astonishing.

I thought the Regressive Left's faux outrage was absolutely predictable.

The two can exist in the same universe. They really can.

I can't make it simpler for you than that.

I say if you think it's "abject tone deafness", you're edging toward outrage. Especially with the exclamation "Holy sh1t". How else do you express outrage if not "Holy sh1t"?

That is an expression of outrage. You can't "call someone out" for something that you are doing yourself--being outraged. Dude, you're all wet!!
Too funny. Standard winger myopia - All you "see" is that which triggers you.

Okay, keep humping my leg, I've made this as simple as I can for you.

Yes, Switzerland, keep telling us that HOLY SH1T is not an expression of outrage, because you're so above it all. ha!
"...seemed to imply..." Perfect. Your perception. I'll say it again:

Unlike you, I happily take incoming from both ends of the spectrum every day here. This thread has been a perfect microcosm of that.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, big, warm, soft, comfy, cozy ideological Safe Space in which I can hide and from which I can fling poo.

Unlike you, I don't need one.

But thanks for your rapt, if a little creepy, attention.

Are you okay? Seriously. Because you responded to one thread saying the PC police were at it again, and then three hours later, STARTED a thread saying "Holy Sh1t, you can't make this stuff up" about the VERY SAME INCIDENT.

I am not trying to find these posts of yours, I don't even know you and don't care. I was perusing the Politics and Current Events forum and came upon them.

THat's just....weird.
I've made myself quite clear multiple times for the wingers here, but just for you, once again.

I thought his abject tone-deafness was absolutely hilarious and a little astonishing.

I thought the Regressive Left's faux outrage was absolutely predictable.

The two can exist in the same universe. They really can.

I can't make it simpler for you than that.

I say if you think it's "abject tone deafness", you're edging toward outrage. Especially with the exclamation "Holy sh1t". How else do you express outrage if not "Holy sh1t"?

That is an expression of outrage. You can't "call someone out" for something that you are doing yourself--being outraged. Dude, you're all wet!!
Too funny. Standard winger myopia - All you "see" is that which triggers you.

Okay, keep humping my leg, I've made this as simple as I can for you.

Yes, Switzerland, keep telling us that HOLY SH1T is not an expression of outrage, because you're so above it all. ha!
You bet, thanks.
Argh, I have to be careful with my words in open forum. Feels like walking on eggshells. I hate that.
eggshells are white, you fucking racists

and they would have given birth to pretty birds if you could control your face eater hunger!

Racists......tuning up at a Klan rally...

Blazing Saddles will also be deleted from leftist reality, along with the Airplane movies.

the movies that topped the funniest ever will now be disregarded.

We need an entire dictionary to identify words the left thinks are out of bounds or racist.

Now we can't use Monkey anymore.

We aren't supposed to use vagina anymore. Instead we must use "Front Hole".
We can't mention Planet of the Apes, because clearly, that's racist as Hell.

Maybe we need the left to give us a list of words or phrases they're gonna use to attack people with, then maybe we can avoid them.

That would save all of the hassle in the future.


Obama used the term more than once.

I remember during the 1980's when the married Democrat presidential hopeful Gary Hart was caught by the media cavorting on his yacht ironically named "Monkey Business" with his girlfriend Donna Rice.

Both Hart and his girlfriend are white.

So was naming his boat "Monkey Business" now considered racist? ... :dunno:

You can’t use “monkey” in connection with blacks. You can thank your buddies “Shoots speeders” and “Steve McGarrett” and the rest of their Klan buddies for that.

“Monkey Business” has alway meant “up to no good”. But there is no such useage for “monkey this up”. It is not a common expression. So when a white guy makes up a new expression using the word “monkey” about a black man, his Klan buddies know exactly what he means.
I remember during the 1980's when the married Democrat presidential hopeful Gary Hart was caught by the media cavorting on his yacht ironically named "Monkey Business" with his girlfriend Donna Rice.

Both Hart and his girlfriend are white.

So was naming his boat "Monkey Business" now considered racist? ... :dunno:

You can’t use “monkey” in connection with blacks. You can thank your buddies “Shoots speeders” and “Steve McGarrett” and the rest of their Klan buddies for that.

“Monkey Business” has alway meant “up to no good”. But there is no such useage for “monkey this up”. It is not a common expression. So when a white guy makes up a new expression using the word “monkey” about a black man, his Klan buddies know exactly what he means.
wow, you should try out for the Mental Olympics team.
That is why Fox News scolded Desantis for his word choice. Everyone knew what he meant.
no - everyone made it what they want it to mean.

now go back and look at all the times the dems have used the term - either get mad at that or just drop this pursuit of stupid.
I remember during the 1980's when the married Democrat presidential hopeful Gary Hart was caught by the media cavorting on his yacht ironically named "Monkey Business" with his girlfriend Donna Rice.

Both Hart and his girlfriend are white.

So was naming his boat "Monkey Business" now considered racist? ... :dunno:

You can’t use “monkey” in connection with blacks. You can thank your buddies “Shoots speeders” and “Steve McGarrett” and the rest of their Klan buddies for that.

“Monkey Business” has alway meant “up to no good”. But there is no such useage for “monkey this up”. It is not a common expression. So when a white guy makes up a new expression using the word “monkey” about a black man, his Klan buddies know exactly what he means.
wow, you should try out for the Mental Olympics team.
"when a white guy makes a new expression..."

well she's certainly mental, two thumbs. :)
The Word Police Are At It Again


I Was In A Discussion With A Poster In Another Thread
And He Believes
That Because There's No Codified Statute That Limits Mere Words
That There's No Attempt To Control Speech !!
Because America Isn't Run By A Dictator
There's No Fascists/Commies In America

We need an entire dictionary to identify words the left thinks are out of bounds or racist.

Now we can't use Monkey anymore.

We aren't supposed to use vagina anymore. Instead we must use "Front Hole".
We can't mention Planet of the Apes, because clearly, that's racist as Hell.

Maybe we need the left to give us a list of words or phrases they're gonna use to attack people with, then maybe we can avoid them.

That would save all of the hassle in the future.

/----/ The Leftards won't release a list because the words are only offensive when a Republican uses them against a democRAT. Now if a Republican said Justice Thomas was monkeying around with the Constitution then it would be OK. No harm no foul.

We need an entire dictionary to identify words the left thinks are out of bounds or racist.

Now we can't use Monkey anymore.

We aren't supposed to use vagina anymore. Instead we must use "Front Hole".
We can't mention Planet of the Apes, because clearly, that's racist as Hell.

Maybe we need the left to give us a list of words or phrases they're gonna use to attack people with, then maybe we can avoid them.

That would save all of the hassle in the future.

you can't say; No way Jose, even to Jose.
/----/ My landscaper is Mexican, his name is Jose and if I ask him a question he'll sometimes say No way Jose then laugh himself silly.
The Word Police Are At It Again


I Was In A Discussion With A Poster In Another Thread
And He Believes
That Because There's No Codified Statute That Limits Mere Words
That There's No Attempt To Control Speech !!
Because America Isn't Run By A Dictator
There's No Fascists/Commies In America

Lots of fascists. There’s Storm Front, the Klu Klux Klan, Aryan Nation, and the American Nazi Party. Very few commies. Just the American Communist Party - about 5000 members, slightly fewer than the KKK.

Fascists in America are right wing Republicans. Every one of the fascist groups are Trump supporters.

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