The Word Police Are At It Again. We Can't Monkey Around Anymore

This thread, and many other threads and post like it on USMB and elsewhere, is the reason why Republicans will never have any capital with blacks in America, as long as they continue on this vein.

That is all.

Well Trump has been gaining support with blacks due to the economy. It seems like they don't care about Democrats Monkeying around with stupid allegations.

Suuuure he is. :rolleyes:

That must explain why only 3% approve of the job he’s doing; while 93% disapprove.

Another lie by the racist faun

You poor, kazzer. I even posted a link to the poll which shows I’m not kazzing.


We need an entire dictionary to identify words the left thinks are out of bounds or racist.

Now we can't use Monkey anymore.

We aren't supposed to use vagina anymore. Instead we must use "Front Hole".
We can't mention Planet of the Apes, because clearly, that's racist as Hell.

Maybe we need the left to give us a list of words or phrases they're gonna use to attack people with, then maybe we can avoid them.

That would save all of the hassle in the future.

To "monkey around" has a long history as a colloquialism.

Does "monkey this up"?

The term DeSantis used was, "monkey this up." Correct.

I used multiple search functions for the term 'monkey this up' and did not get a single match OTHER THAN the DeSantis story from a few days ago.

That doesn't matter: We ALL know what DeSantis meant when he said, "monkey this up."

Yes, but "we all" DON'T know the same meaning.

You "know" that he meant "blacks are all monkeys" because that's what YOU think of blacks, and because you WANT to think that's what he meant.

WE know that "monkey" as a verb doesn't miraculously change meanings based on what preposition it's paired with. The only "search function" you needed was this:

Monkey definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

13. (intr; usually foll by around, with, etc)
to meddle, fool, or tinker

Definition of MONKEY

intransitive verb
: to act in a grotesque or mischievous manner
2a : fool, trifle —often used with around
  • he likes to monkey around with engines
b : tamper —usually used with with
  • don't monkey with the settings
monkey (verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary

monkey around
or monkey about

behave in a silly way

Dictionaries are wonderful things. Try one.

We ALSO know how to listen for context, rather than listening for talking points. Here is THE WHOLE of what DeSantis said:

“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida.”

Only a disingenuous troll - or a racist who hears "monkey" and automatically thinks "black person" - would think that was a personal remark of any sort about Gillum, and not a description of his policy proposals. So how about you stop trying to deflect to your grade-school name-calling to hide from having to answer for your shit ideas?

We need an entire dictionary to identify words the left thinks are out of bounds or racist.

Now we can't use Monkey anymore.

We aren't supposed to use vagina anymore. Instead we must use "Front Hole".
We can't mention Planet of the Apes, because clearly, that's racist as Hell.

Maybe we need the left to give us a list of words or phrases they're gonna use to attack people with, then maybe we can avoid them.

That would save all of the hassle in the future.


Nah, just tell them to take their code books and dog whistle listening devices and shove them up their PC asses.

Ah...suggested violence now.
Only a liberal thinks an angry word is worse than violet Antifa protesters.

Hell it was just a suggestion of what they could do to themselves, ya just never know how sensitive the snowflake may be. LMAO

This thread, and many other threads and post like it on USMB and elsewhere, is the reason why Republicans will never have any capital with blacks in America, as long as they continue on this vein.

That is all.

Well Trump has been gaining support with blacks due to the economy. It seems like they don't care about Democrats Monkeying around with stupid allegations.

Suuuure he is. :rolleyes:

That must explain why only 3% approve of the job he’s doing; while 93% disapprove.

Another lie by the racist faun

You poor, kazzer. I even posted a link to the poll which shows I’m not kazzing.


Ah, so you believe any link ? That's your standard?
This thread, and many other threads and post like it on USMB and elsewhere, is the reason why Republicans will never have any capital with blacks in America, as long as they continue on this vein.

That is all.

Well Trump has been gaining support with blacks due to the economy. It seems like they don't care about Democrats Monkeying around with stupid allegations.

Suuuure he is. :rolleyes:

That must explain why only 3% approve of the job he’s doing; while 93% disapprove.

Another lie by the racist faun

You poor, kazzer. I even posted a link to the poll which shows I’m not kazzing.


Ah, so you believe any link ? That's your standard?

You were accusing me of kazzing. Wut happened? :badgrin:
No matter how much we try to justify the use of the word DeSantis chose.....

We live in volatile times where Political Correctness is rampant and people are emotional and vote accordingly
Fact: Racism is alive and well in America
Fact: Elections have serious (more than ever) consequences
Fact: Right or wrong, the Media will seize on ANY opportunity to tarnish the opposition (why give them fuel unnecessarily)

Why "Monkey Up" the chances of losing an election over something stupid and avoidable?
Especially when the stakes are so incredibly high.

No matter how much we try to make this about childish name-calling to avoid discussing issues:

FACT: Kowtowing to political correctness and pandering to hypersensitive drama queens only encourages them.
FACT: The only "racism" alive in America is the left's insistence that we have to deal with black people with all the emphasis on the "black" and none of it on the "people".
FACT: Elections DO have serious consequences, which is why it's insane to allow them to be diverted by childish lies and deflections.
FACT: The only way to deny the media "fuel" for their lies is by Republicans simply never talking (which probably STILL wouldn't work).

Stop being such a cowardly surrender monkey (unless you're black, in which case, forget I said anything).
Well Trump has been gaining support with blacks due to the economy. It seems like they don't care about Democrats Monkeying around with stupid allegations.

Suuuure he is. :rolleyes:

That must explain why only 3% approve of the job he’s doing; while 93% disapprove.

Another lie by the racist faun

You poor, kazzer. I even posted a link to the poll which shows I’m not kazzing.


Ah, so you believe any link ? That's your standard?

You were accusing me of kazzing. Wut happened? :badgrin:

It's funny how little kids tell the same joke over and over and over and it cracks you up every time

Suuuure he is. :rolleyes:

That must explain why only 3% approve of the job he’s doing; while 93% disapprove.

Another lie by the racist faun

You poor, kazzer. I even posted a link to the poll which shows I’m not kazzing.


Ah, so you believe any link ? That's your standard?

You were accusing me of kazzing. Wut happened? :badgrin:

It's funny how little kids tell the same joke over and over and over and it cracks you up every time
Yeah, even little kids can be funny. At least you understand you’re like a little kid.
Another lie by the racist faun

You poor, kazzer. I even posted a link to the poll which shows I’m not kazzing.


Ah, so you believe any link ? That's your standard?

You were accusing me of kazzing. Wut happened? :badgrin:

It's funny how little kids tell the same joke over and over and over and it cracks you up every time
Yeah, even little kids can be funny. At least you understand you’re like a little kid.

Faun. I got nothing. Im just going to repeat what you said back to you. But first im going to tell the joke i say over and over again over again ...
Here we have a Jewish rabbi in Israel using the term 'monkey' to describe blacks.

The irony meter just went to 11.

Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’

Anyway, it is common knowledge that there is a very long history in the US of whites using the description 'monkey' as a pejorative term in regard to black persons.

For anyone in the US to claim ignorance of that fact is just more dumb assery coming from the 'right' and Trumpians.

Two things.

First, what the fuck does some guy in Israel have to do with anything? How is anyone in the US responsible for what that guy does or says?

Second, if you're trying to tell us that there is no usage of the word "monkey" EXCEPT as a pejorative for black people, would you mind cluing us all in to what we're going to call those furry little primates in the zoo now?

For anyone in the US to claim that all other uses of that word are invalid is just more dumbassery coming from the left and its racists.

I posted the info for the rabbi in Israel as an example that not only do Americans utilize the term; even Jews do it.
Did I say anyone in the US is responsible for what a rabbi in Israel says? Nope.

I never said, "that there is no usage of the word "monkey" EXCEPT as a pejorative for black people;" YOU DID.

Your third paragraph is just more continuation of your previous two paragraphs: ALL THREE are full of bullshit claims from a brain dead f***ing idiot.

We need an entire dictionary to identify words the left thinks are out of bounds or racist.

Now we can't use Monkey anymore.

We aren't supposed to use vagina anymore. Instead we must use "Front Hole".
We can't mention Planet of the Apes, because clearly, that's racist as Hell.

Maybe we need the left to give us a list of words or phrases they're gonna use to attack people with, then maybe we can avoid them.

That would save all of the hassle in the future.

To "monkey around" has a long history as a colloquialism.

Does "monkey this up"?

The term DeSantis used was, "monkey this up." Correct.

I used multiple search functions for the term 'monkey this up' and did not get a single match OTHER THAN the DeSantis story from a few days ago.

That doesn't matter: We ALL know what DeSantis meant when he said, "monkey this up."

Yes, but "we all" DON'T know the same meaning.

You "know" that he meant "blacks are all monkeys" because that's what YOU think of blacks, and because you WANT to think that's what he meant.

WE know that "monkey" as a verb doesn't miraculously change meanings based on what preposition it's paired with. The only "search function" you needed was this:

Monkey definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

13. (intr; usually foll by around, with, etc)
to meddle, fool, or tinker

Definition of MONKEY

intransitive verb
: to act in a grotesque or mischievous manner
2a : fool, trifle —often used with around
  • he likes to monkey around with engines
b : tamper —usually used with with
  • don't monkey with the settings
monkey (verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary

monkey around
or monkey about

behave in a silly way

Dictionaries are wonderful things. Try one.

We ALSO know how to listen for context, rather than listening for talking points. Here is THE WHOLE of what DeSantis said:

“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida.”

Only a disingenuous troll - or a racist who hears "monkey" and automatically thinks "black person" - would think that was a personal remark of any sort about Gillum, and not a description of his policy proposals. So how about you stop trying to deflect to your grade-school name-calling to hide from having to answer for your shit ideas?

Oh look; a 'semantics' professor; how informative.
So, of all the phrases this guy could have used…”monkey up” is the one he chose. I have to admit, “monkey around with” was a phrase I have heard quite often. Never “money up”… It’s easy to see what he was trying to do.

What is offensive is that this may work with Trump supporters.
It's easy to see that you're a douchebag who will deliberately mischaracterize what a Republican says to advance your despicable agenda.
Here we have a Jewish rabbi in Israel using the term 'monkey' to describe blacks.

The irony meter just went to 11.

Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’

Anyway, it is common knowledge that there is a very long history in the US of whites using the description 'monkey' as a pejorative term in regard to black persons.

For anyone in the US to claim ignorance of that fact is just more dumb assery coming from the 'right' and Trumpians.

Two things.

First, what the fuck does some guy in Israel have to do with anything? How is anyone in the US responsible for what that guy does or says?

Second, if you're trying to tell us that there is no usage of the word "monkey" EXCEPT as a pejorative for black people, would you mind cluing us all in to what we're going to call those furry little primates in the zoo now?

For anyone in the US to claim that all other uses of that word are invalid is just more dumbassery coming from the left and its racists.

I posted the info for the rabbi in Israel as an example that not only do Americans utilize the term; even Jews do it.
Did I say anyone in the US is responsible for what a rabbi in Israel says? Nope.

I never said, "that there is no usage of the word "monkey" EXCEPT as a pejorative for black people;" YOU DID.

Your third paragraph is just more continuation of your previous two paragraphs: ALL THREE are full of bullshit claims from a brain dead f***ing idiot.

I don't give a fuck what you thought you were accomplishing. The fact that someone somewhere uses a word as an insult doesn't make every use of it an insult. If I call you a dirty dog, it's an insult; if I'm using it to tell my son to give our pet a bath, it doesn't mean I'm insulting my son. Moron.

And no, it was you who said there was no use for "monkey" except as an insult, when you insisted on taking it out of context and viewing it as an insult.

I'll get right on giving insults from someone ignorant enough to be racist all th respect they're due: :piss2:

We need an entire dictionary to identify words the left thinks are out of bounds or racist.

Now we can't use Monkey anymore.

We aren't supposed to use vagina anymore. Instead we must use "Front Hole".
We can't mention Planet of the Apes, because clearly, that's racist as Hell.

Maybe we need the left to give us a list of words or phrases they're gonna use to attack people with, then maybe we can avoid them.

That would save all of the hassle in the future.

To "monkey around" has a long history as a colloquialism.

Does "monkey this up"?

The term DeSantis used was, "monkey this up." Correct.

I used multiple search functions for the term 'monkey this up' and did not get a single match OTHER THAN the DeSantis story from a few days ago.

That doesn't matter: We ALL know what DeSantis meant when he said, "monkey this up."

Yes, but "we all" DON'T know the same meaning.

You "know" that he meant "blacks are all monkeys" because that's what YOU think of blacks, and because you WANT to think that's what he meant.

WE know that "monkey" as a verb doesn't miraculously change meanings based on what preposition it's paired with. The only "search function" you needed was this:

Monkey definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

13. (intr; usually foll by around, with, etc)
to meddle, fool, or tinker

Definition of MONKEY

intransitive verb
: to act in a grotesque or mischievous manner
2a : fool, trifle —often used with around
  • he likes to monkey around with engines
b : tamper —usually used with with
  • don't monkey with the settings
monkey (verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary

monkey around
or monkey about

behave in a silly way

Dictionaries are wonderful things. Try one.

We ALSO know how to listen for context, rather than listening for talking points. Here is THE WHOLE of what DeSantis said:

“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida.”

Only a disingenuous troll - or a racist who hears "monkey" and automatically thinks "black person" - would think that was a personal remark of any sort about Gillum, and not a description of his policy proposals. So how about you stop trying to deflect to your grade-school name-calling to hide from having to answer for your shit ideas?

Oh look; a 'semantics' professor; how informative.

Oh, look, an illiterate troll who resents education. How informative.
I remember during the 1980's when the married Democrat presidential hopeful Gary Hart was caught by the media cavorting on his yacht ironically named "Monkey Business" with his girlfriend Donna Rice.

Both Hart and his girlfriend are white.

So was naming his boat "Monkey Business" now considered racist? ... :dunno:

You can’t use “monkey” in connection with blacks. You can thank your buddies “Shoots speeders” and “Steve McGarrett” and the rest of their Klan buddies for that.

“Monkey Business” has alway meant “up to no good”. But there is no such useage for “monkey this up”. It is not a common expression. So when a white guy makes up a new expression using the word “monkey” about a black man, his Klan buddies know exactly what he means.
wow, you should try out for the Mental Olympics team.
"when a white guy makes a new expression..."

well she's certainly mental, two thumbs. :)

Dragon assumes that all white people are automatically "Klan buddies". Because THAT'S not racist.
yea, i had that one covered with "agenda driven fucktard" :)
Here we have a Jewish rabbi in Israel using the term 'monkey' to describe blacks.

The irony meter just went to 11.

Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’

Anyway, it is common knowledge that there is a very long history in the US of whites using the description 'monkey' as a pejorative term in regard to black persons.

For anyone in the US to claim ignorance of that fact is just more dumb assery coming from the 'right' and Trumpians.
and anyone who blames 1 person for it while looking away from a dozen democrats doing it is an agenda driven fucktard.

so, you are coming from the 'two wrongs make a right' elementary class?

I think he's from the "your accusations lack credibility" class.

Put simply, if you ONLY screech that "monkey" is an insult to blacks and nothing else when Republicans say it, your "outrage" is worthless.

Not, you understand, that anyone here gave a tin shit about it, anyway.
when you run around changing base situations around to ensure YOUR side is the "correct" side, you are in fact said agenda driven fucktard.
I remember during the 1980's when the married Democrat presidential hopeful Gary Hart was caught by the media cavorting on his yacht ironically named "Monkey Business" with his girlfriend Donna Rice.

Both Hart and his girlfriend are white.

So was naming his boat "Monkey Business" now considered racist? ... :dunno:

You can’t use “monkey” in connection with blacks. You can thank your buddies “Shoots speeders” and “Steve McGarrett” and the rest of their Klan buddies for that.

“Monkey Business” has alway meant “up to no good”. But there is no such useage for “monkey this up”. It is not a common expression. So when a white guy makes up a new expression using the word “monkey” about a black man, his Klan buddies know exactly what he means.
wow, you should try out for the Mental Olympics team.
"when a white guy makes a new expression..."

well she's certainly mental, two thumbs. :)

Dragon assumes that all white people are automatically "Klan buddies". Because THAT'S not racist.
yea, i had that one covered with "agenda driven fucktard" :)

Hey, a little support and agreement never hurts, right?

We need an entire dictionary to identify words the left thinks are out of bounds or racist.

Now we can't use Monkey anymore.

We aren't supposed to use vagina anymore. Instead we must use "Front Hole".
We can't mention Planet of the Apes, because clearly, that's racist as Hell.

Maybe we need the left to give us a list of words or phrases they're gonna use to attack people with, then maybe we can avoid them.

That would save all of the hassle in the future.

To "monkey around" has a long history as a colloquialism.

Does "monkey this up"?

The term DeSantis used was, "monkey this up." Correct.

I used multiple search functions for the term 'monkey this up' and did not get a single match OTHER THAN the DeSantis story from a few days ago.

That doesn't matter: We ALL know what DeSantis meant when he said, "monkey this up."

Yes, but "we all" DON'T know the same meaning.

You "know" that he meant "blacks are all monkeys" because that's what YOU think of blacks, and because you WANT to think that's what he meant.

WE know that "monkey" as a verb doesn't miraculously change meanings based on what preposition it's paired with. The only "search function" you needed was this:

Monkey definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

13. (intr; usually foll by around, with, etc)
to meddle, fool, or tinker

Definition of MONKEY

intransitive verb
: to act in a grotesque or mischievous manner
2a : fool, trifle —often used with around
  • he likes to monkey around with engines
b : tamper —usually used with with
  • don't monkey with the settings
monkey (verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary

monkey around
or monkey about

behave in a silly way

Dictionaries are wonderful things. Try one.

We ALSO know how to listen for context, rather than listening for talking points. Here is THE WHOLE of what DeSantis said:

“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida.”

Only a disingenuous troll - or a racist who hears "monkey" and automatically thinks "black person" - would think that was a personal remark of any sort about Gillum, and not a description of his policy proposals. So how about you stop trying to deflect to your grade-school name-calling to hide from having to answer for your shit ideas?

Oh look; a 'semantics' professor; how informative.

Oh, look, an illiterate troll who resents education. How informative.

I'll take your "Smiley because I can't refute you" as the sign of surrender it is. You're dismissed, racist.
To "monkey around" has a long history as a colloquialism.

Does "monkey this up"?

The term DeSantis used was, "monkey this up." Correct.

I used multiple search functions for the term 'monkey this up' and did not get a single match OTHER THAN the DeSantis story from a few days ago.

That doesn't matter: We ALL know what DeSantis meant when he said, "monkey this up."

Yes, but "we all" DON'T know the same meaning.

You "know" that he meant "blacks are all monkeys" because that's what YOU think of blacks, and because you WANT to think that's what he meant.

WE know that "monkey" as a verb doesn't miraculously change meanings based on what preposition it's paired with. The only "search function" you needed was this:

Monkey definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

13. (intr; usually foll by around, with, etc)
to meddle, fool, or tinker

Definition of MONKEY

intransitive verb
: to act in a grotesque or mischievous manner
2a : fool, trifle —often used with around
  • he likes to monkey around with engines
b : tamper —usually used with with
  • don't monkey with the settings
monkey (verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary

monkey around
or monkey about

behave in a silly way

Dictionaries are wonderful things. Try one.

We ALSO know how to listen for context, rather than listening for talking points. Here is THE WHOLE of what DeSantis said:

“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida.”

Only a disingenuous troll - or a racist who hears "monkey" and automatically thinks "black person" - would think that was a personal remark of any sort about Gillum, and not a description of his policy proposals. So how about you stop trying to deflect to your grade-school name-calling to hide from having to answer for your shit ideas?

Oh look; a 'semantics' professor; how informative.

Oh, look, an illiterate troll who resents education. How informative.

I'll take your "Smiley because I can't refute you" as the sign of surrender it is. You're dismissed, racist.

I read somewhere that replying to your own post is a sure sign of senility.
The term DeSantis used was, "monkey this up." Correct.

I used multiple search functions for the term 'monkey this up' and did not get a single match OTHER THAN the DeSantis story from a few days ago.

That doesn't matter: We ALL know what DeSantis meant when he said, "monkey this up."

Yes, but "we all" DON'T know the same meaning.

You "know" that he meant "blacks are all monkeys" because that's what YOU think of blacks, and because you WANT to think that's what he meant.

WE know that "monkey" as a verb doesn't miraculously change meanings based on what preposition it's paired with. The only "search function" you needed was this:

Monkey definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

13. (intr; usually foll by around, with, etc)
to meddle, fool, or tinker

Definition of MONKEY

intransitive verb
: to act in a grotesque or mischievous manner
2a : fool, trifle —often used with around
  • he likes to monkey around with engines
b : tamper —usually used with with
  • don't monkey with the settings
monkey (verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary

monkey around
or monkey about

behave in a silly way

Dictionaries are wonderful things. Try one.

We ALSO know how to listen for context, rather than listening for talking points. Here is THE WHOLE of what DeSantis said:

“The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state. That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida.”

Only a disingenuous troll - or a racist who hears "monkey" and automatically thinks "black person" - would think that was a personal remark of any sort about Gillum, and not a description of his policy proposals. So how about you stop trying to deflect to your grade-school name-calling to hide from having to answer for your shit ideas?

Oh look; a 'semantics' professor; how informative.

Oh, look, an illiterate troll who resents education. How informative.

I'll take your "Smiley because I can't refute you" as the sign of surrender it is. You're dismissed, racist.

I read somewhere that replying to your own post is a sure sign of senility.

Didn't have much choice, since you were too big a coward to respond.

Someone should have told you a smiley face instead of a response is an automatic loss around here, Chuckles. We're done, and you're welcome to tuck tail and slink away now. Buh-bye. :fu:

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