The Word Police Are At It Again. We Can't Monkey Around Anymore

Here we have a Jewish rabbi in Israel using the term 'monkey' to describe blacks.

The irony meter just went to 11.

Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’

Anyway, it is common knowledge that there is a very long history in the US of whites using the description 'monkey' as a pejorative term in regard to black persons.

For anyone in the US to claim ignorance of that fact is just more dumb assery coming from the 'right' and Trumpians.

You're going to need much more than a singular incidence of 1 rabbi to support your claim of "it is common knowledge that there is a very long history in the US of whites using the description 'monkey' as a pejorative term in regard to black persons."

As it stands, your assertion is not supported.
And a rabbi IN ISRAEL !
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This thread, and many other threads and post like it on USMB and elsewhere, is the reason why Republicans will never have any capital with blacks in America, as long as they continue on this vein.

That is all.

Well Trump has been gaining support with blacks due to the economy. It seems like they don't care about Democrats Monkeying around with stupid allegations.

Suuuure he is. :rolleyes:

That must explain why only 3% approve of the job he’s doing; while 93% disapprove.

Trump at 36 percent approval among African-Americans, new poll finds
Here we have a Jewish rabbi in Israel using the term 'monkey' to describe blacks.

The irony meter just went to 11.

Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’

Anyway, it is common knowledge that there is a very long history in the US of whites using the description 'monkey' as a pejorative term in regard to black persons.

For anyone in the US to claim ignorance of that fact is just more dumb assery coming from the 'right' and Trumpians.

Two things.

First, what the fuck does some guy in Israel have to do with anything? How is anyone in the US responsible for what that guy does or says?

Second, if you're trying to tell us that there is no usage of the word "monkey" EXCEPT as a pejorative for black people, would you mind cluing us all in to what we're going to call those furry little primates in the zoo now?

For anyone in the US to claim that all other uses of that word are invalid is just more dumbassery coming from the left and its racists.

I posted the info for the rabbi in Israel as an example that not only do Americans utilize the term; even Jews do it.
Did I say anyone in the US is responsible for what a rabbi in Israel says? Nope.

I never said, "that there is no usage of the word "monkey" EXCEPT as a pejorative for black people;" YOU DID.

Your third paragraph is just more continuation of your previous two paragraphs: ALL THREE are full of bullshit claims from a brain dead f***ing idiot.

I don't give a fuck what you thought you were accomplishing. The fact that someone somewhere uses a word as an insult doesn't make every use of it an insult. If I call you a dirty dog, it's an insult; if I'm using it to tell my son to give our pet a bath, it doesn't mean I'm insulting my son. Moron.

And no, it was you who said there was no use for "monkey" except as an insult, when you insisted on taking it out of context and viewing it as an insult.

I'll get right on giving insults from someone ignorant enough to be racist all th respect they're due: :piss2:
When the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail. Accusations of racism are the only tool in the leftwing tookbelt.
So why should we care? If racism is just about ethic slurs, who really gives a shit?

I thought it was supposed to be something substantial. But if we're going to start weeding our leadership candidates based on the screwy ideas of some leftist word police, that would be a mistake.

Unfortunately, the REALITY is that even the Right needs the black vote.

Saying stupid, unnecessary shit that "could" be construed as a racial slur is self defeating.

can't make it any simpler than that. If you don't get it, you never will.

I would be willing to bet that after that comment was made in front of the audience, very few on the right even associated the word monkey with black and about 90% of the left thought of it instantly.

How do I make that assumption? Because the left calls anything and everything racist. If you say to a leftist "Good morning, how are you?" they think you said something racist because it happened to be dark outside that morning.
Here we have a Jewish rabbi in Israel using the term 'monkey' to describe blacks.

The irony meter just went to 11.

Chief rabbi calls black people ‘monkeys’

Anyway, it is common knowledge that there is a very long history in the US of whites using the description 'monkey' as a pejorative term in regard to black persons.

For anyone in the US to claim ignorance of that fact is just more dumb assery coming from the 'right' and Trumpians.

Two things.

First, what the fuck does some guy in Israel have to do with anything? How is anyone in the US responsible for what that guy does or says?

Second, if you're trying to tell us that there is no usage of the word "monkey" EXCEPT as a pejorative for black people, would you mind cluing us all in to what we're going to call those furry little primates in the zoo now?

For anyone in the US to claim that all other uses of that word are invalid is just more dumbassery coming from the left and its racists.

I posted the info for the rabbi in Israel as an example that not only do Americans utilize the term; even Jews do it.
Did I say anyone in the US is responsible for what a rabbi in Israel says? Nope.

I never said, "that there is no usage of the word "monkey" EXCEPT as a pejorative for black people;" YOU DID.

Your third paragraph is just more continuation of your previous two paragraphs: ALL THREE are full of bullshit claims from a brain dead f***ing idiot.

I don't give a fuck what you thought you were accomplishing. The fact that someone somewhere uses a word as an insult doesn't make every use of it an insult. If I call you a dirty dog, it's an insult; if I'm using it to tell my son to give our pet a bath, it doesn't mean I'm insulting my son. Moron.

And no, it was you who said there was no use for "monkey" except as an insult, when you insisted on taking it out of context and viewing it as an insult.

I'll get right on giving insults from someone ignorant enough to be racist all th respect they're due: :piss2:
When the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail. Accusations of racism are the only tool in the leftwing tookbelt.

Probably because leftists themselves are tools.
The leftist democrats are a bankrupt worthless party that has nothing of value to offer the voters. They've been using identity politics for decades. So one of the few, if any, cards they have to play is this non-stop never-ending meme that their opposition must be racist. And of course they have these handy tools, the Blacks and the Hispanics, that for decades have been dumb enough to fall for this democrat charade, thinking it will somehow better their lives.

So this is simply more leftist dog-whistling. That's all it is.

And if Maxine waters called Trump a worthless Cracker you'd be all over your own dog-whistle :rolleyes:

Yep...racism is alive and well in America (unfortunately)
Black or White, why can't people just be honest and admit they're racist a-holes ?

You go first.

If Maxine Waters called Trump a worthless cracker, we'd view that as racist because it actually WOULD BE racist.
The leftist democrats are a bankrupt worthless party that has nothing of value to offer the voters. They've been using identity politics for decades. So one of the few, if any, cards they have to play is this non-stop never-ending meme that their opposition must be racist. And of course they have these handy tools, the Blacks and the Hispanics, that for decades have been dumb enough to fall for this democrat charade, thinking it will somehow better their lives.

So this is simply more leftist dog-whistling. That's all it is.

And if Maxine waters called Trump a worthless Cracker you'd be all over your own dog-whistle :rolleyes:

Yep...racism is alive and well in America (unfortunately)
Black or White, why can't people just be honest and admit they're racist a-holes ?

You go first.

If Maxine Waters called Trump a worthless cracker, we'd view that as racist because it actually WOULD BE racist.

Maxine Waters is a racist. Everything she lives and breathes is about racism. She would actually use the power of the Federal Government to coerce people based on their race. That's what real racism is all about. Calling people names is kiddy-park stuff.
If you use the word "monkey" when referring to a black screwed up...or you're a racist.

If you screwed apologize

If you're a don't

Pretty simple
If you use the word "monkey" when referring to a black screwed up...or you're a racist.

If you screwed apologize

If you're a don't

Pretty simple
He didn't do that, douche nozzle. He was talking about the moron's socialist policies.
inconvenient truth


  • monkey.jpg
    51.4 KB · Views: 29
If you use the word "monkey" when referring to a black screwed up...or you're a racist.

If you screwed apologize

If you're a don't

Pretty simple
Who referred to a black person as a monkey?
If you aren't aware of what's being talked about you really shouldn't expose your ignorance
If you use the word "monkey" when referring to a black screwed up...or you're a racist.

If you screwed apologize

If you're a don't

Pretty simple
He didn't do that, douche nozzle. He was talking about the moron's socialist policies.
He did exactly that and refused to apologize for it "douchenozzle"
If you use the word "monkey" when referring to a black screwed up...or you're a racist.

If you screwed apologize

If you're a don't

Pretty simple
He didn't do that, douche nozzle. He was talking about the moron's socialist policies.
He did exactly that and refused to apologize for it "douchenozzle"
He did nothing he needs to apologize for, retard.
If you use the word "monkey" when referring to a black screwed up...or you're a racist.

If you screwed apologize

If you're a don't

Pretty simple
Who referred to a black person as a monkey?
If you aren't aware of what's being talked about you really shouldn't expose your ignorance

Seems it’s you who doesn’t have a clue.
So show me in this statement which black person was called a monkey.
TIA :popcorn:

“... we have to work hard to make sure we continue Florida going in a good direction. Let’s build off the success of Governor [Rick] Scott.
The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.
That is not going to work. That’s not going to be good for Florida."
If you use the word "monkey" when referring to a black screwed up...or you're a racist.

If you screwed apologize

If you're a don't

Pretty simple
Who referred to a black person as a monkey?
If you aren't aware of what's being talked about you really shouldn't expose your ignorance
Not everything is seen as a black thing or a white thing. But, liberals always make it such even if it was unintended to be a black thing or a white thing.
It's all the democrat party has these days.....identity politics. Very sad

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