The world burns, American cities riot, the southern border is overrun and where is O?

Oblama is doing the same thing Reagan did, went on vacation...We all know that no one can stand up to the schedule of Gramps, he never sleeps a wink and works 25 hours a day...He is still walking 5 miles to in the year around snow and it's uphill both ways...

It's uphill all 3 ways dumbass. And it's nothing like what Reagan did.

When Reagan went to school in Chicago he walked two blocks to school and all the way through garbage. Give me the snow anyday.
Golfing on vacation. But hey, at least he took time to relate to the thugs in St Louis. I'm sure our attorney general is on the case....

Which movie is this you're talking about?

Sounds like a cheap Sci-fi channel flick.

I guess you can't afford to get out and see some of the great films that have come out this summer.

We are so going to kick your ass in a few months. Who are you going to blame?
Golfing on vacation. But hey, at least he took time to relate to the thugs in St Louis. I'm sure our attorney general is on the case....

Which movie is this you're talking about?

Sounds like a cheap Sci-fi channel flick.

I guess you can't afford to get out and see some of the great films that have come out this summer.

We are so going to kick your ass in a few months. Who are you going to blame?

No you are not...You won't kick anyone's ass...
Obama promised he would not take vacations if elected president. Whoops, there goes another promise down the toilet.

do we really need to go down this road of how a president is never really on vacation and it just makes you people look mike motherfucking retards crying about this every chance you get because you seem to be worthless losers.

I mean we can..

You do whatever you want. I'm gonna do whatever I want. Hey, why don't you hold your breath and stomp your feet. That's always entertaining. God Bless America.

well i wont stop you from looking like a moron. have at it.
As of August 12, 2014, Obama has taken 20 "vacations" lasting 2 to 15 days. He has spent all or part of 129 days on “vacation.”

And the president has made 33 visits to the official Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland, totaling all or part of 84 days. (Knoller does not count Camp David trips as “vacation.”)

Obama’s morning round of golf on Tuesday brought his total since January 2009 to 186, with 22 of them on Martha’s Vineyard.

At this point in George W. Bush’s presidency, he had taken 58 trips to his Prairie Chapel ranch near Crawford, Texas, for all or part of 381 days. (Bush also frequently used the property to host world leaders).

Bush had also spent all or part of 26 days at his family’s oceanside compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, over the course of seven trips there.

And the former Texas governor had been to Camp David 108 times for a total of all or part of 341 days.
As of August 12, 2014, Obama has taken 20 "vacations" lasting 2 to 15 days. He has spent all or part of 129 days on “vacation.”

And the president has made 33 visits to the official Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland, totaling all or part of 84 days. (Knoller does not count Camp David trips as “vacation.”)

Obama’s morning round of golf on Tuesday brought his total since January 2009 to 186, with 22 of them on Martha’s Vineyard.

At this point in George W. Bush’s presidency, he had taken 58 trips to his Prairie Chapel ranch near Crawford, Texas, for all or part of 381 days. (Bush also frequently used the property to host world leaders).

Bush had also spent all or part of 26 days at his family’s oceanside compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, over the course of seven trips there.

And the former Texas governor had been to Camp David 108 times for a total of all or part of 341 days.

Was Bush ever actually at the White House?
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As of August 12, 2014, Obama has taken 20 "vacations" lasting 2 to 15 days. He has spent all or part of 129 days on “vacation.”

And the president has made 33 visits to the official Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland, totaling all or part of 84 days. (Knoller does not count Camp David trips as “vacation.”)

Obama’s morning round of golf on Tuesday brought his total since January 2009 to 186, with 22 of them on Martha’s Vineyard.

At this point in George W. Bush’s presidency, he had taken 58 trips to his Prairie Chapel ranch near Crawford, Texas, for all or part of 381 days. (Bush also frequently used the property to host world leaders).

Bush had also spent all or part of 26 days at his family’s oceanside compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, over the course of seven trips there.

And the former Texas governor had been to Camp David 108 times for a total of all or part of 341 days.

Was he ever actually at the White House?
He dropped in, from time to time, for pictures and to fuck with private medical decisions.
You don't work 7 days a week, your employees do...

You've clearly never run a business. Work never stops minus a few hours here or there

All you do is tile work, hardly compares to being the leader of the US...

He's not the "leader" of anything. If the job he holds (for which he remains unqualified) is too much for him, he's free to step down any time. Just think of all the time he'd have for golf!
You've clearly never run a business. Work never stops minus a few hours here or there

All you do is tile work, hardly compares to being the leader of the US...

He's not the "leader" of anything. If the job he holds (for which he remains unqualified) is too much for him, he's free to step down any time. Just think of all the time he'd have for golf!
He has two full years to play golf now, and he gets paid to do so. Think a bit next time.
All you do is tile work, hardly compares to being the leader of the US...

He's not the "leader" of anything. If the job he holds (for which he remains unqualified) is too much for him, he's free to step down any time. Just think of all the time he'd have for golf!
He has two full years to play golf now, and he gets paid to do so. Think a bit next time.

He, like you, never thinks about the good of the country. You are just a tiresome buffoon. The act is very old by now, chump.
He's not the "leader" of anything. If the job he holds (for which he remains unqualified) is too much for him, he's free to step down any time. Just think of all the time he'd have for golf!
He has two full years to play golf now, and he gets paid to do so. Think a bit next time.

He, like you, never thinks about the good of the country. You are just a tiresome buffoon. The act is very old by now, chump.
Your opinion is noted, and rejected as the nonsense it is.
Notice op and others don't say what he should be doing or why he should not have vacation time.

The right really does expect him to do what no other prez has been able to do. They really do believe he's shiv and all powerful.

He's good but not even Obama do the impossible.
Oblama is doing the same thing Reagan did, went on vacation...We all know that no one can stand up to the schedule of Gramps, he never sleeps a wink and works 25 hours a day...He is still walking 5 miles to in the year around snow and it's uphill both ways...

It's uphill all 3 ways dumbass. And it's nothing like what Reagan did.

Yes, it is the same, Reagan never stopped his vacations to handle problems...You are asking more from people than you could's just another testament to the idle old man 'tude you exude..

GHW Bush worked; Reagan inspired, more Americans* than Obama. Thus, Obama and Congress need to trim the fat off........their time off. Also, there were few serious problems under RR that his grade Z acting ability couldn't cover. The slaughter of four Americans in El Salvador was forgotten after Haig stated "They weren't JUST nuns". His runaway spending was left to GHW Bush, then Clinton, then.............................

*Not I, I llistened to my parents about Reagan, and the smiley "makes me feel good" types are rarely my choices. The fact remains however, after Watergate, and two good, but serious men, inspiration may have been what this country needed.

They are pretty amazing but absolute hell to deal with after they are delivered. Todays backache will be a stout one lol

I can imagine. My brothers and nephew are stone cutters and they do installs like those tubs, among other things. And you are correct about those being high end items.
Obama promised he would not take vacations if elected president. Whoops, there goes another promise down the toilet.


Of course.

“The bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone,” Obama said. “I am giving myself to you.”

Maybe it's time we gave him back?
It's uphill all 3 ways dumbass. And it's nothing like what Reagan did.

Yes, it is the same, Reagan never stopped his vacations to handle problems...You are asking more from people than you could's just another testament to the idle old man 'tude you exude..

GHW Bush worked; Reagan inspired, more Americans* than Obama. Thus, Obama and Congress need to trim the fat off........their time off. Also, there were few serious problems under RR that his grade Z acting ability couldn't cover. The slaughter of four Americans in El Salvador was forgotten after Haig stated "They weren't JUST nuns". His runaway spending was left to GHW Bush, then Clinton, then.............................

*Not I, I llistened to my parents about Reagan, and the smiley "makes me feel good" types are rarely my choices. The fact remains however, after Watergate, and two good, but serious men, inspiration may have been what this country needed.

After four long depressing years of Carter, Reagan was indeed a blast of sunshine.
Luckily there wasn't 24/7 cable news, or the internet, so you didn't see Carter every damn day like we do Obama, but when you did see Carter, it was like a gray cloud was always over his head. When he held a press conference, you always thought, oh no, what's happened now ?
He has two full years to play golf now, and he gets paid to do so. Think a bit next time.

He, like you, never thinks about the good of the country. You are just a tiresome buffoon. The act is very old by now, chump.
Your opinion is noted, and rejected as the nonsense it is.

A good example of how you lack the creativity to change up the act. Everyone knows you're an asshole by now. Add something new or just shut the fuck up already. You're pointless.

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