The world has the Clinton Foundation, Republicans the Chinese/Russian funded US Chamber of Commerce



Look at the Charter for the Clinton Foundation:

Climate change

Economic Development

Global Health

Health and Wellness

Women and Girls
Bill Hillary Chelsea Clinton Foundation Clinton Foundation

Pretty much everything Republicans are against. Now take a look at the US Chamber of Commerce. Anyone know how many millions it gets from Russia, China and India and how that money is spent? We do know that in the last election, the COC gave to Republicans 7 to 1 over Democrats. Under Bush, it was 10 to 1. What changed? There has been some shift from business to Democrats because business wants educated immigrants to come here because we all know Republicans are anti skills and education. Business doesn't want such stupid people working for their company.

U.S. Chamber Spends 10M On Anti-Democrat Ads NPR
A Washington Post analysis this week shows that such spending has overwhelmingly favored Republican candidates, giving the GOP a 7-1 margin over Democrats when the spending comes from cash spent by outside interest groups.

Ignorant Republicans will say that the COC can't mix the money it receives from foreign countries with what it gives to Republicans in or running for office. Only, thanks to the Supreme Court, we pretty much only have to take their word for it.

The Chamber and Foreign Contributions
We consulted Trevor Potter, a former FEC commissioner and counsel to John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign. "The question for the FEC," said Potter, "is what has the chamber done to ensure the foreign money is not used, and is that sufficient?"

— by Viveca Novak
To me, Republicans trying to smear the Clinton Foundation is ridiculous. For instance, they say the Foundation takes money from countries that treat women poorly and then use that money to help those women. Huh? How is that a bad thing? At least the women are being helped. That's more than what Republicans do for women in this country.

But take a look at the COC:


“The Chinese AmCham has worked closely with the U.S. Chamber and the Chinese government to sponsor a series of seminars in America to teach American businesses how to outsource jobs to China (called the China Grassroots Program)
US Chamber of Commerce lobbyist moderated panel on outsourcing American jobs report

The worst part about GOP policies of moving jobs over seas is the fact it's subsidized. How is it subsidized? Because the cost of moving everything, the training, the setup in the new location, the cost of materials, are all "TAX DEDUCTIBLE". Oh, how Republicans hate those taxes.

So you look at what the Clinton Foundation is doing all over the world and you look at what the US Chamber of Commerce is doing to this country in the name of the GOP and you can see the GOP will come out looking like mean spirited and ignorant tards even worse than they usually do.

NOTE: Dear USMB Republicans. This is how you write a post. Facts, Data, Links and Evidence. Don't just say the ignorant shit you mostly cling to. Obama is not going to invade Texas. Quit being such stupid shits. If you want to debate, then debate. Don't rely on ignorant fantasy. It makes you look bad.

You're right Toddsterpatriot. It is funny. And pitiful.

Politically, this is something Republicans will end up paying for.
I bet Republicans went and for the first time, used Google. Found out the truth and ran like hell.
So what do Republicans do for people? Anyone?

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