Theories on Why Atheists are met with Hostility

The more I learn about science, the more I can honestly say "yes".

A little background:

I'm fascinated with the Big Bang, String Theory, Quantum Mechanics etc. (one of several hobbies of mine). I'm just geeky enough to set a lot of Science Channel shows on my DVR. The more I learn about the inner-workings of the Universe, the more I revere God. All these things help explain "how" He created our existence.

Its very obvious that God would create all the laws of science along with the dirt that gathered to create us in a very specific and (so far) unique manner.

Christianity (my specific religion) has gone through reform on more than one occasion, getting more and more peaceful as time moves on and as we learn more about our Creator. The next reform I believe will happen as soon as we confirm life on one of the thousands of newly discovered exoplanets.

If you are into science and logic then can you resolve this paradox about your creator?

Omnipotence is a paradox because if there is something that your creator cannot destroy then he is not omnipotent. Equally so if he cannot create something that he cannot destroy he is not omnipotent either.

Ergo your creator is not omnipotent.

Law of Conservation stipulates that matter is neither created nor destroyed. That means that the matter/energy of the universe has always existed and will always exist in one form or another which precludes the need for a creator.

I have absolutely no desire to defend my belief in God against you so you'll forgive me if I don't participate in your litmus test. I've merely given my opinion and if you'd just slow down and read the entire conversation that you're trailing behind and responding to, you'll see that I'm simply having a nice discussion with someone about our different beliefs.

I didn't expect you to defend your belief in God. I asked if you could resolve the paradox. The paradox doesn't preclude the existence of your God at all. It merely establishes that the universe wasn't "created".

There is a distinct possibility of the existence of beings with god-like powers in this universe. 200 years ago the idea that you could see what someone was doing on the other side of the planet, push a button and a bolt from the sky would obliterate them would be perceived as a god-like power but it is something that we can do today. 25 years ago we could only speculate that there were exo-planets. Today we have evidence that they exist.

So are there beings in the universe with god-like powers to shatter an entire planet or make a star go supernova? As I said the possibility is there. But do they care that I live on a remote planet, one out of 10^24 amongst the 200 billion known galaxies, together with 7 billion other homo sapiens? Doubtful to say the least.

If you believe such beings exist (and there's a probability that they do, too), then you shouldn't leave out the possibility that God created everything in existence and does care about us measly Earthlings. Both can exist if either one can.

I always got the impression that God didn't tell us in the Bible that there were other people ~20 light years away because it really wasn't applicable when people here were still striking rocks to make fire.

I eliminated the possibility of a creator because there is no evidence of one and there is evidence that the universe is eternal.

As far as what was written by bronze age mankind being the basis for the existence of a creator that is a non starter.

There are certainly some basic truths in those writings that hold true to this day but the fact that it starts out with a deliberate deception of mankind by God makes the rest of that aspect less than credible.

You sound as if you're trying to convince me that God doesn't exist. I'm losing interest pretty fast.
Well, as long as you read that on the internet, it must be true.

Actually, I read it in actual history books, and use the internet to mock people.

Tell you what, if you are right about the Dark Ages, feel free to provide scholarly references that describe them. If, on the other hand, I am right, feel free to declare yourself the winner without providing any evidence to back up your claim.
One of these days, I'll suggest that you leave early from your meeting at the Flat Earth Society and study some relevant history.

Some truths about the damage that you religious extremists have caused to humanity will be a valuable lesson for you.

Troll is as troll does.
Ironic given that fundamentalist Christians are the ones demanding that they be given the right to impose their religion on everyone else at the cost of the happiness of others who don't share their beliefs and many who do.

But let's take your "live and let live" premise a step further. Are you going to be happy with satanic rituals being performed before high school football games? How about Hindu and Islamic symbols in your local courtroom? Would you be happy with your state legislature representatives swearing in with their hand on the Quran?

Tell you what, explain how the fact that other people express an opinion you disagree with imposes on you. If you can offer a cogent argument in defense of that position, you might have a point. If you cannot, you definitely do not.
You can publicly air your beliefs as much as you like. But you cannot do it under government sanction. The fact that you don't understand this basic concept means that you have disqualified yourself from this debate. Have a nice day.

Can you provide an example of the government sanctioning my beliefs? Keep in mind that you have no idea what I believe as you answer that question.
You sound as if you're trying to convince me that God doesn't exist. I'm losing interest pretty fast.

Seriously? If your faith is that fragile then that is not my problem. I am not trying to convince you of anything at all. I support your right to believe as you wish. Just responding to your posts.

Earlier you gave the distinct impression that you were interested in science so I tried to engage you on that level. Obviously that impression is proving to be false. Have a nice day.
No one is advocating banning "all religious practices". That is fallacious allegation on your part. You are guilty of falsely accusing atheists of things that they are not doing. There are no "unwritten laws" other than in your imagination.

Wrong AGAIN!

There are multiple posters that have actually advocated banning religion entirely, and here is a Facebook page that also advocates that position.

Ban religion Facebook
You sound as if you're trying to convince me that God doesn't exist. I'm losing interest pretty fast.

Seriously? If your faith is that fragile then that is not my problem. I am not trying to convince you of anything at all. I support your right to believe as you wish. Just responding to your posts.

Earlier you gave the distinct impression that you were interested in science so I tried to engage you on that level. Obviously that impression is proving to be false. Have a nice day.

My bad, I tried setting the standard too high. We'll try again another time.
You sound as if you're trying to convince me that God doesn't exist. I'm losing interest pretty fast.

Seriously? If your faith is that fragile then that is not my problem. I am not trying to convince you of anything at all. I support your right to believe as you wish. Just responding to your posts.

Earlier you gave the distinct impression that you were interested in science so I tried to engage you on that level. Obviously that impression is proving to be false. Have a nice day.

My bad, I tried setting the standard too high. We'll try again another time.

Never mind, at least you tried! :( We can have another go again whenever you feel up to it. :D
I kind of like the concept of us Atheists claiming that we ARE a religion! We can build buildings, have weekly parties, invest in real estate, and it would all be tax free!!!!!!

I wish they'd turn the thank you button back into a like button because it would be more appropriate for how I feel toward this post haha.

And, it's too hard for you to type "I like your post"?
I kind of like the concept of us Atheists claiming that we ARE a religion! We can build buildings, have weekly parties, invest in real estate, and it would all be tax free!!!!!!

Atheist 'mega-churches' take root across US, world

First I have seen of that movement. More like a Sunday concert than a gathering of the pious. At the very least there won't be any of the hypocrisy that was so apparent in the Churches of my youth.
AtheistBuddah, post: 9712385, member: 49804
Below, I have posted a link to a video I recently watched that I feel gives a good explanation for the hostility that many theists have towards atheists and why they often feel threatened by our nonbelief. My purpose for posting it here is to encourage others here to watch it and then post some of their own explanations of why they think atheists are so hated.

I don't need to watch your propaganda. Christians aren't threatened by disbelief. If anything we feel sorry for you. We know where you're bound.
DT shows where the hostility comes from.

And it isn't the Christians.

You are probably the single most hostile faux Christian in this entire forum. I call you a faux Christian because you display none of the normal attributes associated with Christianity. You treat everyone who doesn't kiss your feet like the enemy. What is even worse is that you take pleasure out of being nasty to others. You were singlehandedly responsible for triggering the ultimate demise of the Tavern and the banning of it's OP so you even managed to betray your own friends.

You are the epitome of hostility towards atheists and if I was to postulate a theory per the OP of this thread I would put it down to your own lack of self esteem. You are so insecure you feel the need to put down others in order to boost your own fragile ego.

Atheists are a convenient whipping boy for you because you know that they are the last persecuted minority that you can get away with denigrating. By failing to show Christian compassion for your fellows and instead attacking them you are exposing the vile mendacity of your inner being.

Your kneejerk reaction is going to be a screech that I am displaying "hostility" towards you but it is anything but that. I am not posting this out of any emotion on my part at all. Instead I posting this because it is the simple truth about you and your hostility towards atheists.

Yes, cuz it's hostile to call atheists on their hatred, their multiple and ongoing attempts to make Christian expression not only politically incorrect but ILLEGAL, or to point out that the most deadly regimes the world has ever seen has been atheist regimes, who used the exact same methods to attempt to erase Christianity (and Christians) off the face of the earth that progressive atheist loons propose today. Why should anyone be hostile toward people who denigrate, degrade, arrest, persecute, attack and lobby for the incarceration of, them?

How hateful!
Likewise, it's *shallow* to engage in a belief system that embraces forgiveness and love as the cornerstone of their earthly and eternal lives; it's *shallow* to commit yourself to the betterment of your own soul and the salvation of the souls of everyone else as well, in the face of adversity and death. But to be totally committed to making yourself HAPPY and the people you like THERE'S a truly NOBLE, philosophical calling!

What utter tripe. Behold the results of our laughable education system.
AtheistBuddah, post: 9712385, member: 49804
Below, I have posted a link to a video I recently watched that I feel gives a good explanation for the hostility that many theists have towards atheists and why they often feel threatened by our nonbelief. My purpose for posting it here is to encourage others here to watch it and then post some of their own explanations of why they think atheists are so hated.

I don't need to watch your propaganda. Christians aren't threatened by disbelief. If anything we feel sorry for you. We know where you're bound.

More Christian empathy for their fellows. :eek:

Just because you believe something doesn't mean that it amounts to knowledge.
DT shows where the hostility comes from.

And it isn't the Christians.

You are probably the single most hostile faux Christian in this entire forum. I call you a faux Christian because you display none of the normal attributes associated with Christianity. You treat everyone who doesn't kiss your feet like the enemy. What is even worse is that you take pleasure out of being nasty to others. You were singlehandedly responsible for triggering the ultimate demise of the Tavern and the banning of it's OP so you even managed to betray your own friends.

You are the epitome of hostility towards atheists and if I was to postulate a theory per the OP of this thread I would put it down to your own lack of self esteem. You are so insecure you feel the need to put down others in order to boost your own fragile ego.

Atheists are a convenient whipping boy for you because you know that they are the last persecuted minority that you can get away with denigrating. By failing to show Christian compassion for your fellows and instead attacking them you are exposing the vile mendacity of your inner being.

Your kneejerk reaction is going to be a screech that I am displaying "hostility" towards you but it is anything but that. I am not posting this out of any emotion on my part at all. Instead I posting this because it is the simple truth about you and your hostility towards atheists.

Yes, cuz it's hostile to call atheists on their hatred, their multiple and ongoing attempts to make Christian expression not only politically incorrect but ILLEGAL, or to point out that the most deadly regimes the world has ever seen has been atheist regimes, who used the exact same methods to attempt to erase Christianity (and Christians) off the face of the earth that progressive atheist loons propose today. Why should anyone be hostile toward people who denigrate, degrade, arrest, persecute, attack and lobby for the incarceration of, them?

How hateful!

Exactly as predicted the hostile screeching comes in right on cue! :lmao:
AtheistBuddah, post: 9712385, member: 49804
Below, I have posted a link to a video I recently watched that I feel gives a good explanation for the hostility that many theists have towards atheists and why they often feel threatened by our nonbelief. My purpose for posting it here is to encourage others here to watch it and then post some of their own explanations of why they think atheists are so hated.

I don't need to watch your propaganda. Christians aren't threatened by disbelief. If anything we feel sorry for you. We know where you're bound.

More Christian empathy for their fellows. :eek:

Just because you believe something doesn't mean that it amounts to knowledge.

So it is apparent you don't know what the word empathy means, either.

Stating that we know where you're going does not denote a lack of empathy.

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