There appears to be a black man in the "Thank You President Trump" Commercial

Okay, you post your fantasy internet chart, and I'll go with my olfactory and visual senses and memory. Pwahahaha! You're claiming they shave, shower, and use deoderant more than American women? Have you lost your mind? :badgrin: :cuckoo:

Son! That dog just ain't gonna hunt!

And how much time did you spend in Paris oh worldly one?

The 10 most hilariously wrong stereotypes about French people

How many women from Paris have you met? I've met about 10. 8 out of 10 had leg/armpit hair and BO. Next!

GFY with your fantasy internet shit. I live in the real world.
First of all, I am American. It is my culture.


You are an America hating Maoist who is intent on ending the United States Constitution.

Born there and lived there for 50 years. Second, I can make fun of my own culture. What do you think Green Acres was? Or the Andy Griffith Show? We make fun of our own culture.

I said it is foolish to make fun of other cultures. There is a huge difference between making fun of yourself and making fun of others.

Many other cultures, especially the French, richly deserve to be made fun of. Lazy little Frogs who arrogantly think they are superior are a prime example.
You're a troll and/or insane. And obviously very stupid. :asshole:

LOL Ever heard of Napoleon? LOL You're so funny.
You sure you want to point to Napoleon as a French success story?

Of course. It's Irony Friday. She apparently has never heard of Napoleon.
Every now and then I wonder...

how many internet posters who post garbage about the US every day, while pretending to be american...actually aren't?
American Generals still employ Napoleon's tactics, that part of French culture is certainly preserved.

I could do without the BO, rude attitude, and leghair, though, myself.

Ahh excellent - two of my favorite RW myths about France --- Right on cue! :rolleyes-41:

French women don’t shave
You’re about 10 times more likely to find an unshaven woman in Kentucky, Texas, or Alabama than you are in Paris. The “all-natural” movement isn’t so much a thing in France as it is a marketing-generated myth: after World War II, American razor depilatory cream companies -- as well as nylon stocking manufacturers -- wanted to extend their markets overseas and began pushing the fur-free lifestyle hard in France. According to a 2006 study, 77 percent of French considered it important for a woman to be free of body hair; 83 percent of women shaved their legs, 73 percent shaved their armpits, and 54 percent shaved their bikini line.

Percent who shower once a day

They are myths. There isn't any difference between Americans and the French as far as hygiene is concerned. And women do shave. Over here, in European countries, there are special stores that sell primarilly things for women like shampoo, skin care, hair care, and everything, INCLUDING RAZORS.

There is such a shop a block away from where I'm staying now. Called Lilly Drogerie. The big Lilly shops have a pharmacy and also sell cleaning supplies for the house; the little one near me just sells women's grooming supplies.

No women anywhere I've been in Europe have hairy legs or underarms. And definitely don't smell bad. The French have the best perfumes in the world and the most important cosmetic and skincare companies.
American Generals still employ Napoleon's tactics, that part of French culture is certainly preserved.

I could do without the BO, rude attitude, and leghair, though, myself.

Ahh excellent - two of my favorite RW myths about France --- Right on cue! :rolleyes-41:

French women don’t shave
You’re about 10 times more likely to find an unshaven woman in Kentucky, Texas, or Alabama than you are in Paris. The “all-natural” movement isn’t so much a thing in France as it is a marketing-generated myth: after World War II, American razor depilatory cream companies -- as well as nylon stocking manufacturers -- wanted to extend their markets overseas and began pushing the fur-free lifestyle hard in France. According to a 2006 study, 77 percent of French considered it important for a woman to be free of body hair; 83 percent of women shaved their legs, 73 percent shaved their armpits, and 54 percent shaved their bikini line.

Percent who shower once a day

They are myths. There isn't any difference between Americans and the French as far as hygiene is concerned. And women do shave. Over here, in European countries, there are special stores that sell primarilly things for women like shampoo, skin care, hair care, and everything, INCLUDING RAZORS.

There is such a shop a block away from where I'm staying now. Called Lilly Drogerie. The big Lilly shops have a pharmacy and also sell cleaning supplies for the house; the little one near me just sells women's grooming supplies.

No women anywhere I've been in Europe have hairy legs or underarms. And definitely don't smell bad. The French have the best perfumes in the world and the most important cosmetic and skincare companies.

Oh, so 8 out of 10 French women I've met in the US is just some crazy fluke, right? Bull-fucking-shit! You're either lying, or I've experienced one hell of an anomaly.
Last edited:

You are an America hating Maoist who is intent on ending the United States Constitution.

Many other cultures, especially the French, richly deserve to be made fun of. Lazy little Frogs who arrogantly think they are superior are a prime example.
You're a troll and/or insane. And obviously very stupid. :asshole:

LOL Ever heard of Napoleon? LOL You're so funny.
You sure you want to point to Napoleon as a French success story?

Of course. It's Irony Friday. She apparently has never heard of Napoleon.
Apparently you only know the name but nothing about the man. LOL I've been to Elba. Do you know anything about Elba?
How many women from Paris have you met? I've met about 10. 8 out of 10 had leg/armpit hair and BO. Next!

GFY with your fantasy internet shit. I live in the real world.

You failed to answer my question - how much time did you spend in Paris .. tell us about it!

I have met many French women .. even had a GF who was born in Paris. Totally hot, delicious and impeccably shaved including the kitty :)

Ever heard of Saint Helena?

You are so abysmally ignorant.

No wonder you are a leftist.
I've been to Elba, have you? The problem with RWrs is that they constantly miss the point. The assertion was made that the French were unimportant historically because they were losers. Napoleon was one of the greatest generals in Western history. He conquered a great deal of Europe. There has never been an American general of that level. You people are nuts. You are really nuts.

American Generals still employ Napoleon's tactics, that part of French culture is certainly preserved.

I could do without the BO, rude attitude, and leghair, though, myself.
None of that actually exists. It's another American myth.
Esmeralda a question if i may....are you in Spain because of your job or do you live there? son just came home from working in the UK for a couple of years,he thought it was a great experience....just curious....
I've been living and working overseas for 14 years. Several countries and doing a lot of traveling. Was something I always wanted to do. Great experience.

But, BTW, being in a country for a year or more because of your job IS living there. It's the same thing.
yea i know it is,but some people are only there because of the job while others are there because they WANT to live son was there only because of the job.....
How many women from Paris have you met? I've met about 10. 8 out of 10 had leg/armpit hair and BO. Next!

GFY with your fantasy internet shit. I live in the real world.

You failed to answer my question - how much time did you spend in Paris .. tell us about it!

I have met many French women .. even had a GF who was born in Paris. Totally hot, delicious and impeccably shaved including the kitty :)
And I bet you're a millionaire and drive a Maserati, too. You just bought your GF some Manolos, amirite?
Oh, so 8 out of 10 French women I've met in the US is just some crazy fluke, right? Bull-fucking-shit! You're either lying, or I've experienced one hell of an anomaly.

Did you monitor this 8 out of 10 fantasy of yours on a whiteboard or something.

Women from Paris I know by Marion

Stinky & Hairy!
Stinky & Hairy
Stinky & Hairy!!
Stinky & Hairy
Stinky & Hairy
Stinky & Hairy!
Stinky & Hairy
Stinky & Hairy!!!

LoL dude, you're hysterical! :D
Every now and then I wonder...

how many internet posters who post garbage about the US every day, while pretending to be american...actually aren't?
I was born and raised in Oregon but haven't been there for 20 years. I've lived in Portland, Salem, Eugene, and Ashland. I 've been to pretty much all of the cities/towns on the Oregon coast, been xcountry skiing in the Bend and Crater Lake areas. My cousins lived in Prineville and had horses and we went riding on the land around there. There were cattle carcasses lying out on the land; they had died from a big snow storm the previous winter. I've ridden a horse as it swam across a river. Have you?

My uncle liked to go to A & W and get rootbeer and then make floats with vanilla icecream. I've been to rodeos. I've been to the junior Rose Festival parade and the regular Rose Festival parade. When I was a senior in high school, our princess was the Rose Festival queen. I went to Portland State University which is near the Park Blocks. Saint Helens blew when I lived in Eugene and we had volcano ash even down there. My car was dusted with it. Anything else you'd like to ask me about Oregon? I am an American. A better one that you are.
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And I bet you're a millionaire and drive a Maserati, too. You just bought your GF some Manolos, amirite?

Still no answers? Well that figures even though I always answer your questions.
No, I did not buy her a pair of $600 skids, am upper middle comfortable but not rich, and do not drive a Maserati.
Once a lying, dodging Trumpkin .. ALWAYS a lying, dodging Trumpkin!
Every now and then I wonder...

how many internet posters who post garbage about the US every day, while pretending to be american...actually aren't?
I was born and raised in Oregon but haven't been there for 20 years. I've lived in Portland, Salem, Eugene, and Ashland. I 've been to pretty much all of the cities/towns on the Oregon coast, been xcountry skiing in the Bend and Crater Lake areas. My cousins lived in Prineville and had horses and we went riding on the land around there. There were cattle carcasses lying out on the land; they had died from a big snow storm the previous winter. I've riden a horse as it swam across a river. Have you?

My uncle liked to go to A & W and get rootbeer and then make floats with vanilla icecream. I've been to rodeos. I've been to the junior Rose Festival parade and the regular Rose Festival parade. When I was a senior in high school, our princess was the Rose Festival queen. I went to Portland State University which is near the Park Blocks. Saint Helens blew when I lived in Eugene and we had volcano ash even down there. My car was dusted with it. Anything else you'd like to ask me about Oregon? I am an American. A better one that you are.

No, you aren't a better American. What you are is a disgusting dirt eating cockroach. And America is ashamed of you.

And I seriously didn't want your Oregon litany. It makes me want to barf, that you were able to experience the beauty of Oregon..and yet your kind are the scum who ruined it...and continue to try to destroy it further.

But your kind is why we're building big prisons and mental hospitals. People are so sick of your kind, and the offal you have created, that we're going to start locking you, and them, up.
Every now and then I wonder...

how many internet posters who post garbage about the US every day, while pretending to be american...actually aren't?

I know Portland and Esmeralda has told me enough about Portland that I'd bet my life she lived in Portland in the 1970s.

You on the other hand are a question mark. I suspect you to be a Paid Putin Troll living in Moscow! :lol:
American Generals still employ Napoleon's tactics, that part of French culture is certainly preserved.

I could do without the BO, rude attitude, and leghair, though, myself.

Ahh excellent - two of my favorite RW myths about France --- Right on cue! :rolleyes-41:

French women don’t shave
You’re about 10 times more likely to find an unshaven woman in Kentucky, Texas, or Alabama than you are in Paris. The “all-natural” movement isn’t so much a thing in France as it is a marketing-generated myth: after World War II, American razor depilatory cream companies -- as well as nylon stocking manufacturers -- wanted to extend their markets overseas and began pushing the fur-free lifestyle hard in France. According to a 2006 study, 77 percent of French considered it important for a woman to be free of body hair; 83 percent of women shaved their legs, 73 percent shaved their armpits, and 54 percent shaved their bikini line.

Percent who shower once a day

They are myths. There isn't any difference between Americans and the French as far as hygiene is concerned. And women do shave. Over here, in European countries, there are special stores that sell primarilly things for women like shampoo, skin care, hair care, and everything, INCLUDING RAZORS.

There is such a shop a block away from where I'm staying now. Called Lilly Drogerie. The big Lilly shops have a pharmacy and also sell cleaning supplies for the house; the little one near me just sells women's grooming supplies.

No women anywhere I've been in Europe have hairy legs or underarms. And definitely don't smell bad. The French have the best perfumes in the world and the most important cosmetic and skincare companies.

Oh, so 8 out of 10 French women I've met in the US is just some crazy fluke, right? Bull-fucking-shit! You're either lying, or I've experienced one hell of an anomaly.
It must be because I've never met a French woman in the States or anywhere that smelled bad. I've been to countless European beaches, have spent months on the French Riviera and in Southern France and have not noticed any women unshaven.

Maybe it's the type of woman you hang out with; need to find a better quality of female companionship.

Trust me if you can: I am definitely not lying. French women are the best dressed of Europe, except for Italians. They are very well groomed and look pretty much 100% better than Americans or the Brits. I've just never seen any with body hair. Seriously you go into any shop that sells women's grooming supplies and they sell razors. I know, I've bought them.
I was born and raised in Oregon but haven't been there for 20 years. I've lived in Portland, Salem, Eugene, and Ashland. I 've been to pretty much all of the cities/towns on the Oregon coast, been xcountry skiing in the Bend and Crater Lake areas. My cousins lived in Prineville and had horses and we went riding on the land around there. There were cattle carcasses lying out on the land; they had died from a big snow storm the previous winter. I've riden a horse as it swam across a river. Have you?

My uncle liked to go to A & W and get rootbeer and then make floats with vanilla icecream. I've been to rodeos. I've been to the junior Rose Festival parade and the regular Rose Festival parade. When I was a senior in high school, our princess was the Rose Festival queen. I went to Portland State University which is near the Park Blocks. Saint Helens blew when I lived in Eugene and we had volcano ash even down there. My car was dusted with it. Anything else you'd like to ask me about Oregon? I am an American. A better one that you are.

I loved the Rose Festival and Parade also the Blues Festival and the other cool events they held down on Tom McCall Waterfront Park -

Especially when it didn't rain :wink:

I've been to Elba, have you? The problem with RWrs is that they constantly miss the point. The assertion was made that the French were unimportant historically because they were losers. Napoleon was one of the greatest generals in Western history. He conquered a great deal of Europe. There has never been an American general of that level. You people are nuts. You are really nuts.

American Generals still employ Napoleon's tactics, that part of French culture is certainly preserved.

I could do without the BO, rude attitude, and leghair, though, myself.
None of that actually exists. It's another American myth.
Esmeralda a question if i may....are you in Spain because of your job or do you live there? son just came home from working in the UK for a couple of years,he thought it was a great experience....just curious....
I've been living and working overseas for 14 years. Several countries and doing a lot of traveling. Was something I always wanted to do. Great experience.

But, BTW, being in a country for a year or more because of your job IS living there. It's the same thing.
yea i know it is,but some people are only there because of the job while others are there because they WANT to live son was there only because of the job.....
Oh, okay. Well, I liked it so well that every summer, when I had two months off, instead of going back to the States or traveling around, I'd rent an apartment somewhere (a different country each year) for the whole 2 months and live there like a resident. It's a much better way to get to know the culture and people than being a tourist.
No, you aren't a better American. What you are is a disgusting dirt eating cockroach. And America is ashamed of you.

And I seriously didn't want your Oregon litany. It makes me want to barf, that you were able to experience the beauty of Oregon..and yet your kind are the scum who ruined it...and continue to try to destroy it further.

But your kind is why we're building big prisons and mental hospitals. People are so sick of your kind, and the offal you have created, that we're going to start locking you, and them, up.

Sorry, but the mere fact that she has not expressed an interest in killing you makes HER a better American.

Building more prisons is a RW thing - See Jefferson Beauregard Sessions. He wants to jail pot smokers for long periods of time (especially the black ones)

But indeed, we may need to build more mental hospitals to ensure space for the likes of you. :cool-45:
Every now and then I wonder...

how many internet posters who post garbage about the US every day, while pretending to be american...actually aren't?
I was born and raised in Oregon but haven't been there for 20 years. I've lived in Portland, Salem, Eugene, and Ashland. I 've been to pretty much all of the cities/towns on the Oregon coast, been xcountry skiing in the Bend and Crater Lake areas. My cousins lived in Prineville and had horses and we went riding on the land around there. There were cattle carcasses lying out on the land; they had died from a big snow storm the previous winter. I've riden a horse as it swam across a river. Have you?

My uncle liked to go to A & W and get rootbeer and then make floats with vanilla icecream. I've been to rodeos. I've been to the junior Rose Festival parade and the regular Rose Festival parade. When I was a senior in high school, our princess was the Rose Festival queen. I went to Portland State University which is near the Park Blocks. Saint Helens blew when I lived in Eugene and we had volcano ash even down there. My car was dusted with it. Anything else you'd like to ask me about Oregon? I am an American. A better one that you are.

No, you aren't a better American. What you are is a disgusting dirt eating cockroach. And America is ashamed of you.

And I seriously didn't want your Oregon litany. It makes me want to barf, that you were able to experience the beauty of Oregon..and yet your kind are the scum who ruined it...and continue to try to destroy it further.

But your kind is why we're building big prisons and mental hospitals. People are so sick of your kind, and the offal you have created, that we're going to start locking you, and them, up.
You are insane. Sick and insane.
Oh, okay. Well, I liked it so well that every summer, when I had two months off, instead of going back to the States or traveling around, I'd rent an apartment somewhere (a different country each year) for the whole 2 months and live there like a resident. It's a much better way to get to know the culture and people than being a tourist.

You are pretty much living my dream!
Countries I MUST visit: Italy, Germany, Spain, Ireland, France, Netherlands, New Zealand and Australia are pretty much top of mind!
Let the Trump Clowns experience Russia :)

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