There are only women of non-European type in pin-up

In addition, the shape of the skull is very different. Some Europeans are dolichocephalic, but even with a brachycephalic form, they have a rather flat top, while Americans and Indians have a very high crown. Apparently, this always prevents them from wearing loose hair, they fall on their faces because of this. Do American women have this problem?

Most of the women of the European type that I see now in Russia have one or another degree of curvature of the ankle to the outside, so they trample on shoes from the inside and not from the outside, and they will pick up shoes with a ledge outward. Because of this, they have a slightly goose gait, waddling.
I think that this is not true for most American women, am I right?
I think most American and Mexican women will gravitate toward the left side of this picture, and most Europeans toward the ritht side.

In addition, the shape of the skull is very different. Some Europeans are dolichocephalic, but even with a brachycephalic form, they have a rather flat top, while Americans and Indians have a very high crown. Apparently, this always prevents them from wearing loose hair, they fall on their faces because of this. Do American women have this problem?

You have said, in 2 different threads, that you would give separate freedoms to women.

What freedoms would those be? Can you elaborate or are you scared to do so?
You have said, in 2 different threads, that you would give separate freedoms to women.

What freedoms would those be? Can you elaborate or are you scared to do so?
the right to be protected by a man, a separate law to protect women who grew up without fathers, the right to light work, the right not to fight, the right to be a housewife, and so on
the right to be protected by a man, a separate law to protect women who grew up without fathers, the right to light work, the right not to fight, the right to be a housewife, and so on

The right to be protected by a man? Well isn't that generous of you. I am sure it will be whether she wants to be protected or not, huh?

A law to protect women who grew up without fathers? What about step-fathers? What about men without mothers?

The right to "light work"? No heavy work? lol Worried they will show a man up?

The right to be a housewife is ridiculous. Just don't create laws restricting women from being a housewife or working at whatever job she wants and is qualified for. In other words, let them be free to choose.
In addition, a blonde never looks sexy unless she paints her face like a brunette. They always do it

Yes, both blondes in my pictures have a lot of makeup. Even the cartoon does. I wonder why they learned to do that? Oh yeah, the patriarchal society told them they had to or they would be ugly.
The right to be a housewife is ridiculous. Just don't create laws restricting women from being a housewife or working at whatever job she wants and is qualified for. In other words, let them be free to choose.
The left is robbing the working class to free women's hands for labor. Any worker should receive enough to support a non-working wife.

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