There are rich black people and poor white people...

Economic Anxiety Didn’t Make People Vote Trump, Racism Did

Yes, the country which elected the negro Obama, with the highest popular vote of any president in US history, wouldn't elect white Hillary because of racism. Dumpshit libtards. Get over your racism.

Yep the same country where about 60 percent of all whites didn't vote for Obama either time voted for Trump due to racism.
Look at them southern stupid GOP voters, most on some type of gov. aide and yet they vote for a anti aide republican...that is stupid.

Poor white southerners vote for Republicans because the Democrats are at war with them.

Trump ran a better campaign than Hillary, because CNN covered him 25 hours a day, Putin covered him at night..hint hint and he ran on RACISM....something that seems to work in AmeriKKKa.

Hillary's loss wouldn't have anything to do with Hillary calling people like white Southerners "Deplorables" while she advocated a mountain of racial, sexual, and religious discrimination against them?
Lets get something straight, Trump ran on deplorable antics, mocking the handicap, talking about his small dick, grabbing women's vagina's, when she said deplorables you idiot, she referenced anybody supporting that shit was in fact deplorable....the fact redneck deplorables took it personal, speaks for itself.
Economic Anxiety Didn’t Make People Vote Trump, Racism Did

Yes, the country which elected the negro Obama, with the highest popular vote of any president in US history, wouldn't elect white Hillary because of racism. Dumpshit libtards. Get over your racism.

Yep the same country where about 60 percent of all whites didn't vote for Obama either time voted for Trump due to racism.
Soon, white people will find, like they always with the Newt Contract with the 90's, is that every single fuckin time they place all their hopes and dreams on the GOP and white the end, nobody and I mean nobody gets fucked more...just ask the middle class that once existed before NAFTA they all wanted came along. Sadly, white pride just will not go away and its killing this race.....slowly!!
Lets get something straight, Trump ran on deplorable antics, mocking the handicap, talking about his small dick, grabbing women's vagina's, when she said deplorables you idiot, she referenced anybody supporting that shit was in fact deplorable....the fact redneck deplorables took it personal, speaks for itself.

No, libtard, Hillary called conservatives deplorable for their conservative values, like support for natural marriage and opposition to racial discrimination (preferences).

Trump didn't mock the handicapped and conservatives don't supports some of the tasteless things Trump. Libtards are shitheads and you're projecting libtard thinking onto conservatives.
Lets get something straight, Trump ran on deplorable antics, mocking the handicap, talking about his small dick, grabbing women's vagina's, when she said deplorables you idiot, she referenced anybody supporting that shit was in fact deplorable....the fact redneck deplorables took it personal, speaks for itself.

No, libtard, Hillary called conservatives deplorable for their conservative values, like support for natural marriage and opposition to racial discrimination (preferences).

Trump didn't mock the handicapped and conservatives don't supports some of the tasteless things Trump. Libtards are shitheads and you're projecting libtard thinking onto conservatives.

No that's what Trump told you because he knew you guys would be stupid enough to believe him.. Tigerred is right. You whites aren't being discriminated against and what's so irritating about you fucked up conservatives is you get the majority of these so called preferences now and still whine about how you aren't getting all you deserve. Isn't 241 years of preferences enough?
No that's what Trump told you because he knew you guys would be stupid enough to believe him.. Tigerred is right. You whites aren't being discriminated against and what's so irritating about you fucked up conservatives is you get the majority of these so called preferences now and still whine about how you aren't getting all you deserve. Isn't 241 years of preferences enough?

If whites are discriminated against, how do you explain the SAT score gap in between blacks and whites accepted at Harvard? Come on lying racist, say something stupid.

What are calls for "diversity" if not calls for racial discrimination? Come on lying racist, say something stupid.
No that's what Trump told you because he knew you guys would be stupid enough to believe him.. Tigerred is right. You whites aren't being discriminated against and what's so irritating about you fucked up conservatives is you get the majority of these so called preferences now and still whine about how you aren't getting all you deserve. Isn't 241 years of preferences enough?

If whites are discriminated against, how do you explain the SAT score gap in between blacks and whites accepted at Harvard? Come on lying racist, say something stupid.

What are calls for "diversity" if not calls for racial discrimination? Come on lying racist, say something stupid.

I say there is no score gap and furthermore I will say that SAT scores have never been the only or sole determinant of college entry. Third I will also say that SAT scores have been removed from about 1,000 colleges and universities as a qualifier. Last I will say that not only is Harvard not the only university in America but that whites are the majority of students there.

What was diversity when the rules were whites only? Did SAT scores matter then?

Come on lying racist, say something else stupid.
I say there is no score gap

No race SAT score gap? Being a libtard means having a skull full of shit and denying simple reality. At top private colleges, like Harvard, there's a 450 point SAT gap between races on entrance requirements. Practically speaking, Harvard is forcing great students to share classrooms with chimps.

SAT scores have never been the only or sole determinant of college entry.

Yeah, blacks make up for poor SAT scores on college applications in other ways, like what?

Third I will also say that SAT scores have been removed from about 1,000 colleges and universities as a qualifier.

Yes, because blacks are shitty by every objective measure, so schools have been removing objective entrance requirements for the sake of favoring blacks (and, discriminating against whites) in a less blatant manner.

What was diversity when the rules were whites only? Did SAT scores matter then?

Top colleges didn't practice racial discrimination until they started trying to pollute their campuses with blacks.
I say there is no score gap

No race SAT score gap? Being a libtard means having a skull full of shit and denying simple reality. At top private colleges, like Harvard, there's a 450 point SAT gap between races on entrance requirements. Practically speaking, Harvard is forcing great students to share classrooms with chimps.

SAT scores have never been the only or sole determinant of college entry.

Yeah, blacks make up for poor SAT scores on college applications in other ways, like what?

Third I will also say that SAT scores have been removed from about 1,000 colleges and universities as a qualifier.

Yes, because blacks are shitty by every objective measure, so schools have been removing objective entrance requirements for the sake of favoring blacks (and, discriminating against whites) in a less blatant manner.

What was diversity when the rules were whites only? Did SAT scores matter then?

Top colleges didn't practice racial discrimination until they started trying to pollute their campuses with blacks.

White legacy admittees have lower scores than anyone.

SATS were removed because they don' t prove anything.

When whites only was a policy that was racial discrimination. A policy that lasted in most places until 1965.
White legacy admittees have lower scores than anyone.

A lying retard who says there's no SAT race gap has zero credibility. And, even white trailer trash outscores middle-class black students, so I have no doubt that white legacies outscore blacks.

SATS were removed because they don' t prove anything.

SAT tests are being discounted because of pervasive bias in our society in favor of blacks. SAT test makers tried very hard to boost black scores and they failed, so schools started discounting SATs.

When whites only was a policy that was racial discrimination. A policy that lasted in most places until 1965.

You can't discriminated against the unqualified. Besides, your argument is that two wrongs make a write. All you do is prove yourself unqualified for anything.
Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
Did ever occur to you, that not everybody wants to sling meat in a ww, while texting a girlfriend, while the big screen tv is blaring noise that makes you not hear the pizza delivery guy knocking on the door, after he pulls up in a battery charged car....maybe just maybe some people like the simple things in life!!
So why are blacks drowning (literally) to get to a white country?
No that's what Trump told you because he knew you guys would be stupid enough to believe him.. Tigerred is right. You whites aren't being discriminated against and what's so irritating about you fucked up conservatives is you get the majority of these so called preferences now and still whine about how you aren't getting all you deserve. Isn't 241 years of preferences enough?

If whites are discriminated against, how do you explain the SAT score gap in between blacks and whites accepted at Harvard? Come on lying racist, say something stupid.

What are calls for "diversity" if not calls for racial discrimination? Come on lying racist, say something stupid.

I say there is no score gap and furthermore I will say that SAT scores have never been the only or sole determinant of college entry. Third I will also say that SAT scores have been removed from about 1,000 colleges and universities as a qualifier. Last I will say that not only is Harvard not the only university in America but that whites are the majority of students there.

What was diversity when the rules were whites only? Did SAT scores matter then?

Come on lying racist, say something else stupid.
What's to say when you believe whatever you want to believe, the facts and statistics be damned? When Mugabe does something, you say it's whitey's fault. When per capita statistics say one thing, you say they (per capita statistics in general) don't matter and then proceed to post per capita statistics.

I have a question for you: do you even read/view the articles/videos you quote/link? I ask because of your apparent flip-flop on per capita statistics (and other things I noticed in your posts).
White legacy admittees have lower scores than anyone.

A lying retard who says there's no SAT race gap has zero credibility. And, even white trailer trash outscores middle-class black students, so I have no doubt that white legacies outscore blacks.

SATS were removed because they don' t prove anything.

SAT tests are being discounted because of pervasive bias in our society in favor of blacks. SAT test makers tried very hard to boost black scores and they failed, so schools started discounting SATs.

When whites only was a policy that was racial discrimination. A policy that lasted in most places until 1965.

You can't discriminated against the unqualified. Besides, your argument is that two wrongs make a write. All you do is prove yourself unqualified for anything.

So you are saying that from 1776 until 1965 there were no qualified backs to enter a white university or to get certain jobs. The person with no credibility is you. My argument has nothing to do with two wrongs. It has everything to do with there has only been one wrong and that the policy to correct that wrong has done no damage to those crying so much about it. So give that SAT sores do not and never have determined college admittance. Your argument is bogus,
It makes you question "entitlement". People that preach entitlement, are scared of their own faults.
Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
Did ever occur to you, that not everybody wants to sling meat in a ww, while texting a girlfriend, while the big screen tv is blaring noise that makes you not hear the pizza delivery guy knocking on the door, after he pulls up in a battery charged car....maybe just maybe some people like the simple things in life!!
So why are blacks drowning (literally) to get to a white country?

Because all blacks aren't. Besides there are plenty of whites crashing in planes trying to get into black and brown countries. And I do think you need to understand that the Africa you talk about doesn't exist, it never has existed, it's a racist figment you have chosen to believe and it is fake news.
It makes you question "entitlement". People that preach entitlement, are scared of their own faults.

Yep and that is what whites are preaching. White entitlement.
Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
Did ever occur to you, that not everybody wants to sling meat in a ww, while texting a girlfriend, while the big screen tv is blaring noise that makes you not hear the pizza delivery guy knocking on the door, after he pulls up in a battery charged car....maybe just maybe some people like the simple things in life!!
So why are blacks drowning (literally) to get to a white country?

Because all blacks aren't. Besides there are plenty of whites crashing in planes trying to get into black and brown countries.
Who? Let's compare statistics.
And I do think you need to understand that the Africa you talk about doesn't exist, it never has existed, it's a racist figment you have chosen to believe and it is fake news.
It makes you question "entitlement". People that preach entitlement, are scared of their own faults.

Yep and that is what whites are preaching. White entitlement.
White entitlement is a lie OR exaggerated . Blacks have a new form of entitlement, RACISM . Never seen anything that can't be made up or exaggerated like racism that dosen't stick because someone alleges it. We have to end this, prove it or shut the hell up.
It makes you question "entitlement". People that preach entitlement, are scared of their own faults.

Yep and that is what whites are preaching. White entitlement.
Whites are preaching that they are what exactly?

What have you been whining about? Some invisible bias towards backs that doesn't allow whites opportunities, yet we see that whites own the majority of everything, have the majority of jobs, college students, etc. So you think that you are entitled to everything because you are white.

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