There are rich black people and poor white people...

It makes you question "entitlement". People that preach entitlement, are scared of their own faults.

Yep and that is what whites are preaching. White entitlement.
White entitlement is a lie OR exaggerated . Blacks have a new form of entitlement, RACISM . Never seen anything that can't be made up or exaggerated like racism that dosen't stick because someone alleges it. We have to end this, prove it or shut the hell up.

White entitlement is what you believe in. I don't have to prove something to you because no matter how much you get shown you will refuse to acce.pot it.
I have seen how racist and and hateful blacks can be in a group, but on the other hand, I have seen how they transcended that, and be human beings. Black lives matter? All lives matter, shouldn't we?
Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
Did ever occur to you, that not everybody wants to sling meat in a ww, while texting a girlfriend, while the big screen tv is blaring noise that makes you not hear the pizza delivery guy knocking on the door, after he pulls up in a battery charged car....maybe just maybe some people like the simple things in life!!
So why are blacks drowning (literally) to get to a white country?

Because all blacks aren't. Besides there are plenty of whites crashing in planes trying to get into black and brown countries.
Who? Let's compare statistics.
And I do think you need to understand that the Africa you talk about doesn't exist, it never has existed, it's a racist figment you have chosen to believe and it is fake news.

1.2 billion people live in Africa and its growing. It is he second largest continent on the planet obly behind chinas 1,41 billion. Europe has 734 million. America 323 million. Canada 36 million. Australia 24 million

The African nations as a whole are made up from such a diverse set of components that it is impossible to list them in full concerning demographics. However, in certain parts of the continent there have been an increase in Asian and European settlers, which has also served to boost the population statistics as a whole.

In former British colonies, this can be seen extensively, and Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa are all good examples as to a growing set of diverse ethnicities.
I have seen how racist and and hateful blacks can be in a group, but on the other hand, I have seen how they transcended that, and be human beings. Black lives matter? All lives matter, shouldn't we?

You keep talking about how racist ad hateful blacks can be, I have to laugh at that coming from you. And are you really that stupid to believe that the people in BLM only think black lives count? Or is it something you just want and need to believe?
Blacks are huge enablers. Black Africans NOW like 300 years ago were a HUGE part of slavery, as were Arab Muslims. Blacks used to round up fellow blacks for profit, and Islam does the same thing now. Islam says that anyone that that isn't a Muslim deserves slavery. The disconnect here is a mile wide.
Malcolm X despised his given slave name, he despised his slavers. So he adopted Malcom and "X" the unknown.From Islam, which enslaved people then and STILL enslave people now. Why didn't brother X figure that out?
It makes you question "entitlement". People that preach entitlement, are scared of their own faults.

Yep and that is what whites are preaching. White entitlement.
Whites are preaching that they are what exactly?

So you think that you are entitled to everything because you are white.

And I said this...where? Exact quote, please.

Not to sound racist or anything, but I'm still waiting to hear why Europe has monumental cathedrals, castles, highway systems, and works or art, while Africa is what's always been.
Did ever occur to you, that not everybody wants to sling meat in a ww, while texting a girlfriend, while the big screen tv is blaring noise that makes you not hear the pizza delivery guy knocking on the door, after he pulls up in a battery charged car....maybe just maybe some people like the simple things in life!!
So why are blacks drowning (literally) to get to a white country?

Because all blacks aren't. Besides there are plenty of whites crashing in planes trying to get into black and brown countries.
Who? Let's compare statistics.
And I do think you need to understand that the Africa you talk about doesn't exist, it never has existed, it's a racist figment you have chosen to believe and it is fake news.

1.2 billion people live in Africa and its growing. It is he second largest continent on the planet obly behind chinas 1,41 billion. Europe has 734 million. America 323 million. Canada 36 million. Australia 24 million

The African nations as a whole are made up from such a diverse set of components that it is impossible to list them in full concerning demographics. However, in certain parts of the continent there have been an increase in Asian and European settlers, which has also served to boost the population statistics as a whole.

In former British colonies, this can be seen extensively, and Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa are all good examples as to a growing set of diverse ethnicities.

So how many whites crashed in shitty planes/drowned near shitty rafts this year trying to migrate to Africa?

Looks like the shitskin drowning tally passed 1,000 as of April 22 this year.

More refugees are dying than ever before - and the people trying to save them are under attack

Your turn.
There is something I call black entitlement. "White racism", blame whites. Your faults are OUR fault. The huge black on black crime, lets concern ourselves with a few bad white police officers. Nobody demands blacks put cameras on each other and demand communal responsibility. Nope.
There is something I call black entitlement. "White racism", blame whites. Your faults are OUR fault. The huge black on black crime, lets concern ourselves with a few bad white police officers. Nobody demands blacks put cameras on each other and demand communal responsibility. Nope.

No we have documented proof of policies and law made by whites that excluded blacks for some for the entire last century and some still do. So any damage created by those policies are the fault f the whites who created and implemented those policies. White people have a bigger crime problem why do you choose to ignore that to point out a lie?

Learn the truth

According to the US Department of Justice statistics, at least 80 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites. In 2011, there were more cases of whites killing whites than there were of blacks killing blacks. Between 1980 to 2008, a majority (53.3 percent) of gang-related murders were committed by white people, with a majority of the homicide victims being white as well.

“Homicide rates for— black children under age 5 declined 36% between 1993 and 2008, dropping from 11.3 homicides per 100,000 in 1993 to 7.2 homicides per 100,000 in 2008. Black children under age 5 have remained substantially higher than rates for white children or children of other races. White children under age 5 remained relatively stable between 1980 and 1990, with an average rate of 2.4 homicides per 100,000. The rate rose to 2.8 homicides per 100,000 by 1996, then dropped down to 2.1 homicides per 100,000 in 2006. Since 2006 the rate has risen slightly to 2.3 homicides per 100,000 in 2008.”

“In 2008, the homicide victimization rate for blacks (19.6 homicides per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (3.3 homicides per 100,000). The victimization rate for blacks peaked in the early 1990s, reaching a high of 39.4 homicides per 100,000 in 1991. After 1991, the victimization rate for blacks fell until 1999, when it stabilized near 20 homicides per 100,000. In 2008, the offending rate for blacks (24.7 offenders per 100,000) was 7 times higher than the rate for whites (3.4 off enders per 100,000). The offending rate for blacks showed a similar pattern to the victimization rate, peaking in the early 1990s at a high of 51.1 off enders per 100,000 in 1991. After 1991, the offending rate for blacks declined until it reached 24 per 100,000 in 2004. The rate has since fluctuated, increasing to 28.4 off enders per 100,000 in 2006 before falling again to 24.7 off enders per 100,000 in 2008.

“The offending rate for black male young adults —

Dropped by more than half from 1993 to 2008, when it reached an all-time low of 175.8 offenders per 100,000

Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008, U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics November 2011, NCJ 236018, Alexia Cooper and Erica L. Smith, BJS Statisticians
There is something I call black entitlement. "White racism", blame whites. Your faults are OUR fault. The huge black on black crime, lets concern ourselves with a few bad white police officers. Nobody demands blacks put cameras on each other and demand communal responsibility. Nope.

No we have documented proof of policies and law made by whites that excluded blacks for some for the entire last century and some still do. So any damage created by those policies are the fault f the whites who created and implemented those policies. White people have a bigger crime problem why do you choose to ignore that to point out a lie?
So segregating blacks from whites in public places in 1955 caused blacks born in the 1980s, 90s, and later to kill/rob/rape each other and whites?
I lived through the death of segregation, it was overblown. I lived through JFK , RFK and MLK's assassination. too. Let alone my mother and fathers's death. Life goes on, oh yes it does. Here we are.
So you are saying that from 1776 until 1965 there were no qualified backs to enter a white university or to get certain jobs. The person with no credibility is you. My argument has nothing to do with two wrongs. It has everything to do with there has only been one wrong and that the policy to correct that wrong has done no damage to those crying so much about it. So give that SAT sores do not and never have determined college admittance. Your argument is bogus,

In 1870, a black, Dick Greener, graduated from Harvard. So, maybe there was a qualified black before 1965. And, someone who pisses all over the SAT isn't college material.
Fact: To compare a child born in poverty, raised by a single mother until her death who graduated from Harvard to become the first black president in all history, to a man born of privilege, who can't tell the difference between a McNugget and a tampon.....renders your stupid white ass as of this day, a non motherfuckin factor...YOU NO LONGER HAVE CREDS....FIND A HOLE AND STAY THERE.

Obama? Obama is half white, raised by whites, and still only became president because of black privilege (people voted for him because he was considered black, not because of his lack of experience, etc.).

Only a dumbshit buys the argument that because some whites are dumber than some blacks, that therefor whites are not generally more intelligent.
Dude, I can only go by my truths....and I have yet to come across one white person I find superior to anybody...keep in mind, I've traveled a great deal during my 10 years in the Navy and nobody white ever impressed me. As a matter of fact, some of the dumbest mf's I've ever met in my life, have been of white reality and I'm sticking to it!!

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