There Are Two Americas...


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

If anything highlights the political imbalance in this county, this map does. And the suggestion that each missive urban area be made a state to itself is a bit shocking. But, would it solve the problems of such massive disengagement in our country?
The drive started many years ago to get people into cities. My dad used to tell me as a young girl that "their goal" was to get everyone into cities and apartment housing. So fifty years down this is what you have. Dad was correct.
You don't need a "drive" to get lots of people into cities. It is a by-product of economic development over time.
Responding to the SCOTUS "one man, one vote" ruling, the Dirksen Amendment (1967) would have allowed one of two Houses in State Legislatures to be apportioned on a basis (e.g., geography) other than population. It narrowly fell short of ratification, thus allowing the concentration of political power in large urban areas. It would not surprise me if a future SCOTUS declared the Electoral College to be unconstitutional, thus ensuring a permanent mobocracy in the U.S.
The right should be happy with that map. It shows why they get an automatic leg up in the Electoral College. The real question is, "why don't they win all the presidential elections?"
You don't need a "drive" to get lots of people into cities. It is a by-product of economic development over time.
If true, then, historically, Chicago is certainly an exception...

Just the opposite.
How so?

Chicago was at first just a small outpost on the western frontier and grew into the 2nd largest city in the country remarkably fast. This had to do with the growth of trade, the expansion of the country, and improvements in transportation and other technology; not a "program."
You don't need a "drive" to get lots of people into cities. It is a by-product of economic development over time.
If true, then, historically, Chicago is certainly an exception...

Just the opposite.
How so?

Chicago was at first just a small outpost on the western frontier and grew into the 2nd largest city in the country remarkably fast. This had to do with the growth of trade, the expansion of the country, and improvements in transportation and other technology; not a "program."

More than anything else, Chicago grew due to the massive feedlots making it the center of beef production in the USA.
You don't need a "drive" to get lots of people into cities. It is a by-product of economic development over time.
If true, then, historically, Chicago is certainly an exception...

Just the opposite.
How so?

Chicago was at first just a small outpost on the western frontier and grew into the 2nd largest city in the country remarkably fast. This had to do with the growth of trade, the expansion of the country, and improvements in transportation and other technology; not a "program."

More than anything else, Chicago grew due to the massive feedlots making it the center of beef production in the USA.

And the railroads, and refrigeration, etc.
Commercialism leads to urbanization leads to industrialization leads to accelerated urbanization, etc, etc, etc...
You don't need a "drive" to get lots of people into cities. It is a by-product of economic development over time.
You are quite correct in observing this to be the case, historically, as these large population centers developed.

However, in contemporary terms, and projecting reasonably far into the future, over the next two or three generations...

After the White Flight of the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s and 1970s...

People have been spoiled by decades - generations - of spacious accommodations in the suburbs and other areas outlying our major cities...

There are, indeed, a few negatives about such places, but, all in all, superior schools, spacious house-lot sizes, newer construction, etc., continue to be a powerful draw...

Given a choice between sending my kids to your average white-bread suburban school and some inner-city shit-hole, the suburban school wins every time...

If anything highlights the political imbalance in this county, this map does. And the suggestion that each missive urban area be made a state to itself is a bit shocking. But, would it solve the problems of such massive disengagement in our country?

People live in cities.....empty land does not vote

If anything highlights the political imbalance in this county, this map does. And the suggestion that each missive urban area be made a state to itself is a bit shocking. But, would it solve the problems of such massive disengagement in our country?

People live in cities.....empty land does not vote

States where the food we eat grows are just as important (at least) as those where the criminals we incarnate grow.

If anything highlights the political imbalance in this county, this map does. And the suggestion that each missive urban area be made a state to itself is a bit shocking. But, would it solve the problems of such massive disengagement in our country?

People live in cities.....empty land does not vote

States where the food we eat grows are just as important (at least) as those where the criminals we incarnate grow.
Thanks for a totally inane post

If anything highlights the political imbalance in this county, this map does. And the suggestion that each missive urban area be made a state to itself is a bit shocking. But, would it solve the problems of such massive disengagement in our country?

People live in cities.....empty land does not vote

States where the food we eat grows are just as important (at least) as those where the criminals we incarnate grow.
Thanks for a totally inane post

A lot more pertinent than yours. Go take a Civics class.

If anything highlights the political imbalance in this county, this map does. And the suggestion that each missive urban area be made a state to itself is a bit shocking. But, would it solve the problems of such massive disengagement in our country?

People live in cities.....empty land does not vote
In the Chicago Metropolitan Area... ( Chicago metropolitan area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) ...

The City has a population of 2.7 million...

The Metro Area has a population of 9.7 million...

The City represents 28% of the total Metro Area population...

With the vast, mostly White suburban sprawl accounting for the other 72% of the Metro Area population...

It's what happens when the Cities fall apart and people and business flee to the suburbs in their thousands and hundreds of thousands, and a generation or two passes...

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