There is Evidence of Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia

LOL Clinton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone says something about the fat senile old orange clown, and the only defense seems to be to yell at the top of one's voice Clinton or Obama. Pretty piss poor defense.
All anyone has to do is provide a shred of evidence against President Trump right?
You are more likely to spot a herd of white unicorns on Maxine Waters lawn first.
But please go ahead and continue to make a fucking fool of yourself.
Any luck selling those dozens of 'Hands Up Don't Shoot" hoodies on Ebay yet?
Fucking LOSER!!!!!!
There are reams of evidence pointing to Trump's collusion with Russia

Trump publicly asked Russia to hack Clinton's emails. Yet over 60 million people were dumb enough to vote for this pig anyway.

This public request is enough evidence. I don't even know why there needs to be further investigation.

But people want evidence of private collusion too.

It does exist.

Moreover, the head of the NSA privately told employees of that agency that Trump did collude with Russia.

This is all going to come out. Just wait.

Why else is the Trump administration acting so guilty and obstructing justice? Trump is so dumb he doesn't even realize he has confessed to obstruction of justice.
And yet Mueller charged no one in the campaign for any rimes related to a criminal conspiracy with Russia to influence the election.

THE NATION: How Did Russiagate Begin? Why Barr’s investigation is important and should be encouraged.


Russiagate—allegations that the American president has been compromised by the Kremlin, which may even have helped to put him in the White House—is the worst and (considering the lack of actual evidence) most fraudulent political scandal in American history. We have yet to calculate the damage Russsiagate has inflicted on America’s democratic institutions, including the presidency and the electoral process, and on domestic and foreign perceptions of American democracy, or on US-Russian relations at a critical moment when both sides, having “modernized” their nuclear weapons, are embarking on a new, more dangerous, and largely unreported arms race.


Considering what we have learned, or been told, since the allegations became public nearly three years ago, in mid-2016, there seem to be at least three hypothetical possibilities:

1. One is the orthodox Russiagate explanation: Early on, sharp-eyed top officials of President Obama’s intelligence agencies, particularly the CIA and FBI, detected truly suspicious “contacts” between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russians “linked to the Kremlin” (whatever that may mean, considering that the presidential administration employs hundreds of people), and this discovery legitimately led to the full-scale “counterintelligence investigation” initiated in July 2016. Indeed, Mueller documented various foreigners who contacted, or who sought to contact, the Trump campaign. The problem here is that Mueller does not tell us, and we do not know, if the number of them was unusual.​

Many foreigners seek “contacts” with US presidential campaigns and have done so for decades. In this case, we do not know, for the sake of comparison, how many such foreigners had or sought contacts with the rival Clinton campaign, directly or through the Clinton Foundation, in 2016. (Certainly, there were quite a few contacts with anti-Trump Ukrainians, for example.) If the number was roughly comparable, why didn’t US intelligence initiate a counterintelligence investigation of the Clinton campaign?​

If readers think the answer is because the foreigners around the Trump campaign included Russians, consider this: In 1988, when Senator Gary Hart was the leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, he went to Russia—still Communist Soviet Russia—to make contacts in preparation for his anticipated presidency, including meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. US media coverage of Hart’s visit was generally favorable. (I accompanied Senator Hart and do not recall much, if any, adverse US media reaction.)​

2. The second explanation—currently, and oddly, favored by non-comprehending pro-Trump commentators at Fox News and elsewhere—is that “Putin’s Kremlin” pumped anti-Trump “disinformation” into the American media, primarily through what became known as the Steele Dossier. As I pointed out nearly a year and a half ago, this makes no sense factually or logically. Nothing in the dossier suggests that any of its contents necessarily came from high-level Kremlin sources, as Steele claimed. Moreover, if Kremlin leader Putin so favored Trump, as a Russiagate premise insists, is it really plausible that underlings in the Kremlin would have risked Putin’s ire by furnishing Steele with anti-Trump “information”? On the other hand, there is plenty of evidence that “researchers” in the United States (some, like Christopher Steele, paid by the Clinton campaign) were supplying him with the fruits of their research.

3. The third possible explanation—one I have termed “Intelgate,” and that I explore in my recent book War With Russia?: From Putin & Ukraine to Trump & Russiagate—is that US intelligence agencies undertook an operation to damage, if not destroy, first the candidacy and then the presidency of Donald Trump. More evidence of “Intelgate” has since appeared. For example, the intelligence community has said it began its investigation in April 2016 because of a few innocuous remarks by a young, lowly Trump foreign-policy adviser, George Papadopoulos. The relatively obscure Papadopoulos suddenly found himself befriended by apparently influential people he had not previously known, among them Stefan Halper, Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer, and a woman calling herself Azra Turk. What we now know—and what Papadopoulos did not know at the time—is that all of them had ties to US and/or UK and Western European intelligence agencies.
US Attorney General William Barr now proposes to investigate the origins of Russiagate. He has appointed yet another special prosecutor, John Durham, to do so, but the power to decide the range and focus of the investigation will remain with Barr. The important news is Barr’s expressed intention to investigate the role of other US intelligence agencies, not just the FBI, which obviously means the CIA when it was headed by John Brennan and Brennan’s partner at the time, James Clapper, then director of national intelligence. As I argued in The Nation, Brennan, not Obama’s hapless FBI Director James Comey, was the godfather of Russiagate, a thesis for which more evidence has since appeared. We should hope that Barr intends to exclude nothing, including the two foundational texts of the deceitful Russiagate narrative: the Steele Dossier and, directly related, the contrived but equally ramifying Intelligence Community Assessment of January 2017. (Not coincidentally, they were made public at virtually the same time, inflating Russiagate into an obsessive national scandal.)
LOL Clinton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone says something about the fat senile old orange clown, and the only defense seems to be to yell at the top of one's voice Clinton or Obama. Pretty piss poor defense.

Only a Mush minded retard would think that that's a defense. You don't need to defend against a non-fact. you are simply being offered evidence of real crime and real collusion to substitute for the one that you keep stumbling over that doesn't exist.

LOL Clinton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone says something about the fat senile old orange clown, and the only defense seems to be to yell at the top of one's voice Clinton or Obama. Pretty piss poor defense.

Only a Mush minded retard would think that that's a defense. You don't need to defend against a non-fact. you are simply being offered evidence of real crime and real collusion to substitute for the one that you keep stumbling over that doesn't exist.

There are reams of evidence pointing to Trump's collusion with Russia

Trump publicly asked Russia to hack Clinton's emails. Yet over 60 million people were dumb enough to vote for this pig anyway.

This public request is enough evidence. I don't even know why there needs to be further investigation.

But people want evidence of private collusion too.

It does exist.

Moreover, the head of the NSA privately told employees of that agency that Trump did collude with Russia.

This is all going to come out. Just wait.

Why else is the Trump administration acting so guilty and obstructing justice? Trump is so dumb he doesn't even realize he has confessed to obstruction of justice.
Any evidence of "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia is likely part of the counter-intelligence investigation that Mueller farmed out to SDNY prosecutors.

At the very least, Trump has lied about key elements of his campaign like when he first considered running in 2016.

"Donald Trump applied for a trademark on his campaign slogan, 'Make America Great Again,' just six days after the 2012 presidential election."

"At the same time that Trump was apparently first plotting his 2016 presidential bid, by trademarking his campaign slogan, Russians close to that country’s president Vladimir Putin were beginning to discuss how they could support him — according to Kremlin propagandist Konstantin Rykov, who formerly held a seat in Russia’s parliament as a member of Putin’s United Russia Party...."

"In his post, which may be viewed at this link, Rykov said that after the 'disaster' of an Obama victory on November 6, 2012, he had his cohorts had 'four years and two days' to put into place the mechanisms to create a Trump victory."

Russian Support Of Donald Trump For President Began In 2012, Trump Already Knew He Would Run, Reports Say

LOL Clinton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone says something about the fat senile old orange clown, and the only defense seems to be to yell at the top of one's voice Clinton or Obama. Pretty piss poor defense.

Lol after eight years of BBBBBUT BOOOOOOSH!! you've got to be kidding

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