There is HOPE for America! The MSM is being ignored!

The polls are showing is down 1/3d in poll numbers since the debate. The emphasis is shifting Carson. Only for a while. We have a repeat beginning of the clown candidate car from 2012.

So you're driving the clown car again... looking for a supposed moderate with DemocRATic ideas... Yeb Bush, Kasick, even Rubio with his amnesty problems... Or how about the failed HP CEO, she'll do well!
Fuck your whining, kid. The candidate will not be acceptable to those with an anti-American agenda like you.

I told you this would happen.

Prepare yourself for Indicted president Hildebeast... because you SUPPOSED moderates after fucking up elections for years with you DemocRAT light candidates, are going to be kept out of the White House... we would rather deal with a REAL SCUMBAG, than a SCUMBAG hiding as one of us... we had that with "BONER" and we still have it with that "BITCH MITCH" in the sanate!


You are whining.

You were told without any question this would be the result.

Will you encourage DT to run third party?

Of course, It's either someone that will stand up for America, or Trump may start a third party... in which case, even your dumbass knows, the Republicans will lose! And for good reason.....we swept the "BONER" out, Mitch is next!

You do realize that the Republicans have lost the popular vote in every Presidential election since 1988, with the exception of 2004? Furthermore they've lost the popular in the last 2 off year elections and have only maintained control of congress due to EXTREME gerrymandering.

If you think that swinging the GOP further to the right is going to help them win elections...then I got a bridge to sell to ya....

Not only would a swing further right destroy any chance of the GOP winning the Whitehouse, but would scare enough people that not even the gerrymandering will keep them in control of congress.

You are seriously out of touch with the American people!
The polls are showing is down 1/3d in poll numbers since the debate. The emphasis is shifting Carson. Only for a while. We have a repeat beginning of the clown candidate car from 2012.

So you're driving the clown car again... looking for a supposed moderate with DemocRATic ideas... Yeb Bush, Kasick, even Rubio with his amnesty problems... Or how about the failed HP CEO, she'll do well!
Fuck your whining, kid. The candidate will not be acceptable to those with an anti-American agenda like you.

I told you this would happen.

Prepare yourself for Indicted president Hildebeast... because you SUPPOSED moderates after fucking up elections for years with you DemocRAT light candidates, are going to be kept out of the White House... we would rather deal with a REAL SCUMBAG, than a SCUMBAG hiding as one of us... we had that with "BONER" and we still have it with that "BITCH MITCH" in the sanate!


You are whining.

You were told without any question this would be the result.

Will you encourage DT to run third party?

Of course, It's either someone that will stand up for America, or Trump may start a third party... in which case, even your dumbass knows, the Republicans will lose! And for good reason.....we swept the "BONER" out, Mitch is next!
Boehner voluntarily stepped down, you swept no one out.
So you're driving the clown car again... looking for a supposed moderate with DemocRATic ideas... Yeb Bush, Kasick, even Rubio with his amnesty problems... Or how about the failed HP CEO, she'll do well!
Fuck your whining, kid. The candidate will not be acceptable to those with an anti-American agenda like you.

I told you this would happen.

Prepare yourself for Indicted president Hildebeast... because you SUPPOSED moderates after fucking up elections for years with you DemocRAT light candidates, are going to be kept out of the White House... we would rather deal with a REAL SCUMBAG, than a SCUMBAG hiding as one of us... we had that with "BONER" and we still have it with that "BITCH MITCH" in the sanate!


You are whining.

You were told without any question this would be the result.

Will you encourage DT to run third party?

Of course, It's either someone that will stand up for America, or Trump may start a third party... in which case, even your dumbass knows, the Republicans will lose! And for good reason.....we swept the "BONER" out, Mitch is next!

You do realize that the Republicans have lost the popular vote in every Presidential election since 1988, with the exception of 2004? Furthermore they've lost the popular in the last 2 off year elections and have only maintained control of congress due to EXTREME gerrymandering.

If you think that swinging the GOP further to the right is going to help them win elections...then I got a bridge to sell to ya....

Not only would a swing further right destroy any chance of the GOP winning the Whitehouse, but would scare enough people that not even the gerrymandering will keep them in control of congress.

You are seriously out of touch with the American people!

GOOD! Then we on the supposed far right will make it so the leftist/Communist/Socialist/Subversives win every election.... We can sit back and watch the left destruct what was once the SHINNING CITY into just another third world ghetto. .Sooner or later our money becomes worthless, our economy collapses, and we are eaten up by the likes of China, or Russia, or even worse, muslims!

Many of us have had it with your type of bullshit, and will watch you eat your own, as things spiral down.....Prove me wrong!
So you're driving the clown car again... looking for a supposed moderate with DemocRATic ideas... Yeb Bush, Kasick, even Rubio with his amnesty problems... Or how about the failed HP CEO, she'll do well!
Fuck your whining, kid. The candidate will not be acceptable to those with an anti-American agenda like you.

I told you this would happen.

Prepare yourself for Indicted president Hildebeast... because you SUPPOSED moderates after fucking up elections for years with you DemocRAT light candidates, are going to be kept out of the White House... we would rather deal with a REAL SCUMBAG, than a SCUMBAG hiding as one of us... we had that with "BONER" and we still have it with that "BITCH MITCH" in the sanate!


You are whining.

You were told without any question this would be the result.

Will you encourage DT to run third party?

Of course, It's either someone that will stand up for America, or Trump may start a third party... in which case, even your dumbass knows, the Republicans will lose! And for good reason.....we swept the "BONER" out, Mitch is next!
Boehner voluntarily stepped down, you swept no one out.

ROTFLMFAO...of course he did!

“The problem with the media is that the voters who support Trump hold the media in contempt.”

That's not a problem with 'the media,' that's a problem with Trump supporters, where their 'contempt' is inane and unwarranted.

Indeed, the media aren't 'thumping' Trump – quite the opposite, both Trump and cable news are benefiting greatly from each other; cable news outlets get big ratings with their 'debates' and Trump gets free publicity and exposure whenever he says something stupid or ridiculous.

The OP premise also fails given the fact Trump isn't a serious candidate.
The polls are showing is down 1/3d in poll numbers since the debate. The emphasis is shifting Carson. Only for a while. We have a repeat beginning of the clown candidate car from 2012.

So you're driving the clown car again... looking for a supposed moderate with DemocRATic ideas... Yeb Bush, Kasick, even Rubio with his amnesty problems... Or how about the failed HP CEO, she'll do well!
Fuck your whining, kid. The candidate will not be acceptable to those with an anti-American agenda like you.

I told you this would happen.

Prepare yourself for Indicted president Hildebeast... because you SUPPOSED moderates after fucking up elections for years with you DemocRAT light candidates, are going to be kept out of the White House... we would rather deal with a REAL SCUMBAG, than a SCUMBAG hiding as one of us... we had that with "BONER" and we still have it with that "BITCH MITCH" in the sanate!


The problem with Dole, McCain, and Romney wasn't that they were 'moderates,' the problem was they ran poor campaigns against candidates or sitting presidents who were superior campaigners.

Had 'conservatives' been the nominees in 1996, 2008, and 2012 the outcomes would have been the same, if not worse, for republicans.
Fuck your whining, kid. The candidate will not be acceptable to those with an anti-American agenda like you.

I told you this would happen.

Prepare yourself for Indicted president Hildebeast... because you SUPPOSED moderates after fucking up elections for years with you DemocRAT light candidates, are going to be kept out of the White House... we would rather deal with a REAL SCUMBAG, than a SCUMBAG hiding as one of us... we had that with "BONER" and we still have it with that "BITCH MITCH" in the sanate!


You are whining.

You were told without any question this would be the result.

Will you encourage DT to run third party?

Of course, It's either someone that will stand up for America, or Trump may start a third party... in which case, even your dumbass knows, the Republicans will lose! And for good reason.....we swept the "BONER" out, Mitch is next!

You do realize that the Republicans have lost the popular vote in every Presidential election since 1988, with the exception of 2004? Furthermore they've lost the popular in the last 2 off year elections and have only maintained control of congress due to EXTREME gerrymandering.

If you think that swinging the GOP further to the right is going to help them win elections...then I got a bridge to sell to ya....

Not only would a swing further right destroy any chance of the GOP winning the Whitehouse, but would scare enough people that not even the gerrymandering will keep them in control of congress.

You are seriously out of touch with the American people!

GOOD! Then we on the supposed far right will make it so the leftist/Communist/Socialist/Subversives win every election.... We can sit back and watch the left destruct what was once the SHINNING CITY into just another third world ghetto. .Sooner or later our money becomes worthless, our economy collapses, and we are eaten up by the likes of China, or Russia, or even worse, muslims!

Many of us have had it with your type of bullshit, and will watch you eat your own, as things spiral down.....Prove me wrong!

You mean that if liberalism were to win in America, we may end up like Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, or (horrors!) Australia! You mean all those countries that have higher standards of living than the U.S.?

You see socialism and liberalism are no longer theories. They've been tried in numerous other countries with great success.

Please do let us prove just how wrong you are and have always been. The most patriotic thing that people like you can do is to NOT VOTE! Let the adults run the show.
Prepare yourself for Indicted president Hildebeast... because you SUPPOSED moderates after fucking up elections for years with you DemocRAT light candidates, are going to be kept out of the White House... we would rather deal with a REAL SCUMBAG, than a SCUMBAG hiding as one of us... we had that with "BONER" and we still have it with that "BITCH MITCH" in the sanate!


You are whining.

You were told without any question this would be the result.

Will you encourage DT to run third party?

Of course, It's either someone that will stand up for America, or Trump may start a third party... in which case, even your dumbass knows, the Republicans will lose! And for good reason.....we swept the "BONER" out, Mitch is next!

You do realize that the Republicans have lost the popular vote in every Presidential election since 1988, with the exception of 2004? Furthermore they've lost the popular in the last 2 off year elections and have only maintained control of congress due to EXTREME gerrymandering.

If you think that swinging the GOP further to the right is going to help them win elections...then I got a bridge to sell to ya....

Not only would a swing further right destroy any chance of the GOP winning the Whitehouse, but would scare enough people that not even the gerrymandering will keep them in control of congress.

You are seriously out of touch with the American people!

GOOD! Then we on the supposed far right will make it so the leftist/Communist/Socialist/Subversives win every election.... We can sit back and watch the left destruct what was once the SHINNING CITY into just another third world ghetto. .Sooner or later our money becomes worthless, our economy collapses, and we are eaten up by the likes of China, or Russia, or even worse, muslims!

Many of us have had it with your type of bullshit, and will watch you eat your own, as things spiral down.....Prove me wrong!

You mean that if liberalism were to win in America, we may end up like Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, or (horrors!) Australia! You mean all those countries that have higher standards of living than the U.S.?

You see socialism and liberalism are no longer theories. They've been tried in numerous other countries with great success.

Please do let us prove just how wrong you are and have always been. The most patriotic thing that people like you can do is to NOT VOTE! Let the adults run the show.

You left out Greece...conveniently?.... The supposed adult Socialists have been running the show for almost 7 years, $18 Trillion in debt, double food stamps, now 94 million unemployed, need more, I have lots of them!
The polls are showing is down 1/3d in poll numbers since the debate. The emphasis is shifting Carson. Only for a while. We have a repeat beginning of the clown candidate car from 2012.

So you're driving the clown car again... looking for a supposed moderate with DemocRATic ideas... Yeb Bush, Kasick, even Rubio with his amnesty problems... Or how about the failed HP CEO, she'll do well!
Fuck your whining, kid. The candidate will not be acceptable to those with an anti-American agenda like you.

I told you this would happen.

Exactly what is "the anti-American agenda"?
If you are addressing the "Anti-ILLEGAL Immigrant" issue then there are millions like me, Trump and in truth many blacks that feel threatened by "illegal-immigrants"!
And they are voting for Trump.
If you are addressing the "anti-American agenda" that Obama has had....HELL YES we are against that "Anti-American Agenda"!
Starting with his telling us he would use tricks and tactics to fool idiots like you when he wrote and you have never admitted to this book by the way..
from his book... "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

And then how about Obama encouraging foreign oil exploration over domestic telling Brazil after LENDING them billions "we'll be your best oil customer"
Hell yes that is an ANTI-American agenda item!
And how about Obama wanting 1,400 companies to go out of business laying off 450,000 workers and eliminating $100 billion a year in tax revenues!
Hell YES that is an ANTI-American agenda item also!
I could go on and on... regarding Obama's ANTI-American agenda which the Democrats OWN lock stock and barrel!
They supported this "Anti-American agenda" from day one of Obama's term!
Trumps support is not due to distrust of the MSM. It's due to people being fed up with political correctness.

As soon as enough GOP candidates drop out, the rest of the GOP will unite behind whoever is left. Trump's following has max'd out.

The real story of MSM distrust is the Bernie Sanders campaign. Liberals have figured out that both the mainstream political parties are controlled by the financial industry - of which Trump is a big part. Bernie is the real story - which is why he gets so little coverage.
Even if that were true, by the time it happens Trump may already have enough delegates to win.
  • Mark Levin: Conservatives ‘Sick and Tired’ of GOP ‘Funding the Obama Agenda’
    CNS News ^ | September 26, 2015 | Barbara Hollingsworth
    Radio talk show host Mark Levin said Saturday that conservatives are “sick and tired” of the Republican leadership in Congress “funding the Obama agenda.” ... The resident “may have a pen and he may have an Obamaphone, but we have a Constitution. Now use it!” Levin exclaimed. “If that means the government shuts down for three weeks, then by God, the government is shut down… By the way, the government never shuts down. It just doesn’t stop.” ... I think we’ve already tipped hard left,” Levin said in response to a question by Perkins. “We’re holding on to our republic,...
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The polls are showing is down 1/3d in poll numbers since the debate. The emphasis is shifting Carson. Only for a while. We have a repeat beginning of the clown candidate car from 2012.

So you're driving the clown car again... looking for a supposed moderate with DemocRATic ideas... Yeb Bush, Kasick, even Rubio with his amnesty problems... Or how about the failed HP CEO, she'll do well!
Fuck your whining, kid. The candidate will not be acceptable to those with an anti-American agenda like you.

I told you this would happen.

Prepare yourself for Indicted president Hildebeast... because you SUPPOSED moderates after fucking up elections for years with you DemocRAT light candidates, are going to be kept out of the White House... we would rather deal with a REAL SCUMBAG, than a SCUMBAG hiding as one of us... we had that with "BONER" and we still have it with that "BITCH MITCH" in the sanate!


You are whining.

You were told without any question this would be the result.

Will you encourage DT to run third party?

We're sure you don't question what you tell people, Fakey, but the rest of us just laugh.
That's sour grapes. :lol:

You admit defeat. It's good to admit when you are beaten.

Sue me, or fuck off, phony Republican!
You are kneeling in defeat before the mainstream GOP, as I told you would be your fate. Your admission of defeated is noted by all the Board.

Where? Who? What? When.... now the JakeAss has started heavy drugs.... Don't get help JakeAss your ENTERTAINMENT VALUE to USMB would be cut in half!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
  • Thanks
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That's sour grapes. :lol:

You admit defeat. It's good to admit when you are beaten.

Sue me, or fuck off, phony Republican!
You are kneeling in defeat before the mainstream GOP, as I told you would be your fate. Your admission of defeated is noted by all the Board.

Where? Who? What? When.... now the JakeAss has started heavy drugs.... Don't get help JakeAss your ENTERTAINMENT VALUE to USMB would be cut in half!:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Thanks for the funny smilie, I thought it was rather funny myself, that's why I posted it! :asshole:
Thanks for the funny smilie, I thought it was rather funny myself, that's why I posted it! :asshole:
Denial in a smile from you won't last but awhile. You don't have the votes, the organization, or the financing. Your side will be swept aside in the primaries next year. The GOP will lose the WH, the Senate, and probably the House. Which in the long run will make for a better GOP.
Thanks for the funny smilie, I thought it was rather funny myself, that's why I posted it! :asshole:
Denial in a smile from you won't last but awhile. You don't have the votes, the organization, or the financing. Your side will be swept aside in the primaries next year. The GOP will lose the WH, the Senate, and probably the House. Which in the long run will make for a better GOP.



All the rest comes easy and will COME BEGGING to be part of the NEW REPUBLICAN PARTY!

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