There is no catastrophe so ghastly that we will reform our gun laws

If the gun is benign and the person operating it is the problem, why the opposition to universal back ground checks? Each and every gun sale, swap, trade or bequest should be subject to a back ground check.

Opposition to them is tantamount to an endorsement of the claims in the OP. No catastrophe is ghastly enough.

Some Conservatives have tried to rationalize that every murder is the equivalent of a gun murder. Baseball bats, knives, even automobiles. But they refuse to recognize that these other implements do not wreck mass havoc. The difference between a shooting and a mass shooting is the tool used. But the gun lovers will equivocate, rationalize, squirm and side step the fact that a mad man with a semi-automatic weapon fitted with high capacity ammunition magazines poses a greater threat than a mad man with a Louisville Slugger or a blade.

The main complaint against background checks is that it does not solve the problem. The most recent mass shooting is proof of that. The shooter had been seeing various shrinks since he was 8 years old, his parents were scared of his insanity, he sent a copy of his manifesto (which talked about him buying his guns and about destroying certain people) to his psychiatrist, and he still passed the background check 3 times. And went thru the waiting period 3 times.

And requiring background checks for private sales is not going to happen. You would have a better chance making it a requirement to use a licensed dealer for any transfers. Private citizens cannot access the NICS system, and that sort of background check info should not be spread around to just anyone.
If the gun is benign and the person operating it is the problem, why the opposition to universal back ground checks? Each and every gun sale, swap, trade or bequest should be subject to a back ground check.

Opposition to them is tantamount to an endorsement of the claims in the OP. No catastrophe is ghastly enough.

Some Conservatives have tried to rationalize that every murder is the equivalent of a gun murder. Baseball bats, knives, even automobiles. But they refuse to recognize that these other implements do not wreck mass havoc. The difference between a shooting and a mass shooting is the tool used. But the gun lovers will equivocate, rationalize, squirm and side step the fact that a mad man with a semi-automatic weapon fitted with high capacity ammunition magazines poses a greater threat than a mad man with a Louisville Slugger or a blade.

The main complaint against background checks is that it does not solve the problem. The most recent mass shooting is proof of that. The shooter had been seeing various shrinks since he was 8 years old, his parents were scared of his insanity, he sent a copy of his manifesto (which talked about him buying his guns and about destroying certain people) to his psychiatrist, and he still passed the background check 3 times. And went thru the waiting period 3 times.

And requiring background checks for private sales is not going to happen. You would have a better chance making it a requirement to use a licensed dealer for any transfers. Private citizens cannot access the NICS system, and that sort of background check info should not be spread around to just anyone.
What modifications to the back ground check procedure should be made to prevent further gun violence? Surely some stringent protocol could help stem the tide. No plan is a panacea, but if we are to accept that semi automatic firearms fitted with high capacity magazines are benign objects used by mad men to wreak havoc the fault is in the operator. Let's make sure the operator cannot access such weapons.

Or, we surrender and accept the death tolls in mass shootings as the price of our gun lust and culture.
What greater catastrophe is there than when the state takes all the guns and massacres innocents in the name of justice? It appears that this is where we're headed. One day, when you least suspect it, the catastrophe will be borne of liberal ignorance, not conservatives with guns.
What greater catastrophe is there than when the state takes all the guns and massacres innocents in the name of justice? It appears that this is where we're headed. One day, when you least suspect it, the catastrophe will be borne of liberal ignorance, not conservatives with guns.
Let's juxtapose reality with your sordid fantasy and ask the parents of Newtown, Connecticut.
Go for it

Explain to the nice people why our number one cause of murder shouldn't be our top priority

Guns don't cause anything. Guns are inanimate tools.

People are the number one cause of murder.
I always enjoy these guys. Tell us, what's a gun for? Is it for cooking dinner? Is it for woodworking? Is it for, oh I don't know, killing things maybe, especially people things?

Funny I've been shooting for 4 decades and now you tell me I'm not using my guns for the right reasons.

A gun is designed to fire a projectile at a target.

That is all it does. It doesn't cause a target to be fired upon.
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

I posted a thread asking about what reforms to our gun laws are needed, it was widely ignored by everyone who insists we need to ignore our laws, yet you all get into this thread and bitch and moan about little babies because no one will listen to your crying asses.

Grow up.
If the gun is benign and the person operating it is the problem, why the opposition to universal back ground checks? Each and every gun sale, swap, trade or bequest should be subject to a back ground check.

Opposition to them is tantamount to an endorsement of the claims in the OP. No catastrophe is ghastly enough.

Some Conservatives have tried to rationalize that every murder is the equivalent of a gun murder. Baseball bats, knives, even automobiles. But they refuse to recognize that these other implements do not wreck mass havoc. The difference between a shooting and a mass shooting is the tool used. But the gun lovers will equivocate, rationalize, squirm and side step the fact that a mad man with a semi-automatic weapon fitted with high capacity ammunition magazines poses a greater threat than a mad man with a Louisville Slugger or a blade.

Where have I ever opposed that?

I had to go through all sorts of checks and jump through all sorts of hoops to get my carry permit. My fingerprints are even on file with the State Police even though I have never committed a crime.

So why should I not be able to buy any legal weapon I want from anyone I want?
When will we ever reform our knife and baseball bat laws? How many people must be slashed and bashed before we wake up and ban knives and bats? Its a national embarrassment.

False equivalency. The gun is only designed to kill or maim.
If the gun is benign and the person operating it is the problem, why the opposition to universal back ground checks? Each and every gun sale, swap, trade or bequest should be subject to a back ground check.

Opposition to them is tantamount to an endorsement of the claims in the OP. No catastrophe is ghastly enough.

Some Conservatives have tried to rationalize that every murder is the equivalent of a gun murder. Baseball bats, knives, even automobiles. But they refuse to recognize that these other implements do not wreck mass havoc. The difference between a shooting and a mass shooting is the tool used. But the gun lovers will equivocate, rationalize, squirm and side step the fact that a mad man with a semi-automatic weapon fitted with high capacity ammunition magazines poses a greater threat than a mad man with a Louisville Slugger or a blade.

The main complaint against background checks is that it does not solve the problem. The most recent mass shooting is proof of that. The shooter had been seeing various shrinks since he was 8 years old, his parents were scared of his insanity, he sent a copy of his manifesto (which talked about him buying his guns and about destroying certain people) to his psychiatrist, and he still passed the background check 3 times. And went thru the waiting period 3 times.

And requiring background checks for private sales is not going to happen. You would have a better chance making it a requirement to use a licensed dealer for any transfers. Private citizens cannot access the NICS system, and that sort of background check info should not be spread around to just anyone.
What modifications to the back ground check procedure should be made to prevent further gun violence? Surely some stringent protocol could help stem the tide. No plan is a panacea, but if we are to accept that semi automatic firearms fitted with high capacity magazines are benign objects used by mad men to wreak havoc the fault is in the operator. Let's make sure the operator cannot access such weapons.

Or, we surrender and accept the death tolls in mass shootings as the price of our gun lust and culture.

Criminal activity and subsequent deaths are the price of living in a free society. The question is how to minimize them.

The gun owners and dealers have accepted the background checks. Get the mental health system to report the crazies to it, and have the legal system keep violent felons locked up and you will go a long way towards minimizing the harm done.
There is no catastrophe so ghastly that America will reform its gun laws - The Week

Look, we've collectively decided, as a country, that the occasional massacre is okay with us. It's the price we're willing to pay for our precious Second Amendment freedoms. We're content to forfeit the lives of a few dozen schoolkids a year as long as we get to keep our guns. The people have spoken, in a cheering civics-class example of democracy in action.

It's hard to imagine what ghastly catastrophe could possibly change America's minds about guns if the little bloody bookbags of Newtown did not. After that atrocity, it seemed as if we would finally enact some obvious, long-overdue half-measures. But perfectly reasonable, moderate legislation expanding background checks and banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines was summarily killed in the Senate for no reason other than that a sufficient number of United States senators are owned by the NRA. It made our official position as a nation nakedly explicit: we don't care about any number of murdered children, no matter how many, or how young. We want our guns.

the catastrophe already happened that is why you are seeing a push back

on the progressive anti gun laws

rw's committing a logical fallacy called "begging the question." He is assuming the truth of his own position that gun laws reduce gun violence. He has to assume the truth of his own position since his position that reducing the rights of legal gun owners will reduce crime is so stupid. It's not defendable. So you has to assume it's true.
When will we ever reform our knife and baseball bat laws? How many people must be slashed and bashed before we wake up and ban knives and bats? Its a national embarrassment.

False equivalency. The gun is only designed to kill or maim.

So, every time I point a gun at a paper target and pull the trigger, I'm killing or maiming someone?

Damn son, but you need a keeper.
When will we ever reform our knife and baseball bat laws? How many people must be slashed and bashed before we wake up and ban knives and bats? Its a national embarrassment.

False equivalency. The gun is only designed to kill or maim.

No a gun is designed to fire a projectile at a target.

A bat is designed to be swung at a target.

The target is solely the choice of people not of the tool being wielded.
When will we ever reform our knife and baseball bat laws? How many people must be slashed and bashed before we wake up and ban knives and bats? Its a national embarrassment.

False equivalency. The gun is only designed to kill or maim.

Guns are designed to shoot a projectile. Only sickos like you think that there is no point in that other than killing people. Target practice is fun. People play space invaders, throw darts, shoot trap and skeet, none of them are thinking about killing people. Just you are. And no one who uses a gun for self defense is fantasizing about actually going out and offing people. You are. You did convince me that one person is too sick to have a gun. You. Let's make sure you're in the registry of nut jobs in case you try to buy one.
When will we ever reform our knife and baseball bat laws? How many people must be slashed and bashed before we wake up and ban knives and bats? Its a national embarrassment.

False equivalency. The gun is only designed to kill or maim.

As I said before, the original invention of firearms was for warfare. But the uses for modern firearms are many. The gun itself does not select the target or fire the bullet. That is the sole responsibility of the shooter. Guns are used for target shooting, plinking, self-defense, hunting, pest removal, and plenty of other things. I have numerous guns for numerous purposes. None of my guns have ever been intentionally pointed at a human being.
When will we ever reform our knife and baseball bat laws? How many people must be slashed and bashed before we wake up and ban knives and bats? Its a national embarrassment.

False equivalency. The gun is only designed to kill or maim.

No a gun is designed to fire a projectile at a target.

A bat is designed to be swung at a target.

The target is solely the choice of people not of the tool being wielded.

Yes, liberals really are showing how sick they are with their fixation on killing people. Obviously liberals should not be allowed to buy a bat either, they would think it has no purpose but to bash in someone's head.
What greater catastrophe is there than when the state takes all the guns and massacres innocents in the name of justice? It appears that this is where we're headed. One day, when you least suspect it, the catastrophe will be borne of liberal ignorance, not conservatives with guns.
Let's juxtapose reality with your sordid fantasy and ask the parents of Newtown, Connecticut.

Let's juxtapose your faux outrage with your desire to turn the death of 26 children into politics. Spare me.
What greater catastrophe is there than when the state takes all the guns and massacres innocents in the name of justice? It appears that this is where we're headed. One day, when you least suspect it, the catastrophe will be borne of liberal ignorance, not conservatives with guns.
Let's juxtapose reality with your sordid fantasy and ask the parents of Newtown, Connecticut.

Let's juxtapose your faux outrage with your desire to turn the death of 26 children into politics. Spare me.

Well, which would you have more faith in government for? Keeping the millions of guns in the US and millions more outside the US out of the hands of one nut job and thinking he can't come up with any other way to kill people like Timothy McVie and the Boston Marathon bomber did, or allow someone to shoot back.

As a parent, I'd go with the latter...
When will we ever reform our knife and baseball bat laws? How many people must be slashed and bashed before we wake up and ban knives and bats? Its a national embarrassment.

False equivalency. The gun is only designed to kill or maim.

No a gun is designed to fire a projectile at a target.

A bat is designed to be swung at a target.

The target is solely the choice of people not of the tool being wielded.

You swung and missed., not an analogy at all.

So you have guns just to shoot at paper targets? LOL

As a gun owner I do not get people who are obsessed with guns. Could that be why the majority of gun owners aren't members of the gun lobby's arm , the NRA.
False equivalency. The gun is only designed to kill or maim.

No a gun is designed to fire a projectile at a target.

A bat is designed to be swung at a target.

The target is solely the choice of people not of the tool being wielded.

You swung and missed., not an analogy at all.

So you have guns just to shoot at paper targets? LOL

As a gun owner I do not get people who are obsessed with guns. Could that be why the majority of gun owners aren't members of the gun lobby's arm , the NRA.

why would a majority of any hobby or past-time necessarily be a part of an organization you mindless idiot?

I like baseball and basketball; must I be a member of some organization or either?
False equivalency. The gun is only designed to kill or maim.

No a gun is designed to fire a projectile at a target.

A bat is designed to be swung at a target.

The target is solely the choice of people not of the tool being wielded.

You swung and missed., not an analogy at all.

So you have guns just to shoot at paper targets? LOL

As a gun owner I do not get people who are obsessed with guns. Could that be why the majority of gun owners aren't members of the gun lobby's arm , the NRA.

Dude, you think the only targets people shoot guns at are paper and you're a gun owner? Sure you are. Actually, there are lots of kinds of targets, skeet, clay pigeons. And no one carrying a gun for defense is fantasizing about killing people with it. That's just you. Well, you and Nosmo.

Space invaders, darts, baseball, just different ways that people fantasize about killing people. Gotcha. You're a true sicko.
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