There Is No "Far Right" In This Country

But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

All you have proven is that to someone on the extreme right like yourself, everyone else is to the left of you, little miss nazi.

Try post #105, you dunce.


You actually believe that if you find a liberal position on an issue, that means there is no far Right?


Wow, you are MUCH dumber than I thought, and I already thought you were pretty fucking stupid.


YEEEEE-HAWWWWW! We don't exist!
"There Is No "Far Right" In This Country"


This belongs in political satire.

We see examples of the far right daily on this very forum, in this very thread.

The far right exists in the childish, naïve, wrongheaded dogma of reactionary libertarians, the TPM, and other rightwing extremists hostile to sound, responsible government.

Those on the wrongheaded far right who want to do away with post-Lochner Commerce Clause jurisprudence.

Those on the wrongheaded far right who want violate the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay Americans, and the voting rights of minority Americans.

Those on the wrongheaded far right who want to 'balance the budget' on the backs of working Americans, low income Americans, the elderly and disabled.

And those on the wrongheaded far right who, as a consequence of their fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, seek to disadvantage those whom they fear through force of law.

Yes, sadly, unfortunately, the far right very much exists.
But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

All you have proven is that to someone on the extreme right like yourself, everyone else is to the left of you, little miss nazi.

Try post #105, you dunce.


You actually believe that if you find a liberal position on an issue, that means there is no far Right?


Wow, you are MUCH dumber than I thought, and I already thought you were pretty fucking stupid.


YEEEEE-HAWWWWW! We don't exist!

It is soooooo simple (and I use that term with reference to you) to destroy you that I almost feel guilty.


1. Slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship is a Democrat, Liberals position.

The most popular Democrat today exemplifies it....

a. Governor Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. “Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.

  1. b. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

    (a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

    (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

    (c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

    Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
    Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy - The Gateway Pundit

You're soooo stupid as to make this fun!
1. There is no "far right" in this country.
Yet....the very same folks who poke fun at religious Americans, by comparing God with Santa Claus, go on and on.....

"F**k the far right."
MARCO RUBIO: I 'Absolutely' Support Tuition Breaks For Illegal Aliens

'Or Sanders, who does even better against the far right tard candidates'
BUSTED ! – Republican State of Union Response Carried Amnesty Pledge in Spanish Version…

'I bet this will drive the far right loons insane:'
Nikki Haley rebukes Trump in State of the Union rebuttal

'Uh.. there is very much a "far right" in this country.'
The Delusional Candidate

'... what the far right reactionaries are posting.'
Another reason Americans WANT to see Obama and Obamacare GO!!!

'...for some time now the most and loudest noise has come from the Far Right.'
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

" insane the far right is."
Yes, You're A Communist

2. There is no "far right" in this country. So... how to explain the constant reference to this meme by Leftists?

One fact of life is that hearing a phrase often enough, one tends to accept it without spending the effort of examining same. The term "Far Right," used in a cavalier yet effective manner by the Left, is one of those terms.

Yet...upon proves to be imaginary, very much like the benefits of communism....or ObamaCare.

3. It is a well know axiom that, to see what the Left is doing, note what they are blaming the other side of doing.
One regularly sees the Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, whatever....railing against the "Far Right," using "Far Right" as a pejorative, an imprecation.
And....BTW.....there certainly is a Far Left.

But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.
Upon closer examination? Feel free to elaborate.
But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

All you have proven is that to someone on the extreme right like yourself, everyone else is to the left of you, little miss nazi.

Try post #105, you dunce.


You actually believe that if you find a liberal position on an issue, that means there is no far Right?


Wow, you are MUCH dumber than I thought, and I already thought you were pretty fucking stupid.


YEEEEE-HAWWWWW! We don't exist!

It is soooooo simple (and I use that term with reference to you) to destroy you that I almost feel guilty.


1. Slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship is a Democrat, Liberals position.

The most popular Democrat today exemplifies it....

a. Governor Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. “Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.

  1. b. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

    (a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

    (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

    (c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

    Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
    Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy - The Gateway Pundit

You're soooo stupid as to make this fun!
Oh, you poor thing. It's too bad there aren't any celebrities out there fighting for the cause of the Dunning-Kruger effect which afflicts you so terribly.
1. There is no "far right" in this country.
Yet....the very same folks who poke fun at religious Americans, by comparing God with Santa Claus, go on and on.....

"F**k the far right."
MARCO RUBIO: I 'Absolutely' Support Tuition Breaks For Illegal Aliens

'Or Sanders, who does even better against the far right tard candidates'
BUSTED ! – Republican State of Union Response Carried Amnesty Pledge in Spanish Version…

'I bet this will drive the far right loons insane:'
Nikki Haley rebukes Trump in State of the Union rebuttal

'Uh.. there is very much a "far right" in this country.'
The Delusional Candidate

'... what the far right reactionaries are posting.'
Another reason Americans WANT to see Obama and Obamacare GO!!!

'...for some time now the most and loudest noise has come from the Far Right.'
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

" insane the far right is."
Yes, You're A Communist

2. There is no "far right" in this country. So... how to explain the constant reference to this meme by Leftists?

One fact of life is that hearing a phrase often enough, one tends to accept it without spending the effort of examining same. The term "Far Right," used in a cavalier yet effective manner by the Left, is one of those terms.

Yet...upon proves to be imaginary, very much like the benefits of communism....or ObamaCare.

3. It is a well know axiom that, to see what the Left is doing, note what they are blaming the other side of doing.
One regularly sees the Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, whatever....railing against the "Far Right," using "Far Right" as a pejorative, an imprecation.
And....BTW.....there certainly is a Far Left.

But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

Do you not know of people like Stephen "Don" Black, Preston Wigginton, David Duke then? They're in the US and they're far right. The former was a member of the US Nazi Party.. just in case you think he's not far right.

He runs Stormfront, you can find a lot of far right racists hanging out there.

1. Until 1989 at least, David Duke ran for elected office on the Democrat ticket.

2.More to the point, David Duke is a Nazi.
Nazis are leftists.....

". ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?"
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

I am often astounded at your lack of education.
Are you a government school graduate?
Nazis were leftist? Wrong again. Nazism and Fascism were ultra conservative populist movements diametrically opposed to Communism.
The Far Right consists of...
And right there is where you lose people...

People get to decide for themselves, how to characterize their views...

People are not obliged to subscribe to your self-serving definition...

Furthermore, people are not obliged to provide you with detailed justifications as to their choice of labels for their views...

Hope that helps...
People are defined THEMSELVES through the eyes of others by their own actions, deeds and communications. Chica is an example of that characteristic by the manner in which she attempts to emulate Ayn Rand, Ann Coulter and other pseudo intelligentsia. If you were correct every narcissist would be a thing of self-deluded perfection. Reality exists!
If you define yourself by how others perceive you, then you have a great deal of work remaining ahead of you, in your personal evolution...
I believe your comprehension may be impaired. My point was that a given individual likely views themselves one way subjectively while other persons view that same individual through another lens. When Alex calls on you, try Reading Comprehension for $1000!
1. There is no "far right" in this country.
Yet....the very same folks who poke fun at religious Americans, by comparing God with Santa Claus, go on and on.....

"F**k the far right."
MARCO RUBIO: I 'Absolutely' Support Tuition Breaks For Illegal Aliens

'Or Sanders, who does even better against the far right tard candidates'
BUSTED ! – Republican State of Union Response Carried Amnesty Pledge in Spanish Version…

'I bet this will drive the far right loons insane:'
Nikki Haley rebukes Trump in State of the Union rebuttal

'Uh.. there is very much a "far right" in this country.'
The Delusional Candidate

'... what the far right reactionaries are posting.'
Another reason Americans WANT to see Obama and Obamacare GO!!!

'...for some time now the most and loudest noise has come from the Far Right.'
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

" insane the far right is."
Yes, You're A Communist

2. There is no "far right" in this country. So... how to explain the constant reference to this meme by Leftists?

One fact of life is that hearing a phrase often enough, one tends to accept it without spending the effort of examining same. The term "Far Right," used in a cavalier yet effective manner by the Left, is one of those terms.

Yet...upon proves to be imaginary, very much like the benefits of communism....or ObamaCare.

3. It is a well know axiom that, to see what the Left is doing, note what they are blaming the other side of doing.
One regularly sees the Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, whatever....railing against the "Far Right," using "Far Right" as a pejorative, an imprecation.
And....BTW.....there certainly is a Far Left.

But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.
Doesn't look like any proof of anything. Maybe you don't quite get the concept of proof.


Well, then....let's smash another custard pie in your kisser:

There is no "far right" in this country.
To be 'far,' it must be at a distance to the center: American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

There are so very many ways to prove same.....

Let's take another example,.....

6. Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer.'

"WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Monday narrowly upheld the centuries-old tradition of offering prayers to open government meetings, even if the prayers are overwhelmingly Christian and citizens are encouraged to participate.
The 5-4 ruling, supported by the court's conservative justices and opposed by its liberals, was based in large part on the history of legislative prayer dating back to the Framers of the Constitution."

See this? "... legislative prayer dating back to the Framers of the Constitution."
Clearly this is at the center of American tradition.

"Lawless Judges Have Created an America Where Praying Gets a Man Suspended from His Job

Yesterday, Joe Kennedy, an assistant high-school–football coach in Bremerton, Wash., was suspended. His offense? Kneeling for a short on-field prayer after football games. According to multiple news reports, for the last several years Kennedy has waited until each game ends and the players leave the field before walking to the 50-yard line and offering a quiet prayer for his students. He never asks anyone to join him, nor does he stop anyone who wants to do so."
Lawless Judges Have Created an America Where Praying Gets a Man Suspended from His Job

Prayer and religiosity have always been part of this nation...from its inception. Only since totalitarian Franklin Roosevelt, as his first pick, put KKKer Hugo Black on the Supreme Court, has it been considered derogatory. far as the concept of prayer in the public arena, where do we find the radical position?
Hence, Far Left.

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.
1. There is no "far right" in this country.
Yet....the very same folks who poke fun at religious Americans, by comparing God with Santa Claus, go on and on.....

"F**k the far right."
MARCO RUBIO: I 'Absolutely' Support Tuition Breaks For Illegal Aliens

'Or Sanders, who does even better against the far right tard candidates'
BUSTED ! – Republican State of Union Response Carried Amnesty Pledge in Spanish Version…

'I bet this will drive the far right loons insane:'
Nikki Haley rebukes Trump in State of the Union rebuttal

'Uh.. there is very much a "far right" in this country.'
The Delusional Candidate

'... what the far right reactionaries are posting.'
Another reason Americans WANT to see Obama and Obamacare GO!!!

'...for some time now the most and loudest noise has come from the Far Right.'
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

" insane the far right is."
Yes, You're A Communist

2. There is no "far right" in this country. So... how to explain the constant reference to this meme by Leftists?

One fact of life is that hearing a phrase often enough, one tends to accept it without spending the effort of examining same. The term "Far Right," used in a cavalier yet effective manner by the Left, is one of those terms.

Yet...upon proves to be imaginary, very much like the benefits of communism....or ObamaCare.

3. It is a well know axiom that, to see what the Left is doing, note what they are blaming the other side of doing.
One regularly sees the Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, whatever....railing against the "Far Right," using "Far Right" as a pejorative, an imprecation.
And....BTW.....there certainly is a Far Left.

But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

Do you not know of people like Stephen "Don" Black, Preston Wigginton, David Duke then? They're in the US and they're far right. The former was a member of the US Nazi Party.. just in case you think he's not far right.

He runs Stormfront, you can find a lot of far right racists hanging out there.

1. Until 1989 at least, David Duke ran for elected office on the Democrat ticket.

2.More to the point, David Duke is a Nazi.
Nazis are leftists.....

". ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?"
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

I am often astounded at your lack of education.
Are you a government school graduate?
Nazis were leftist? Wrong again. Nazism and Fascism were ultra conservative populist movements diametrically opposed to Communism.

The sort of lie that identifies you as both uneducated, and indoctrinated.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II.

After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.”

This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..."
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism
1. There is no "far right" in this country.
Yet....the very same folks who poke fun at religious Americans, by comparing God with Santa Claus, go on and on.....

"F**k the far right."
MARCO RUBIO: I 'Absolutely' Support Tuition Breaks For Illegal Aliens

'Or Sanders, who does even better against the far right tard candidates'
BUSTED ! – Republican State of Union Response Carried Amnesty Pledge in Spanish Version…

'I bet this will drive the far right loons insane:'
Nikki Haley rebukes Trump in State of the Union rebuttal

'Uh.. there is very much a "far right" in this country.'
The Delusional Candidate

'... what the far right reactionaries are posting.'
Another reason Americans WANT to see Obama and Obamacare GO!!!

'...for some time now the most and loudest noise has come from the Far Right.'
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

" insane the far right is."
Yes, You're A Communist

2. There is no "far right" in this country. So... how to explain the constant reference to this meme by Leftists?

One fact of life is that hearing a phrase often enough, one tends to accept it without spending the effort of examining same. The term "Far Right," used in a cavalier yet effective manner by the Left, is one of those terms.

Yet...upon proves to be imaginary, very much like the benefits of communism....or ObamaCare.

3. It is a well know axiom that, to see what the Left is doing, note what they are blaming the other side of doing.
One regularly sees the Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, whatever....railing against the "Far Right," using "Far Right" as a pejorative, an imprecation.
And....BTW.....there certainly is a Far Left.

But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.
Doesn't look like any proof of anything. Maybe you don't quite get the concept of proof.


Well, then....let's smash another custard pie in your kisser:

There is no "far right" in this country.
To be 'far,' it must be at a distance to the center: American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

There are so very many ways to prove same.....

Let's take another example,.....

6. Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer.'

"WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Monday narrowly upheld the centuries-old tradition of offering prayers to open government meetings, even if the prayers are overwhelmingly Christian and citizens are encouraged to participate.
The 5-4 ruling, supported by the court's conservative justices and opposed by its liberals, was based in large part on the history of legislative prayer dating back to the Framers of the Constitution." Supreme Court upholds prayer at government meetings

See this? "... legislative prayer dating back to the Framers of the Constitution."
Clearly this is at the center of American tradition.

"Lawless Judges Have Created an America Where Praying Gets a Man Suspended from His Job

Yesterday, Joe Kennedy, an assistant high-school–football coach in Bremerton, Wash., was suspended. His offense? Kneeling for a short on-field prayer after football games. According to multiple news reports, for the last several years Kennedy has waited until each game ends and the players leave the field before walking to the 50-yard line and offering a quiet prayer for his students. He never asks anyone to join him, nor does he stop anyone who wants to do so."
Lawless Judges Have Created an America Where Praying Gets a Man Suspended from His Job

Prayer and religiosity have always been part of this nation...from its inception. Only since totalitarian Franklin Roosevelt, as his first pick, put KKKer Hugo Black on the Supreme Court, has it been considered derogatory. far as the concept of prayer in the public arena, where do we find the radical position?
Hence, Far Left.

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.
Again, not only have you not proved your premise; you haven't even begun to address it in any way, shape or form. You seem to be working very hard to avoid it.
1. There is no "far right" in this country.
Yet....the very same folks who poke fun at religious Americans, by comparing God with Santa Claus, go on and on.....

"F**k the far right."
MARCO RUBIO: I 'Absolutely' Support Tuition Breaks For Illegal Aliens

'Or Sanders, who does even better against the far right tard candidates'
BUSTED ! – Republican State of Union Response Carried Amnesty Pledge in Spanish Version…

'I bet this will drive the far right loons insane:'
Nikki Haley rebukes Trump in State of the Union rebuttal

'Uh.. there is very much a "far right" in this country.'
The Delusional Candidate

'... what the far right reactionaries are posting.'
Another reason Americans WANT to see Obama and Obamacare GO!!!

'...for some time now the most and loudest noise has come from the Far Right.'
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

" insane the far right is."
Yes, You're A Communist

2. There is no "far right" in this country. So... how to explain the constant reference to this meme by Leftists?

One fact of life is that hearing a phrase often enough, one tends to accept it without spending the effort of examining same. The term "Far Right," used in a cavalier yet effective manner by the Left, is one of those terms.

Yet...upon proves to be imaginary, very much like the benefits of communism....or ObamaCare.

3. It is a well know axiom that, to see what the Left is doing, note what they are blaming the other side of doing.
One regularly sees the Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, whatever....railing against the "Far Right," using "Far Right" as a pejorative, an imprecation.
And....BTW.....there certainly is a Far Left.

But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

Do you not know of people like Stephen "Don" Black, Preston Wigginton, David Duke then? They're in the US and they're far right. The former was a member of the US Nazi Party.. just in case you think he's not far right.

He runs Stormfront, you can find a lot of far right racists hanging out there.

1. Until 1989 at least, David Duke ran for elected office on the Democrat ticket.

2.More to the point, David Duke is a Nazi.
Nazis are leftists.....

". ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?"
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

I am often astounded at your lack of education.
Are you a government school graduate?
Nazis were leftist? Wrong again. Nazism and Fascism were ultra conservative populist movements diametrically opposed to Communism.

The sort of lie that identifies you as both uneducated, and indoctrinated.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II.

After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.”

This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..."
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism
History isn't subject to your petty politically motivated revisions.
But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

All you have proven is that to someone on the extreme right like yourself, everyone else is to the left of you, little miss nazi.

You don't know that Hitler was a Leftist.....and claimed he learned his politics from Karl Marx?

Remember when I had to teach you that the 'clock-boy's' 'invention' was designed to look like a bomb.....

... or when I eviscerated your post that Democrats gave women the vote?

This one is going to turn out the same way, you dope.
But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

All you have proven is that to someone on the extreme right like yourself, everyone else is to the left of you, little miss nazi.

Try post #105, you dunce.

That's the post where you claim that same sex marriage rights, now supported by most Americans, is a far left position.

A position supported by most of a population is not an extremist position.
But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

All you have proven is that to someone on the extreme right like yourself, everyone else is to the left of you, little miss nazi.

You don't know that Hitler was a Leftist.....and claimed he learned his politics from Karl Marx?

This one is going to turn out the same way, you dope.

She tells this lie in every post now.

Hitler hated the Marxists and voiced his hatred repeatedly.
But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

All you have proven is that to someone on the extreme right like yourself, everyone else is to the left of you, little miss nazi.

You don't know that Hitler was a Leftist.....and claimed he learned his politics from Karl Marx?

Remember when I had to teach you that the 'clock-boy's' 'invention' was designed to look like a bomb.....

... or when I eviscerated your post that Democrats gave women the vote?

This one is going to turn out the same way, you dope.
Do you know what your IQ score is?
But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

All you have proven is that to someone on the extreme right like yourself, everyone else is to the left of you, little miss nazi.

You don't know that Hitler was a Leftist.....and claimed he learned his politics from Karl Marx?

This one is going to turn out the same way, you dope.

She tells this lie in every post now.

Hitler hated the Marxists and voiced his hatred repeatedly.
The internet seems to foster the idea that any dummy can revise historical facts if they are just persistent enough.
My "take-away" from this be considered "far right" by polychic someone would have to be to the right of her. By this benchmark she may be right, she defends her right flank as stubbornly as Lee resisted Grant turning his flank through the Wilderness and beyond.

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