There is NO RISK in privatizing SS and investing in stock market!!!

Reagan and a Democratic Congress fixed Social Security in 1983. That will amount to about a 50 year fix. All we need is another 50 year fix and neither I nor 90% of you will ever have to worry about it again.

They didn't "fix" jack since all the additional revenues are spent the minute Congress gets its filthy paws on it.
Democrat sub-prime mortgages caused the meltdown, not the Republicans.

Dude, your stupidity is ASTOUNDING. Really. Fucking stupidity that is almost beyond belief. Do it hurt to be so stupid? It has to. I am surprised you can post your stupidity on a computer.

Don't you ever read ANYTHING beside right wing trash and bullshit? Your well thought out position that Dems caused the housing mess has been shown to be bullshit so many times it makes me think you can't read and comprehend anything beyond right wing nuts drivel. They keep it real simple for your simple mind, don't they?

Of course, you haven't offered a shred of proof to support your post.

How beautifully liberal!

It has been shown countless times that Democrats caused the sub-prime mortgage debacle. If you didn't soak your head in leftwing Kool-Aid, you might know the facts.
How do you propose to pay for those who have already earned social security benefits or have paid in for decades.
How do you propose to pay for those who have already earned social security benefits or have paid in for decades.

How do you propose to pay for them? Social Security can't meet the promises it made as things currently stand.
How do you propose to pay for those who have already earned social security benefits or have paid in for decades.

do you propose to pay for them? Social Security can't meet the promises it made as things currently stand.

They have been meeting that promise for 75 years

You can't just tell people who are living off social security or counting on it for decades......too fucking bad

We have an existing obligation to pay. If you hate our debt now.....try cutting out those people who are paying for retirees now
How do you propose to pay for those who have already earned social security benefits or have paid in for decades.

Crank up the printing presses! Why not...that's what's going on now.

Just end all entitlements, send every household in America $1M tax free and tell everyone "sink or swim boys and girls, no more handouts" oh and lower taxes since we no longer have the huge entitlement programs to pay for.
How do you propose to pay for them? Social Security can't meet the promises it made as things currently stand.

It can and it will. The civilized, responsible people who make up the overwhelming majority of the voting population will see to it.
How do you propose to pay for those who have already earned social security benefits or have paid in for decades.

Crank up the printing presses! Why not...that's what's going on now.
No, it is not what is going on now

social security is solvent and has been for 75 years. Tell us how you propose to change it without sending millions of retired Americans into poverty.
How do you propose to pay for those who have already earned social security benefits or have paid in for decades.

Crank up the printing presses! Why not...that's what's going on now.

Just end all entitlements, send every household in America $1M tax free and tell everyone "sink or swim boys and girls, no more handouts" oh and lower taxes since we no longer have the huge entitlement programs to pay for.
You flunked math in HS didn't you ?
How do you propose to pay for those who have already earned social security benefits or have paid in for decades.
As it has been repeatedly proffered:
1) NO CHANGES in anything for ANYONE over 55 years OLD!

Do you understand? NOTHING changes for anyone over 55... OK?
2) Those UNDER 55 ...
A) Retirement no longer option at 62 but 65 and full payments at age 67.
When SS was set up in 1935 the life span was 59.9 years for the average male.
BUT SS retirement was set up to begin making payments when a person became 65.
Today the average male lives to age 73.
So the solution is simple. Make the retirement age of any one under age 55 at age 68.
B) Give those under 55 a choice:
1) Continue with traditional method.. pay in and SS pays out.
2) OR the worker can determine where to put the money.
Suggestion is age 25 to 45 equities market as over 112 years DJIA grown at 7.5%
Then at age 46 move 1/2 accumulations into more secured investments.
Age 60+ almost ALL in secured investments, Treasuries, bonds, etc.

Thus the pure simplicity of compound interest starting at age 25 a worker can with 20 years
accumulate in securities easily $500,000+ and then move half into more secured and at
age 60+ almost all of the nearly $900,000 accumulation into more secured positions.
That's it in a nutshell!
Anyone over 55 no changes.
Anyone under 55 retirement at 68 and choices of traditional or self directed.
With that in place SS is secure. Millions of Americans be able to have a nest egg to convert
to guaranteed income far greater then SS. Also possibly able to direct upon worker's death
remaining value to heirs. Thus leaving more American children,grandchildren a good
financial start for college or even their retirement.
Makes so much sense but when people totally take the negative of EVERYONE loses in the
stock market anecdotes and make those really infrequent over 112 years cases the rule then we have this gross misinformation,etc.
How do you propose to pay for those who have already earned social security benefits or have paid in for decades.

Crank up the printing presses! Why not...that's what's going on now.
No, it is not what is going on now

social security is solvent and has been for 75 years. Tell us how you propose to change it without sending millions of retired Americans into poverty.

If it has always been "solvent," then why did Congress increase FICA taxes and decrease SS benefits and also made them taxable when previously they weren't?
How do you propose to pay for those who have already earned social security benefits or have paid in for decades.

Crank up the printing presses! Why not...that's what's going on now.

Just end all entitlements, send every household in America $1M tax free and tell everyone "sink or swim boys and girls, no more handouts" oh and lower taxes since we no longer have the huge entitlement programs to pay for.
You flunked math in HS didn't you ?

He majored in liberal math.
No, I haven't. When the government reports inflation, it uses the w/o Food and Energy figure as it's headline number (similar to how it uses U3 for unemployment). So that figure is bogus.
Now you are intentionally ignoring facts, I clearly demonstrated that the headline figure for July was 2%, which from your own breakdown of July was the CPI including food and energy.

Would you care to explain where I was wrong? Your link shows here: that all items including food and energy was 2%. I included both the summary from them and various financial headlines reporting that 2% as CPI for July.

But if you wish to use the one with food and energy,
There is no "I wish" there is the fact that is how CPI is reported, and people like you with a political agenda make shit up and when busted and proven wrong just stand there ridiculously repeating what you know is wrong. People like you crack me up, even when you know you're wrong you'll humiliate yourself further just to support your chosen political team.

How do you propose to pay for those who have already earned social security benefits or have paid in for decades.

Easy. Unwind the program by allowing younger workers to contribute part of their SS taxes into their own private accounts over time. Retired workers and those near retirement don't have the time to build up a replacement account, so we need a residual tax base to finish up payments to them.
How do you propose to pay for those who have already earned social security benefits or have paid in for decades.

Crank up the printing presses! Why not...that's what's going on now.

Just end all entitlements, send every household in America $1M tax free and tell everyone "sink or swim boys and girls, no more handouts" oh and lower taxes since we no longer have the huge entitlement programs to pay for.
You flunked math in HS didn't you ?

Flunked math? How so? Over a timespan of say 20 years it would be cheaper to end all entitlement programs and give each household $1M tax free. Do you dispute that? Seriously?
How do you propose to pay for those who have already earned social security benefits or have paid in for decades.
As it has been repeatedly proffered:
1) NO CHANGES in anything for ANYONE over 55 years OLD!

Do you understand? NOTHING changes for anyone over 55... OK?
2) Those UNDER 55 ...
A) Retirement no longer option at 62 but 65 and full payments at age 67.
When SS was set up in 1935 the life span was 59.9 years for the average male.
BUT SS retirement was set up to begin making payments when a person became 65.
Today the average male lives to age 73.
So the solution is simple. Make the retirement age of any one under age 55 at age 68.
B) Give those under 55 a choice:
1) Continue with traditional method.. pay in and SS pays out.
2) OR the worker can determine where to put the money.
Suggestion is age 25 to 45 equities market as over 112 years DJIA grown at 7.5%
Then at age 46 move 1/2 accumulations into more secured investments.
Age 60+ almost ALL in secured investments, Treasuries, bonds, etc.

Thus the pure simplicity of compound interest starting at age 25 a worker can with 20 years
accumulate in securities easily $500,000+ and then move half into more secured and at
age 60+ almost all of the nearly $900,000 accumulation into more secured positions.
That's it in a nutshell!
Anyone over 55 no changes.
Anyone under 55 retirement at 68 and choices of traditional or self directed.
With that in place SS is secure. Millions of Americans be able to have a nest egg to convert
to guaranteed income far greater then SS. Also possibly able to direct upon worker's death
remaining value to heirs. Thus leaving more American children,grandchildren a good
financial start for college or even their retirement.
Makes so much sense but when people totally take the negative of EVERYONE loses in the
stock market anecdotes and make those really infrequent over 112 years cases the rule then we have this gross misinformation,etc.

I totally agree in gradually increasing the retirement age for those under 55. It is long overdue
I also have no problem with investing your retirement funds in stocks and bonds.

But you can do that right now. Most Americans have access to 401 k or an IRA that can be invested in the market. You have a stronger and safer retirement if you get both an annuity (social security) AND a personal retirement fund

You still do not explain how you pay for those already retired or heavily vested in Social security
How do you propose to pay for those who have already earned social security benefits or have paid in for decades.

Crank up the printing presses! Why not...that's what's going on now.

Just end all entitlements, send every household in America $1M tax free and tell everyone "sink or swim boys and girls, no more handouts" oh and lower taxes since we no longer have the huge entitlement programs to pay for.
You flunked math in HS didn't you ?

Flunked math? How so? Over a timespan of say 20 years it would be cheaper to end all entitlement programs and give each household $1M tax free. Do you dispute that? Seriously?

1 million to every American family comes up to a 100 trillion dollars. How do you come up with the money.

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