There is no way in hell Trump weighs 239 pounds.....LOLOLOL

Get back to us when any of you understand the difference in density with regard to fat tissue and muscle tissue.

You people need serious psychiatric help.
So he's a huge fat slob. Great. All the more reason to despise him.
It is likely he is in better physical and mental health than you are. Yeah, he could definitely stand to tone up and lose some LBs. Will you be ridiculing and name calling EVERYONE who is now overweight regardless of their politics? I'm thinking no, you don't have the level of integrity.
Making assumptions makes you look really stupid. Why would you assume I am not in good mental and physical health? You have absolutely nothing to go on, just throwing it out there. Attacking me, trolling and baiting; in fact, it shows you have no valid argument to rebut what I said, so you just attack me. Pretty lame.

I am an older person. I know how important it is to take care of yourself. If your body is not in good shape, your mind is also not in the best shape. Diet, exercise, sleep, lack of stress--all of these things are necessary to maintain good health and keep your mind sharp. Trump doesn't do any of those things. He is a lazy, obese, slob who doesn't even do his homework to learn about the issues he is supposed to be overseeing.

He watches TV all day. He lives on fast food and diet coke. When he golfs, he rides around in a golf cart instead of walking the course. What I said was true. What you said in attacking me is not true. It was pulled out of thin air just to deflect from what I said about Trump. You made a personal attack on me because you have nothing to refute the fact that your hero is a big, fat, stupid lazy slob.
I’m so confused. Kam Chancellor is 6'3' 232. Trump 6’3 239.

All these men, 6'3 who weigh 239 plus pounds???????


First of all, muscle weighs more than fat, so yes, it's perfectly plausible that Trump weighs the same as those guys. Second, Trump's weight and diet are under apoplectic levels of scrutiny. Now, let's say Oprah runs and wins. Do you think the media would be as feverishly salivating over how this might make her unfit? Where were they on Obama's smoking? Where was the frenzied Dr press conference about his judgement and health over that?

My point is not more than to show how the media has LOST it's credibility and ability to show ANY level of objectivity. This is NOT newsworthy. This is NOT important.
Ophra has been open about her weight problems for decades. Also it's highly unlikely she will be the next president

The real problem with Trump is he tries to make us believe he is in great health. It's just another one of his thousands of lies. There is no way a 70 year old man who is obese and doesn't exercise, who lives on fatty junk food and diet soda, who sits around all day watching TV and tweeting, no way he can be in good health. To think so flies in the face of everything the medical community has been telling use for decades and decades.
I’m so confused. Kam Chancellor is 6'3' 232. Trump 6’3 239.

All these men, 6'3 who weigh 239 plus pounds???????


First of all, muscle weighs more than fat, so yes, it's perfectly plausible that Trump weighs the same as those guys. Second, Trump's weight and diet are under apoplectic levels of scrutiny. Now, let's say Oprah runs and wins. Do you think the media would be as feverishly salivating over how this might make her unfit? Where were they on Obama's smoking? Where was the frenzied Dr press conference about his judgement and health over that?

My point is not more than to show how the media has LOST it's credibility and ability to show ANY level of objectivity. This is NOT newsworthy. This is NOT important.
Ophra has been open about her weight problems for decades. Also it's highly unlikely she will be the next president

The real problem with Trump is he tries to make us believe he is in great health. It's just another one of his thousands of lies. There is no way a 70 year old man who is obese and doesn't exercise, who lives on fatty junk food and diet soda, who sits around all day watching TV and tweeting, no way he can be in good health. To think so flies in the face of everything the medical community has been telling use for decades and decades.

According to the CDC BMI calculator, Trump would be just under obese at 6'3" 239lbs. And there are always outliers who are in good health despite bad habits; probably a lucky roll of the genetic dice. I don't know that Trump is such a person, but he well could be. :dunno:
I’m so confused. Kam Chancellor is 6'3' 232. Trump 6’3 239.

All these men, 6'3 who weigh 239 plus pounds???????


First of all, muscle weighs more than fat, so yes, it's perfectly plausible that Trump weighs the same as those guys. Second, Trump's weight and diet are under apoplectic levels of scrutiny. Now, let's say Oprah runs and wins. Do you think the media would be as feverishly salivating over how this might make her unfit? Where were they on Obama's smoking? Where was the frenzied Dr press conference about his judgement and health over that?

My point is not more than to show how the media has LOST it's credibility and ability to show ANY level of objectivity. This is NOT newsworthy. This is NOT important.
Ophra has been open about her weight problems for decades. Also it's highly unlikely she will be the next president

The real problem with Trump is he tries to make us believe he is in great health. It's just another one of his thousands of lies. There is no way a 70 year old man who is obese and doesn't exercise, who lives on fatty junk food and diet soda, who sits around all day watching TV and tweeting, no way he can be in good health. To think so flies in the face of everything the medical community has been telling use for decades and decades.

According to the CDC BMI calculator, Trump would be just under obese at 6'3" 239lbs. And there are always outliers who are in good health despite bad habits; probably a lucky roll of the genetic dice. I don't know that Trump is such a person, but he well could be. :dunno:
He's not 6'3". He's lying about his height. Look at any pictures with him and Obama standing next to each other. Obama is the same height as Trump, and Obama is six foot one.

At 6'1", Trump is obese. Besides, you can tell just by looking at him he is obese.
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I’m so confused. Kam Chancellor is 6'3' 232. Trump 6’3 239.

All these men, 6'3 who weigh 239 plus pounds???????


First of all, muscle weighs more than fat, so yes, it's perfectly plausible that Trump weighs the same as those guys. Second, Trump's weight and diet are under apoplectic levels of scrutiny. Now, let's say Oprah runs and wins. Do you think the media would be as feverishly salivating over how this might make her unfit? Where were they on Obama's smoking? Where was the frenzied Dr press conference about his judgement and health over that?

My point is not more than to show how the media has LOST it's credibility and ability to show ANY level of objectivity. This is NOT newsworthy. This is NOT important.
Ophra has been open about her weight problems for decades. Also it's highly unlikely she will be the next president

The real problem with Trump is he tries to make us believe he is in great health. It's just another one of his thousands of lies. There is no way a 70 year old man who is obese and doesn't exercise, who lives on fatty junk food and diet soda, who sits around all day watching TV and tweeting, no way he can be in good health. To think so flies in the face of everything the medical community has been telling use for decades and decades.

According to the CDC BMI calculator, Trump would be just under obese at 6'3" 239lbs. And there are always outliers who are in good health despite bad habits; probably a lucky roll of the genetic dice. I don't know that Trump is such a person, but he well could be. :dunno:
He's not 6'3". He's lying about his height. Look at any pictures with him and Obama standing next to each other. Obama is the same height as Trump, and Obama is six foot one.

At 6'1", Trump is obese. Beside, you can tell just by looking at him he is obese.

Well, if we're judging obesity by eye, I suppose. :p
I’m so confused. Kam Chancellor is 6'3' 232. Trump 6’3 239.

All these men, 6'3 who weigh 239 plus pounds???????


First of all, muscle weighs more than fat, so yes, it's perfectly plausible that Trump weighs the same as those guys. Second, Trump's weight and diet are under apoplectic levels of scrutiny. Now, let's say Oprah runs and wins. Do you think the media would be as feverishly salivating over how this might make her unfit? Where were they on Obama's smoking? Where was the frenzied Dr press conference about his judgement and health over that?

My point is not more than to show how the media has LOST it's credibility and ability to show ANY level of objectivity. This is NOT newsworthy. This is NOT important.
Ophra has been open about her weight problems for decades. Also it's highly unlikely she will be the next president

The real problem with Trump is he tries to make us believe he is in great health. It's just another one of his thousands of lies. There is no way a 70 year old man who is obese and doesn't exercise, who lives on fatty junk food and diet soda, who sits around all day watching TV and tweeting, no way he can be in good health. To think so flies in the face of everything the medical community has been telling use for decades and decades.

According to the CDC BMI calculator, Trump would be just under obese at 6'3" 239lbs. And there are always outliers who are in good health despite bad habits; probably a lucky roll of the genetic dice. I don't know that Trump is such a person, but he well could be. :dunno:
He's not 6'3". He's lying about his height. Look at any pictures with him and Obama standing next to each other. Obama is the same height as Trump, and Obama is six foot one.

At 6'1", Trump is obese. Beside, you can tell just by looking at him he is obese.

Well, if we're judging obesity by eye, I suppose. :p
No, actually, not true. I looked it up. The maximum ideal weight for a six foot one man with a large frame is 192. Trump has small hands, which means he probably has a small frame. So even if he were 192, he'd be overweight. Then obesity is 20% over your ideal weight. That's 230. Trump is obese for a large framed man. He's small framed. So he is obviously obese.

Nnnnnnope. The orange isn't supposed to be on a dress.

Apparently there walk among us those who still have no clue what Rump looks like. And yet they slither into a thread about Rump's weight.

Just pointing out, that two years from now, your side will not utter a peep about Oprah's weight should she run.
Of course.....Oprah herself acknowledges her weight issues...she doesn't lie about weight, height, etc. because she isn't an insecure fat cheeto.
No, she's a fat, racist pig.

I’m so confused. Kam Chancellor is 6'3' 232. Trump 6’3 239.


All these men, 6'3 who weigh 239 plus pounds???????

For one thing, he's not 6'3"; he's lied about his height. He's no taller than Obama who is 6'1". And he's all fat, no muscle at all. Muscle weighs more than fat. But he does look more like 250 or so. He may be small boned. Bones weigh more than fat or muscle.
Good point.


Nnnnnnope. The orange isn't supposed to be on a dress.

Apparently there walk among us those who still have no clue what Rump looks like. And yet they slither into a thread about Rump's weight.

Just pointing out, that two years from now, your side will not utter a peep about Oprah's weight should she run.
Of course.....Oprah herself acknowledges her weight issues...she doesn't lie about weight, height, etc. because she isn't an insecure fat cheeto.
No, she's a fat, racist pig.
Your fear is noted and laughed at. :lol:

Nnnnnnope. The orange isn't supposed to be on a dress.

Apparently there walk among us those who still have no clue what Rump looks like. And yet they slither into a thread about Rump's weight.

Just pointing out, that two years from now, your side will not utter a peep about Oprah's weight should she run.
Of course.....Oprah herself acknowledges her weight issues...she doesn't lie about weight, height, etc. because she isn't an insecure fat cheeto.
No, she's a fat, racist pig.
Your fear is noted and laughed at. :lol:
Fear? My fear ended when Hillary Clinton's chances of ever being POTUS ended.
Trump will have to call Oprah's Weight Watchers so Air-force One can get off the ground!!!
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Nnnnnnope. The orange isn't supposed to be on a dress.

Apparently there walk among us those who still have no clue what Rump looks like. And yet they slither into a thread about Rump's weight.

Just pointing out, that two years from now, your side will not utter a peep about Oprah's weight should she run.
Of course.....Oprah herself acknowledges her weight issues...she doesn't lie about weight, height, etc. because she isn't an insecure fat cheeto.
He sure throws his weight around. Ask Hillary and her gang of Losers.
I heard a rumor that Hillary lost the Presidential election over a year ago.....but then again, it might be fake news.
Yeah. I think that is really the issue here. If he wasn't such a liar and lying about what is obviously untrue--that he's in good health and doesn't have a weight problem,...if he was not such a liar about everything, people would have more respect for him. Ophra has been very up front about her weight problems.
Compared to the bitch candidate who enabled her husband to rape and abuse women, he is fit as a fiddle.....
Ya'll are messed up. Scales, BMI, even "appearance" is not the whole story for /anyone/. Its a starting point maybe, but it's not a be-all-end-all magic tell about anyone's overall health. As the doctor said, sometimes it's just in the gene's.

I know my German side of the family has brought me the ability to eat anything I want, in any quantity I want, at any time I want, and never gain a damn pound. I regularly pound down 3K calories worth of McDonald's for breakfast, I'll eat an entire custom made 1" thick frosting layer cake over a week, and my kids make me have microwave popcorn so I don't drink sticks of butter, and I don't exercise either...

Nnnnnnope. The orange isn't supposed to be on a dress.

Apparently there walk among us those who still have no clue what Rump looks like. And yet they slither into a thread about Rump's weight.

Just pointing out, that two years from now, your side will not utter a peep about Oprah's weight should she run.
Of course.....Oprah herself acknowledges her weight issues...she doesn't lie about weight, height, etc. because she isn't an insecure fat cheeto.

But will there be CNN faux doctors reporting she's overweight, and has heart disease because of it?
I won't be holding my breath.
Leave it to a deflecting cheeto trump supporter to stress over Oprah, you guys are so pathetic....its like us predicting by the year 2020 Trump will be this big.
Oh wait, he's already this big....LOLOL

I'm not "stressed" about Oprah, I'm just pointing out that if Oprah runs for president, your media will not be doing any stories about her weight or that her weight in the past has likely given her heart disease.

I’m so confused. Kam Chancellor is 6'3' 232. Trump 6’3 239.


All these men, 6'3 who weigh 239 plus pounds???????


You do know muscle weighs more than fat, right?
First of all, muscle weighs more than fat, so yes, it's perfectly plausible that Trump weighs the same as those guys. Second, Trump's weight and diet are under apoplectic levels of scrutiny. Now, let's say Oprah runs and wins. Do you think the media would be as feverishly salivating over how this might make her unfit? Where were they on Obama's smoking? Where was the frenzied Dr press conference about his judgement and health over that?

My point is not more than to show how the media has LOST it's credibility and ability to show ANY level of objectivity. This is NOT newsworthy. This is NOT important.
Ophra has been open about her weight problems for decades. Also it's highly unlikely she will be the next president

The real problem with Trump is he tries to make us believe he is in great health. It's just another one of his thousands of lies. There is no way a 70 year old man who is obese and doesn't exercise, who lives on fatty junk food and diet soda, who sits around all day watching TV and tweeting, no way he can be in good health. To think so flies in the face of everything the medical community has been telling use for decades and decades.

According to the CDC BMI calculator, Trump would be just under obese at 6'3" 239lbs. And there are always outliers who are in good health despite bad habits; probably a lucky roll of the genetic dice. I don't know that Trump is such a person, but he well could be. :dunno:
He's not 6'3". He's lying about his height. Look at any pictures with him and Obama standing next to each other. Obama is the same height as Trump, and Obama is six foot one.

At 6'1", Trump is obese. Beside, you can tell just by looking at him he is obese.

Well, if we're judging obesity by eye, I suppose. :p
No, actually, not true. I looked it up. The maximum ideal weight for a six foot one man with a large frame is 192. Trump has small hands, which means he probably has a small frame. So even if he were 192, he'd be overweight. Then obesity is 20% over your ideal weight. That's 230. Trump is obese for a large framed man. He's small framed. So he is obviously obese.

Yes, if Trump is 6'1" and 239 lbs, he counts as obese based on the BMI calculator. I was commenting on what you said about telling he is obese "just by looking at him." I don't think Trump is so big that his obesity is too obvious to question. He certainly looks overweight, but he's not hugely overweight.

As I said earlier, if he is obese, that puts him in line with over a third of adults in the US, so he's just representative of a lot of the country. :p

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