There oughta be a law that requires everyone to like gays

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Can't we just skip all the bullshit about public accommodation and cut to the chase? Why not just go where you really want and force your fascism down people's throats?

Everybody, it seems, is dumping on the Arizona Legislature for passing a bill that codified what used to be a basic principle of commerce; that a business owner could refuse service to a customer if he didn’t want the customer’s business. However, that pinciple has been abrogated, and business owners can be forced into involuntary servitude; all because a few hypersensitive, neurotic gheys got their feelers hurt when photographers, florists, or bakers didn’t want to be a part of their “weddings.”
So, why don’t we just cut to the chase and pass laws making it illegal not to like gay people; with fines and criminal penalties for anyone who uses any word, gesture, expression or behavior that any gay person judges to be insufficiently supportive of his or her lifestyle?The penalties could include mandatory sensitivity training at the offender’s expense; thus providing employment to otherwise utterly useless Gender Studies graduates.

On the plus side, all the assholes that voted for Obama are now forced to admit that they agree with McCain.
QW, if you are not in the closet yourself, you know and like some people that are. You just don't know that they are homosexual. I really don't give a damn about the next person's sexual orientations or hangups as long as they don't involve juveniles or me. None of my business. The fact that you and the rest of the 'Conservatives' think it is demonstrates your own problems with being control freaks.
Tyranny is now defined as the suppression of bigotry, apparently.

This is satirical comedy material.

I know...let's put this suggested law next to the laws requiring people to like black people and the one requiring people to like handicapped people and the one requiring people to like immigrants and the one requiring people to like obese people....etc.
There are already laws that prevent against discrimination race, or rather you're old. Why should someone be able to screw someone over for liking men?

I am against any law that takes a way freedom of speech.

How is declining to bake them a cake "screwing them over?" Why should anyone have to do business with people the don't want to do business with?
Tyranny is now defined as the suppression of bigotry, apparently.

This is satirical comedy material.

Yes, that actually is tyranny. You see, freedom includes the freedom to be a bigot. SO long as the government isn't doing it, why is it any of your business who people choose to associate with?
Next thing you know, Republicans will want to pass a law requiring people to like Republicans.
Be about the only way to get people to like Republicans. Just not very likable.

At least gays dress well, are articulate, have jobs and decorate their homes. What's not to like?
Next thing you know, Republicans will want to pass a law requiring people to like Republicans.
Be about the only way to get people to like Republicans. Just not very likable.

At least gays dress well, are articulate, have jobs and decorate their homes. What's not to like?
QW, if you are not in the closet yourself, you know and like some people that are. You just don't know that they are homosexual. I really don't give a damn about the next person's sexual orientations or hangups as long as they don't involve juveniles or me. None of my business. The fact that you and the rest of the 'Conservatives' think it is demonstrates your own problems with being control freaks.

If you're asked to bake a cake for their "gay wedding," then you know they are homosexuals. They are making it your business. Then they cry when you decline their business.
There are already laws that prevent against discrimination race, or rather you're old. Why should someone be able to screw someone over for liking men?

I am against any law that takes a way freedom of speech.

Except the freedom of speech of the shop owner?
Question about the AZ law, is it meant to allow shop owners to refuse to serve gays for all reasons, or just speciality reasons like baking a gay wedding cake? I can see how the cake violates their religious beliefs, but if they can deny selling them muffins or cornbread, how is religion implicated there? What does the proposed AZ law do?
Question about the AZ law, is it meant to allow shop owners to refuse to serve gays for all reasons, or just speciality reasons like baking a gay wedding cake? I can see how the cake violates their religious beliefs, but if they can deny selling them muffins or cornbread, how is religion implicated there? What does the proposed AZ law do?

The proposed law allows for special services to be declined based on religious beleifs, ie. the wedding cake. It does nothing to restrict who can buy cookies etc. Those pretending otherwise are actually all for restrictions as long as the right people are restricted.
Conservatives think homosexuality is a mental illness.

Well, its illegal to discriminate against people due to mental illness.
Next they will pass a law allowing businesses to not cater to Jews, because of religious reasons.

First gays then everyone else.

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