There should be a law that Congress must know what’s in a bill before they vote!

Which pork?

Well let's see, from what I read, 4 million dollars for a Michelle Obama trail, another couple of million for the LGBQRESTV museum, another couple of million for a wax museum for blacks, about 40 billion MORE to Ukraine to help them fight their war, 80 billion for 87,000 IRS agents nobody wants, and I'm sure people here that read other articles can tell you more, but that's just some of the items in this 4,100 page disaster.
Well let's see, from what I read, 4 million dollars for a Michelle Obama trail, another couple of million for the LGBQRESTV
Looks like you have no fucking idea what you are talking about which is what I suspected. There are 36 trails mentioned by name in the bill. That money was to maintenance an existing trail - it changed its name back in 2018.

You are just a mouthpiece of uneducated drivel. Come back when you have real ideas you didn’t grab off gateway pundit.
Looks like you have no fucking idea what you are talking about which is what I suspected. There are 36 trails mentioned by name in the bill. That money was to maintenance an existing trail - it changed its name back in 2018.

You are just a mouthpiece of uneducated drivel. Come back when you have real ideas you didn’t grab off gateway pundit.
Pork goes into many levels of government. Professional ghetto livers will demand all their streets redone. All of the pavements redone. All of the streetlights redone. All of the public parks redone. All of the libraries redone. All of the playgrounds redone. All of the electricity, water, natural gas and cable upgrades to massive levels redone. And when it comes to new buildings and any gentrifying... well that is hate and racism if not agreed to. and the reason is because there is a good percentage living off the system, and it is comfortable compared to actually having to work for a good living. Perma pork. Never ending ghettos.
she made the quote March 9, 2010…it had already been reconciled. Stop lying
When a bed wetter like WrongWinger is communicating, regardless of the method, a lie is being repeated. It is not possible for these "people" to communicate truth. They can be standing in full sunlight at noon hooked up to a polygraph, insist it is midnight and flat line the read out.

she made the quote March 9, 2010…it had already been reconciled. Stop lying

Her contention was that the Senate “didn’t have a bill.” And until the Senate produced an actual piece of legislation that could be matched up and debated against what was passed by the House, no one truly knew what would be voted on.

“So, that’s why I was saying we have to pass a bill, so we can see, so that we can show you, what it is and what it isn’t,” Pelosi continued.

Her contention was that the Senate “didn’t have a bill.” And until the Senate produced an actual piece of legislation that could be matched up and debated against what was passed by the House, no one truly knew what would be voted on.

“So, that’s why I was saying we have to pass a bill, so we can see, so that we can show you, what it is and what it isn’t,” Pelosi continued.
haha of course she’s gonna defend herself…but the bill had already gone through reconciliation amd was signed the next day
Republcans made it so no pork could be added to bills. Democrats - surprise, surprise - reversed that.

Democrats attempted to pass Obamacare, and the phone lines almost melted down in Washington due to opposition phone calls.

So Democrats feined they had given up only to wait a few days or so and ram it into law in the wee hours while Americans slept.
Pork goes into many levels of government. Professional ghetto livers will demand all their streets redone. All of the pavements redone. All of the streetlights redone. All of the public parks redone. All of the libraries redone. All of the playgrounds redone. All of the electricity, water, natural gas and cable upgrades to massive levels redone. And when it comes to new buildings and any gentrifying... well that is hate and racism if not agreed to. and the reason is because there is a good percentage living off the system, and it is comfortable compared to actually having to work for a good living. Perma pork. Never ending ghettos.
A budget is a budget. I was responding to a poster who said democrat pork made the bill bad. There are projects on both sides. What’s so bass about public trail maintenance? Nothing. He just picked his narrative. Go through the defense budget. There’s plenty we are overpaying for there I’m sure. I’d rather have a trail than $500 hammers or whatever.
If we are "The World Police", we're less effective than The Detroit PD. NO COUNTRY is big enough for that role. I would assert that we could have all of NATO, The Warsaw Pact countries, China, Austrailia and Japan agree to be "good guys" and work to stop slavery, piracy, illicit drugs, genocide, despotic tyrants who brutally oppress their people, territorial,/tribal wars, illegal weapons trafficking and totally fail. In fact the problems would probably get worse because corrupt people would exploit weaknesses and enrich themselves like never before.
that'd be a grand debate Pete, i'd wager that we'd find we're cops on the take.....
80 billion for 87,000 IRS agents nobody wants,
send them to Ukranie Ray , plenty of unaccounted $$$$ there......
A budget is a budget.
not to the feds Gator.....

How much less?
Especially in these inflationary times, the U.S. government should be spending absolutely NOTHING more than what is necessary for those necessary to government to do their everyday jobs and they should have demanded that the DHS do its job to enforce the immigration laws. There should be NO social engineering, NO earmarks of any kind, NO new hires, NO raises. absolutely NOTHING that Congress does not absolutely have to spend. That would have been a responsible omnibus bill.
This is ridiculous. The Democrats, along with RHINOS, pass the monstrosity of an Omnibus bill without even knowing what was in it.

There should be a summary page listing ALL the spending, and Congresspeople should know it so they can debate - and voters should be able to see which elected officials are spending money to help other countries while refusing to help our own.

Why, for example, are hundreds of millions allocated to foreign countries to help with their border security - and not a penny for our OWN to stop the invasion at our Southern border?

If the voters did their job these people voting for legislation they aren’t reading would never get reelected
If the voters did their job these people voting for legislation they aren’t reading would never get reelected
The caliber of the American voter has dropped so low that this is what we end up with.

Reminds me of a joke: Adlai Stevenson was bemoaning the likelihood that he was going to lose the election, to which his friend replied, “but, Adlai, every thinking American will vote for you!” Adlai replied….

….”yes, but I need a majority.”

And we’ve only gotten 10x worse since then.
If the voters did their job these people voting for legislation they aren’t reading would never get reelected
Until we have a free and responsible press again, most of the voters don't know who is reading the bills or even what is in the bills. Instead we have a media applauding Biden, Schumer, Pelosi for passing a 'bipartisan' omnibus bill that keeps the government working, the social security checks coming, the Medicare bills getting paid, etc. Most voters know nothing of the terrible situation at the border or all the unconscionable pork and social engineering or increased government authority/ability to take resources from the citizens or the inflationary pressure in that bill because the media they consult won't report it.

Result: Biden in the most incompetent phase of his presidency to date has increasing approval ratings. Even Congress has seen its approval tick up this week. And we tax payers will have less take home pay, more restrictions and regulation, and will be on the hook for another $20,000 per household over the next 10 years.

And you can be sure that the media will make sure that is the Republicans' fault.
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