There will be no unity until Trump's seditionists are no more.

Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

The future looks long and dismal since it will probably be another 70-80 years before the last Trump supporters take their last breath or forget the way he was mistreated these last four years.

Fuck off noob.

I must have struck a nerve. We are learning to be nasty also. People like you could do with a little humble time looking in the mirror and asking why I am so mean to people I don’t even know.

You don't need to know them. Once you figure out they are for murder, dismantling the government, and Democracy, we know who and what they are. To hell with these Trump traitors. They're either for Democracy or they are for taking down government. I have no use for those who support the latter. Fuck being nice to those scum bags.

Suck my dick

Something tells me, at this point, you are totally bankrupt of any intelligent debate with your scholarly three word response. Not to mention, how would anyone be able to perform that duty? They tell me all these rednecks who stormed the Capitol in large numbers have small one's. You know, they aren't courageous enough to do it on their own. Yea, they must be too small.

I just got today a half million dollar inheritance when my dad died in July..

I am happy as heck

Lol! And you're a Trump fan right? That money won't last long.
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

The only thing I see is the extremists run the parties and as long as they continue to do so, there is no unity. What happened January 6th was as sad of a day we have seen in a long time, however there are underlying reasons of why and how this happened and if we don’t fix the problem it, it will go back underground for decades and then it will be back.

America isn’t listening to its people, it is listening to the rich because the system is geared toward the rich. It doesn’t listen to the working class, the poor, the people of color, it listens and responds to the rich, that has to change or the divide will continue and grow.

There is no leadership in either party, they don’t give a damn about the people they were elected to serve, they believe they are better than the average American, know more than the average American and above everything, they believe the party’s interest is more important than the country’s best interest.

Most of what you say I agree with.

I will say though, yes, it will go back underground and come back as you say, but that has been going on since our earliest civilizations. It goes back all the way to the Roman Empire. And we as a population still haven't learned the lesson. "Give the people bread and circus" which is a failure of the citizenry has been repeated here in this country and in others. We just don't get it. Not sure the majority of the citizenry ever will. It's why the 1% do not want to see the masses become educated. Hence, let's defund the public schools. It's been a simple, yet effective tool in keeping the majority of populations in check.

The 1% backed Biden. Do you live under a floorboard?
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

The future looks long and dismal since it will probably be another 70-80 years before the last Trump supporters take their last breath or forget the way he was mistreated these last four years.

Fuck off noob.

Wow, are we having a bad night or what? Got those losing blues huh? Between your racism and those losing blues, you're going to be one sour Toadie for the next four years eh?

Good God can y’all present one argument without trying to use the race card. Actually I was just say people don’t forget bad behavior easily.

I didn't play the race card, the other poster brought it into the debate. He usually does. Just keep up with his posts in the future. You'll see.

I am a white supremacists and your a twat

The first part we know all about. Ha, I'll bet the FBI is loving this information. Have a nice night. But don't stop talking. We want to hear more about your resume. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Quit being a bitch, your just mad niggas burn down their own community

You people do understand your talking to another human with all your nasty zinger and to what end. If all you have to say is personal insults maybe it is time to reflect on how you would like to be treated before you post again.
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

The future looks long and dismal since it will probably be another 70-80 years before the last Trump supporters take their last breath or forget the way he was mistreated these last four years.

Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

The only thing I see is the extremists run the parties and as long as they continue to do so, there is no unity. What happened January 6th was as sad of a day we have seen in a long time, however there are underlying reasons of why and how this happened and if we don’t fix the problem it, it will go back underground for decades and then it will be back.

America isn’t listening to its people, it is listening to the rich because the system is geared toward the rich. It doesn’t listen to the working class, the poor, the people of color, it listens and responds to the rich, that has to change or the divide will continue and grow.

There is no leadership in either party, they don’t give a damn about the people they were elected to serve, they believe they are better than the average American, know more than the average American and above everything, they believe the party’s interest is more important than the country’s best interest.

Most of what you say I agree with.

I will say though, yes, it will go back underground and come back as you say, but that has been going on since our earliest civilizations. It goes back all the way to the Roman Empire. And we as a population still haven't learned the lesson. "Give the people bread and circus" which is a failure of the citizenry has been repeated here in this country and in others. We just don't get it. Not sure the majority of the citizenry ever will. It's why the 1% do not want to see the masses become educated. Hence, let's defund the public schools. It's been a simple, yet effective tool in keeping the majority of populations in check.

The 1% backed Biden. Do you live under a floorboard?

80 million is more than 1%. Just sayin
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again. unity...I'm down with that if you are.

Sure! As long as there is accountability. No get out of jail free cards for those responsible for the killing and insurrection. After that, we'll talk.

You're going to hold the Capitol cop accountable. Good idea. Finally.

No, I'm holding the chief responsible for not arming the police, and having them shoot the terrorists where they stood.

You mean instead of taking down the barricades and waving them in. The police only did that for one reason. They were antifa and blm. It was all arranged with mayor Bowwow. The whole seige of the capitol was.a set up and they killed a white woman as window dressing.

None of those in custody so far are BLM or Antifa and they all have Trump lies in their social media accounts.. Every 2 bit Muslim terrorist group radicalizes jihadis on social media and now Trump does it. You fools.

18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government:
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—....

Limk to trump inciting violence.
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

The future looks long and dismal since it will probably be another 70-80 years before the last Trump supporters take their last breath or forget the way he was mistreated these last four years.

Fuck off noob.

I must have struck a nerve. We are learning to be nasty also. People like you could do with a little humble time looking in the mirror and asking why I am so mean to people I don’t even know.

You don't need to know them. Once you figure out they are for murder, dismantling the government, and Democracy, we know who and what they are. To hell with these Trump traitors. They're either for Democracy or they are for taking down government. I have no use for those who support the latter. Fuck being nice to those scum bags.

Suck my dick

Something tells me, at this point, you are totally bankrupt of any intelligent debate with your scholarly three word response. Not to mention, how would anyone be able to perform that duty? They tell me all these rednecks who stormed the Capitol in large numbers have small one's. You know, they aren't courageous enough to do it on their own. Yea, they must be too small.

It’s always funny when a left winger jumps to dick size as an argument while not being able to decide their own gender. Are you a zhe or a zhim or? Seriously don’t compare cock size if you can’t figure out if you even have one.
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

The future looks long and dismal since it will probably be another 70-80 years before the last Trump supporters take their last breath or forget the way he was mistreated these last four years.

Fuck off noob.

I must have struck a nerve. We are learning to be nasty also. People like you could do with a little humble time looking in the mirror and asking why I am so mean to people I don’t even know.

You don't need to know them. Once you figure out they are for murder, dismantling the government, and Democracy, we know who and what they are. To hell with these Trump traitors. They're either for Democracy or they are for taking down government. I have no use for those who support the latter. Fuck being nice to those scum bags.

Suck my dick

Something tells me, at this point, you are totally bankrupt of any intelligent debate with your scholarly three word response. Not to mention, how would anyone be able to perform that duty? They tell me all these rednecks who stormed the Capitol in large numbers have small one's. You know, they aren't courageous enough to do it on their own. Yea, they must be too small.

God, that is so lazy and banal.White people have small dicks? What is this. Saturaday Night Live in the 1970s

US Presidents didn't talk about their dick size on the campaign trail .. That's a Trumpism.. NOT the 1970s.
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

The future looks long and dismal since it will probably be another 70-80 years before the last Trump supporters take their last breath or forget the way he was mistreated these last four years.

Fuck off noob.

I must have struck a nerve. We are learning to be nasty also. People like you could do with a little humble time looking in the mirror and asking why I am so mean to people I don’t even know.

You don't need to know them. Once you figure out they are for murder, dismantling the government, and Democracy, we know who and what they are. To hell with these Trump traitors. They're either for Democracy or they are for taking down government. I have no use for those who support the latter. Fuck being nice to those scum bags.

Suck my dick

Something tells me, at this point, you are totally bankrupt of any intelligent debate with your scholarly three word response. Not to mention, how would anyone be able to perform that duty? They tell me all these rednecks who stormed the Capitol in large numbers have small one's. You know, they aren't courageous enough to do it on their own. Yea, they must be too small.

God, that is so lazy and banal.White people have small dicks? What is this. Saturaday Night Live in the 1970s

We'll, it was January 6th when five people lost their lives, and these small dick Trump terrorists used numbers to do their fighting for them.
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again. unity...I'm down with that if you are.

Sure! As long as there is accountability. No get out of jail free cards for those responsible for the killing and insurrection. After that, we'll talk.

You're going to hold the Capitol cop accountable. Good idea. Finally.

No, I'm holding the chief responsible for not arming the police, and having them shoot the terrorists where they stood.

You mean instead of taking down the barricades and waving them in. The police only did that for one reason. They were antifa and blm. It was all arranged with mayor Bowwow. The whole seige of the capitol was.a set up and they killed a white woman as window dressing.

None of those in custody so far are BLM or Antifa and they all have Trump lies in their social media accounts.. Every 2 bit Muslim terrorist group radicalizes jihadis on social media and now Trump does it. You fools.

18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government:
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—....

Limk to trump inciting violence.

You dont have TV in your country?
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again. unity...I'm down with that if you are.

Sure! As long as there is accountability. No get out of jail free cards for those responsible for the killing and insurrection. After that, we'll talk.

You're going to hold the Capitol cop accountable. Good idea. Finally.

No, I'm holding the chief responsible for not arming the police, and having them shoot the terrorists where they stood.

You mean instead of taking down the barricades and waving them in. The police only did that for one reason. They were antifa and blm. It was all arranged with mayor Bowwow. The whole seige of the capitol was.a set up and they killed a white woman as window dressing.

None of those in custody so far are BLM or Antifa and they all have Trump lies in their social media accounts.. Every 2 bit Muslim terrorist group radicalizes jihadis on social media and now Trump does it. You fools.

18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government:
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—....

Limk to trump inciting violence.

Watch him on U Tube or listen to his taped phone conversation or read his tweets. He radicalizes his own domestic terrorists like any 2 bit jihadi.. and calls it "winning".
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

The future looks long and dismal since it will probably be another 70-80 years before the last Trump supporters take their last breath or forget the way he was mistreated these last four years.

Fuck off noob.

I must have struck a nerve. We are learning to be nasty also. People like you could do with a little humble time looking in the mirror and asking why I am so mean to people I don’t even know.

You don't need to know them. Once you figure out they are for murder, dismantling the government, and Democracy, we know who and what they are. To hell with these Trump traitors. They're either for Democracy or they are for taking down government. I have no use for those who support the latter. Fuck being nice to those scum bags.

Suck my dick

Something tells me, at this point, you are totally bankrupt of any intelligent debate with your scholarly three word response. Not to mention, how would anyone be able to perform that duty? They tell me all these rednecks who stormed the Capitol in large numbers have small one's. You know, they aren't courageous enough to do it on their own. Yea, they must be too small.

It’s always funny when a left winger jumps to duck size as an argument while not being able to decide their own gender. Are you a zhe or a zhim or? Seriously don’t compare cock size if you can’t figure out if you even have one.

Got that homophobic fever huh? Figures! Tell us again how big they really are, especially when some of them even went into the Capitol with their mommies? LOL! Mommy must have had to hold it for them while they took a pee, you think? LOl!
I have to tel you that I'm not american, but if that election happened in my country the reaction would be a lot more violent than selfies and shouting slogans.
The U.s 2020 election was the most corrupt election in my lifetime
How do you know this if you're in another country?
I have to tel you that I'm not american, but if that election happened in my country the reaction would be a lot more violent than selfies and shouting slogans.
The U.s 2020 election was the most corrupt election in my lifetime
Yea, where is your proof with no evidence?
"If you need thousands of troops for your inauguration, then you were likely not elected by the people."
Dump lost by about 8 million votes. Biden won the popular and the electoral vote. Anyone with a functioning brain would know Biden was elected by the people.

Mighty convenient timing for a sudden change of heart from people who for 4 fucking years whined about Russia's election interference. Whatever happened to that big-talk about burning the whole damn system to the ground?
When have you ever heard me say anything about burning anything to the ground? Dump helped the Russians. They couldnt pin him down but anyone with a brain knows he colluded with them.

Suddenly it's tantamount to treason to question election integrity or stage protests. Even though the vast majority of the tens of thousands of DC protesters remained "mostly peaceful", that old excuse just ain't gonna cut it anymore. Like I said, this sudden shift in tone is mighty convenient.
You can question all you want to. You can decide not to believe the republican voting officials that said the election was fair. You can disbelieve all the republican appointed judges that laughed Dumps suits out the court due to lack of evidence. You can do all that but if you fuck up and try to overturn the results you will be dealt with harshly.

If only the accusation of "sedition" was limited specifically to the people who actually broke into the capitol building and committed actual crimes but in reality there's a broad brush smear campaign against a huge swathe of Americans who did nothing wrong.
If a person supports the breaking into the capital, they are just as morally reprehensible and anti-American as those that did. They just were not able to go, as lacked transportation, time off their day job, no baby sitter, etc.. Then again, the may just lack the courage of their convictions, so it is unlikely they will be convicted.
Then by your standards I am just as morally reprehensible and anti-American (at least anti your Big Brother version of America) as those that protested and dam proud of it. I don't recall any outrage from you when antifa and blm staged much more violent protests on public property. Have you forgotten that public property belongs to the people which is why it is known a "public" property. They bought it, they paid for it and I don't think "trespassing" on it is any very serious crime. Where was your "anti-America" bullshit when real thugs decided to make several city blocks of an American city their private domain? They invaded a part of my Country and had they tried to stop me from my legal use of public property a war would have started right then. It was far more morally reprehensible and anti-American for the involved officials to just cede what they were sworn and legally required to protect. Somehow I don't find Americans who are innocent of any crime not being convicted to be a bad thing.

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