There will be no unity until Trump's seditionists are no more.

There will be no unity with seditionists.

Don't exclude yourself from that. There will be no unity with people like you either. You're simply the opposite end of the extreme.
Are you so cynical as to think all our political is reduced to extremes? Can you accept that most Americans prefer a centrist approach, not seditious "proud Boys" racism or anti--fan radical anarchy?

Biden inclusiveness not Trump nationalism.

Seditionists don't care about democracy. Most Americans do.

With friends like seditionists, why are you afraid of AOC? Which one poses the greater threat to democracy?

If you think dems are centrist you're an idiot.
If you think 75,000,000 votes were cast in support of one narrow political ideology, or that Democrats don' contain a variety of political thought and faction, you are either not paying attention or have succumbed to prropagandistic brainwashing.

Such ossified thinking cannot offer solutions and shouldn't weigh in on the momentous problems we face today. In fact, such thiinking lays squarely at the center of our problems.

Do I you know what makes this huge, diverse nation so great? Our mastery at the art of political compromise. One party rule has never, and will.never.serve a form of government of, by and for free people.

Fuck compromising with commies!!!
And your spelling is atrocious.
And your lies are disgusting. What commies? Do you even know what a communist is?

Absolutely....biden is the epitome of a commie.
After all,the CCP owns him.

Hate to break it to you but over 80 million people didn't believe you. And now, through misdeeds and isurrection attempt, it appears that the GOP, as it stands now, is in the process of being defunded. After all the defunding that you clowns attempted (and in some cases were successful) I think karma is here to bite your in the ass.

I dont think things are going to turn out like you think.
Probably a lot closer that what the anarchist wannabes are thinking. Might be harder to even maintain propaganda levels necessary to keep the right wing sheep indoctrinated with lies, as conspiracy and false stories even about election fraud have dropped 73% since the twitter and facebook bans went into effect by one report.

Online misinformation about the US election fell 73% after Trump's social media ban
Why would you believe the MSM about anything?
Saw it live, in color. Seen the vids of the protestors smiling for their own cameras, you know, reality. Reality isn't for interpretation. It is not handed down or decided from above. Not about how you feel about it inside, or what others describe it to be. Reality is real, in and of itself. Try Lenard Piekhoff lecturing live at the Fordham on Objectivist Philosophy if you can find a copy.

Correct that reality is not open for interpretation.
But the obvious reality is the protestors WERE NON-VIOLENT.
They were not shooting people.
The people who were indiscriminately shooting and killing people, WERE the POLICE.
With the demonstrators, I only saw some petty misdemeanors like vandalism.
From the police I saw deliberate murder of people not involved in any criminal acts at all.
That is the objective reality, and there is no way to alter that fact.
Oh noZe! No unity says the left....After watching their actions for four years I am shocked I tell you, just shocked that they are not advocating some good old Kumbaya time.

Lol. What a joke.
Glad you're laughing. Those five dead people are not. You were saying what again about unity?
How about hundreds dead or beaten, and building's burnt, police stations attacked, capitals broken into, anarchy in the streets, good citizen's threatened, and no go zones are created while we hear the Democrat (CRICKETS) ???

You don't have a leg to stand on bud....
Sure I do. I already posted on this forum what the proud boy skinheads were doing. They were mostly responsible for inciting violence and riots while trying to instigate peaceful protests.

Seattle and Portland didn’t need anyone but Antifa for the riots and CHOP was proof of that. Other cities were in the same category. I’m not saying the right didn’t instigate anything however Antifa lit the fuse in many cites, St. Louis was a BLM riot that took the life of a former black police chief.
People who stormed the WH weren't innocent people. More should have been shot dead. That was an attack on this country.
Who stormed the White House?
Terrorists and white power Dumplings.
When did these citizens you fear so much storm the White House? Recently?
They are terrorist and I dont fear terrorists., They invaded the WH on the 6Jan21

I think you are confused.
On Jan 6, 2021, it was the congressional building that was invaded, not the WH, which stands for White House.
The White House is where the president resides, not Congress.
Oh noZe! No unity says the left....After watching their actions for four years I am shocked I tell you, just shocked that they are not advocating some good old Kumbaya time.

Lol. What a joke.
Glad you're laughing. Those five dead people are not. You were saying what again about unity?
How about hundreds dead or beaten, and building's burnt, police stations attacked, capitals broken into, anarchy in the streets, good citizen's threatened, and no go zones are created while we hear the Democrat (CRICKETS) ???

You don't have a leg to stand on bud....
Sure I do. I already posted on this forum what the proud boy skinheads were doing. They were mostly responsible for inciting violence and riots while trying to instigate peaceful protests.

Seattle and Portland didn’t need anyone but Antifa for the riots and CHOP was proof of that. Other cities were in the same category. I’m not saying the right didn’t instigate anything however Antifa lit the fuse in many cites, St. Louis was a BLM riot that took the life of a former black police chief.

We do not know by whom or why the Black ex-cop was killed.
People who stormed the WH weren't innocent people. More should have been shot dead. That was an attack on this country.
Who stormed the White House?
Terrorists and white power Dumplings.
When did these citizens you fear so much storm the White House? Recently?
They are terrorist and I dont fear terrorists., They invaded the WH on the 6Jan21

I think you are confused.
On Jan 6, 2021, it was the congressional building that was invaded, not the WH, which stands for White House.
The White House is where the president resides, not Congress.
This is true.
Very few ordinary Democrats are terrorists.
They hire ANTIFA and BLM do do that for them.
People who stormed the WH weren't innocent people. More should have been shot dead. That was an attack on this country.
Who stormed the White House?
Terrorists and white power Dumplings.
When did these citizens you fear so much storm the White House? Recently?
They are terrorist and I dont fear terrorists., They invaded the Capitol on the 6Jan21
I was responding to the moron who said the WH was invaded. Then the other moron, you, said it was power dumplings that did it, right before you shit yourself.
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

The only thing I see is the extremists run the parties and as long as they continue to do so, there is no unity. What happened January 6th was as sad of a day we have seen in a long time, however there are underlying reasons of why and how this happened and if we don’t fix the problem it, it will go back underground for decades and then it will be back.

America isn’t listening to its people, it is listening to the rich because the system is geared toward the rich. It doesn’t listen to the working class, the poor, the people of color, it listens and responds to the rich, that has to change or the divide will continue and grow.

There is no leadership in either party, they don’t give a damn about the people they were elected to serve, they believe they are better than the average American, know more than the average American and above everything, they believe the party’s interest is more important than the country’s best interest.

Most of what you say I agree with.

I will say though, yes, it will go back underground and come back as you say, but that has been going on since our earliest civilizations. It goes back all the way to the Roman Empire. And we as a population still haven't learned the lesson. "Give the people bread and circus" which is a failure of the citizenry has been repeated here in this country and in others. We just don't get it. Not sure the majority of the citizenry ever will. It's why the 1% do not want to see the masses become educated. Hence, let's defund the public schools. It's been a simple, yet effective tool in keeping the majority of populations in check.

The 1% backed Biden. Do you live under a floorboard?

80 million is more than 1%. Just sayin

All the corporations, media moguls, bankers, oligarchs, international financiers, hedge funds, have backed Biden.
Are you fucking blind???
The proletariat have backed Trump. 100%
Trump is their voice.

Not my fault they picked an incompetent fuckup to be their voice. I dont care that they dont like the results of the election. Tough shit. Better luck next time.

I don't think there is evidence of the election being rigged, but obviously the primaries are, or else we would have better choices than Trump or Biden.
There is way too much influence by the wealthy elite who control the media.
We have hit a very low period.
Any impossible to point fingers since so many are to blame.

I agree that money has control but this election is totally different. You have a wealthy con artist posing as the peoples choice simply because he wants to make money off them. Its like Dumpsters are retarded or something. They are directly to blame for the state of affairs.

I am far left, progressive, liberal, so I would never fall for Trump's line.
However, that does not change the fact the democrats in congress are also lying crooks who have been selling us all down the river since the Clinton administration repealed Glass -Steagall, and pass the 1994 federal crime bill. The War on Drugs, 3 strikes, gun control, etc., is all totally illegal and corrupt.

Congress should not just have been occupied, but burned to the ground.

Congress gets burned to the ground then we wind up with a dictator like Dump. We need that check and we need to vote these slow moving crooks in congress out.

Well I do not like Trump and do not agree the election was stolen, even though I think the primaries were rigged.
So I prefer the slow and safe approach as well.
But people calling the misguided Trump supporters as terrorist and shooting them like the police did, is totally and completely wrong.
If those protestors are abused, then I quit.
That is it for this whole government.

They stormed a federal building with congress men and women in there with the intention of killing some of them. Why would it be wrong to shoot these insurrectionists who were threatening murder in the Capitol?

Prove the intent, all we have heard is the narrative from the media. Do we know who fired shots in the Capitol building? So far the only shots I have heard about is from to DC police.
People who stormed the WH weren't innocent people. More should have been shot dead. That was an attack on this country.
Who stormed the White House?
Terrorists and white power Dumplings.
When did these citizens you fear so much storm the White House? Recently?
They are terrorist and I dont fear terrorists., They invaded the Capitol on the 6Jan21
I was responding to the moron who said the WH was invaded. Then the other moron, you, said it was power dumplings that did it, right before you shit yourself.
None of that changes the fact that terrorists and inbred white power Dumplings invaded the Capitol and should have been shot dead.
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

The only thing I see is the extremists run the parties and as long as they continue to do so, there is no unity. What happened January 6th was as sad of a day we have seen in a long time, however there are underlying reasons of why and how this happened and if we don’t fix the problem it, it will go back underground for decades and then it will be back.

America isn’t listening to its people, it is listening to the rich because the system is geared toward the rich. It doesn’t listen to the working class, the poor, the people of color, it listens and responds to the rich, that has to change or the divide will continue and grow.

There is no leadership in either party, they don’t give a damn about the people they were elected to serve, they believe they are better than the average American, know more than the average American and above everything, they believe the party’s interest is more important than the country’s best interest.

Most of what you say I agree with.

I will say though, yes, it will go back underground and come back as you say, but that has been going on since our earliest civilizations. It goes back all the way to the Roman Empire. And we as a population still haven't learned the lesson. "Give the people bread and circus" which is a failure of the citizenry has been repeated here in this country and in others. We just don't get it. Not sure the majority of the citizenry ever will. It's why the 1% do not want to see the masses become educated. Hence, let's defund the public schools. It's been a simple, yet effective tool in keeping the majority of populations in check.

The 1% backed Biden. Do you live under a floorboard?

80 million is more than 1%. Just sayin

All the corporations, media moguls, bankers, oligarchs, international financiers, hedge funds, have backed Biden.
Are you fucking blind???
The proletariat have backed Trump. 100%
Trump is their voice.

Not my fault they picked an incompetent fuckup to be their voice. I dont care that they dont like the results of the election. Tough shit. Better luck next time.

I don't think there is evidence of the election being rigged, but obviously the primaries are, or else we would have better choices than Trump or Biden.
There is way too much influence by the wealthy elite who control the media.
We have hit a very low period.
Any impossible to point fingers since so many are to blame.

I agree that money has control but this election is totally different. You have a wealthy con artist posing as the peoples choice simply because he wants to make money off them. Its like Dumpsters are retarded or something. They are directly to blame for the state of affairs.

I am far left, progressive, liberal, so I would never fall for Trump's line.
However, that does not change the fact the democrats in congress are also lying crooks who have been selling us all down the river since the Clinton administration repealed Glass -Steagall, and pass the 1994 federal crime bill. The War on Drugs, 3 strikes, gun control, etc., is all totally illegal and corrupt.

Congress should not just have been occupied, but burned to the ground.

Congress gets burned to the ground then we wind up with a dictator like Dump. We need that check and we need to vote these slow moving crooks in congress out.

Well I do not like Trump and do not agree the election was stolen, even though I think the primaries were rigged.
So I prefer the slow and safe approach as well.
But people calling the misguided Trump supporters as terrorist and shooting them like the police did, is totally and completely wrong.
If those protestors are abused, then I quit.
That is it for this whole government.

They stormed a federal building with congress men and women in there with the intention of killing some of them. Why would it be wrong to shoot these insurrectionists who were threatening murder in the Capitol?

Prove the intent, all we have heard is the narrative from the media. Do we know who fired shots in the Capitol building? So far the only shots I have heard about is from to DC police.

There are plenty of videos with the terrorists stating their intent.
There will be no unity with seditionists.

Don't exclude yourself from that. There will be no unity with people like you either. You're simply the opposite end of the extreme.
Beat me to it. This is literally what I meant about people who seem to WANT a civil war.
The msm and D Party demonizing half the electorate is likely to result in violence.
It was less than half by about 8 million. If you wish violence there are those that will change your mind for you.
Apparently you didn’t understand my post. Let me try again. The msm and D Party are demonizing a lot of Americans. If you think this appropriate, you’re a fool. If you think this won’t lead to more violence, you’re doubly a fool.

No doubt they want violence so that they can impose ever greater tyrannies on the American people, in the Land of the Free.
Facts should never lead to violence. If it does those idiots that refuse to deal with the facts will be dealt with. You can call that tyranny if you choose. I call it justice.
Like "Hands up don't shoot"? Fact is that never happened and that non fact led to a lot of destruction and violence. Jacob Blake unarmed? Another non fact that led to violence and looting and phony murder charges.

Jumping to conclusion is done to inflame the Democratic brown shirts. It caused billions in damages and cost small businesses to close permanently.
Nothing like that.
There will be no unity with seditionists.

Don't exclude yourself from that. There will be no unity with people like you either. You're simply the opposite end of the extreme.
Beat me to it. This is literally what I meant about people who seem to WANT a civil war.
The msm and D Party demonizing half the electorate is likely to result in violence.
It was less than half by about 8 million. If you wish violence there are those that will change your mind for you.
Apparently you didn’t understand my post. Let me try again. The msm and D Party are demonizing a lot of Americans. If you think this appropriate, you’re a fool. If you think this won’t lead to more violence, you’re doubly a fool.

No doubt they want violence so that they can impose ever greater tyrannies on the American people, in the Land of the Free.
When this insurrectionist president stokes his base into storming the Capitol and leaving five dead, don't preach to us about demonizing Americans. You can't afford it. Your moral high ground just dug a hole for itself. Save it. You no longer have any skin in this game.
Your hatred will only lead to more killing, but you’re too dumb to see this reality.

Fucking partisans. They will get a lot of people killed.
People who stormed the WH weren't innocent people. More should have been shot dead. That was an attack on this country.
Who stormed the White House?
Terrorists and white power Dumplings.
When did these citizens you fear so much storm the White House? Recently?
They are terrorist and I dont fear terrorists., They invaded the Capitol on the 6Jan21
I was responding to the moron who said the WH was invaded. Then the other moron, you, said it was power dumplings that did it, right before you shit yourself.
None of that changes the fact that terrorists and inbred white power Dumplings invaded the Capitol and should have been shot dead.

Whether they are evil, intended terrorism, or are racists, we can not tell from the video.
What we saw on the video was just petty vandalism at worst.
And that can be justified under protected political expression.
But deliberately shooting people dead is inexcusable unless they are threatening murder with deadly weapons.
That was not the case since they did not shoot or even point weapons at anyone, so then shooting these deceived and naïve protestors was a huge crime.
The police who did this need to be arrested immediately, or all of government become complicit.
Tell me what law would allow for these protestors to be shot?
The law against murder is pretty clear.
No one can shoot unless it is necessary to save the lives of yourself or others.
People who stormed the WH weren't innocent people. More should have been shot dead. That was an attack on this country.
Who stormed the White House?
Terrorists and white power Dumplings.
When did these citizens you fear so much storm the White House? Recently?
They are terrorist and I dont fear terrorists., They invaded the Capitol on the 6Jan21
I was responding to the moron who said the WH was invaded. Then the other moron, you, said it was power dumplings that did it, right before you shit yourself.
None of that changes the fact that terrorists and inbred white power Dumplings invaded the Capitol and should have been shot dead.

Whether they are evil, intended terrorism, or are racists, we can not tell from the video.
What we saw on the video was just petty vandalism at worst.
And that can be justified under protected political expression.
But deliberately shooting people dead is inexcusable unless they are threatening murder with deadly weapons.
That was not the case since they did not shoot or even point weapons at anyone, so then shooting these deceived and naïve protestors was a huge crime.
The police who did this need to be arrested immediately, or all of government become complicit.
Tell me what law would allow for these protestors to be shot?
The law against murder is pretty clear.
No one can shoot unless it is necessary to save the lives of yourself or others.
There is plenty of video of the terrorists threatening death and beating people with fire extinguishers.

Its not murder if its self defense or protecting someone from violence.
There will be no unity with seditionists.

Don't exclude yourself from that. There will be no unity with people like you either. You're simply the opposite end of the extreme.
Beat me to it. This is literally what I meant about people who seem to WANT a civil war.
The msm and D Party demonizing half the electorate is likely to result in violence.
It was less than half by about 8 million. If you wish violence there are those that will change your mind for you.
Apparently you didn’t understand my post. Let me try again. The msm and D Party are demonizing a lot of Americans. If you think this appropriate, you’re a fool. If you think this won’t lead to more violence, you’re doubly a fool.

No doubt they want violence so that they can impose ever greater tyrannies on the American people, in the Land of the Free.
Facts should never lead to violence. If it does those idiots that refuse to deal with the facts will be dealt with. You can call that tyranny if you choose. I call it justice.

What do you mean?
The facts are the occupiers of Congress, as ignorant as they were, showed no intent to cause any harm to individuals.
The ONLY people who did were the police, who simply started shooting innocent people.
So the facts show violence is now warranted.
We are supposed to arrest the police who were guilty.
Only after the police violators are arrested for deliberate murder, can there be justice.
I mean just what I said.

Its already proven they were going to the capitol to harm and possibly kill Pelosi and Pence as well as take over the government. They have that on video tape. The police as a group severely underperformed at best and at worst actually supported the terrorists. The ones caught on tape taking selfies with the terrorists and saying that they supported them should be imprisoned.
Since you are so convinced that you can legally determine who committed a crime you must really support all the historical lynchings that have taken place when those people did the same. Maybe you should apply for membership with the KKK.
There will be no unity with seditionists.

Don't exclude yourself from that. There will be no unity with people like you either. You're simply the opposite end of the extreme.
Beat me to it. This is literally what I meant about people who seem to WANT a civil war.
The msm and D Party demonizing half the electorate is likely to result in violence.
It was less than half by about 8 million. If you wish violence there are those that will change your mind for you.
Apparently you didn’t understand my post. Let me try again. The msm and D Party are demonizing a lot of Americans. If you think this appropriate, you’re a fool. If you think this won’t lead to more violence, you’re doubly a fool.

No doubt they want violence so that they can impose ever greater tyrannies on the American people, in the Land of the Free.
Facts should never lead to violence. If it does those idiots that refuse to deal with the facts will be dealt with. You can call that tyranny if you choose. I call it justice.

What do you mean?
The facts are the occupiers of Congress, as ignorant as they were, showed no intent to cause any harm to individuals.
The ONLY people who did were the police, who simply started shooting innocent people.
So the facts show violence is now warranted.
We are supposed to arrest the police who were guilty.
Only after the police violators are arrested for deliberate murder, can there be justice.
I mean just what I said.

Its already proven they were going to the capitol to harm and possibly kill Pelosi and Pence as well as take over the government. They have that on video tape. The police as a group severely underperformed at best and at worst actually supported the terrorists. The ones caught on tape taking selfies with the terrorists and saying that they supported them should be imprisoned.
Since you are so convinced that you can legally determine who committed a crime you must really support all the historical lynchings that have taken place when those people did the same. Maybe you should apply for membership with the KKK.
The KKK is my sworn enemy. The terrorists that stormed the capitol were probably members of the KKK.
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

So, how many do you think you will have to kill?

It's been placed at 25 million. I think the Bidenistas plan for 74 million

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