There’s a smell of treason in the air’


Forget it. Uncensored2008 is dumb as cardboard and incapable of learning anything. To him, everyone is a fascist because its a short word, easy for him to spell but he has no clue of the definition.

Pillowbite, you are a Brown Shirt, Goose Stepping Fascist.

You openly advocate s state with a centrally managed and planned economy where the individual is subverted to the goals of the collective. Where information is tightly managed and controlled to ensure the goals of the party are furthered, when language is perverted in pursuit of goals of the party. The individual is irrelevant to you and your party, a replaceable part that only has meaning in service to the state.

You are a fascist, by the text book definition.

Oh yes, I know you want to ignorantly promote the big lie that "fascist is the opposite of socialist" but that failed long ago. It was utter shit fed to only the most stupid, i.e. leftists.

I term you a fascist, simply because that is precisely what you and your party are.
45 seconds ago you had never heard of Douglas Brinkley- nextt?

Brundlefly, how much does Soros pay you to troll this board and paste fake news from the hate sites? This thread is directly lifted from Alternet.
Is or is not Trump the first president to come under FBI investigation
Guess why, asshole...he's about to destroy the status quo.

He's gonna shit, and then fall down in it.
45 seconds ago you had never heard of Douglas Brinkley- nextt?

Brundlefly, how much does Soros pay you to troll this board and paste fake news from the hate sites? This thread is directly lifted from Alternet.
Is or is not Trump the first president to come under FBI investigation
Guess why, asshole...he's about to destroy the status quo.

He's gonna shit, and then fall down in it.
45 seconds ago you had never heard of Douglas Brinkley- nextt?

Brundlefly, how much does Soros pay you to troll this board and paste fake news from the hate sites? This thread is directly lifted from Alternet.
Is or is not Trump the first president to come under FBI investigation
Guess why, asshole...he's about to destroy the status quo.

He's gonna shit, and then fall down in it.
The day is coming very close
And now, Tillerson is planning a trip to Russia in secret.

No press.

No excuse for all these lies from drumpf.

Such a secret the your Fuhrer knows all about it, and his dozens of hate sites are pimping it across the internet...

You Brown Shirts have hearts filled with hate, and heads filled with shit.
Trump fall from power will make Nixon look like a choir boy

How can he fall from power, Brundlefly? You fascists made it clear that he would;

  • Not run
  • Was just a spoiler
  • never get the nomination
  • drop out of the race before the election
  • lose with less than 200 EV's
  • found to have lost with the recounts
  • not be voted in by the EC when they all changed their votes for Hillary
  • be impeached by the Republicans on the first day
You moron fascists have spewed your idiotic shit for over two years, and never once have you been right.

You ARE fucking retards.
45 seconds ago you had never heard of Douglas Brinkley- nextt?

Brundlefly, how much does Soros pay you to troll this board and paste fake news from the hate sites? This thread is directly lifted from Alternet.
Is or is not Trump the first president to come under FBI investigation
Guess why, asshole...he's about to destroy the status quo.

He's gonna shit, and then fall down in it.
The day is coming very close
You keep repeating that.
Now please provide me with a list of anyone you met who changed their vote from Hillary to Trump.
But you can't, you fucking loon.
Douglas Brinkley is an elitist throwback whom never had an original thought in his life.
45 seconds ago you had never heard of Douglas Brinkley- nextt?

Any second now you'll be parroting Rachel Madcow- nexxt?
Is this true or not?
Speaking with the Washington Post, Brinkley said he could not ever recall a time when a senior federal law enforcement official publicly confirmed a major criminal investigation into the campaign of a sitting president.
True that Brinkley said it? Yes. That his opinion is true remains to be seen.

The fact remains that both you and Brinkley's opinions are more spin that fact. Comey didn't say anything about treason nor did he say President Trump himself was being investigated. What he said was the FBI was "investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.” An investigation is not an indictment, much less a conviction.

What is know is that Russia hacked the DNC, and probably the RNC, computers, then strategically released the intell gathered in an attempt to sway the election. The Congressional testimony also stated there was no evidence Russians actually influenced the election. Are you honest enough to agree?
And now, Tillerson is planning a trip to Russia in secret.

No press.

No excuse for all these lies from drumpf.

Such a secret the your Fuhrer knows all about it, and his dozens of hate sites are pimping it across the internet...

You Brown Shirts have hearts filled with hate, and heads filled with shit.
Trump fall from power will make Nixon look like a choir boy

How can he fall from power, Brundlefly? You fascists made it clear that he would;

  • Not run
  • Was just a spoiler
  • never get the nomination
  • drop out of the race before the election
  • lose with less than 200 EV's
  • found to have lost with the recounts
  • not be voted in by the EC when they all changed their votes for Hillary
  • be impeached by the Republicans on the first day
You moron fascists have spewed your idiotic shit for over two years, and never once have you been right.

You ARE fucking retards.
Trumps day are numbered, the republicans will not support this Traitor
And now, Tillerson is planning a trip to Russia in secret.

No press.

No excuse for all these lies from drumpf.

Such a secret the your Fuhrer knows all about it, and his dozens of hate sites are pimping it across the internet...

You Brown Shirts have hearts filled with hate, and heads filled with shit.

Bloody idiots don't realize that there's an issue with NKorea and a maniac monster who is ready to go full nuke.

Russia like China and Japan are potentially in the front seats to witness the mushroom cloud.

This is why Tillerson is meeting with those potentially affected.

But to the left wing whackos Tillerson concentrating on the threat of nuclear war rather than climate change like Kerry is a good thing.

Hell's bells they're stupid.
Monday’s House Intelligence Committee hearing with FBI Director James Comeyis still causing shock waves throughout the political world, and historian Douglas Brinkley believes that it’s an unprecedented moment in American politics.

Speaking with the Washington Post, Brinkley said he could not ever recall a time when a senior federal law enforcement official publicly confirmed a major criminal investigation into the campaign of a sitting president.

“There’s a smell of treason in the air,” Brinkley said. “Imagine if J. Edgar Hoover or any other FBI director would have testified against a sitting president? It would have been a mind-boggling event.”

Brinkley went on to say that he has never seen a new president grow so unpopular so quickly, as Trump’s low approval ratings combined with the FBI’s investigation into his campaign’s ties with Russia have created massive storm clouds hanging over his presidency.

“This is the most failed first 100 days of any president,” he said. “To be as low as he is in the polls, in the 30s, while the FBI director is on television saying they launched an investigation into your ties with Russia, I don’t know how it can get much worse.”

Mind boggleing that the news papers would support hearsay as NEWS. They just repeat it over and over again until people think it must be fact. Just like the russian hooker fiasco, which was based on hearsay. still, there hasnt ever been evidence of anything. No factual times or names or dates. just people who don't like trump and are trying to subvert the election. I used to tear up the SF chronicle for bird cage lining because I figured that was about all it was good for. But then the parakeets started VOMITING from the stench so I had to remove the chronicle for environmental reasons.
Douglas Brinkley is an elitist throwback whom never had an original thought in his life.
45 seconds ago you had never heard of Douglas Brinkley- nextt?

Any second now you'll be parroting Rachel Madcow- nexxt?
Is this true or not?
Speaking with the Washington Post, Brinkley said he could not ever recall a time when a senior federal law enforcement official publicly confirmed a major criminal investigation into the campaign of a sitting president.
True that Brinkley said it? Yes. That his opinion is true remains to be seen.

The fact remains that both you and Brinkley's opinions are more spin that fact. Comey didn't say anything about treason nor did he say President Trump himself was being investigated. What he said was the FBI was "investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.” An investigation is not an indictment, much less a conviction.

What is know is that Russia hacked the DNC, and probably the RNC, computers, then strategically released the intell gathered in an attempt to sway the election. The Congressional testimony also stated there was no evidence Russians actually influenced the election. Are you honest enough to agree?
Spin it any way you want, but for the first time in our history a sitting President is under FBI investigation for Treason
And now, Tillerson is planning a trip to Russia in secret.

No press.

No excuse for all these lies from drumpf.

Such a secret the your Fuhrer knows all about it, and his dozens of hate sites are pimping it across the internet...

You Brown Shirts have hearts filled with hate, and heads filled with shit.
Trump fall from power will make Nixon look like a choir boy

How can he fall from power, Brundlefly? You fascists made it clear that he would;

  • Not run
  • Was just a spoiler
  • never get the nomination
  • drop out of the race before the election
  • lose with less than 200 EV's
  • found to have lost with the recounts
  • not be voted in by the EC when they all changed their votes for Hillary
  • be impeached by the Republicans on the first day
You moron fascists have spewed your idiotic shit for over two years, and never once have you been right.

You ARE fucking retards.
Trumps day are numbered, the republicans will not support this Traitor


Fascists, dumbest creatures on the planet,
And now, Tillerson is planning a trip to Russia in secret.

No press.

No excuse for all these lies from drumpf.

Such a secret the your Fuhrer knows all about it, and his dozens of hate sites are pimping it across the internet...

You Brown Shirts have hearts filled with hate, and heads filled with shit.
Trump fall from power will make Nixon look like a choir boy

How can he fall from power, Brundlefly? You fascists made it clear that he would;

  • Not run
  • Was just a spoiler
  • never get the nomination
  • drop out of the race before the election
  • lose with less than 200 EV's
  • found to have lost with the recounts
  • not be voted in by the EC when they all changed their votes for Hillary
  • be impeached by the Republicans on the first day
You moron fascists have spewed your idiotic shit for over two years, and never once have you been right.

You ARE fucking retards.
Trumps day are numbered, the republicans will not support this Traitor
The Republicans can't stand him at all...He's Pro-American.
Unlike you.
Douglas Brinkley is an elitist throwback whom never had an original thought in his life.
45 seconds ago you had never heard of Douglas Brinkley- nextt?

Any second now you'll be parroting Rachel Madcow- nexxt?
Is this true or not?
Speaking with the Washington Post, Brinkley said he could not ever recall a time when a senior federal law enforcement official publicly confirmed a major criminal investigation into the campaign of a sitting president.
True that Brinkley said it? Yes. That his opinion is true remains to be seen.

The fact remains that both you and Brinkley's opinions are more spin that fact. Comey didn't say anything about treason nor did he say President Trump himself was being investigated. What he said was the FBI was "investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.” An investigation is not an indictment, much less a conviction.

What is know is that Russia hacked the DNC, and probably the RNC, computers, then strategically released the intell gathered in an attempt to sway the election. The Congressional testimony also stated there was no evidence Russians actually influenced the election. Are you honest enough to agree?
Spin it any way you want, but for the first time in our history a sitting President is under FBI investigation for Treason

Where was the FBI when Clinton was giving missile targeting systems to China? We do remember Ron Brown. RIP.
45 seconds ago you had never heard of Douglas Brinkley- nextt?

Any second now you'll be parroting Rachel Madcow- nexxt?
Is this true or not?
Speaking with the Washington Post, Brinkley said he could not ever recall a time when a senior federal law enforcement official publicly confirmed a major criminal investigation into the campaign of a sitting president.
True that Brinkley said it? Yes. That his opinion is true remains to be seen.

The fact remains that both you and Brinkley's opinions are more spin that fact. Comey didn't say anything about treason nor did he say President Trump himself was being investigated. What he said was the FBI was "investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.” An investigation is not an indictment, much less a conviction.

What is know is that Russia hacked the DNC, and probably the RNC, computers, then strategically released the intell gathered in an attempt to sway the election. The Congressional testimony also stated there was no evidence Russians actually influenced the election. Are you honest enough to agree?
Spin it any way you want, but for the first time in our history a sitting President is under FBI investigation for Treason

Where was the FBI when Clinton was giving missile targeting systems to China? We do remember Ron Brown. RIP.
Have you found yet another President who was ever under FBI investigation. This rocks!
And now, Tillerson is planning a trip to Russia in secret.

No press.

No excuse for all these lies from drumpf.

Such a secret the your Fuhrer knows all about it, and his dozens of hate sites are pimping it across the internet...

You Brown Shirts have hearts filled with hate, and heads filled with shit.
Trump fall from power will make Nixon look like a choir boy

How can he fall from power, Brundlefly? You fascists made it clear that he would;

  • Not run
  • Was just a spoiler
  • never get the nomination
  • drop out of the race before the election
  • lose with less than 200 EV's
  • found to have lost with the recounts
  • not be voted in by the EC when they all changed their votes for Hillary
  • be impeached by the Republicans on the first day
You moron fascists have spewed your idiotic shit for over two years, and never once have you been right.

You ARE fucking retards.
Trumps day are numbered, the republicans will not support this Traitor
The Republicans can't stand him at all...He's Pro-American.
Unlike you.
The fat lady is beginning to sing, twat

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