There's nothing that can help the virus concern when you can't believe one word from this maniac

The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Simple answer. Don't listen to him if he is off the teleprompter. True, if speaking off the cuff, you can't believe him because he's nuts, not that bright, and his penchant for self promotion has warped his mind. I heard him last night from the oval office. His delivery was crappy, lethargic, wooden to the point where it looked like it bored him also, but I had no problem with with the substance of his 11 minute speech on current situation. Do you really expect him to say "I stopped travel from effected area thinking that would be it, but I was wrong?, I tamped down early warning to avoid early panic and caused people to not take it seriously thereby allowing it to spread basically unchecked until it was too late?, I didn't take steps to ramp up testing, so our medical response establishment were working blind and our healthcare system is not the greatest on earth? All true, but get real. Get over it.
We can get rid of him in November, probably not because he and his merry minions handled this any worse than their sunshine ass blowing ways handled the whole last 3 years, I cannot even state with confidence that another administration would have saved us from the global pandemic. Kinda doubt it, to tell the truth. This is just another nail in the administration coffin, not like we were short of nails before. Listen only to the experts and him when he is on script. The rest is just more bullshit along with the whining 35% sheep that tout his leadership, no matter what comes out of his mouth. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Take care of those around you.
So let me get this right the president who wants to restrict travel outside and to the country from places so the virus spread is slowed down dramatically is a raving madman yet the geriatric communist who says he would open the borders more is not? Okay all you people using this for political posturing like our media does are scymbags end of story. This isn't a red v blue thing you ignorant plebeians it is a health thing.

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What a pile of shit , do you people ever deal in the truth. He is a cancer on everything he touches . His speech on this was so bad that the world economy just crashed , you people are just a total drain on this great country. There are no patriots other then the ones in the left. We won't let you destroy us.
Clarifications after Trump’s Oval Office address are emblematic of his uneven coronavirus response
The unforced errors in President Trump’s address to the nation on Wednesday night captured in miniature his uneven, muddled and often confused response to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

This was not some off-the-cuff riff as Trump prepared to board Marine One. It was a formal speech, read from a teleprompter, in prime time. Networks cut into regularly scheduled programming at 9 p.m. Eastern so that the American people could hear directly from their commander in chief about what is perhaps the gravest crisis of his tenure. It was only the second time during his three years in office that Trump requested the opportunity to address the country this way. Yet he still could not manage to get the basic facts straight.

The president opened with huge news: The United States “will be suspending all travel from Europe to the United States for the next 30 days,” with the exception of the United Kingdom, starting at midnight on Friday. “These prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo but various other things as we get approval,” he said. “Anything coming from Europe to the United States is what we are discussing.”

But the text of the order released by the White House stated that the ban would not include cargo. The president later tweeted a correction to the speech. “Trade will in no way be affected,” he wrote. “The restriction stops people not goods.”

Ken Cuccinelli, the acting deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, tweeted after the speech that the restrictions announced by Trump do not actually apply “to American citizens or legal permanent residents or their families.” The president had not said his restrictions would apply only to foreign nationals. In fact, much of the community transmission of coronavirus in the United States has been linked to U.S. travelers who visited foreign countries or who contracted the disease at gatherings in the United States.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Simple answer. Don't listen to him if he is off the teleprompter. True, if speaking off the cuff, you can't believe him because he's nuts, not that bright, and his penchant for self promotion has warped his mind. I heard him last night from the oval office. His delivery was crappy, lethargic, wooden to the point where it looked like it bored him also, but I had no problem with with the substance of his 11 minute speech on current situation. Do you really expect him to say "I stopped travel from effected area thinking that would be it, but I was wrong?, I tamped down early warning to avoid early panic and caused people to not take it seriously thereby allowing it to spread basically unchecked until it was too late?, I didn't take steps to ramp up testing, so our medical response establishment were working blind and our healthcare system is not the greatest on earth? All true, but get real. Get over it.
We can get rid of him in November, probably not because he and his merry minions handled this any worse than their sunshine ass blowing ways handled the whole last 3 years, I cannot even state with confidence that another administration would have saved us from the global pandemic. Kinda doubt it, to tell the truth. This is just another nail in the administration coffin, not like we were short of nails before. Listen only to the experts and him when he is on script. The rest is just more bullshit along with the whining 35% sheep that tout his leadership, no matter what comes out of his mouth. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Take care of those around you.
Great response , thanks , you give me some hope with these monsters.
I figured you guys would be more humble. We must suffer. We must suffer and learn humility. To many of think that our shit does not stink. Even though we seem to be purchasing a lot of toilet paper. A conundrum to be sure. Progs......the cities are pure petri dishes. And that is mostly you. Star thinking as humans and not soviet socialist acolytes.
The only hysteria I am seeing is in the media. They're wacko's. When this dies down, and it will die down folks, their already severely strained credibility will be further tarnished (is that even possible ?).
The economy is crashing and people are seeking information and advice regarding a pandemic and ignoring Trump's bullshit.

It triggers you Leftists when the economy does well. You scream and rant "The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer!"

But when the economy declines, you continue to scream and rant, "It's all their fault!!!"

Are the rich not getting poorer, the opposite of your booming economy rant? And too are the poor not getting richer, the opposite of your booming economy insane rant?

Think about it before ranting any more. I doubt that it will do any good but try.

Democrats' Big Lies
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Simple answer. Don't listen to him if he is off the teleprompter. True, if speaking off the cuff, you can't believe him because he's nuts, not that bright, and his penchant for self promotion has warped his mind. I heard him last night from the oval office. His delivery was crappy, lethargic, wooden to the point where it looked like it bored him also, but I had no problem with with the substance of his 11 minute speech on current situation. Do you really expect him to say "I stopped travel from effected area thinking that would be it, but I was wrong?, I tamped down early warning to avoid early panic and caused people to not take it seriously thereby allowing it to spread basically unchecked until it was too late?, I didn't take steps to ramp up testing, so our medical response establishment were working blind and our healthcare system is not the greatest on earth? All true, but get real. Get over it.
We can get rid of him in November, probably not because he and his merry minions handled this any worse than their sunshine ass blowing ways handled the whole last 3 years, I cannot even state with confidence that another administration would have saved us from the global pandemic. Kinda doubt it, to tell the truth. This is just another nail in the administration coffin, not like we were short of nails before. Listen only to the experts and him when he is on script. The rest is just more bullshit along with the whining 35% sheep that tout his leadership, no matter what comes out of his mouth. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Take care of those around you.
Great response , thanks , you give me some hope with these monsters.
Just trying to be rational. Don't like the guy or his leadership characteristics, but I get tired of the whiney attacks as well as whiney zombie defenses. We can partisan the crap out of this later. Rational thought and actions more important than political emotions, til we get a handle on this. We'll pick up the pieces later.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
So, with your 20/20 hindsight, what would you have done differently?
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

Give him SOME credit - The Screaming Carrot calmed the markets ;)

21,731.91 −1,821.31 (7.73%)
Mar 12, 1:42 PM EDT

The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Simple answer. Don't listen to him if he is off the teleprompter. True, if speaking off the cuff, you can't believe him because he's nuts, not that bright, and his penchant for self promotion has warped his mind. I heard him last night from the oval office. His delivery was crappy, lethargic, wooden to the point where it looked like it bored him also, but I had no problem with with the substance of his 11 minute speech on current situation. Do you really expect him to say "I stopped travel from effected area thinking that would be it, but I was wrong?, I tamped down early warning to avoid early panic and caused people to not take it seriously thereby allowing it to spread basically unchecked until it was too late?, I didn't take steps to ramp up testing, so our medical response establishment were working blind and our healthcare system is not the greatest on earth? All true, but get real. Get over it.
We can get rid of him in November, probably not because he and his merry minions handled this any worse than their sunshine ass blowing ways handled the whole last 3 years, I cannot even state with confidence that another administration would have saved us from the global pandemic. Kinda doubt it, to tell the truth. This is just another nail in the administration coffin, not like we were short of nails before. Listen only to the experts and him when he is on script. The rest is just more bullshit along with the whining 35% sheep that tout his leadership, no matter what comes out of his mouth. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Take care of those around you.

We shouldn't listen to him when he's ON the prompter either. Especially when brilliant Doctor-Scientists Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner wrote the damn thing. It took an army to clean up the mess of disinformation.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

Yes, his voters are the poorly educated.
how much education does it take to tell someone they're full of shit and an asshole.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Simple answer. Don't listen to him if he is off the teleprompter. True, if speaking off the cuff, you can't believe him because he's nuts, not that bright, and his penchant for self promotion has warped his mind. I heard him last night from the oval office. His delivery was crappy, lethargic, wooden to the point where it looked like it bored him also, but I had no problem with with the substance of his 11 minute speech on current situation. Do you really expect him to say "I stopped travel from effected area thinking that would be it, but I was wrong?, I tamped down early warning to avoid early panic and caused people to not take it seriously thereby allowing it to spread basically unchecked until it was too late?, I didn't take steps to ramp up testing, so our medical response establishment were working blind and our healthcare system is not the greatest on earth? All true, but get real. Get over it.
We can get rid of him in November, probably not because he and his merry minions handled this any worse than their sunshine ass blowing ways handled the whole last 3 years, I cannot even state with confidence that another administration would have saved us from the global pandemic. Kinda doubt it, to tell the truth. This is just another nail in the administration coffin, not like we were short of nails before. Listen only to the experts and him when he is on script. The rest is just more bullshit along with the whining 35% sheep that tout his leadership, no matter what comes out of his mouth. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Take care of those around you.

We shouldn't listen to him when he's ON the prompter either. Especially when brilliant Doctor-Scientists Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner wrote the damn thing. It took an army to clean up the mess of disinformation.
Did you watch his oval office address last night. Did not sound like those two clowns wrote it. Other than the automaton delivery, I didn't see much wrong with it. What did you see? I will grant you, I saw him answering questions off the cuff this morning, and was not at all impressed. You have to go all the way back to Nixon's 2nd term to find someone less forthcoming and even Jimmy Carter and Johnson were better responding to questions not perfectly scripted and planned for. He ain't the sharpest pencil in the pack. My post was about the planned, pre-written speech. You follow this crap as close as I don, maybe closer. What did I miss?
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Yea, there’s no hope. Better just move out of the country while you still can.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Simple answer. Don't listen to him if he is off the teleprompter. True, if speaking off the cuff, you can't believe him because he's nuts, not that bright, and his penchant for self promotion has warped his mind. I heard him last night from the oval office. His delivery was crappy, lethargic, wooden to the point where it looked like it bored him also, but I had no problem with with the substance of his 11 minute speech on current situation. Do you really expect him to say "I stopped travel from effected area thinking that would be it, but I was wrong?, I tamped down early warning to avoid early panic and caused people to not take it seriously thereby allowing it to spread basically unchecked until it was too late?, I didn't take steps to ramp up testing, so our medical response establishment were working blind and our healthcare system is not the greatest on earth? All true, but get real. Get over it.
We can get rid of him in November, probably not because he and his merry minions handled this any worse than their sunshine ass blowing ways handled the whole last 3 years, I cannot even state with confidence that another administration would have saved us from the global pandemic. Kinda doubt it, to tell the truth. This is just another nail in the administration coffin, not like we were short of nails before. Listen only to the experts and him when he is on script. The rest is just more bullshit along with the whining 35% sheep that tout his leadership, no matter what comes out of his mouth. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Take care of those around you.

We shouldn't listen to him when he's ON the prompter either. Especially when brilliant Doctor-Scientists Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner wrote the damn thing. It took an army to clean up the mess of disinformation.
Did you watch his oval office address last night. Did not sound like those two clowns wrote it. Other than the automaton delivery, I didn't see much wrong with it. What did you see? I will grant you, I saw him answering questions off the cuff this morning, and was not at all impressed. You have to go all the way back to Nixon's 2nd term to find someone less forthcoming and even Jimmy Carter and Johnson were better responding to questions not perfectly scripted and planned for. He ain't the sharpest pencil in the pack. My post was about the planned, pre-written speech. You follow this crap as close as I don, maybe closer. What did I miss?

Yep - I grabbed my stress ball and watched the whole thing. About all he had was another idiotic travel ban and more blaming of foreign countries for the problem. Spent all of 5 seconds on testing. NO time on hospital preparedness. NO time on how he'll help workers who are sent home and don't have paid sick leave. NO time on providing health care to those without insurance. NO time on how his payroll tax holiday would help the unemployed.

And his facts were all wrong. Said cargo wouldn't be allowed when it will. DIdn't qualify his travel ban to exempt Americans. Failed to explain by the UK and SoKo were exempted when per capita they have as many cases as anyone.

It was a horrible speech and yes, it was written by Stephen Miller and his pasty Son in Law. I found myself feeling sorry for him and rooting for him to get through it. The man is MISERABLE on a teleprompter. Thought for a time that he'd pooped his pants.

But glad you enjoyed! ;)

Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller Wrote Trump's Coronavirus Speech That's Tanking Markets and Spreading Falsehoods and Fear
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.

Yes, his voters are the poorly educated.

I've got a degree in History and an MBA! What education level did you reach, Penny?

Go ahead...keep calling conservatives uneducated and deplorables...we'll just keep on being the ones that get the job done.

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