There's nothing that can help the virus concern when you can't believe one word from this maniac

80,000 deaths from the flu in 2017-2018 flu season so naturally the Haters are going berserk over nothing.
In total, the CDC estimates that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61,200 died. That's fairly on par with a typical season, and well below the CDC's 2017-2018 estimates of 48.8 million illnesses, 959,000 hospitalizations and 79,400 deaths.Jun 20, 2019

2018-2019 Flu Season Was the Longest in 10 Years, CDC

since the covid 19 virus is said to be 10 x the death rate, figure it out.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Simple answer. Don't listen to him if he is off the teleprompter. True, if speaking off the cuff, you can't believe him because he's nuts, not that bright, and his penchant for self promotion has warped his mind. I heard him last night from the oval office. His delivery was crappy, lethargic, wooden to the point where it looked like it bored him also, but I had no problem with with the substance of his 11 minute speech on current situation. Do you really expect him to say "I stopped travel from effected area thinking that would be it, but I was wrong?, I tamped down early warning to avoid early panic and caused people to not take it seriously thereby allowing it to spread basically unchecked until it was too late?, I didn't take steps to ramp up testing, so our medical response establishment were working blind and our healthcare system is not the greatest on earth? All true, but get real. Get over it.
We can get rid of him in November, probably not because he and his merry minions handled this any worse than their sunshine ass blowing ways handled the whole last 3 years, I cannot even state with confidence that another administration would have saved us from the global pandemic. Kinda doubt it, to tell the truth. This is just another nail in the administration coffin, not like we were short of nails before. Listen only to the experts and him when he is on script. The rest is just more bullshit along with the whining 35% sheep that tout his leadership, no matter what comes out of his mouth. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Take care of those around you.

We shouldn't listen to him when he's ON the prompter either. Especially when brilliant Doctor-Scientists Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner wrote the damn thing. It took an army to clean up the mess of disinformation.
Did you watch his oval office address last night. Did not sound like those two clowns wrote it. Other than the automaton delivery, I didn't see much wrong with it. What did you see? I will grant you, I saw him answering questions off the cuff this morning, and was not at all impressed. You have to go all the way back to Nixon's 2nd term to find someone less forthcoming and even Jimmy Carter and Johnson were better responding to questions not perfectly scripted and planned for. He ain't the sharpest pencil in the pack. My post was about the planned, pre-written speech. You follow this crap as close as I don, maybe closer. What did I miss?

Yep - I grabbed my stress ball and watched the whole thing. About all he had was another idiotic travel ban and more blaming of foreign countries for the problem. Spent all of 5 seconds on testing. NO time on hospital preparedness. NO time on how he'll help workers who are sent home and don't have paid sick leave. NO time on providing health care to those without insurance. NO time on how his payroll tax holiday would help the unemployed.

And his facts were all wrong. Said cargo wouldn't be allowed when it will. DIdn't qualify his travel ban to exempt Americans. Failed to explain by the UK and SoKo were exempted when per capita they have as many cases as anyone.

It was a horrible speech and yes, it was written by Stephen Miller and his pasty Son in Law. I found myself feeling sorry for him and rooting for him to get through it. The man is MISERABLE on a teleprompter. Thought for a time that he'd pooped his pants.

But glad you enjoyed! ;)

Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller Wrote Trump's Coronavirus Speech That's Tanking Markets and Spreading Falsehoods and Fear

What's amusing is that you think Trump's speech tanked the markets and not the virus. Get a grip.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
You worthless leftist traitors crack me up!
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Simple answer. Don't listen to him if he is off the teleprompter. True, if speaking off the cuff, you can't believe him because he's nuts, not that bright, and his penchant for self promotion has warped his mind. I heard him last night from the oval office. His delivery was crappy, lethargic, wooden to the point where it looked like it bored him also, but I had no problem with with the substance of his 11 minute speech on current situation. Do you really expect him to say "I stopped travel from effected area thinking that would be it, but I was wrong?, I tamped down early warning to avoid early panic and caused people to not take it seriously thereby allowing it to spread basically unchecked until it was too late?, I didn't take steps to ramp up testing, so our medical response establishment were working blind and our healthcare system is not the greatest on earth? All true, but get real. Get over it.
We can get rid of him in November, probably not because he and his merry minions handled this any worse than their sunshine ass blowing ways handled the whole last 3 years, I cannot even state with confidence that another administration would have saved us from the global pandemic. Kinda doubt it, to tell the truth. This is just another nail in the administration coffin, not like we were short of nails before. Listen only to the experts and him when he is on script. The rest is just more bullshit along with the whining 35% sheep that tout his leadership, no matter what comes out of his mouth. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Take care of those around you.

We shouldn't listen to him when he's ON the prompter either. Especially when brilliant Doctor-Scientists Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner wrote the damn thing. It took an army to clean up the mess of disinformation.
Did you watch his oval office address last night. Did not sound like those two clowns wrote it. Other than the automaton delivery, I didn't see much wrong with it. What did you see? I will grant you, I saw him answering questions off the cuff this morning, and was not at all impressed. You have to go all the way back to Nixon's 2nd term to find someone less forthcoming and even Jimmy Carter and Johnson were better responding to questions not perfectly scripted and planned for. He ain't the sharpest pencil in the pack. My post was about the planned, pre-written speech. You follow this crap as close as I don, maybe closer. What did I miss?

Yep - I grabbed my stress ball and watched the whole thing. About all he had was another idiotic travel ban and more blaming of foreign countries for the problem. Spent all of 5 seconds on testing. NO time on hospital preparedness. NO time on how he'll help workers who are sent home and don't have paid sick leave. NO time on providing health care to those without insurance. NO time on how his payroll tax holiday would help the unemployed.

And his facts were all wrong. Said cargo wouldn't be allowed when it will. DIdn't qualify his travel ban to exempt Americans. Failed to explain by the UK and SoKo were exempted when per capita they have as many cases as anyone.

It was a horrible speech and yes, it was written by Stephen Miller and his pasty Son in Law. I found myself feeling sorry for him and rooting for him to get through it. The man is MISERABLE on a teleprompter. Thought for a time that he'd pooped his pants.

But glad you enjoyed! ;)

Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller Wrote Trump's Coronavirus Speech That's Tanking Markets and Spreading Falsehoods and Fear

What's amusing is that you think Trump's speech tanked the markets and not the virus. Get a grip.

Read my link:

The markets were actually poised to open Thursday morning up hundreds of points, a small improvement over weeks of near-daily triple and quadruple point drops.

And as Trump began speaking to the American people, the markets heard what he was saying – and not saying – and futures tanked.

DOW futures dropped over 1000 points within minutes of Trump finishing his short speech.

If you think THIS would have happened with a decent speech, I got a bridge and some swampland you'll LOVE!

21,557.39 −1,995.83 (8.47%)
Mar 12, 2:31 PM EDT
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Simple answer. Don't listen to him if he is off the teleprompter. True, if speaking off the cuff, you can't believe him because he's nuts, not that bright, and his penchant for self promotion has warped his mind. I heard him last night from the oval office. His delivery was crappy, lethargic, wooden to the point where it looked like it bored him also, but I had no problem with with the substance of his 11 minute speech on current situation. Do you really expect him to say "I stopped travel from effected area thinking that would be it, but I was wrong?, I tamped down early warning to avoid early panic and caused people to not take it seriously thereby allowing it to spread basically unchecked until it was too late?, I didn't take steps to ramp up testing, so our medical response establishment were working blind and our healthcare system is not the greatest on earth? All true, but get real. Get over it.
We can get rid of him in November, probably not because he and his merry minions handled this any worse than their sunshine ass blowing ways handled the whole last 3 years, I cannot even state with confidence that another administration would have saved us from the global pandemic. Kinda doubt it, to tell the truth. This is just another nail in the administration coffin, not like we were short of nails before. Listen only to the experts and him when he is on script. The rest is just more bullshit along with the whining 35% sheep that tout his leadership, no matter what comes out of his mouth. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Take care of those around you.

We shouldn't listen to him when he's ON the prompter either. Especially when brilliant Doctor-Scientists Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner wrote the damn thing. It took an army to clean up the mess of disinformation.
Did you watch his oval office address last night. Did not sound like those two clowns wrote it. Other than the automaton delivery, I didn't see much wrong with it. What did you see? I will grant you, I saw him answering questions off the cuff this morning, and was not at all impressed. You have to go all the way back to Nixon's 2nd term to find someone less forthcoming and even Jimmy Carter and Johnson were better responding to questions not perfectly scripted and planned for. He ain't the sharpest pencil in the pack. My post was about the planned, pre-written speech. You follow this crap as close as I don, maybe closer. What did I miss?

Yep - I grabbed my stress ball and watched the whole thing. About all he had was another idiotic travel ban and more blaming of foreign countries for the problem. Spent all of 5 seconds on testing. NO time on hospital preparedness. NO time on how he'll help workers who are sent home and don't have paid sick leave. NO time on providing health care to those without insurance. NO time on how his payroll tax holiday would help the unemployed.

And his facts were all wrong. Said cargo wouldn't be allowed when it will. DIdn't qualify his travel ban to exempt Americans. Failed to explain by the UK and SoKo were exempted when per capita they have as many cases as anyone.

It was a horrible speech and yes, it was written by Stephen Miller and his pasty Son in Law. I found myself feeling sorry for him and rooting for him to get through it. The man is MISERABLE on a teleprompter. Thought for a time that he'd pooped his pants.

But glad you enjoyed! ;)

Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller Wrote Trump's Coronavirus Speech That's Tanking Markets and Spreading Falsehoods and Fear

What's amusing is that you think Trump's speech tanked the markets and not the virus. Get a grip.

Read my link:

The markets were actually poised to open Thursday morning up hundreds of points, a small improvement over weeks of near-daily triple and quadruple point drops.

And as Trump began speaking to the American people, the markets heard what he was saying – and not saying – and futures tanked.

DOW futures dropped over 1000 points within minutes of Trump finishing his short speech.'re amusing if you think it was Trump's speech that tanked the markets. Shutting down whole industries like Cruise ships and airlines...conventions and sporting events...obvious declines ahead for stores and restaurants...THAT is what continued to affect the markets!

Trump will handle this crisis as he's handled everything else that's come his way. He'll assess the problem...decide the prudent course to take...and have competent people get the things done that need to get done. He's a businessman who's had to make the call on hard decisions most of his life. He won't spend months having "studies" done by focus groups...he won't care about what the pundits say. He's not THAT guy!
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Simple answer. Don't listen to him if he is off the teleprompter. True, if speaking off the cuff, you can't believe him because he's nuts, not that bright, and his penchant for self promotion has warped his mind. I heard him last night from the oval office. His delivery was crappy, lethargic, wooden to the point where it looked like it bored him also, but I had no problem with with the substance of his 11 minute speech on current situation. Do you really expect him to say "I stopped travel from effected area thinking that would be it, but I was wrong?, I tamped down early warning to avoid early panic and caused people to not take it seriously thereby allowing it to spread basically unchecked until it was too late?, I didn't take steps to ramp up testing, so our medical response establishment were working blind and our healthcare system is not the greatest on earth? All true, but get real. Get over it.
We can get rid of him in November, probably not because he and his merry minions handled this any worse than their sunshine ass blowing ways handled the whole last 3 years, I cannot even state with confidence that another administration would have saved us from the global pandemic. Kinda doubt it, to tell the truth. This is just another nail in the administration coffin, not like we were short of nails before. Listen only to the experts and him when he is on script. The rest is just more bullshit along with the whining 35% sheep that tout his leadership, no matter what comes out of his mouth. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Take care of those around you.

We shouldn't listen to him when he's ON the prompter either. Especially when brilliant Doctor-Scientists Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner wrote the damn thing. It took an army to clean up the mess of disinformation.
Did you watch his oval office address last night. Did not sound like those two clowns wrote it. Other than the automaton delivery, I didn't see much wrong with it. What did you see? I will grant you, I saw him answering questions off the cuff this morning, and was not at all impressed. You have to go all the way back to Nixon's 2nd term to find someone less forthcoming and even Jimmy Carter and Johnson were better responding to questions not perfectly scripted and planned for. He ain't the sharpest pencil in the pack. My post was about the planned, pre-written speech. You follow this crap as close as I don, maybe closer. What did I miss?

Yep - I grabbed my stress ball and watched the whole thing. About all he had was another idiotic travel ban and more blaming of foreign countries for the problem. Spent all of 5 seconds on testing. NO time on hospital preparedness. NO time on how he'll help workers who are sent home and don't have paid sick leave. NO time on providing health care to those without insurance. NO time on how his payroll tax holiday would help the unemployed.

And his facts were all wrong. Said cargo wouldn't be allowed when it will. DIdn't qualify his travel ban to exempt Americans. Failed to explain by the UK and SoKo were exempted when per capita they have as many cases as anyone.

It was a horrible speech and yes, it was written by Stephen Miller and his pasty Son in Law. I found myself feeling sorry for him and rooting for him to get through it. The man is MISERABLE on a teleprompter. Thought for a time that he'd pooped his pants.

But glad you enjoyed! ;)

Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller Wrote Trump's Coronavirus Speech That's Tanking Markets and Spreading Falsehoods and Fear
OK. He has barely mentioned what he would actually do to help those that think they cannot be off work to get healthy without spreading disease in the workplace, but did mention they were looking at it. For an anti-socialized medicine guy, mentioning is a lot. We will have to see, when it becomes necessary and I am not sure it is yet, myself. When this guy starts using emergency powers on a "trumped up" or real emergency, he bears watching real close. Further travel bans? Absolutely fine with me, although I would not have excluded the UK. They have several hundred sick also, and in a much smaller population. SoKo? The leading tester in the entire world, first and largest mass producing and testing nation on the planet? I can go with that. I'm not that worried about cargo, though I could be short sighted on that. One of the new locations of the virus in TN is Memphis, home to the FedX hub. Hope that hub is not where it came from, but we're up to 10 cases, mostly middle and eastern TN. I hear and agree, was looking forward to him getting through it. He delivered like a pouting kid and there was a teacher standing near, ready to smack the crap out of him with a ruler if he didn't read the whole thing to the class, as punishment. Still some of his best on this subject, but I do understand your point and perspective.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
So you're voting for Biden? Hilarious.
We shouldn't listen to him when he's ON the prompter either. Especially when brilliant Doctor-Scientists Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner wrote the damn thing. It took an army to clean up the mess of disinformation.
Did you watch his oval office address last night. Did not sound like those two clowns wrote it. Other than the automaton delivery, I didn't see much wrong with it. What did you see? I will grant you, I saw him answering questions off the cuff this morning, and was not at all impressed. You have to go all the way back to Nixon's 2nd term to find someone less forthcoming and even Jimmy Carter and Johnson were better responding to questions not perfectly scripted and planned for. He ain't the sharpest pencil in the pack. My post was about the planned, pre-written speech. You follow this crap as close as I don, maybe closer. What did I miss?

Yep - I grabbed my stress ball and watched the whole thing. About all he had was another idiotic travel ban and more blaming of foreign countries for the problem. Spent all of 5 seconds on testing. NO time on hospital preparedness. NO time on how he'll help workers who are sent home and don't have paid sick leave. NO time on providing health care to those without insurance. NO time on how his payroll tax holiday would help the unemployed.

And his facts were all wrong. Said cargo wouldn't be allowed when it will. DIdn't qualify his travel ban to exempt Americans. Failed to explain by the UK and SoKo were exempted when per capita they have as many cases as anyone.

It was a horrible speech and yes, it was written by Stephen Miller and his pasty Son in Law. I found myself feeling sorry for him and rooting for him to get through it. The man is MISERABLE on a teleprompter. Thought for a time that he'd pooped his pants.

But glad you enjoyed! ;)

Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller Wrote Trump's Coronavirus Speech That's Tanking Markets and Spreading Falsehoods and Fear

What's amusing is that you think Trump's speech tanked the markets and not the virus. Get a grip.

Read my link:

The markets were actually poised to open Thursday morning up hundreds of points, a small improvement over weeks of near-daily triple and quadruple point drops.

And as Trump began speaking to the American people, the markets heard what he was saying – and not saying – and futures tanked.

DOW futures dropped over 1000 points within minutes of Trump finishing his short speech.'re amusing if you think it was Trump's speech that tanked the markets. Shutting down whole industries like Cruise ships and airlines...conventions and sporting events...obvious declines ahead for stores and restaurants...THAT is what continued to affect the markets!

Trump will handle this crisis as he's handled everything else that's come his way. He'll assess the problem...decide the prudent course to take...and have competent people get the things done that need to get done. He's a businessman who's had to make the call on hard decisions most of his life. He won't spend months having "studies" done by focus groups...he won't care about what the pundits say. He's not THAT guy!
Trump's speech tank the markets? Nope. world events and interpretation of world events by the panic prone lil bitches that run the market with their computerized trading tanked the market.
Handle the emergency with his usual assessments and deciding a course of action? That is just what the world is afraid of, and that might have panicked the panic prone lil bitches of the market.
Trump created a National Address that wasn't! These below are just the lies. Out that comes zero confidence in the national response! Markets tank worldwide!
1) UK is not included in the travel ban. 2) Ireland is Not Included in the Travel Ban. 3) THOST TWO NATIONS HAVE IN COMMON: "STRUGGLING TRUMP GOLF COURSES!" 4) Croatia is not in the travel ban. 5) Bulgaria is not in the travel ban. 6) Romania is not in the travel ban. 7) US Nationals are not in the travel ban. 8.) Permanent US Residents are not in the travel ban. 9) “These prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo, but various other things as we get approval.” A Conscious(?), Deliberate(?), Intentional(?) Lie (Dementia Pathological Based! 9) Mostly any cures have origins in Socialist China.

Relevant: DJIA off 2000 points the very next day, subsequent the pathetic and deranged non-announcements, not even accurate. "No Confidence in the Government" is worldwide understood.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(This shit even kills: Deut, 23: 19-20!)
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The economy is crashing and people are seeking information and advice regarding a pandemic and ignoring Trump's bullshit.
Go hide under your bed, Suzy.

Let the adults handle it.
Your God and leader is the biggest joke in the whole world and that my friend is 100% accurate. what a fucking loser.
Did you watch his oval office address last night. Did not sound like those two clowns wrote it. Other than the automaton delivery, I didn't see much wrong with it. What did you see? I will grant you, I saw him answering questions off the cuff this morning, and was not at all impressed. You have to go all the way back to Nixon's 2nd term to find someone less forthcoming and even Jimmy Carter and Johnson were better responding to questions not perfectly scripted and planned for. He ain't the sharpest pencil in the pack. My post was about the planned, pre-written speech. You follow this crap as close as I don, maybe closer. What did I miss?

Yep - I grabbed my stress ball and watched the whole thing. About all he had was another idiotic travel ban and more blaming of foreign countries for the problem. Spent all of 5 seconds on testing. NO time on hospital preparedness. NO time on how he'll help workers who are sent home and don't have paid sick leave. NO time on providing health care to those without insurance. NO time on how his payroll tax holiday would help the unemployed.

And his facts were all wrong. Said cargo wouldn't be allowed when it will. DIdn't qualify his travel ban to exempt Americans. Failed to explain by the UK and SoKo were exempted when per capita they have as many cases as anyone.

It was a horrible speech and yes, it was written by Stephen Miller and his pasty Son in Law. I found myself feeling sorry for him and rooting for him to get through it. The man is MISERABLE on a teleprompter. Thought for a time that he'd pooped his pants.

But glad you enjoyed! ;)

Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller Wrote Trump's Coronavirus Speech That's Tanking Markets and Spreading Falsehoods and Fear

What's amusing is that you think Trump's speech tanked the markets and not the virus. Get a grip.

Read my link:

The markets were actually poised to open Thursday morning up hundreds of points, a small improvement over weeks of near-daily triple and quadruple point drops.

And as Trump began speaking to the American people, the markets heard what he was saying – and not saying – and futures tanked.

DOW futures dropped over 1000 points within minutes of Trump finishing his short speech.'re amusing if you think it was Trump's speech that tanked the markets. Shutting down whole industries like Cruise ships and airlines...conventions and sporting events...obvious declines ahead for stores and restaurants...THAT is what continued to affect the markets!

Trump will handle this crisis as he's handled everything else that's come his way. He'll assess the problem...decide the prudent course to take...and have competent people get the things done that need to get done. He's a businessman who's had to make the call on hard decisions most of his life. He won't spend months having "studies" done by focus groups...he won't care about what the pundits say. He's not THAT guy!
Trump's speech tank the markets? Nope. world events and interpretation of world events by the panic prone lil bitches that run the market with their computerized trading tanked the market.
Handle the emergency with his usual assessments and deciding a course of action? That is just what the world is afraid of, and that might have panicked the panic prone lil bitches of the market.
Lil bitches you say, stupid right wingers I say.
The only hysteria I am seeing is in the media. They're wacko's. When this dies down, and it will die down folks, their already severely strained credibility will be further tarnished (is that even possible ?).
This tops it all ,it's the medias fault , ya hoo you just have to laugh.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Yea, there’s no hope. Better just move out of the country while you still can.
you better fuck off.
Yep - I grabbed my stress ball and watched the whole thing. About all he had was another idiotic travel ban and more blaming of foreign countries for the problem. Spent all of 5 seconds on testing. NO time on hospital preparedness. NO time on how he'll help workers who are sent home and don't have paid sick leave. NO time on providing health care to those without insurance. NO time on how his payroll tax holiday would help the unemployed.

And his facts were all wrong. Said cargo wouldn't be allowed when it will. DIdn't qualify his travel ban to exempt Americans. Failed to explain by the UK and SoKo were exempted when per capita they have as many cases as anyone.

It was a horrible speech and yes, it was written by Stephen Miller and his pasty Son in Law. I found myself feeling sorry for him and rooting for him to get through it. The man is MISERABLE on a teleprompter. Thought for a time that he'd pooped his pants.

But glad you enjoyed! ;)

Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller Wrote Trump's Coronavirus Speech That's Tanking Markets and Spreading Falsehoods and Fear

What's amusing is that you think Trump's speech tanked the markets and not the virus. Get a grip.

Read my link:

The markets were actually poised to open Thursday morning up hundreds of points, a small improvement over weeks of near-daily triple and quadruple point drops.

And as Trump began speaking to the American people, the markets heard what he was saying – and not saying – and futures tanked.

DOW futures dropped over 1000 points within minutes of Trump finishing his short speech.'re amusing if you think it was Trump's speech that tanked the markets. Shutting down whole industries like Cruise ships and airlines...conventions and sporting events...obvious declines ahead for stores and restaurants...THAT is what continued to affect the markets!

Trump will handle this crisis as he's handled everything else that's come his way. He'll assess the problem...decide the prudent course to take...and have competent people get the things done that need to get done. He's a businessman who's had to make the call on hard decisions most of his life. He won't spend months having "studies" done by focus groups...he won't care about what the pundits say. He's not THAT guy!
Trump's speech tank the markets? Nope. world events and interpretation of world events by the panic prone lil bitches that run the market with their computerized trading tanked the market.
Handle the emergency with his usual assessments and deciding a course of action? That is just what the world is afraid of, and that might have panicked the panic prone lil bitches of the market.
Lil bitches you say, stupid right wingers I say.
You left out the words panic or panicky. I can tolerate lil bitches, even lil RW bitches. You learn to put up with them, but panicky lil bitches give me gas and often fk up everything, no matter their ideology and sometimes it seems like they are everywhere.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Simple answer. Don't listen to him if he is off the teleprompter. True, if speaking off the cuff, you can't believe him because he's nuts, not that bright, and his penchant for self promotion has warped his mind. I heard him last night from the oval office. His delivery was crappy, lethargic, wooden to the point where it looked like it bored him also, but I had no problem with with the substance of his 11 minute speech on current situation. Do you really expect him to say "I stopped travel from effected area thinking that would be it, but I was wrong?, I tamped down early warning to avoid early panic and caused people to not take it seriously thereby allowing it to spread basically unchecked until it was too late?, I didn't take steps to ramp up testing, so our medical response establishment were working blind and our healthcare system is not the greatest on earth? All true, but get real. Get over it.
We can get rid of him in November, probably not because he and his merry minions handled this any worse than their sunshine ass blowing ways handled the whole last 3 years, I cannot even state with confidence that another administration would have saved us from the global pandemic. Kinda doubt it, to tell the truth. This is just another nail in the administration coffin, not like we were short of nails before. Listen only to the experts and him when he is on script. The rest is just more bullshit along with the whining 35% sheep that tout his leadership, no matter what comes out of his mouth. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Take care of those around you.

We shouldn't listen to him when he's ON the prompter either. Especially when brilliant Doctor-Scientists Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner wrote the damn thing. It took an army to clean up the mess of disinformation.
Did you watch his oval office address last night. Did not sound like those two clowns wrote it. Other than the automaton delivery, I didn't see much wrong with it. What did you see? I will grant you, I saw him answering questions off the cuff this morning, and was not at all impressed. You have to go all the way back to Nixon's 2nd term to find someone less forthcoming and even Jimmy Carter and Johnson were better responding to questions not perfectly scripted and planned for. He ain't the sharpest pencil in the pack. My post was about the planned, pre-written speech. You follow this crap as close as I don, maybe closer. What did I miss?

Yep - I grabbed my stress ball and watched the whole thing. About all he had was another idiotic travel ban and more blaming of foreign countries for the problem. Spent all of 5 seconds on testing. NO time on hospital preparedness. NO time on how he'll help workers who are sent home and don't have paid sick leave. NO time on providing health care to those without insurance. NO time on how his payroll tax holiday would help the unemployed.

And his facts were all wrong. Said cargo wouldn't be allowed when it will. DIdn't qualify his travel ban to exempt Americans. Failed to explain by the UK and SoKo were exempted when per capita they have as many cases as anyone.

It was a horrible speech and yes, it was written by Stephen Miller and his pasty Son in Law. I found myself feeling sorry for him and rooting for him to get through it. The man is MISERABLE on a teleprompter. Thought for a time that he'd pooped his pants.

But glad you enjoyed! ;)

Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller Wrote Trump's Coronavirus Speech That's Tanking Markets and Spreading Falsehoods and Fear
OK. He has barely mentioned what he would actually do to help those that think they cannot be off work to get healthy without spreading disease in the workplace, but did mention they were looking at it. For an anti-socialized medicine guy, mentioning is a lot. We will have to see, when it becomes necessary and I am not sure it is yet, myself. When this guy starts using emergency powers on a "trumped up" or real emergency, he bears watching real close. Further travel bans? Absolutely fine with me, although I would not have excluded the UK. They have several hundred sick also, and in a much smaller population. SoKo? The leading tester in the entire world, first and largest mass producing and testing nation on the planet? I can go with that. I'm not that worried about cargo, though I could be short sighted on that. One of the new locations of the virus in TN is Memphis, home to the FedX hub. Hope that hub is not where it came from, but we're up to 10 cases, mostly middle and eastern TN. I hear and agree, was looking forward to him getting through it. He delivered like a pouting kid and there was a teacher standing near, ready to smack the crap out of him with a ruler if he didn't read the whole thing to the class, as punishment. Still some of his best on this subject, but I do understand your point and perspective.
It looks like you are supporting a losing idea. The screaming carrot is a joke, everything that comes out of his mouth is lies distortions or goofy shit. Open minded is good , your stretching of reality to say you are keeping a open mind is kind of silly considering who you are trying to support. It looks like misplaced energy and the fact is the screaming carrot is unsupportable at all levels.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
So you're voting for Biden? Hilarious.
15000 verified lies in three years no one in history comes close.
What's amusing is that you think Trump's speech tanked the markets and not the virus. Get a grip.

Read my link:

The markets were actually poised to open Thursday morning up hundreds of points, a small improvement over weeks of near-daily triple and quadruple point drops.

And as Trump began speaking to the American people, the markets heard what he was saying – and not saying – and futures tanked.

DOW futures dropped over 1000 points within minutes of Trump finishing his short speech.'re amusing if you think it was Trump's speech that tanked the markets. Shutting down whole industries like Cruise ships and airlines...conventions and sporting events...obvious declines ahead for stores and restaurants...THAT is what continued to affect the markets!

Trump will handle this crisis as he's handled everything else that's come his way. He'll assess the problem...decide the prudent course to take...and have competent people get the things done that need to get done. He's a businessman who's had to make the call on hard decisions most of his life. He won't spend months having "studies" done by focus groups...he won't care about what the pundits say. He's not THAT guy!
Trump's speech tank the markets? Nope. world events and interpretation of world events by the panic prone lil bitches that run the market with their computerized trading tanked the market.
Handle the emergency with his usual assessments and deciding a course of action? That is just what the world is afraid of, and that might have panicked the panic prone lil bitches of the market.
Lil bitches you say, stupid right wingers I say.
You left out the words panic or panicky. I can tolerate lil bitches, even lil RW bitches. You learn to put up with them, but panicky lil bitches give me gas and often fk up everything, no matter their ideology and sometimes it seems like they are everywhere.
Of course people are panicking , this is a very scary virus , only a few heroes can look the other way.
Did you watch his oval office address last night. Did not sound like those two clowns wrote it. Other than the automaton delivery, I didn't see much wrong with it. What did you see? I will grant you, I saw him answering questions off the cuff this morning, and was not at all impressed. You have to go all the way back to Nixon's 2nd term to find someone less forthcoming and even Jimmy Carter and Johnson were better responding to questions not perfectly scripted and planned for. He ain't the sharpest pencil in the pack. My post was about the planned, pre-written speech. You follow this crap as close as I don, maybe closer. What did I miss?

Yep - I grabbed my stress ball and watched the whole thing. About all he had was another idiotic travel ban and more blaming of foreign countries for the problem. Spent all of 5 seconds on testing. NO time on hospital preparedness. NO time on how he'll help workers who are sent home and don't have paid sick leave. NO time on providing health care to those without insurance. NO time on how his payroll tax holiday would help the unemployed.

And his facts were all wrong. Said cargo wouldn't be allowed when it will. DIdn't qualify his travel ban to exempt Americans. Failed to explain by the UK and SoKo were exempted when per capita they have as many cases as anyone.

It was a horrible speech and yes, it was written by Stephen Miller and his pasty Son in Law. I found myself feeling sorry for him and rooting for him to get through it. The man is MISERABLE on a teleprompter. Thought for a time that he'd pooped his pants.

But glad you enjoyed! ;)

Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller Wrote Trump's Coronavirus Speech That's Tanking Markets and Spreading Falsehoods and Fear

What's amusing is that you think Trump's speech tanked the markets and not the virus. Get a grip.

Read my link:

The markets were actually poised to open Thursday morning up hundreds of points, a small improvement over weeks of near-daily triple and quadruple point drops.

And as Trump began speaking to the American people, the markets heard what he was saying – and not saying – and futures tanked.

DOW futures dropped over 1000 points within minutes of Trump finishing his short speech.'re amusing if you think it was Trump's speech that tanked the markets. Shutting down whole industries like Cruise ships and airlines...conventions and sporting events...obvious declines ahead for stores and restaurants...THAT is what continued to affect the markets!

Trump will handle this crisis as he's handled everything else that's come his way. He'll assess the problem...decide the prudent course to take...and have competent people get the things done that need to get done. He's a businessman who's had to make the call on hard decisions most of his life. He won't spend months having "studies" done by focus groups...he won't care about what the pundits say. He's not THAT guy!
Trump's speech tank the markets? Nope. world events and interpretation of world events by the panic prone lil bitches that run the market with their computerized trading tanked the market.
Handle the emergency with his usual assessments and deciding a course of action? That is just what the world is afraid of, and that might have panicked the panic prone lil bitches of the market.
Stupidity tanked the market ,that stupidity is known as the screaming carrot. He shouldn't be allowed to open his mouth , the only reason he opens his mouth is to change socks. He is the biggest joke in the whole world and I mean literally.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
Read your own post out loud and you'll hear what a screaming maniac sounds like.

Stage 4 TDS

That's weaponized TDS keep your social distance from that one.
The screaming carrot gets in front of the camera lies distorts and bullshits his way through the speech so badly that literally the whole speech had to be run through the true and false machine to even get the slightest interpretation of what is going on. Good God people selected this maniac as their leader.
I really don't think it matters at this point. He only communicates with his base. They believe everything he says. The rest of us are irrelevant.

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