These Are The Most Violent States In America


What percentage of blacks vote Democrat??? I'm sure you know, since the Libs brag about it on all the other threads.

I have no idea. What percentage of "blacks" --- if you can even count them --- vote?
Probably a pretty good percentage... Even if the Dims DO think blacks are too stupid to get to the DMV to get a free ID.
Gee, you do realize that they all have large Democrat-controlled cities, don't you???

So let's do a better comparison and look at actual cities....

The 11 Most Dangerous U.S. Cities - US News

I'll see your 11 and raise you 24....24 of the most violent cities in the country are all run by democrats, and have been for decades.....

Tennessee..a red state...has 6 of it"s largest cities run by democrats and Nashville and Memphis continually make the top violent cities in the country...

Click here to see the most violent states in America.
So why do you think the blackest cities run by black local government are the most violent?

Ooh, Ooh....I know, I know.......left wing social, economic, educational and law enforcement policies with a big helping of strict gun control for law abiding citizens....
The vast majority of violent crime is perpetrated by blacks and Latino thugs. Your article dances around it by blaming it on "unskilled young men", and other lame ass economic excuses.

If you are unwilling to address the real problem, you're not going to solve it.

So.... deflecting off to bigoted bullshit about ethnicities is "addressing the real problem", is it?
It’s doing what most conservatives do best.
So Pogo

If blacks vote Democrat, and blacks commit all those murders, it's obvious that Democrats are doing the killing....

Who did you think was doing it, Leprechauns????
So why do you think the blackest cities run by black local government are the most violent?

Ooh, Ooh....I know, I know.......left wing social, economic, educational and law enforcement policies with a big helping of strict gun control for law abiding citizens....
Racist! You're not supposed to notice! It's because....SPANISH INQUISITION!

wrong....the Crusades....oh...sorry....wrong democrat protected criminal group.....that is for Muslim terrorists not hell hole democrat run bad.....
Logic is a lost art...

The vast majority of violent crime is perpetrated by blacks and Latino thugs. Your article dances around it by blaming it on "unskilled young men", and other lame ass economic excuses.

If you are unwilling to address the real problem, you're not going to solve it.

The vast majority of violent crime is perpetrated by the poor/lower classes.
Fixed it for ya.
The lower classes are, of course, established by .... the upper classes.

Gee, you do realize that they all have large Democrat-controlled cities, don't you???

So let's do a better comparison and look at actual cities....

The 11 Most Dangerous U.S. Cities - US News

Gee, do you realize virtually all cities are "Democrat-controlled"?
I'm sure it makes a huuuuuge difference at that level. Why those wacko Republicans would prolly be collecting garbage on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays.

What a couple of morons.
If cum hoc fallacies were water molecules, USMB would be the fucking Pacific Ocean.
The rich cause the poor?

I know! Why don't we put Democrats in charge of those cities because they help the poor?

Oh wait.....

Did you know that, while blacks make up only 13% of the population, those black Democrats commit almost half of all murders?????

Nope. In fact I've never heard of a murder anywhere, ever, that established the perp's political affiliation. If they even had one.

This is fun, in a sadistic way....


Actually, I posted articles that show criminal street gangs in Chicago support democrat politicians in Chicago and those politicians help the gangs keep their power.....they aren't helping republicans, and they order their members to vote....
Notice how right wingers want to explain all the violence in their states on blacks and Hispanics. Even when they are in charge, their failure is always someone else s fault.

I just found it interesting....and yes, conservatives are nortorious of pointing the blame on do know, to this day, they blame slavery on us?
Notice how right wingers want to explain all the violence in their states on blacks and Hispanics. Even when they are in charge, their failure is always someone else s fault.

I just found it interesting....and yes, conservatives are nortorious of pointing the blame on do know, to this day, they blame slavery on us? order of blame for American slavery...Africans, Europeans, democrats.......
Gee, you do realize that they all have large Democrat-controlled cities, don't you???

So let's do a better comparison and look at actual cities....

The 11 Most Dangerous U.S. Cities - US News

I'll see your 11 and raise you 24....24 of the most violent cities in the country are all run by democrats, and have been for decades.....

Tennessee..a red state...has 6 of it"s largest cities run by democrats and Nashville and Memphis continually make the top violent cities in the country...

Again, stupid --- Democrats run cities everywhere. Here's what that means in little bite-sized sentences.
The "most violent" cities .... run by Democrats.
The "least violent" cities... .run by Democrats.
The "most median violent cities".... run by Democrats.

The most sports-interested cities... run by Democrats.
The least sports-interested cites... run by Democrats.
The healthiest cities.... run by Democrats.
The least healthy cities.... run by Democrats.
The hottest cities... run by Democrats.
The coldest cities .... run by Democrats.

Stop me when you see some kind of pattern emerge here.
Not that a political party on a city level has jack shit to do with the weather or health or sports or socioeconomic histories.

Dumbass partisan hacknoid.
Gee, you do realize that they all have large Democrat-controlled cities, don't you???

So let's do a better comparison and look at actual cities....

The 11 Most Dangerous U.S. Cities - US News

I'll see your 11 and raise you 24....24 of the most violent cities in the country are all run by democrats, and have been for decades.....

Tennessee..a red state...has 6 of it"s largest cities run by democrats and Nashville and Memphis continually make the top violent cities in the country...

Again, stupid --- Democrats run cities everywhere. Here's what that means in little bite-sized sentences.
The "most violent" cities .... run by Democrats.
The "least violent" cities... .run by Democrats.
The "most median violent cities".... run by Democrats.

The most sports-interested cities... run by Democrats.
The least sports-interested cites... run by Democrats.
The healthiest cities.... run by Democrats.
The least healthy cities.... run by Democrats.
The hottest cities... run by Democrats.
The coldest cities .... run by Democrats.

Stop me when you see some kind of pattern emerge here.
Not that a political party on a city level has jack shit to do with the weather or health or sports or socioeconomic histories.

Dumbass partisan hacknoid.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when you have something of interest to report, k
This is where you read about Chicago street gangs and their allies in the political class of Chicago...they keep police cameras out, no doubt they vote to keep money from the police for their budget, and they tell police to back off their arrests of known gang members.....

And that is also why you have gun violence at the levels you have it in chicago...

Gangs and Politicians in Chicago An Unholy Alliance Chicago magazine January 2012

and how they affect sentencing and prison sentences...

Gangs and Politicians Prisoner Shuffle Chicago magazine January 2012

gang territory and homicide sites..

Chicago Gang Territory vs 2011 Chicago Homicides Chicago magazine The 312 December 2011

gangs and murder how many do they do....the stats..

Gangs and Politicians How Gang Crime Stacks Up Chicago magazine January 2012
So Pogo

If blacks vote Democrat, and blacks commit all those murders, it's obvious that Democrats are doing the killing....

Who did you think was doing it, Leprechauns????

I don't know that murderers vote at all. Nor do you. Do you actually think everyone votes?

I already said this but obviously you're not the brightest bulb in the light tower. You be sure to let me know if you're so dense that you need it explained yet a third time.
Gee, you do realize that they all have large Democrat-controlled cities, don't you???

So let's do a better comparison and look at actual cities....

The 11 Most Dangerous U.S. Cities - US News

I'll see your 11 and raise you 24....24 of the most violent cities in the country are all run by democrats, and have been for decades.....

Tennessee..a red state...has 6 of it"s largest cities run by democrats and Nashville and Memphis continually make the top violent cities in the country...

Again, stupid --- Democrats run cities everywhere. Here's what that means in little bite-sized sentences.
The "most violent" cities .... run by Democrats.
The "least violent" cities... .run by Democrats.
The "most median violent cities".... run by Democrats.

The most sports-interested cities... run by Democrats.
The least sports-interested cites... run by Democrats.
The healthiest cities.... run by Democrats.
The least healthy cities.... run by Democrats.
The hottest cities... run by Democrats.
The coldest cities .... run by Democrats.

Stop me when you see some kind of pattern emerge here.
Not that a political party on a city level has jack shit to do with the weather or health or sports or socioeconomic histories.

Dumbass partisan hacknoid.

We aren't making it links...and they still run the most violent cities in the country....
Gangs and Politicians in Chicago An Unholy Alliance Chicago magazine January 2012

The gang representatives conducted hourlong interviews, one after the other, talking to as many as five candidates in a single evening. Like supplicants, the politicians came into the room alone and sat before the gang representatives, who sat behind a long table. “One candidate said, ‘I feel like I’m in the hot seat,’” recalls Baskin. “And they were.”

The former chieftains, several of them ex-convicts, represented some of the most notorious gangs on the South and West Sides, including the Vice Lords, Gangster Disciples, Black Disciples, Cobras, Black P Stones, and Black Gangsters. Before the election, the gangs agreed to set aside decades-old rivalries and bloody vendettas to operate as a unified political force, which they called Black United Voters of Chicago. “They realized that if they came together, they could get the politicians to come to them,” explains Baskin.


Our findings:

  • While they typically deny it, many public officials—mostly, but not limited to, aldermen, state legislators, and elected judges—routinely seek political support from influential street gangs. Meetings like the ones Baskin organized, for instance, are hardly an anomaly. Gangs can provide a decisive advantage at election time by performing the kinds of chores patronage armies once did.
  • In some cases, the partnerships extend beyond the elections in troubling—and possibly criminal—ways, greased by the steady and largely secret flow of money from gang leaders to certain politicians and vice versa. The gangs funnel their largess through opaque businesses, or front companies, and through under-the-table payments. In turn, grateful politicians use their payrolls or campaign funds to hire gang members, pull strings for them to get jobs or contracts, or offer other favors (see“Gangs and Politicians: Prisoner Shuffle”).
  • Most alarming, both law enforcement and gang sources say, is that some politicians ignore the gangs’ criminal activities. Some go so far as to protect gangs from the police, tipping them off to impending raids or to surveillance activities—in effect, creating safe havens in their political districts. And often they chafe at backing tough measures to stem gang activities, advocating instead for superficial solutions that may garner good press but have little impact.
The paradox is that Chicago’s struggle to combat street gangs is being undermined by its own elected officials. And the alliances between lawmakers and lawbreakers raise a troubling question: Who actually rules the neighborhoods—our public servants or the gangs?
So Pogo

If blacks vote Democrat, and blacks commit all those murders, it's obvious that Democrats are doing the killing....

Who did you think was doing it, Leprechauns????

I don't know that murderers vote at all. Nor do you. Do you actually think everyone votes?

I already said this but obviously you're not the brightest bulb in the light tower. You be sure to let me know if you're so dense that you need it explained yet a third time.

Read my articles...the gangs order their members to vote in these elections.....and many of them are, in fact, murderers...and they aren't voting for republicans.....
So Pogo

If blacks vote Democrat, and blacks commit all those murders, it's obvious that Democrats are doing the killing....

Who did you think was doing it, Leprechauns????

I don't know that murderers vote at all. Nor do you. Do you actually think everyone votes?

I already said this but obviously you're not the brightest bulb in the light tower. You be sure to let me know if you're so dense that you need it explained yet a third time.

Here you go.....

A Latin King, interviewed at Cook County Jail, recalls how the top leader of his gang, the Corona, ordered every member in his area to vote for Ricardo Muñoz, the 22nd Ward alderman. “Every chapter had to vote for that guy, anyone who was eligible to vote,” says the Latin King. “That was a direct order. That means you can’t say no. If you do, you face a violation”—typically a beating, or worse.

He estimates that the gang delivered hundreds of votes, maybe even a thousand or more, in one of Muñoz’s elections in the 1990s. Moreover, he says, members were also directed—under the threat of punishment—to pass out campaign flyers for Muñoz and walk around carrying his signs. They were instructed to wear their Sunday best: ties, khakis, trench coats. “No thug clothes,” he recalls.

Muñoz says he does not seek out gang support: “There is no coordinated effort in any way, shape, or form.”

Many politicians who enlist gang members try to cloak the relationship in the rhetoric of political empowerment or social activism. They’ll say they want to get troubled youth involved in the political process in constructive ways: doing things like circulating nominating petitions, passing out campaign literature, or registering voters. They’ll say that for many of these men and boys, participating in politics is one of the few positive things they’ve done in their lives.

A Latin King, interviewed at Cook County Jail, recalls how the top leader of his gang, the Corona, ordered every member in his area to vote for Ricardo Muñoz, the 22nd Ward alderman. “Every chapter had to vote for that guy, anyone who was eligible to vote,” says the Latin King. “That was a direct order. That means you can’t say no. If you do, you face a violation”—typically a beating, or worse.

So, do you think some of those gang members had killed people?

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