These Are The Most Violent States In America

Notice how right wingers want to explain all the violence in their states on blacks and Hispanics. Even when they are in charge, their failure is always someone else s fault.
If the Democrats run the cities, it's the Democrats' fault. Why do the Dims always have to blame their own failures on others????

Cities weren't invented by Democrats or Republicans. They predate all parties.
This cum hoc bullshit is the most baldly pathetic logical train wreck on this message board. And it keeps loading up on ignorance and coming back, over and over.

I just find it bizarre that anyone would be willing, even anonymously, to look this degree of stupid.

I know you think Democrats aren't capable of doing much, but they are running those violent, failing cities (and doing a bang-up job of fucking them up).
See what I mean? Not only willing to look stupid, but to keep on doing it. Post after post.

Say lightweight, why don't you tell us what makes "violent" cities in other countries. You know, where "Democrats" and "Republicans" don't exist.


Summa y'all make an excellent argument that the right to vote should be tied to some kind of intelligence test.
I just find it bizarre that anyone would be willing, even anonymously, to look this degree of stupid.

You did.

And I must say the ad hominem is quite...glaring...

Cities weren't invented by Democrats or Republicans. They predate all parties.

That fact does not cover for the fact that Democrats run some of the most violent cities in the US. Whether they predate American politicians is irrelevant.

The most violent, segregated, and bankrupt cities are run by DEMOCRATS, and have been for years!!! Grow a set of balls and admit the DEMOCRATS couldn't run a one-car parade without screwing it up......

Or keep denying it and looking like a damn fool.
I just find it bizarre that anyone would be willing, even anonymously, to look this degree of stupid.

You did.

And I must say the ad hominem is quite...glaring...

Cities weren't invented by Democrats or Republicans. They predate all parties.

That fact does not cover for the fact that Democrats run some of the most violent cities in the US. Whether they predate American politicians is irrelevant.

Bull SHIT. The sociocultural background of cities is what determines their character -- not the political party machine of who runs it That's why I challenged dipshit to come up with an answer for "violence" outside the US two-party system.

For most of our history city officials didn't even HAVE policital parties. There is simply no function of the right-left spectrum at the level of deciding which day the garbage trucks come down the street. The violence in cities ---- and the various other issues they have ---- come from being cities. Period.

As already noted, MOST cities in the US are run by Democrats, regardless what issues they have or don't have. That's simply a function of how that particular party machine organized itself --- just as the Republican machine organizes itself at the state level. Neither one means jack fucking shit as regards how the criminal element therein ---who aren't voters anyway--- conduct their nefarious business. This cum hoc addiction y'all ignorantly trot around with is blatantly transparent partisan hackitude. And you have to be drowning in hackitudinal Denialism to not see it.

Cum Hoc Fallacy


Clearly we need to encourage more young people to be pirates, since pirates have historically kept global warming down.

Cum hoc logic. Same thing.
Do governors, govern the State or only parts of the State?

Mayors of these cities have incredible power and can control their cities with iron fists....Chicago for example is that way....sometimes Governors have very little ability to affect the day to day affairs of these democrat controlled cities.
I was wondering about that, but seems wrong that a Governor would have no influence over the Mayors of his largest population of citizens within his State!!!! If that is the case, then the Governors get paid way too much, to so called, "run the State", imho. I'm not saying the Gov can change city laws or anything like that, but I would hope they could work with a mayor to come up with a plan to improve his State's inner cities....2 heads are better than 1 type of thing.... I guess I'm dreaming.....
You didn't know Daily Sr. Then, when he was mayor of Chicago or his son also, remember how he closed an airport, Meigs in the middle of the night and destroyed the runway?
The vast majority of violent crime is perpetrated by blacks and Latino thugs. Your article dances around it by blaming it on "unskilled young men", and other lame ass economic excuses.

If you are unwilling to address the real problem, you're not going to solve it.

So.... deflecting off to bigoted bullshit about ethnicities is "addressing the real problem", is it?

Classic squatter comeback. You can't prove me wrong because the facts are on my side, so scream "bigot".
The vast majority of violent crime is perpetrated by blacks and Latino thugs. Your article dances around it by blaming it on "unskilled young men", and other lame ass economic excuses.

If you are unwilling to address the real problem, you're not going to solve it.

So.... deflecting off to bigoted bullshit about ethnicities is "addressing the real problem", is it?
It’s doing what most conservatives do best.

Yup, pointing out the facts.

Quit posting like a fool, take chicago it has not had a republican mayor in like a 100 years, big Bill was the last one. You think the Unions would have so much power today, property taxes so high today if they occasionally had a republican mayor once in a while in the past 100 years?
Notice how right wingers want to explain all the violence in their states on blacks and Hispanics. Even when they are in charge, their failure is always someone else s fault.
What cities run by "right wingers" are more violent than those run by so-called liberals?
The vast majority of violent crime is perpetrated by blacks and Latino thugs. Your article dances around it by blaming it on "unskilled young men", and other lame ass economic excuses.

If you are unwilling to address the real problem, you're not going to solve it.

So.... deflecting off to bigoted bullshit about ethnicities is "addressing the real problem", is it?
Statistics aren't subject to bias.
The vast majority of violent crime is perpetrated by the poor/lower classes.
Fixed it for ya.
The lower classes are, of course, established by .... the upper classes...
You're nothing more than an amateur class warfare fan.
Cities weren't invented by Democrats or Republicans. They predate all parties. This cum hoc bullshit is the most baldly pathetic logical train wreck on this message board. And it keeps loading up on ignorance and coming back, over and over.

I just find it bizarre that anyone would be willing, even anonymously, to look this degree of stupid.

Maybe, but any idiot who claims something as insipid as "The lower classes are, of course, established by .... the upper classes" has absolutely no room to question the intelligence of others.
Bull SHIT. The sociocultural background of cities is what determines their character -- not the political party machine of who runs it

That's quite the deflection. You are trying to shift the blame towards the "sociocultural background" of a city. Sorry, but cities are run by policies and laws, those policies and laws happen to be enforced by Democratic leadership.

This is quite similar to you arguments on gun control. Blame the gun, not the criminal. Hence "blame the citizens, not the party."

For most of our history city officials didn't even HAVE policital parties.

They do now. So, that argument of your provides no escape for your fallacious use of fallacies in an attempt to spin away from the actual truth of the matter.

As already noted, MOST cities in the US are run by Democrats, regardless what issues they have or don't have. That's simply a function of how that particular party machine organized itself --- just as the Republican machine organizes itself at the state level.

Non Sequitur. Cars don't drive themselves, and cities don't run themselves. Drivers, LEADERS do. Just as a car goes in the direction you steer it, so too does a city with a Democratic mayor towards high crime and violence. Democrats run cities with high crime rates. Their approach to the violence is already on display in places like Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore.
For most of our history city officials didn't even HAVE policital parties.

They do now. So, that argument of your provides no escape for your fallacious use of fallacies in an attempt to spin away from the actual truth of the matter.

As already noted, MOST cities in the US are run by Democrats, regardless what issues they have or don't have. That's simply a function of how that particular party machine organized itself --- just as the Republican machine organizes itself at the state level.

Non Sequitur. Cars don't drive themselves, and cities don't run themselves. Drivers, LEADERS do. Just as a car goes in the direction you steer it, so too does a city with a Democratic mayor towards high crime and violence. Democrats run cities with high crime rates. Their approach to the violence is already on display in places like Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore.

All the safest and most prosperous cities in the country are run by Democrats, too.

My family owns 5 homes in Brooklyn, and has since the 60s. That makes us multi-millionaires now.

If that's what "Democrat-controlled cities" look like, I won't argue.
For most of our history city officials didn't even HAVE policital parties.

They do now. So, that argument of your provides no escape for your fallacious use of fallacies in an attempt to spin away from the actual truth of the matter.

As already noted, MOST cities in the US are run by Democrats, regardless what issues they have or don't have. That's simply a function of how that particular party machine organized itself --- just as the Republican machine organizes itself at the state level.

Non Sequitur. Cars don't drive themselves, and cities don't run themselves. Drivers, LEADERS do. Just as a car goes in the direction you steer it, so too does a city with a Democratic mayor towards high crime and violence. Democrats run cities with high crime rates. Their approach to the violence is already on display in places like Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore.

All the safest and most prosperous cities in the country are run by Democrats, too.

My family owns 5 homes in Brooklyn, and has since the 60s. That makes us multi-millionaires now.

If that's what "Democrat-controlled cities" look like, I won't argue.

I'm happy for you. But...

Brooklyn NY crime rates and statistics - NeighborhoodScout
For most of our history city officials didn't even HAVE policital parties.

They do now. So, that argument of your provides no escape for your fallacious use of fallacies in an attempt to spin away from the actual truth of the matter.

As already noted, MOST cities in the US are run by Democrats, regardless what issues they have or don't have. That's simply a function of how that particular party machine organized itself --- just as the Republican machine organizes itself at the state level.

Non Sequitur. Cars don't drive themselves, and cities don't run themselves. Drivers, LEADERS do. Just as a car goes in the direction you steer it, so too does a city with a Democratic mayor towards high crime and violence. Democrats run cities with high crime rates. Their approach to the violence is already on display in places like Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore.

All the safest and most prosperous cities in the country are run by Democrats, too.

My family owns 5 homes in Brooklyn, and has since the 60s. That makes us multi-millionaires now.

If that's what "Democrat-controlled cities" look like, I won't argue.

I'm happy for you. But...

Brooklyn NY crime rates and statistics - NeighborhoodScout

What's your point?

Brooklyn is currently enjoying essentially it's lowest crime rate in almost 50 years.
Brooklyn is currently enjoying essentially it's lowest crime rate in almost 50 years.

And is still only safer than 37 percent of all the cities in the US. The lower third. Meaning that 63% of America is safer than Brooklyn. It also doesn't mean much when the crime rate in Brooklyn is twice the rate of the rest of New York State. Also, according to the NYPD as of March of this year, murders in NYC have risen 20%. Therefore, all of this comes under the leadership of a Democratic Mayor. And last I checked, Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs that make up New York City.

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