They are Americans


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Yes they are Tommy. Tuberville gets it right, nationalists are Americans. They are patriots. Nothing wrong with being a patriot.

---...a white nationalist is an American': GOP Sen. Tuberville---

The media is going to learn that folks from Alabama don't get bent out of shape when the media tries to frame rhetoric in an inflammatory way. He's one of my senators and I'm quite pleased with his work so far.


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These are a few white nationalist organizations. Which ones are simply proud Americans?

These are white nationalist organizations. Which ones are simply proud Americans?

White supremacy is the greatest threat to our nation BIGOTS!


Tuberville gets it right, nationalists are Americans. They are patriots. Nothing wrong with being a patriot.

What better combat soldier could you ask for than a nationalist/patriot of any color?!

I mean assuming the military is still about winning wars!

Why would anyone want a soldier who WASN'T a nationalist?
Yes they are Tommy. Tuberville gets it right, nationalists are Americans. They are patriots. Nothing wrong with being a patriot.

---...a white nationalist is an American': GOP Sen. Tuberville---

Of course they are Americans. Racist Americans.
What better combat soldier could you ask for than a nationalist/patriot of any color?!

I mean assuming the military is still about winning wars!

Why would anyone want a soldier who WASN'T a nationalist?
Why would want a racial nationalist of any color in our military or even normalized?
A white nationalist isn’t a patriot who happens to be white.

The “nationalist” part of the term does NOT refer to the United States of America. It refers to white people being supreme in any nation they’re in.

There ARE white patriots in America, of course. Millions of them. White Nationalists are not among them.
These are a few white nationalist organizations. Which ones are simply proud Americans?

So no one crying about white nationalist will point out which group above is simply misunderstood patriots?

How about any of these?

A nationalist is not the same thing as a patriot, but a lot of politicians try to spin it as if they are, and if that's what he meant, fine. He could have gotten away with "nationalists are Americans."

But white nationalist, specifically? No. This is universally understood to deserve people who think that whites are superior to all others and deserve more from society, and all others deserve less and should be dominated by whites. This is the Aryan Brotherhood, the American Nazi Party, and the Klan. Anyone who backs them is a piece of shit of the highest order, and should be an enemy to all Americans, full stop.

In all likelihood, I think he meant to say "white people, who are American nationalists," and he just got ahead of himself in the moment. CNN apparently did report that he later clarified with a four-word "White nationalists are racists" nullifier later that day, and other Republicans did give him a rack of shit for it, which politicians don't always do to their own party. Still, though, that's either a massive gaffe or a super-damning Freudian slip that should have sent him running to the nearest mic to clarify, over and over again, that he did not mean to just say "Klansmen are welcome."

The worst part about this is that a lot of people just don't care that a sitting US Senator appeared to accept white nationalism, even if they did see the super-short "I didn't mean it" walkback. That tells me that a lot of people are either distracted, dumb, or sleepy enough to let white supremacy gain a foothold in the highest levels of our country, or they are white supremacists themselves.
Why would want a racial nationalist of any color in our military or even normalized?

Where do you get this "racial" crap from? What do you think a soldier is there for? Our military is there fighting for "our side," with our weapons, paid for with our tax dollars, designed by our engineers, and that means us, our nation, our interests. Soldiers defend territories, territories are national, legal, political zones, ie, NATIONS, hence, N A T I O N A L.

Race doesn't even enter into the equation.

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