They forgot who decides elections


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
I watched 2 hours of both FOX News and CNN last week. Both sides felt very comfortable with their right-wing and left-wing soundbites and slogans. They both unfailingly interviewed only people who shared their respective views and told their hosts what they wanted to hear. I'm sorry to say this is not the best strategy. Both sides have forgotten just who decides elections in America, and it has nothing to do with redistricting, voter fraud, fake electors, Chinese airplanes dropping rice paper ballots or any other nonsense we've been hearing about. American elections are decided by independent and swing voters who make up over 30% of the American voter population. Suggestion for both sides of the political media: Stop preaching only to your own choir, get out of your comfort zones and start reaching out to those in the middle of the political spectrum. They might not always tell you what you want to hear, but without these folks on your side, you're lost! :disbelief:
Both sides have sold out to their partisan flanks

Any candidate attempting a moderate approach gets called a traitor
I watched 2 hours of both FOX News and CNN last week. Both sides felt very comfortable with their right-wing and left-wing soundbites and slogans. They both unfailingly interviewed only people who shared their respective views and told their hosts what they wanted to hear. I'm sorry to say this is not the best strategy. Both sides have forgotten just who decides elections in America, and it has nothing to do with redistricting, voter fraud, fake electors, Chinese airplanes dropping rice paper ballots or any other nonsense we've been hearing about. American elections are decided by independent and swing voters who make up over 30% of the American voter population. Suggestion for both sides of the political media: Stop preaching only to your own choir, get out of your comfort zones and start reaching out to those in the middle of the political spectrum. They might not always tell you what you want to hear, but without these folks on your side, you're lost! :disbelief:
It's not what many people want. They don't want to have to think outside of their ideology because being challenged scares them.

So the networks are going to give their target market what they want. This is the biggest downside of the proliferation of "news" sources.
Both sides have sold out to their partisan flanks

Any candidate attempting a moderate approach gets called a traitor
I remember, right after Trump won, a reporter on CNN or MSNBC (I don't remember which) made this big deal about how they were going to travel to the Midwest to get to "understand" the Trump voter.

What? You're a reporter and you don't understand half the story? You see the same things on the MAGA networks, of course, where it's clear they don't understand the Left in the least, so they just make it up.

A big part of the fucking mess we're in is that "news" is now a la carte. Choose the style you want, and don't worry about what they're not telling you.
I watched 2 hours of both FOX News and CNN last week. Both sides felt very comfortable with their right-wing and left-wing soundbites and slogans. They both unfailingly interviewed only people who shared their respective views and told their hosts what they wanted to hear. I'm sorry to say this is not the best strategy. Both sides have forgotten just who decides elections in America, and it has nothing to do with redistricting, voter fraud, fake electors, Chinese airplanes dropping rice paper ballots or any other nonsense we've been hearing about. American elections are decided by independent and swing voters who make up over 30% of the American voter population. Suggestion for both sides of the political media: Stop preaching only to your own choir, get out of your comfort zones and start reaching out to those in the middle of the political spectrum. They might not always tell you what you want to hear, but without these folks on your side, you're lost! :disbelief:

So, Bill, as a moderate and an independent, you're still stuck sitting on the fence with one party preaching war, hyperinflation, mass invasion, crime in the cities, child mutilation, sex freaks and perversion, a colapsing US dollar, forced government mandates on everything from spying on you to control of the media on what they investigate, know, say and can report, to what you can even drive, to your rights to worship, self-defense, food shortages and so much more while not even so much as even ADDRESSING these issues AS issues including Covid while instead bitching about pronouns and because failed, illegal affirmative action has finally given way to truly treating all people as color blind finally and you're still stuck on a fence on which way to go?

You seem neither moderate nor independent then.
I've moved more to the business channels.....There you can see real time cause and effect of the .gov putting their finger on the scales.

So, Bill, as a moderate and an independent, you're still stuck sitting on the fence with one party preaching war, hyperinflation, mass invasion, crime in the cities, child mutilation, sex freaks and perversion, a colapsing US dollar, forced government mandates on everything from spying on you to control of the media on what they investigate, know, say and can report, to what you can even drive, to your rights to worship, self-defense, food shortages and so much more while not even so much as even ADDRESSING these issues AS issues including Covid while instead bitching about pronouns and because failed, illegal affirmative action has finally given way to truly treating all people as color blind finally and you're still stuck on a fence on which way to go?

You seem neither moderate nor independent then.
Why we have a problem

How do you reason with these freaks?
I watched 2 hours of both FOX News and CNN last week. Both sides felt very comfortable with their right-wing and left-wing soundbites and slogans. They both unfailingly interviewed only people who shared their respective views and told their hosts what they wanted to hear. I'm sorry to say this is not the best strategy. Both sides have forgotten just who decides elections in America, and it has nothing to do with redistricting, voter fraud, fake electors, Chinese airplanes dropping rice paper ballots or any other nonsense we've been hearing about. American elections are decided by independent and swing voters who make up over 30% of the American voter population. Suggestion for both sides of the political media: Stop preaching only to your own choir, get out of your comfort zones and start reaching out to those in the middle of the political spectrum. They might not always tell you what you want to hear, but without these folks on your side, you're lost! :disbelief:
I can boil down the discussion to a simple choice:
Democrats want to turn the US into CA & NY, and Republicans want to turn the US into TX and FL. Choose wisely.
If you people only vote for the duopoly then you are not actually deciding who wins. You are voting for the people that the real masters of the duopoly tell you to vote for.

It's the old saying.

I'd rather be a king maker than a king.
So, Bill, as a moderate and an independent, you're still stuck sitting on the fence with one party preaching war, hyperinflation, mass invasion, crime in the cities, child mutilation, sex freaks and perversion, a colapsing US dollar, forced government mandates on everything from spying on you to control of the media on what they investigate, know, say and can report, to what you can even drive, to your rights to worship, self-defense, food shortages and so much more while not even so much as even ADDRESSING these issues AS issues including Covid while instead bitching about pronouns and because failed, illegal affirmative action has finally given way to truly treating all people as color blind finally and you're still stuck on a fence on which way to go?

You seem neither moderate nor independent then.
Wow. You really fell for the fear mongering!
I can boil down the discussion to a simple choice:
Democrats want to turn the US into CA & NY, and Republicans want to turn the US into TX and FL. Choose wisely.
If they want to turn it into TX then I'm out. ;)

If I was forced to move and was told I'd have to move to a gop "free state" TX would not even make the cut.
I remember, right after Trump won, a reporter on CNN or MSNBC (I don't remember which) made this big deal about how they were going to travel to the Midwest to get to "understand" the Trump voter. What? You're a reporter and you don't understand half the story? You see the same things on the MAGA networks, of course, where it's clear they don't understand the Left in the least, so they just make it up. A big part of the fucking mess we're in is that "news" is now a la carte. Choose the style you want, and don't worry about what they're not telling you.
Part of the problem is that the MSM lives in the urban plantations. The city folk have no clue, or disagree with the values and opinions the red areas have.
That's why FNC has way more viewers than the MSM channels. Look at the divide, its red/blue, not "purple".
If you people only vote for the duopoly then you are not actually deciding who wins. You are voting for the people that the real masters of the duopoly tell you to vote for.

It's the old saying.

I'd rather be a king maker than a king.
I watched 2 hours of both FOX News and CNN last week. Both sides felt very comfortable with their right-wing and left-wing soundbites and slogans. They both unfailingly interviewed only people who shared their respective views and told their hosts what they wanted to hear. I'm sorry to say this is not the best strategy. Both sides have forgotten just who decides elections in America, and it has nothing to do with redistricting, voter fraud, fake electors, Chinese airplanes dropping rice paper ballots or any other nonsense we've been hearing about. American elections are decided by independent and swing voters who make up over 30% of the American voter population. Suggestion for both sides of the political media: Stop preaching only to your own choir, get out of your comfort zones and start reaching out to those in the middle of the political spectrum. They might not always tell you what you want to hear, but without these folks on your side, you're lost! :disbelief:

What you fail to realize is that both CNN and Fox fully understand that swing voters are where the elections get decided. And it's exactly why they operate the way they do. Their goal is to indoctrinate those swing voters through their own gaslighting, in hopes of winning them over through repetition.

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