"They Have To Go"; Trump Vows To Deport All Illegal Immigrants

It was front page news this weekend, another illegal committed a triple homicide murdering 3 Americans. Illegals have killed more Americans than terrorists did on 911 yet it has not been a national issue, not until Trump forced the issue to the surface.

For political reasons both parties have allowed illegals to pour into our country to rape, rob, kill, torture, string out kids out on drugs, steal our identities, defraud American taxpayers out of billions of dollars, the list goes on.
White Conservative's illusion of America before any illegal immigrant's became part of their paranoia...
'"They Have To Go"; Trump Vows To Deport All Illegal Immigrants'

And of course this idiocy serves only to further damage the relationship between the GOP and Hispanic Americans – and indeed most all Americans, as this accurately illustrates the nativism common to a majority of republicans and conservatives, their hostility to diversity and inclusion, and the right's unwarranted fear of change.

My best friend is a Hispanic American citizen, he hates illegals.
Now he's starting to sound like a politician.

He knows damn well the logistics of deporting (how many is it really?) millions of people is cost prohibitive, and that whatever percent of those who have come to the country, have skilled jobs, speak english and haven't committed crimes shouldn't be deported because businesses would lose the investments in training these people.

I oppose a "path to citizenship" for any illegal. We can force enough of them to leave of their own volition by making it impossible to work in unskilled jobs without documents and deport the remaining holdouts where ever we find them.

For those who have done the right things I could tolerate a legal residency, but no government benefits, no tax returns, and their kids born in the US need to file for permanent status.

It was front page news this weekend, another illegal committed a triple homicide murdering 3 Americans. Illegals have killed more Americans than terrorists did on 911 yet it has not been a national issue, not until Trump forced the issue to the surface.

For political reasons both parties have allowed illegals to pour into our country to rape, rob, kill, torture, string out kids out on drugs, steal our identities, defraud American taxpayers out of billions of dollars, the list goes on.
White Conservative's illusion of America before any illegal immigrant's became part of their paranoia...

Conservatives have no problem whatsoever with LEGAL immigration. Traitors like you for some freak reason defend illegals, why?
Campaign talk only. The American people will not permit a roundup or the deportation of parents whose minor children are citizens.
Nor will big corporations accept the deportation of their cheap labor.

How many votes do they get?
My God your stupidity is overwhelming...

I guess you have to admit they have no votes.
I guess you have to admit that you are stupid as to how things actually work in politics....
Require proof of status for a job...they will self deport...or ask Hillary mo money.,,
It was front page news this weekend, another illegal committed a triple homicide murdering 3 Americans. Illegals have killed more Americans than terrorists did on 911 yet it has not been a national issue, not until Trump forced the issue to the surface.

For political reasons both parties have allowed illegals to pour into our country to rape, rob, kill, torture, string out kids out on drugs, steal our identities, defraud American taxpayers out of billions of dollars, the list goes on.
White Conservative's illusion of America before any illegal immigrant's became part of their paranoia...

Conservatives have no problem whatsoever with LEGAL immigration. Traitors like you for some freak reason defend illegals, why?
Traitors!!!!...OMG!!!!....run for dem dare hills!!!!!!
'"They Have To Go"; Trump Vows To Deport All Illegal Immigrants'

Needless to say this is impossible, to lawfully 'deport' 12 million individuals, afford them their right to due process, address applications for asylum seekers and refugees, where many would in fact suffer persecution or death if returned to their home countries.

Indeed, a significant number of undocumented immigrants were brought to the United States legally as infants and children, and subsequently lost their legal status through no fault of their own. Consequently, there are no countries to 'deport' them to, having grown up and lived in the United States most of their lives, where most only know life in this country. To seek to 'deport' such individuals would be cruel, criminal, and reprehensible.

Of course, cruel and reprehensible would best describe Trump and those who agree with him on this issue.
Conservatives have no problem whatsoever with LEGAL immigration. Traitors like you for some freak reason defend illegals, why?

You answered your own question. He is a traitor. A "citizen of the world" instead of an American with a loyalty to his own people. He's part of the ant colony that collectivist libtards are attempting to use to dominate the world.

It was front page news this weekend, another illegal committed a triple homicide murdering 3 Americans. Illegals have killed more Americans than terrorists did on 911 yet it has not been a national issue, not until Trump forced the issue to the surface.

For political reasons both parties have allowed illegals to pour into our country to rape, rob, kill, torture, string out kids out on drugs, steal our identities, defraud American taxpayers out of billions of dollars, the list goes on.
White Conservative's illusion of America before any illegal immigrant's became part of their paranoia...

If it wasn't for making stuff up, how could you possibly ever win an argument?
'"They Have To Go"; Trump Vows To Deport All Illegal Immigrants'

Further evidence that Trump is not a serious candidate.

And for those who support and agree with Trump, this is further evidence of their ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law, where an undocumented immigrant is entitled to due process, and is not 'illegal' until determined such in a court of law. (Plyler v. Doe)
It's time to reinstate 'Operation Wetback' on a massive scale that Ike used to rid illegals. It's time for nationalism and make this country fully White.

Because the opposite of "White" is "Spanish-speaking" right?

Fuggin' screwball.

Conservatives have no problem whatsoever with LEGAL immigration. Traitors like you for some freak reason defend illegals, why?

You answered your own question. He is a traitor. A "citizen of the world" instead of an American with a loyalty to his own people. He's part of the ant colony that collectivist libtards are attempting to use to dominate the world.


It was front page news this weekend, another illegal committed a triple homicide murdering 3 Americans. Illegals have killed more Americans than terrorists did on 911 yet it has not been a national issue, not until Trump forced the issue to the surface.

For political reasons both parties have allowed illegals to pour into our country to rape, rob, kill, torture, string out kids out on drugs, steal our identities, defraud American taxpayers out of billions of dollars, the list goes on.
White Conservative's illusion of America before any illegal immigrant's became part of their paranoia...

If it wasn't for making stuff up, how could you possibly ever win an argument?
By arguing against someone as stupid as you.....
'"They Have To Go"; Trump Vows To Deport All Illegal Immigrants'

Needless to say this is impossible, to lawfully 'deport' 12 million individuals, afford them their right to due process, address applications for asylum seekers and refugees, where many would in fact suffer persecution or death if returned to their home countries.

Indeed, a significant number of undocumented immigrants were brought to the United States legally as infants and children, and subsequently lost their legal status through no fault of their own. Consequently, there are no countries to 'deport' them to, having grown up and lived in the United States most of their lives, where most only know life in this country. To seek to 'deport' such individuals would be cruel, criminal, and reprehensible.

Of course, cruel and reprehensible would best describe Trump and those who agree with him on this issue.

It's easily possible. We don't need to accept any asylum seekers. Let them fix their own countries. We don't have to become a waste bin for all the refuse of humanity because their governments are oppressive. I've got news for you, Sherlock. Most governments are oppressive.

When someone goes to prison, their child is deprived of a father or mother. I don't see you whining about laws against armed robber or murder because of the child's sake. Why should we treat immigration laws any differently? The parent is totally to blame for the situation, not the government and not the citizens of this country.
Actually, it's scary and pathetic that Conservatives are this stupid....
You're confuse about who is pathetic and stupid. Numskulls like you deliberately created this situation in the first place. Now you whine when someone else tries to fix it.
And once again, Trump and republicans are out of step and at odds with the majority of the American people:

“Two in three U.S. adults favor a plan to allow immigrants who are living illegally in the U.S. to remain in the country and become citizens if they meet certain requirements over time.”

In U.S. 65 Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

So by all means, rightists, continue to advocate 'rounding up' and 'deporting' undocumented immigrants.
Campaign talk only. The American people will not permit a roundup or the deportation of parents whose minor children are citizens.
Nor will big corporations accept the deportation of their cheap labor.

How many votes do they get?
My God your stupidity is overwhelming...

I guess you have to admit they have no votes.
I guess you have to admit that you are stupid as to how things actually work in politics....

The last time I checked, corporations don't get a vote in our elections.

So who is confused about how things actually work?

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