They will try to kill Trump

He was not, not even close. He was incompetent, nearly got us into World War III three times, a complete bungler.

"Over the whole of his presidency, Kennedy averaged a 70.1 percent approval rating, comfortably the highest of any post-World War II president. By comparison, the average for all presidents between 1938 and 2012 is 54 percent.1"

JFK's Approval Ratings, 1961-63 / President John F. Kennedy

Again, you're fucking nuts.
You know nothing if you don't know that Kennedy was thoroughly hated and despised by millions.

But that's not why he died.

He died because he tried to kill Castro, and missed.

The Communists had to kill Kennedy to save Castro.

I just proved to you he wasn't "the most hated President of all-time" like you said. Are you that much of an idiot to still argue a point despite facts staring you in the face?
I said he was "hated by millions" which is true. You're trying to win the argument by misquoting what I said.


"Kennedy was one of the most hated Presidents of all time."
He was not, not even close. He was incompetent, nearly got us into World War III three times, a complete bungler.

"Over the whole of his presidency, Kennedy averaged a 70.1 percent approval rating, comfortably the highest of any post-World War II president. By comparison, the average for all presidents between 1938 and 2012 is 54 percent.1"

JFK's Approval Ratings, 1961-63 / President John F. Kennedy

Again, you're fucking nuts.
You know nothing if you don't know that Kennedy was thoroughly hated and despised by millions.

But that's not why he died.

He died because he tried to kill Castro, and missed.

The Communists had to kill Kennedy to save Castro.

I just proved to you he wasn't "the most hated President of all-time" like you said. Are you that much of an idiot to still argue a point despite facts staring you in the face?
I said he was "hated by millions" which is true. You're trying to win the argument by misquoting what I said.


"Kennedy was one of the most hated Presidents of all time."
He was. School children in Dallas cheered when they were told JFK was assassinated.

He only became a saint after he was killed.

Before that, he was widely considered incompetent for his mishandling of the Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missle Crisis, and Berlin Wall Crisis.
"Over the whole of his presidency, Kennedy averaged a 70.1 percent approval rating, comfortably the highest of any post-World War II president. By comparison, the average for all presidents between 1938 and 2012 is 54 percent.1"

JFK's Approval Ratings, 1961-63 / President John F. Kennedy

Again, you're fucking nuts.
You know nothing if you don't know that Kennedy was thoroughly hated and despised by millions.

But that's not why he died.

He died because he tried to kill Castro, and missed.

The Communists had to kill Kennedy to save Castro.

I just proved to you he wasn't "the most hated President of all-time" like you said. Are you that much of an idiot to still argue a point despite facts staring you in the face?
I said he was "hated by millions" which is true. You're trying to win the argument by misquoting what I said.


"Kennedy was one of the most hated Presidents of all time."
He was. School children in Dallas cheered when they were told JFK was assassinated.

He only became a saint after he was killed.

Before that, he was widely considered incompetent for his mishandling of the Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missle Crisis, and Berlin Wall Crisis.

I just showed you he had a 70% average approval rating while he was alive. Why are you lying?
God, you snowflakes are such pussies. Republicans see a protest march and scream there is "violence on the streets".

Hey snowflakes, check out what is happening in Venezuela (that is a country in South America, use Google and type that name into it) and that is not happening here. However, Alex Jones fills your pea sized brains with stories that it is, and since you lack critical thinking skills, you believe everything he says.
Yes, tell that to the Republicans who wanted to march in a parade in Portland.

Oh wait, they had to cancel that parade because of leftist threats they would attack the Republicans.

A Chilling Threat of Political Violence in Portland

So all republicans in Portland are cowards?
Uh, since when was Kennedy hated so much? The only people that really hated Kennedy were organized crime because he appointed his brother as the AG.
You don't know history. Kennedy was one of the most hated Presidents of all time.

You're fucking nuts.

JFK Ranked as Greatest U.S. President
He was not, not even close. He was incompetent, nearly got us into World War III three times, a complete bungler.

"Over the whole of his presidency, Kennedy averaged a 70.1 percent approval rating, comfortably the highest of any post-World War II president. By comparison, the average for all presidents between 1938 and 2012 is 54 percent.1"

JFK's Approval Ratings, 1961-63 / President John F. Kennedy

Again, you're fucking nuts.
You know nothing if you don't know that Kennedy was thoroughly hated and despised by millions.

But that's not why he died.

He died because he tried to kill Castro, and missed.

The Communists had to kill Kennedy to save Castro.

I thought Ted Cruz's daddy helped kill Kennedy.
You sinned grievously by backing such a corrupt man. Just admit it, and you'll feel better. Confession is good for the soul, not to mention your mental health.
well the corrupt woman was a much bigger bitch.
I will come back to this thread and say "I told you so" on the day they try to kill Trump.

And all of you will be to blame for it, for stirring up the hatred and violence we are seeing on the streets today.
"all of us"? i don't see "all of us" doing this. just a vocal extreme that the vast majority of people give far too much voice to.
Look what happened to Lincoln and Kennedy, also Presidents who were hated by millions at the intensity Trump is hated now.

Neither Lincoln or Kennedy was killed by a random lunatic, these were planned professional assassinations with many people involved.

The Democrats and the media hate Trump so much, and they have promised to end him.

I think they will try to kill him, and they may succeed.
I bet she didn't mean privilege
Kennedy was killed because he stirred up too much shit against the Communists, and they did him in.

Lincoln was killed by men and women who were loyal to the defeated Confederacy.

Neither of these assassinations were done by "lone wolf" lunatics, they were conspiracies carried out by powerful people who got away with it.

The Democrats and the media have promised to end Trump before he can serve out his term, and we need to start taking their threats seriously.

The word "resistance" means violent opposition to a current sitting government, and "resistance" is the word they are using for their war against Trump.

We need to get to the bottom of who murdered Seth Rich, because the same people who did that are probably planning to murder Trump now.

Really? Who were the powerful people who "got away with it"?
You don't know history. Kennedy was one of the most hated Presidents of all time.

You're fucking nuts.

JFK Ranked as Greatest U.S. President
He was not, not even close. He was incompetent, nearly got us into World War III three times, a complete bungler.

"Over the whole of his presidency, Kennedy averaged a 70.1 percent approval rating, comfortably the highest of any post-World War II president. By comparison, the average for all presidents between 1938 and 2012 is 54 percent.1"

JFK's Approval Ratings, 1961-63 / President John F. Kennedy

Again, you're fucking nuts.
You know nothing if you don't know that Kennedy was thoroughly hated and despised by millions.

But that's not why he died.

He died because he tried to kill Castro, and missed.

The Communists had to kill Kennedy to save Castro.

I just proved to you he wasn't "the most hated President of all-time" like you said. Are you that much of an idiot to still argue a point despite facts staring you in the face?

JFK was an amoral philandering tomcat. The reason he was not hated by more people is that he had a semi-beautiful bimbo for a wife.

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