They’re Not Even Hiding It Anymore, They Want Us Dead

You are one stupid mother fucker...Socialism is socialism, it can either be FAR RIGHT Socialism (NAZI/FASCIST) or FAR LEFT Socialism (COMMUNISM) but both are government control of the people. Cant get more stupid than a worthless excrement liberal.

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
Yes, but Commie has such a nice ring to it and they are all pretty much a bunch of totalitarian statist authoritarians, so ---- commie!!! All of them!!!
The reason the pseudocon tards are told to bleev Nazis are left wing is so when they themselves move more and more toward nazism, they don't notice.

This is quite deliberate.

It is fascinating to watch this mass delusion, and scary at the same time.

I honestly don't know how they can LOOK at a Nazi and think, "That guy is left wing."

That requires some seriously Orwellian blindness and mental retardation.

There isn't even a word for that kind of deep level willful stupidity. I believe the mental twists required to do that is an actual mental illness.

The reason the pseudocon tards are told to bleev Nazis are left wing is so when they themselves move more and more toward nazism, they don't notice.

This is quite deliberate.

It is fascinating to watch this mass delusion, and scary at the same time.
I've had this conversation yesterday with Lucy Hamilton an Austrian right winger and some American right wing friends. It was fascinating if horrendous. This person was claiming to follow the Nazi ideology complete with calling for making political opposition disappear and calling for them to be visited in the night. All the while the Americans were dissing me for calling her out for it. One went as far to say that his fathers friend collected Nazi ears in the war. They cheer on a neo-nazi while proclaiming they hate them.
Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

There are stirrings of discussion these days in philosophical circles about the prospect of human extinction. This should not be surprising, given the increasingly threatening predations of climate change. In reflecting on this question, I want to suggest an answer to a single question, one that hardly covers the whole philosophical territory but is an important aspect of it. Would human extinction be a tragedy?

I’m not asking whether the experience of humans coming to an end would be a bad thing. […] I am also not asking whether human beings as a species deserve to die out. That is an important question, but would involve different considerations. Those questions, and others like them, need to be addressed if we are to come to a full moral assessment of the prospect of our demise. Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

Who said the Left were Demonic? Let’s begin with the extinction of the New York Times and then pause to assess if the world is a better place for it. It’s behind a paywall, so you can begin the process by hitting the ‘esc’ key as it loads and read the vile, silly thing and not pay them for it.
How do you conclude they want us all dead from a theoretical discussion?
Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

There are stirrings of discussion these days in philosophical circles about the prospect of human extinction. This should not be surprising, given the increasingly threatening predations of climate change. In reflecting on this question, I want to suggest an answer to a single question, one that hardly covers the whole philosophical territory but is an important aspect of it. Would human extinction be a tragedy?

I’m not asking whether the experience of humans coming to an end would be a bad thing. […] I am also not asking whether human beings as a species deserve to die out. That is an important question, but would involve different considerations. Those questions, and others like them, need to be addressed if we are to come to a full moral assessment of the prospect of our demise. Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

Who said the Left were Demonic? Let’s begin with the extinction of the New York Times and then pause to assess if the world is a better place for it. It’s behind a paywall, so you can begin the process by hitting the ‘esc’ key as it loads and read the vile, silly thing and not pay them for it.
I thought this thread was about women. Nevermind.
Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

There are stirrings of discussion these days in philosophical circles about the prospect of human extinction. This should not be surprising, given the increasingly threatening predations of climate change. In reflecting on this question, I want to suggest an answer to a single question, one that hardly covers the whole philosophical territory but is an important aspect of it. Would human extinction be a tragedy?

I’m not asking whether the experience of humans coming to an end would be a bad thing. […] I am also not asking whether human beings as a species deserve to die out. That is an important question, but would involve different considerations. Those questions, and others like them, need to be addressed if we are to come to a full moral assessment of the prospect of our demise. Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

Who said the Left were Demonic? Let’s begin with the extinction of the New York Times and then pause to assess if the world is a better place for it. It’s behind a paywall, so you can begin the process by hitting the ‘esc’ key as it loads and read the vile, silly thing and not pay them for it.
Maybe a Dophin wrote the OP— did you ever think of that, huh??
Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

There are stirrings of discussion these days in philosophical circles about the prospect of human extinction. This should not be surprising, given the increasingly threatening predations of climate change. In reflecting on this question, I want to suggest an answer to a single question, one that hardly covers the whole philosophical territory but is an important aspect of it. Would human extinction be a tragedy?

I’m not asking whether the experience of humans coming to an end would be a bad thing. […] I am also not asking whether human beings as a species deserve to die out. That is an important question, but would involve different considerations. Those questions, and others like them, need to be addressed if we are to come to a full moral assessment of the prospect of our demise. Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

Who said the Left were Demonic? Let’s begin with the extinction of the New York Times and then pause to assess if the world is a better place for it. It’s behind a paywall, so you can begin the process by hitting the ‘esc’ key as it loads and read the vile, silly thing and not pay them for it.
Oh, I thought you were talking about the Republicans who want the gays dead.

Conservatives have felt that way for a long, long time. Forever in fact.
The reason the pseudocon tards are told to bleev Nazis are left wing is so when they themselves move more and more toward nazism, they don't notice.

This is quite deliberate.

It is fascinating to watch this mass delusion, and scary at the same time.
I've had this conversation yesterday with Lucy Hamilton an Austrian right winger and some American right wing friends. It was fascinating if horrendous. This person was claiming to follow the Nazi ideology complete with calling for making political opposition disappear and calling for them to be visited in the night. All the while the Americans were dissing me for calling her out for it. One went as far to say that his fathers friend collected Nazi ears in the war. They cheer on a neo-nazi while proclaiming they hate them.

Liberals/Progressives/Fascists(NAZI)/Communists/Marxists/Democrats(all the same) want to fundamentally transform America into a 3rd world shithole, then it wont be superior to other countries. FACT. Patriots of this country dont want this to happen, because without the United States of America and what it stands for (FREEDOM) there wont be a country left to keep your worthless kind from taking over the world and you be a slave to the liberal elites. FACT. You can call your right winger friends Nazi's all you want, but it is your political ideologue that is the EVIL one.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
What's funny is that when you raise the spectre of harm to the human species caused by Climate Change...the Deniers (like the ones "outraged" here) openly say they don't give a shit
What's funny is that when you raise the spectre of harm to the human species caused by Climate Change...the Deniers (like the ones "outraged" here) openly say they don't give a shit
Yeah all those Hollywood types buying up seaside mansions, sure are afraid of the oceans rising due to climate change.
Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

There are stirrings of discussion these days in philosophical circles about the prospect of human extinction. This should not be surprising, given the increasingly threatening predations of climate change. In reflecting on this question, I want to suggest an answer to a single question, one that hardly covers the whole philosophical territory but is an important aspect of it. Would human extinction be a tragedy?

I’m not asking whether the experience of humans coming to an end would be a bad thing. […] I am also not asking whether human beings as a species deserve to die out. That is an important question, but would involve different considerations. Those questions, and others like them, need to be addressed if we are to come to a full moral assessment of the prospect of our demise. Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

Who said the Left were Demonic? Let’s begin with the extinction of the New York Times and then pause to assess if the world is a better place for it. It’s behind a paywall, so you can begin the process by hitting the ‘esc’ key as it loads and read the vile, silly thing and not pay them for it.
Oh, I thought you were talking about the Republicans who want the gays dead.

Conservatives have felt that way for a long, long time. Forever in fact.
I just posted a thread on yet another Muslim wanting to blow up some homosexual bars.

And every time you Leftists come running in to defend Mohammed.
The reason the pseudocon tards are told to bleev Nazis are left wing is so when they themselves move more and more toward nazism, they don't notice.

This is quite deliberate.

It is fascinating to watch this mass delusion, and scary at the same time.

I honestly don't know how they can LOOK at a Nazi and think, "That guy is left wing."

That requires some seriously Orwellian blindness and mental retardation.

There isn't even a word for that kind of deep level willful stupidity. I believe the mental twists required to do that is an actual mental illness.

Difference between NAZIS and Leftists?

NAZIS have cool uniforms.
Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

There are stirrings of discussion these days in philosophical circles about the prospect of human extinction. This should not be surprising, given the increasingly threatening predations of climate change. In reflecting on this question, I want to suggest an answer to a single question, one that hardly covers the whole philosophical territory but is an important aspect of it. Would human extinction be a tragedy?

I’m not asking whether the experience of humans coming to an end would be a bad thing. […] I am also not asking whether human beings as a species deserve to die out. That is an important question, but would involve different considerations. Those questions, and others like them, need to be addressed if we are to come to a full moral assessment of the prospect of our demise. Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

Who said the Left were Demonic? Let’s begin with the extinction of the New York Times and then pause to assess if the world is a better place for it. It’s behind a paywall, so you can begin the process by hitting the ‘esc’ key as it loads and read the vile, silly thing and not pay them for it.
So, if you're going to throw me in with this nut-job then it's ok with you if I put you in with the Nazis because you're both on the right?
Nazi stands for socialist workers party, comrade.
A rather misleading name don't you think, kinda like "people's republic of North Korea" right?
Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

There are stirrings of discussion these days in philosophical circles about the prospect of human extinction. This should not be surprising, given the increasingly threatening predations of climate change. In reflecting on this question, I want to suggest an answer to a single question, one that hardly covers the whole philosophical territory but is an important aspect of it. Would human extinction be a tragedy?

I’m not asking whether the experience of humans coming to an end would be a bad thing. […] I am also not asking whether human beings as a species deserve to die out. That is an important question, but would involve different considerations. Those questions, and others like them, need to be addressed if we are to come to a full moral assessment of the prospect of our demise. Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

Who said the Left were Demonic? Let’s begin with the extinction of the New York Times and then pause to assess if the world is a better place for it. It’s behind a paywall, so you can begin the process by hitting the ‘esc’ key as it loads and read the vile, silly thing and not pay them for it.
So, if you're going to throw me in with this nut-job then it's ok with you if I put you in with the Nazis because you're both on the right?
Nazi's were never on the right. but alas, more deflection from a kkk demoloser. always deflecting to something other than themselves. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Nazis we're always on the right, get over it.
Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

There are stirrings of discussion these days in philosophical circles about the prospect of human extinction. This should not be surprising, given the increasingly threatening predations of climate change. In reflecting on this question, I want to suggest an answer to a single question, one that hardly covers the whole philosophical territory but is an important aspect of it. Would human extinction be a tragedy?

I’m not asking whether the experience of humans coming to an end would be a bad thing. […] I am also not asking whether human beings as a species deserve to die out. That is an important question, but would involve different considerations. Those questions, and others like them, need to be addressed if we are to come to a full moral assessment of the prospect of our demise. Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

Who said the Left were Demonic? Let’s begin with the extinction of the New York Times and then pause to assess if the world is a better place for it. It’s behind a paywall, so you can begin the process by hitting the ‘esc’ key as it loads and read the vile, silly thing and not pay them for it.
So, if you're going to throw me in with this nut-job then it's ok with you if I put you in with the Nazis because you're both on the right?
Nazi's were never on the right. but alas, more deflection from a kkk demoloser. always deflecting to something other than themselves. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Nazis we're always on the right, get over it.
Propaganda. Socialist Worker party that demands big government is not on the right side of the spectrum.
Humans aren't about to go extinct, so this is just wishful thinking on the part of the author.
Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

There are stirrings of discussion these days in philosophical circles about the prospect of human extinction. This should not be surprising, given the increasingly threatening predations of climate change. In reflecting on this question, I want to suggest an answer to a single question, one that hardly covers the whole philosophical territory but is an important aspect of it. Would human extinction be a tragedy?

I’m not asking whether the experience of humans coming to an end would be a bad thing. […] I am also not asking whether human beings as a species deserve to die out. That is an important question, but would involve different considerations. Those questions, and others like them, need to be addressed if we are to come to a full moral assessment of the prospect of our demise. Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

Who said the Left were Demonic? Let’s begin with the extinction of the New York Times and then pause to assess if the world is a better place for it. It’s behind a paywall, so you can begin the process by hitting the ‘esc’ key as it loads and read the vile, silly thing and not pay them for it.

Who is 'they'? You're citing one guy.

So by 'they' you mean Todd.
Last edited:
Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

There are stirrings of discussion these days in philosophical circles about the prospect of human extinction. This should not be surprising, given the increasingly threatening predations of climate change. In reflecting on this question, I want to suggest an answer to a single question, one that hardly covers the whole philosophical territory but is an important aspect of it. Would human extinction be a tragedy?

I’m not asking whether the experience of humans coming to an end would be a bad thing. […] I am also not asking whether human beings as a species deserve to die out. That is an important question, but would involve different considerations. Those questions, and others like them, need to be addressed if we are to come to a full moral assessment of the prospect of our demise. Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

Who said the Left were Demonic? Let’s begin with the extinction of the New York Times and then pause to assess if the world is a better place for it. It’s behind a paywall, so you can begin the process by hitting the ‘esc’ key as it loads and read the vile, silly thing and not pay them for it.
Oh, I thought you were talking about the Republicans who want the gays dead.

Conservatives have felt that way for a long, long time. Forever in fact.
I just posted a thread on yet another Muslim wanting to blow up some homosexual bars.

And every time you Leftists come running in to defend Mohammed.
I head the other day, that Allah had come down to a virgin sheep and impregnated it with his essence. Then 4 weeks later the sheep had a case of diarrhea and Mohammad was born. Which is why unmarried Muslim men, go after sheep, because it is just their way to say, Shukran.

An Islamic orgy.

Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

There are stirrings of discussion these days in philosophical circles about the prospect of human extinction. This should not be surprising, given the increasingly threatening predations of climate change. In reflecting on this question, I want to suggest an answer to a single question, one that hardly covers the whole philosophical territory but is an important aspect of it. Would human extinction be a tragedy?

I’m not asking whether the experience of humans coming to an end would be a bad thing. […] I am also not asking whether human beings as a species deserve to die out. That is an important question, but would involve different considerations. Those questions, and others like them, need to be addressed if we are to come to a full moral assessment of the prospect of our demise. Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

Who said the Left were Demonic? Let’s begin with the extinction of the New York Times and then pause to assess if the world is a better place for it. It’s behind a paywall, so you can begin the process by hitting the ‘esc’ key as it loads and read the vile, silly thing and not pay them for it.
I have repeatedly seen contard posters here at USMB declare that it would be a blessing if:
a) California was to be destroyed in an earthquake or fire
b) All liberals were eliminated
So spare us your chest beating about how horrible the left is because of an opinion piece by one guy.

We should work to prevent human extinction. Slowing down human caused global warming would be a good start, but the right of course would prefer more dirty coal to be used in order to protect the coal industry rather than prevent the extinction of human life
Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

There are stirrings of discussion these days in philosophical circles about the prospect of human extinction. This should not be surprising, given the increasingly threatening predations of climate change. In reflecting on this question, I want to suggest an answer to a single question, one that hardly covers the whole philosophical territory but is an important aspect of it. Would human extinction be a tragedy?

I’m not asking whether the experience of humans coming to an end would be a bad thing. […] I am also not asking whether human beings as a species deserve to die out. That is an important question, but would involve different considerations. Those questions, and others like them, need to be addressed if we are to come to a full moral assessment of the prospect of our demise. Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.

Opinion | Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?

Who said the Left were Demonic? Let’s begin with the extinction of the New York Times and then pause to assess if the world is a better place for it. It’s behind a paywall, so you can begin the process by hitting the ‘esc’ key as it loads and read the vile, silly thing and not pay them for it.
So, if you're going to throw me in with this nut-job then it's ok with you if I put you in with the Nazis because you're both on the right?
Nazi stands for socialist workers party, comrade.
No comrade it stands for National Socialist Workers Party. See that first word you conveniently left out? It denotes that they were Nationalists before they were Socialists. They considered Communism their ideological enemies and some of the leading industrialists of the age ( capitalist ) were members. They had great big rallies proclaiming Germans to be superior to other humans and they blamed all the societal problems they had on what they considered outsiders.Does this sounds in any way familiar?
You are one stupid mother fucker...Socialism is socialism, it can either be FAR RIGHT Socialism (NAZI/FASCIST) or FAR LEFT Socialism (COMMUNISM) but both are government control of the people. Cant get more stupid than a worthless excrement liberal.

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual. Hayek challenged the general view among British academics that fascism (including National Socialism) was a capitalist reaction against socialism. He argued that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.

The term "far right socialism" is an oxymoron.

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