THINK SQUAD: Chicago blacks say Democrats are “clueless..."


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
THINK SQUAD: Chicago blacks say Democrats are “clueless about how mad they’ve made black folk” in last year

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I’m just back from a breakfast downtown with members of a group of prominent Chicago blacks who informally call themselves “The Think Squad” (Thinkers, for short). What I’m about to tell you is straight from the source and uncensored…and incredibly shocking in many ways, particularly if you’re a Democrat who thinks blacks will always do what the party wants no matter what the party does to alienate blacks. The biggest unreported story in this election is the ANGER being directed at Democrats from not just the pulpits of black churches…but in the circles of black female friends who are often the “Big Mommas” to their families. These black women are furious with the Democrat Party and Barack Obama and are encouraging their families to just sit home on Election Day. Additionally, these Thinkers are now openly calling Obama “Bathhouse Barry” for the first time ever…which indicates the reports of Obama’s gay sexual activity in the sleazy Chicago bathhouse Man’s Country have saturated the electorate at this point. If “Big Mommas” are calling Obama a “punk” and a “cake boy”, it’s on like Donkey Kong, folks.

I got the call late last night asking me if I wanted to have breakfast with a few friends from the Think Squad before they headed to work in the Loop. I never know who’s going to be at these get-togethers, other than my contact for the group who’s been a good friend of mine for the entirety of the time I’ve lived in Chicago. She’s one of the first friends I met here, when I worked a fundraising project for a black dance group and through this friend was connected with people from other black nonprofits in the arts who needed a hand here or there with events, mailings, ghostwriting, etc. Before Barack Obama divided the country on racial lines and used Alinsky Methods to polarize and alienate people, I used to do a lot of work with different groups on Chicago’s Southside…but all that came to a crashing halt in “The Golden Age of Hope and Change” when Obama’s campaign and cultists declared that anyone who didn’t support him was an enemy who had to be destroyed. Unfortunately, a lot of blacks in Chicago got caught up in this zealotry and they burned bridges with people like me who were punished for a few years for not backing Obama.


Members of the black community who are disgusted by how the Democrat Party treats blacks like animals and uses them as weapons or political pawns have formed these informal “Think Squad” groups coast to coast, which are underground salons of free thought wherever black professionals get together to talk openly about the anger black people feel about Democrats today.

“Black folk are mad, they are mad as Hell, and they ain’t going to take this anymore”, one of the Think Squad members told me soon after I joined the table in the second floor restaurant at the Marriott hotel on Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago. She was already sipping coffee and munching on a cinnamon roll, and between bites she told me that the black community at large is furious that nothing “got better at all for nobody” with Obama in the White House. “People expected a lot because that punk promised so much and what did he give anyone? JACK S***, that’s what”. She chomped onto that gooey sweet roll like she was biting Barack Obama’s head off in effigy.

This prompted knowing smirks and affirmations from the other four Thinkers at the table, forming a consensus that many black people who were jubilant with Obama’s election in 2008 are disappointed and angry in 2012 because their lives are the worse for having him in office. Black people are angry that unemployment is so high in places like the Southside of Chicago and that Obama’s been “looking for votes from illegals by giving Mexicans amnesty” and thus taking away jobs from black people. Tensions between blacks and Spanish-speakers in Chicago are at the highest levels ever because it’s true that Hispanics have largely replaced blacks in the City’s preferred hiring protocols; this means that jobs that used to go to blacks on the Southside are now going to people who don’t speak English and are in the country illegally. Democrats are seen as pushing this because Mexican colonists here in Chicago are easy to control and completely dependent on the Democrat party because they can’t get work legally without the proper papers…but Democrats have ways of looking the other way and paying these people anyway, so long as they do the Democrats’ bidding.​
They also said Republicans are a party of "White". You would never see people wearing "Put WHITE back in the WHITE House" shirts at a Democratic Rally.
They also said Republicans are a party of "White".
That's not in the linked article.

Derp is lying. Again. It's what he does when reality doesn't support his delusions.

In other words, he lies constantly.

On edit:

I know you think blacks aren't capable of thinking for themselves, derp, but they can. They don't need a dumbass white liberal like you insisting you should do their thinking for them -- especially since you can't think for yourself.
Last edited:
THINK SQUAD: Chicago blacks say Democrats are “clueless about how mad they’ve made black folk” in last year

Read more Chicago Think Squad of Black leaders voice anger at Democrats and Obama that will doom his reelection

I’m just back from a breakfast downtown with members of a group of prominent Chicago blacks who informally call themselves “The Think Squad” (Thinkers, for short). What I’m about to tell you is straight from the source and uncensored…and incredibly shocking in many ways, particularly if you’re a Democrat who thinks blacks will always do what the party wants no matter what the party does to alienate blacks. The biggest unreported story in this election is the ANGER being directed at Democrats from not just the pulpits of black churches…but in the circles of black female friends who are often the “Big Mommas” to their families. These black women are furious with the Democrat Party and Barack Obama and are encouraging their families to just sit home on Election Day. Additionally, these Thinkers are now openly calling Obama “Bathhouse Barry” for the first time ever…which indicates the reports of Obama’s gay sexual activity in the sleazy Chicago bathhouse Man’s Country have saturated the electorate at this point. If “Big Mommas” are calling Obama a “punk” and a “cake boy”, it’s on like Donkey Kong, folks.

I got the call late last night asking me if I wanted to have breakfast with a few friends from the Think Squad before they headed to work in the Loop. I never know who’s going to be at these get-togethers, other than my contact for the group who’s been a good friend of mine for the entirety of the time I’ve lived in Chicago. She’s one of the first friends I met here, when I worked a fundraising project for a black dance group and through this friend was connected with people from other black nonprofits in the arts who needed a hand here or there with events, mailings, ghostwriting, etc. Before Barack Obama divided the country on racial lines and used Alinsky Methods to polarize and alienate people, I used to do a lot of work with different groups on Chicago’s Southside…but all that came to a crashing halt in “The Golden Age of Hope and Change” when Obama’s campaign and cultists declared that anyone who didn’t support him was an enemy who had to be destroyed. Unfortunately, a lot of blacks in Chicago got caught up in this zealotry and they burned bridges with people like me who were punished for a few years for not backing Obama.


Members of the black community who are disgusted by how the Democrat Party treats blacks like animals and uses them as weapons or political pawns have formed these informal “Think Squad” groups coast to coast, which are underground salons of free thought wherever black professionals get together to talk openly about the anger black people feel about Democrats today.

“Black folk are mad, they are mad as Hell, and they ain’t going to take this anymore”, one of the Think Squad members told me soon after I joined the table in the second floor restaurant at the Marriott hotel on Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago. She was already sipping coffee and munching on a cinnamon roll, and between bites she told me that the black community at large is furious that nothing “got better at all for nobody” with Obama in the White House. “People expected a lot because that punk promised so much and what did he give anyone? JACK S***, that’s what”. She chomped onto that gooey sweet roll like she was biting Barack Obama’s head off in effigy.

This prompted knowing smirks and affirmations from the other four Thinkers at the table, forming a consensus that many black people who were jubilant with Obama’s election in 2008 are disappointed and angry in 2012 because their lives are the worse for having him in office. Black people are angry that unemployment is so high in places like the Southside of Chicago and that Obama’s been “looking for votes from illegals by giving Mexicans amnesty” and thus taking away jobs from black people. Tensions between blacks and Spanish-speakers in Chicago are at the highest levels ever because it’s true that Hispanics have largely replaced blacks in the City’s preferred hiring protocols; this means that jobs that used to go to blacks on the Southside are now going to people who don’t speak English and are in the country illegally. Democrats are seen as pushing this because Mexican colonists here in Chicago are easy to control and completely dependent on the Democrat party because they can’t get work legally without the proper papers…but Democrats have ways of looking the other way and paying these people anyway, so long as they do the Democrats’ bidding.​

So blacks on Chicago's sothside are mad because they were born in America, learned english, failed to take education seriously, committed a disproportionate amount of crime, failed to properly raise their kids, neglected the work ethic and are now losing their menial jobs to spanish speaking immigrants?

And it's somebody else's fault, besides their own?

They also said Republicans are a party of "White".
That's not in the linked article.

Derp is lying. Again. It's what he does when reality doesn't support his delusions.

In other words, he lies constantly.

On edit:

I know you think blacks aren't capable of thinking for themselves, derp, but they can. They don't need a dumbass white liberal like you insisting you should do their thinking for them -- especially since you can't think for yourself.

You left out this part:
You would never see people wearing "Put WHITE back in the WHITE House" shirts at a Democratic Rally.
Where did you get your "Put the WHITE back in the WHITE House" shirt? Did you make it yourself?
I really wish blacks would not be so lock step with the Democrat party.
They will always be held back by Democrats and then they vote for Democrats and the cycle continues.
THINK SQUAD: Chicago blacks say Democrats are “clueless about how mad they’ve made black folk” in last year

Read more Chicago Think Squad of Black leaders voice anger at Democrats and Obama that will doom his reelection

I’m just back from a breakfast downtown with members of a group of prominent Chicago blacks who informally call themselves “The Think Squad” (Thinkers, for short). What I’m about to tell you is straight from the source and uncensored…and incredibly shocking in many ways, particularly if you’re a Democrat who thinks blacks will always do what the party wants no matter what the party does to alienate blacks. The biggest unreported story in this election is the ANGER being directed at Democrats from not just the pulpits of black churches…but in the circles of black female friends who are often the “Big Mommas” to their families. These black women are furious with the Democrat Party and Barack Obama and are encouraging their families to just sit home on Election Day. Additionally, these Thinkers are now openly calling Obama “Bathhouse Barry” for the first time ever…which indicates the reports of Obama’s gay sexual activity in the sleazy Chicago bathhouse Man’s Country have saturated the electorate at this point. If “Big Mommas” are calling Obama a “punk” and a “cake boy”, it’s on like Donkey Kong, folks.

I got the call late last night asking me if I wanted to have breakfast with a few friends from the Think Squad before they headed to work in the Loop. I never know who’s going to be at these get-togethers, other than my contact for the group who’s been a good friend of mine for the entirety of the time I’ve lived in Chicago. She’s one of the first friends I met here, when I worked a fundraising project for a black dance group and through this friend was connected with people from other black nonprofits in the arts who needed a hand here or there with events, mailings, ghostwriting, etc. Before Barack Obama divided the country on racial lines and used Alinsky Methods to polarize and alienate people, I used to do a lot of work with different groups on Chicago’s Southside…but all that came to a crashing halt in “The Golden Age of Hope and Change” when Obama’s campaign and cultists declared that anyone who didn’t support him was an enemy who had to be destroyed. Unfortunately, a lot of blacks in Chicago got caught up in this zealotry and they burned bridges with people like me who were punished for a few years for not backing Obama.


Members of the black community who are disgusted by how the Democrat Party treats blacks like animals and uses them as weapons or political pawns have formed these informal “Think Squad” groups coast to coast, which are underground salons of free thought wherever black professionals get together to talk openly about the anger black people feel about Democrats today.

“Black folk are mad, they are mad as Hell, and they ain’t going to take this anymore”, one of the Think Squad members told me soon after I joined the table in the second floor restaurant at the Marriott hotel on Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago. She was already sipping coffee and munching on a cinnamon roll, and between bites she told me that the black community at large is furious that nothing “got better at all for nobody” with Obama in the White House. “People expected a lot because that punk promised so much and what did he give anyone? JACK S***, that’s what”. She chomped onto that gooey sweet roll like she was biting Barack Obama’s head off in effigy.

This prompted knowing smirks and affirmations from the other four Thinkers at the table, forming a consensus that many black people who were jubilant with Obama’s election in 2008 are disappointed and angry in 2012 because their lives are the worse for having him in office. Black people are angry that unemployment is so high in places like the Southside of Chicago and that Obama’s been “looking for votes from illegals by giving Mexicans amnesty” and thus taking away jobs from black people. Tensions between blacks and Spanish-speakers in Chicago are at the highest levels ever because it’s true that Hispanics have largely replaced blacks in the City’s preferred hiring protocols; this means that jobs that used to go to blacks on the Southside are now going to people who don’t speak English and are in the country illegally. Democrats are seen as pushing this because Mexican colonists here in Chicago are easy to control and completely dependent on the Democrat party because they can’t get work legally without the proper papers…but Democrats have ways of looking the other way and paying these people anyway, so long as they do the Democrats’ bidding.​

So blacks on Chicago's sothside are mad because they were born in America, learned english, failed to take education seriously, committed a disproportionate amount of crime, failed to properly raise their kids, neglected the work ethic and are now losing their menial jobs to spanish speaking immigrants?

And it's somebody else's fault, besides their own?

According to liberals, it's not their fault.
I really wish blacks would not be so lock step with the Democrat party.
They will always be held back by Democrats and then they vote for Democrats and the cycle continues.

Held back how?

Are white evangelical christians being held back by the Republican party?
They also said Republicans are a party of "White".
That's not in the linked article.

Derp is lying. Again. It's what he does when reality doesn't support his delusions.

In other words, he lies constantly.

On edit:

I know you think blacks aren't capable of thinking for themselves, derp, but they can. They don't need a dumbass white liberal like you insisting you should do their thinking for them -- especially since you can't think for yourself.

You left out this part:
You would never see people wearing "Put WHITE back in the WHITE House" shirts at a Democratic Rally.
Where did you get your "Put the WHITE back in the WHITE House" shirt? Did you make it yourself?
Oh, look -- derp mindlessly lashes out when he's told blacks don't need him to do their thinking for them.

That must have hurt you a great deal, huh?

Tell me -- why do you think blacks are inferior, derp?
THINK SQUAD: Chicago blacks say Democrats are “clueless about how mad they’ve made black folk” in last year

Read more Chicago Think Squad of Black leaders voice anger at Democrats and Obama that will doom his reelection

I’m just back from a breakfast downtown with members of a group of prominent Chicago blacks who informally call themselves “The Think Squad” (Thinkers, for short). What I’m about to tell you is straight from the source and uncensored…and incredibly shocking in many ways, particularly if you’re a Democrat who thinks blacks will always do what the party wants no matter what the party does to alienate blacks. The biggest unreported story in this election is the ANGER being directed at Democrats from not just the pulpits of black churches…but in the circles of black female friends who are often the “Big Mommas” to their families. These black women are furious with the Democrat Party and Barack Obama and are encouraging their families to just sit home on Election Day. Additionally, these Thinkers are now openly calling Obama “Bathhouse Barry” for the first time ever…which indicates the reports of Obama’s gay sexual activity in the sleazy Chicago bathhouse Man’s Country have saturated the electorate at this point. If “Big Mommas” are calling Obama a “punk” and a “cake boy”, it’s on like Donkey Kong, folks.

I got the call late last night asking me if I wanted to have breakfast with a few friends from the Think Squad before they headed to work in the Loop. I never know who’s going to be at these get-togethers, other than my contact for the group who’s been a good friend of mine for the entirety of the time I’ve lived in Chicago. She’s one of the first friends I met here, when I worked a fundraising project for a black dance group and through this friend was connected with people from other black nonprofits in the arts who needed a hand here or there with events, mailings, ghostwriting, etc. Before Barack Obama divided the country on racial lines and used Alinsky Methods to polarize and alienate people, I used to do a lot of work with different groups on Chicago’s Southside…but all that came to a crashing halt in “The Golden Age of Hope and Change” when Obama’s campaign and cultists declared that anyone who didn’t support him was an enemy who had to be destroyed. Unfortunately, a lot of blacks in Chicago got caught up in this zealotry and they burned bridges with people like me who were punished for a few years for not backing Obama.


Members of the black community who are disgusted by how the Democrat Party treats blacks like animals and uses them as weapons or political pawns have formed these informal “Think Squad” groups coast to coast, which are underground salons of free thought wherever black professionals get together to talk openly about the anger black people feel about Democrats today.

“Black folk are mad, they are mad as Hell, and they ain’t going to take this anymore”, one of the Think Squad members told me soon after I joined the table in the second floor restaurant at the Marriott hotel on Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago. She was already sipping coffee and munching on a cinnamon roll, and between bites she told me that the black community at large is furious that nothing “got better at all for nobody” with Obama in the White House. “People expected a lot because that punk promised so much and what did he give anyone? JACK S***, that’s what”. She chomped onto that gooey sweet roll like she was biting Barack Obama’s head off in effigy.

This prompted knowing smirks and affirmations from the other four Thinkers at the table, forming a consensus that many black people who were jubilant with Obama’s election in 2008 are disappointed and angry in 2012 because their lives are the worse for having him in office. Black people are angry that unemployment is so high in places like the Southside of Chicago and that Obama’s been “looking for votes from illegals by giving Mexicans amnesty” and thus taking away jobs from black people. Tensions between blacks and Spanish-speakers in Chicago are at the highest levels ever because it’s true that Hispanics have largely replaced blacks in the City’s preferred hiring protocols; this means that jobs that used to go to blacks on the Southside are now going to people who don’t speak English and are in the country illegally. Democrats are seen as pushing this because Mexican colonists here in Chicago are easy to control and completely dependent on the Democrat party because they can’t get work legally without the proper papers…but Democrats have ways of looking the other way and paying these people anyway, so long as they do the Democrats’ bidding.​

So blacks on Chicago's sothside are mad because they were born in America, learned english, failed to take education seriously, committed a disproportionate amount of crime, failed to properly raise their kids, neglected the work ethic and are now losing their menial jobs to spanish speaking immigrants?

And it's somebody else's fault, besides their own?

According to liberals, it's not their fault.

So conservatives think it is blacks fault?
So blacks on Chicago's sothside are mad because they were born in America, learned english, failed to take education seriously, committed a disproportionate amount of crime, failed to properly raise their kids, neglected the work ethic and are now losing their menial jobs to spanish speaking immigrants?

And it's somebody else's fault, besides their own?

According to liberals, it's not their fault.

So conservatives think it is blacks fault?
Is this where you claim conservatives are racist and condemn them for holding the same views you do? :lol:

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility. Your position in life is the direct result of the choices you've made.

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