Thinking about having an abortion?

Murder is one of the charges a person can get under a fetal HOMICIDE law.

Your denials have already been defeated
Embryologists have stated that life begins at conception. That being the case, the fourteenth amendment should protect them.
If someone commits a needless and premeditated murder of an innocent person, the perpetrator would deserve nothing less than a very lengthy prison sentence. The fourteenth amendment dictates that all innocent persons deserve “equal protection of the laws”. If a human zygote is considered a person under the fourteenth amendment, there’s really no way to see them as anything other than an innocent person. Therefore RWNJ must believe that if a rape victim takes an “abortion pill” a few days after they are raped; that RAPE VICTIM must get the equivalent of a very lengthy prison sentence in order to faithfully apply “equal protection of the laws” to all innocent persons. This follows logic and law. People must learn that there are some among us that hold such tyrannical beliefs.

Uuuuhmmmmm. Logic and law allows for the use of deadly force to protect one's self against a threat to their life that is forced upon them.
Very true, that rape victim would have a pretty valid case to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights to protect their liberty against the state's monopoly of force.

Your idiocy just earned you a free one way pass to my ignore list.

I look forward to the peace and quiet that I no doubt will be enjoying without your moronic noise in the future.
I'm not surprised considering how on the other thread we were on I essentially got you to admit that rape victims were an exception. Once that happened your whole zygote personhood theory collapses, and your philosophical justification implodes. The only way out for you is cognitive dissonance.
Before you decide, think about this. Your mother didn't abort you. Think really hard about this.

I did.

And I came to the conclusion that - I don't care. If she had aborted me - I wouldn't know. Or care.

Stupid argument.

Did you have any rights before you became aware of the concept or what they are?

It doesn't matter.

Think really hard about this.

It doesn't matter. . .

Before you decide, think about this. Your mother didn't abort you. Think really hard about this.

I did.

And I came to the conclusion that - I don't care. If she had aborted me - I wouldn't know. Or care.

Stupid argument.

Did you have any rights before you became aware of the concept or what they are?

It doesn't matter.

Think really hard about this.

It doesn't matter. . .


Exactly. Maybe you actually got the point.

If I never existed - I would be utterly unaware of that. It wouldn't matter.

So it is a really assanine question to begin with.
Before you decide, think about this. Your mother didn't abort you. Think really hard about this.

I did.

And I came to the conclusion that - I don't care. If she had aborted me - I wouldn't know. Or care.

Stupid argument.

Did you have any rights before you became aware of the concept or what they are?

It doesn't matter.

Think really hard about this.

It doesn't matter. . .


Exactly. Maybe you actually got the point.

If I never existed - I would be utterly unaware of that. It wouldn't matter.

So it is a really assanine question to begin with.

Narcissism much?
Before you decide, think about this. Your mother didn't abort you. Think really hard about this.

That shows how evil abstinence is. By pro-life logic, every fertile human is morally obligated to reproduce at every opportunity, and all humans are obligated to encourage and aid the fertile humans in their quest to reproduce at every opportunity.

So, if you're discouraging teens from boinking at every opportunity and getting pregnant, pro-life standards say you're evil.
Yeah sure, let the 10 year olds fuck like bunnies, then when the girl gets pregnant abort the baby, as we all know babies shouldn't have babies. Talk about a fucking insane idea, but then liberalism is definitely a mental disorder.
Are liberals/Democrats demonstrably mentally ill?
Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom (an excessive need for new, exciting stimulation and risk-taking)

Parasitic lifestyle (exploitative financial dependence on others)

Poor behavioral control (frequent verbal abuse and inappropriate expressions of anger)

Promiscuity (numerous brief, superficial sexual affairs)
Why else do pedophiles vote for the Democrat party?
Thinking about having an abortion?

Don't count on Republicans to help you with your maternity care
Don't think that Republicans will care if you can no longer work
Don't think that Republicans will help you with childcare
Don't think that Republicans care if you have another mouth to feed

Be a use we all know that children's rights are contingent upon how much or how little Republicans are willing to fork out their earnings in free shit.

A pregnant woman has a hard choice to make....
If you do not make it less of a burden to have the child, abortion will be the only option

Republicans cause more abortions than they prevent

Legality sends the message that killing children is ok.

That causes more abortions than anything else republicans do or don't do.

Don't want a woman to have an abortion?

Then increase access to birth control and decrease the burden of having a child


Make it a crime of MURDER annnnnd educate her on the biological facts behind the law annnnnd. . .

You live in a fantasy world
Thinking about having an abortion?

Don't count on Republicans to help you with your maternity care
Don't think that Republicans will care if you can no longer work
Don't think that Republicans will help you with childcare
Don't think that Republicans care if you have another mouth to feed

Be a use we all know that children's rights are contingent upon how much or how little Republicans are willing to fork out their earnings in free shit.

A pregnant woman has a hard choice to make....
If you do not make it less of a burden to have the child, abortion will be the only option

Republicans cause more abortions than they prevent

Why not make the choice before sex?
Responsibility ring a bell?

Because fucking feels so good
Abstinence is a conservative fantasy
Thinking about having an abortion?

Don't count on Republicans to help you with your maternity care
Don't think that Republicans will care if you can no longer work
Don't think that Republicans will help you with childcare
Don't think that Republicans care if you have another mouth to feed

Be a use we all know that children's rights are contingent upon how much or how little Republicans are willing to fork out their earnings in free shit.

A pregnant woman has a hard choice to make....
If you do not make it less of a burden to have the child, abortion will be the only option

Republicans cause more abortions than they prevent

Why not make the choice before sex?
Responsibility ring a bell?

Because fucking feels so good
Abstinence is a conservative fantasy

ever hear of a bj, hj, tf, or bootay?
Yeah sure, let the 10 year olds fuck like bunnies,

Yes, that's the pro-life position. I see you agree. Being how you display severe mental retardation and multiple personality disorders, I'll have to use smaller words to help you out here.

Pro-life morons use the "you weren't aborted, so you must oppose abortion" position. Their position is that denying new human life is a crime. So, by that pro-life logic, you are then obligated to do everything to create more of it. Since that outcome is absurd, it illustrates the stupidity of the pro-life arguments.

I know the existence of liberals triggers you, little snowflake. You see the moral goodness and intelligence of the liberals, and it reminds you of how you're a hellbound retard. The liberals will always make you look pathetic and evil in comparison, and there's nothing you can do about it. The shining absolute morality and goodness of the liberals causes a sort of physical pain in evil Stalinists like you, much like the way sunlight burns a vampire. That's why you lash out at liberals -- you're trying to remove the source of your pain and humiliation.

Now run along. You're needed. Moore is calling you do what gives you the most joy, which is sucking pedo ass.
Yeah sure, let the 10 year olds fuck like bunnies,

Yes, that's the pro-life position. I see you agree. Being how you display severe mental retardation and multiple personality disorders, I'll have to use smaller words to help you out here.

Pro-life morons use the "you weren't aborted, so you must oppose abortion" position. Their position is that denying new human life is a crime. So, by that pro-life logic, you are then obligated to do everything to create more of it. Since that outcome is absurd, it illustrates the stupidity of the pro-life arguments.

I know the existence of liberals triggers you, little snowflake. You see the moral goodness and intelligence of the liberals, and it reminds you of how you're a hellbound retard. The liberals will always make you look pathetic and evil in comparison, and there's nothing you can do about it. The shining absolute morality and goodness of the liberals causes a sort of physical pain in evil Stalinists like you, much like the way sunlight burns a vampire. That's why you lash out at liberals -- you're trying to remove the source of your pain and humiliation.

Now run along. You're needed. Moore is calling you do what gives you the most joy, which is sucking pedo ass.
Even when I agree that the Liberals need to kill more of their babies to keep the Democrat Party forever in the minority, I get bitched at.
I did.

And I came to the conclusion that - I don't care. If she had aborted me - I wouldn't know. Or care.

Stupid argument.

Did you have any rights before you became aware of the concept or what they are?

It doesn't matter.

Think really hard about this.

It doesn't matter. . .


Exactly. Maybe you actually got the point.

If I never existed - I would be utterly unaware of that. It wouldn't matter.

So it is a really assanine question to begin with.

Narcissism much?
That is all you can come up with?
Did you have any rights before you became aware of the concept or what they are?

It doesn't matter.

Think really hard about this.

It doesn't matter. . .


Exactly. Maybe you actually got the point.

If I never existed - I would be utterly unaware of that. It wouldn't matter.

So it is a really assanine question to begin with.

Narcissism much?
That is all you can come up with?

That's all I need. You showed your lack of empathy all by yourself.
It doesn't matter.

Think really hard about this.

It doesn't matter. . .


Exactly. Maybe you actually got the point.

If I never existed - I would be utterly unaware of that. It wouldn't matter.

So it is a really assanine question to begin with.

Narcissism much?
That is all you can come up with?

That's all I need. You showed your lack of empathy all by yourself.
You need to look at the question you actually asked rather than moving goalposts.

Empathy has nothing to do with it.

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